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Major League Baseball 2k8 Official Thread


Kingpen said:
I know no one will agree with me, but NHL2k8 is actually pretty good with the 2k7 control schemes. Doubt anyone but me put any effort into trying them out though...

I enjoyed NHL 2k8 but its the only hockey game I've ever owned.


It's pretty good, definitely a lot more and better animations than last year. I like the pitching, but not sold on the batting yet.


Wooo! Just robbed a home run with a wall climb. No indicator, just flicked the stick when I guessed it was time.

Next inning I crack one that hits the lip of the scoreboard on the face of the Green Monster and bounces along it twice before falling down.
i was about to buy mlb 08 today for Playstation 3 and then i had flashbacks and started reminiscen all the great times i had with the Sega Sports and 2K Sports Baseball games and I just couldnt do it, I just couldnt force myself to buy a non 2k sega baseball game.


I admit that I'm pretty easy to please, but I had fun with my limited time playing last night. No major let downs at least. The one thing that finally did 2K7 in for me was the wall grabs, and that hasn't happened yet. I feel pretty good about that.

The pitching is great once you get the hang of it. I'm finding the batting side of it more difficult at the moment, but that's just getting the timing down again. Overall, I'm pleased. It's no MVP, but it's a step in the right direction.
I played 4 franchise games last night and I'm a fan of it as well. I can tell this will finally satisfy my baseball fix that MVP Baseball 2005 has had to handle for the past 3 years.

The biggest issue with the game is definitely the jittery framerate during fielding, although I noticed when I switched to the zoomed out camera, it was better. Hopefully this can be fixed with a patch.

From the reviews I’ve read about the game, I think the lower scores the game is receiving are from lesser baseball fans. There are definite problems with the game, but as a big-time baseball fan, I very much appreciate all the things the game does right. A lesser fan would have slightly different priorities, so I can see how it would be rated lower.

The pitching system is wonderful. Even in MVP Baseball '05, the pitching was far too easy and really just a distraction waiting to bat again. MLB 2K8's system makes pitching as fun as batting. It emulates actual pitching in that off-speed pitches are higher risk, higher reward pitches. For example, I had a 3-2 count with the bases loaded, and I had to take in account the chance of hanging a curveball instead of going with the safer fastball. I think overall, this is the best pitching system in a baseball game to date and I imagine it would be difficult to go back to any other way.

More broadly, I’ve noticed the computer reacts realistically to proper pitching strategy. If, as a pitcher, you mix in off-speed pitches and fastballs, you’ll get them out. Likewise, if you throw too many fastballs or too many off-speed pitches, they won’t get fooled.

The batting system seems good as well, although I might still prefer the MVP Baseball/The Show style, but that could be that I’m simply more used to it. Nonetheless, MLB 2K8’s is realistic in that you have to "go with the pitch." I've noticed a wide variety of hit types; soft grounders in all directions, line drivers, "fliners," pop-ups, bloops, Baltimore chops, doubles in the gap, doubles down the line, triples, and of course homeruns. It succeeds in that it feels rewarding and realistic to take an outside pitch to the opposite field or to turn on an inside fastball. I do miss MVP Baseball's "Hitter's Eye" feature that helped you identify pitch-type.

Fielding and throwing good (especially throwing) and natural-feeling...except the miserable frame rate issues. I don't have a very good sense for framerate and honestly can't tell the difference between 60 fps and 30 fps, but I definitely can tell how fucked up the framerate is during fielding. That being said, it’s really not a huge deal unless you’re a whiny bitch about that sort of thing.

Overall, I’d give the game an 8.5-ish score, and if the framerate was better, 9.0.
framerate problems in a baseball game at this point in the system's lifespan? Ugh. That's enough for me to solidify my purchasing choice of the Show 08 on PS3.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ughhh the demo is awful :\


I bought it this afternoon and really like it. Well, I should say I really like how it plays. I love how it plays. But it is one seriously ugly game compared to The Show. The color palate is cartoonish, the menus and text are chunky and ugly, the game stutters here and there, it's really ghetto in the graphics dept.

But it plays great. I'm having a blast. The throwing meter brings back the best feature from the best baseball game ever, MVP 05. This throwing meter is even better as it also measures your height and has a little indicator for where you're going to throw to. Finishing double plays is a blast.

The new pitching mechanic is interesting. I like it quite a bit, the only problem is it's really hard to judge the accuracy right now. A lot of times I think I'm hitting the pitches perfectly but they're considerably off target. I also have been hitting a lot of batters. But then sometimes I'm nailing the pitches perfectly and it's very satisfying. I do like it overall, though, it's a nice change of pace from the usual meter-basing pitching and adds an extra level of skill.

Fielding is awesome IF you switch to the overhead camera. The default cam isn't bad (certainly much better than last year's) but the overhead cam rocks. You just get a much better feel of where you need to go. But then, I'm always a fan of overhead cameras in sports games. You might not be.

As far as the batting goes, this new Swing Stick 2.0 really doesn't feel much different than last years. Maybe I don't have it fully enabled in the options.

Lots of sliders and tweaks available. The card collecting sub-game looks awesome, too. I haven't won any cards yet, though. Not sure how that's done.

Basically, this game does everything great except the looks. It looks poor, truly. If only we could combine the graphical flourish of The Show with the immersive gameplay of 2K8. Regardless, I'm quite happy to have spent 60 on this.


never heard about the cat, apparently
I have played 10 Franchise games so far and am 9-1. That may be due to the fact that I am playing on Pro and Traded for Haren and Webb from Arizona....

Anyway I'm loving the gameplay in this game. The pitching is amazing, the best I have played in a baseball game very very fun. The fielding is also great, especially the throws, feels very natural. The hitting is better this year than last, more hit variety, alot more than just homers and singles like in years past. I never really liked the swing stick and this years in no different, so I switched to classic batting style.

The presentation is about what it was in 2k7, nothing special. There are a few cool additions like added commentary with the people other than the announcers. I love the win probability thing that pops up in the 7th inning and for once when they show you the top play it is accurate, its not some play that didn't matter, it really is the top play of the game. The audio is disappointing, nothing really new, boring as ever. I hate john miller and co.

The graphics are better than 2k7, people are complaining about this aspect but I guess I didn't expect too much except for a slight upgrade. Framerate is a issue if that bothers you, I can deal with it but I can see that some would see it as a huge problem. If you remove the hard drive though it runs much smoother, so maybe its patchable.

Overall I give it about a 8 to 8.5. They nailed the gameplay, thats the most important thing for me. If you liked 2k7 then you should like 2k8.


Im really liking the game too.

LOVE the new controls, pitching is very satisfying. Framerate problems are there, but not bad... I could see it being fixed in a patch.

Anyone interested in playing me online, the gamertag is On The Rochks

Also... I SUCK AT BATTING, anyone have tips?


never heard about the cat, apparently
I find batting to be easier when using the classic style, that might help if you haven't tried it. I always sucked with the swing stick.


This game is rocking. I've been playing all afternoon. This is definitely the most fun I've had with a baseball game since MVP 05.

KarishBHR said:
Also... I SUCK AT BATTING, anyone have tips?

I slider tweaked a little and now I'm batting well. My last game was 5 runs, 10 hits, 2 of them homers. 2 of them triples (Reyes and Wright). What I did was disable the Inside Edge stuff, as I really never liked it, and I boosted my Hit Quality up a few small notches.

edit: Oh yeah, I also turned up the AI's frequency of throwing meatballs.

Weird thing though, I can only seem to power swing. When I pull back and let go for a contact swing, my batters don't swing. Maybe it's a timing issue, as I tend to take my swing step early.
I don't think there's a power/contact swing distinction, like there was last year. I read in all the previews and interviews about that, and the in-game tips confirmed it...however, I noticed in the manual they had it listed like last year.


VALIS said:
Weird thing though, I can only seem to power swing. When I pull back and let go for a contact swing, my batters don't swing. Maybe it's a timing issue, as I tend to take my swing step early.
I'm pretty sure that is an error in the manual. It looks like it still has the Swing Stick 1.0 controls from 2K7. Contact swing is the same as power, and the ball is mostly affected by attributes and timing. That's what I'm reading anyways. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong though. The more control I have, the better.
My official stance on this game is don't bother. It's an absolute mess. I was trying my hardest to like it because the card game is a brilliant idea, but the final outcome isn't worth. The final outcome being playing card matches online. The new fielding, pitching, and batting control systems really so much on precision and playing online actually got worse.

It's REALLY difficult to time pitching and hitting online. Hell the pitching is a bit tricky as is, but then add in internet latency and it becomes even more unforgiving. I was playing my friend yesterday and I told him he could quit... after the score got to 34-3 in the fifth inning. He was having trouble timing the new pitching mode correctly with internet latency. By the way, it took me an inning to "learn" how to swing online. When I say "learn" I really mean, you have to swing before the pitcher lets go of the ball, otherwise your guy will not respond to what you do... it's as if you took the pitch. In the end, it basically makes hitting completely about luck as you can't watch the ball out of the pitchers hand and guess what the pitch is going to be.

How is it possible that you can reduce the grapic fidelty AND end up with a worse frame rate? How is it also possible for online performance to have gotten worse?

We played probably 20-30 games online last year, and never had a single issue.

So if playing online is the payout for all the hard work collecting cards, then it's not worth it. I played the demo of The Show again after 6 games of 2k8, and damn... just damn... talk about polished.
Stay away from this mess if you can. Downloaded the demo and the frame rate is bonkers. The thing is never smooth. The graphics took a major hit yet the frame rate is even worse than last year. The lighting is what took the biggest hit. The game looks so flat and lifeless now. Playing at Fenway at 1pm without a cloud in the sky and the game looks like a storm is about to hit.

The game play is actually pretty good. The pitching is pretty cool although a little to complex, especially when men are on base.

But the frame rate and drop in graphics kills everything for me. The stuttering between batters, hiccups during replays, same boring commentating, 20fps infield frame rate, flat textures is just ridiculous.

And the real slap in the face is that the retail version supposedly runs even worse than the demo.

And this is coming from someone that has been playing 2k7 every week for the past year.

WTF 2K Sports.

One last thing: I'll give a dollar to the first person that can tell me when this game actually runs at 60fps. It can't even get past 30fps. What a joke of a game, so disappointed.


never heard about the cat, apparently
sportzhead said:
Stay away from this mess if you can. Downloaded the demo and the frame rate is bonkers. The thing is never smooth. The graphics took a major hit yet the frame rate is even worse than last year. The lighting is what took the biggest hit. The game looks so flat and lifeless now. Playing at Fenway at 1pm without a cloud in the sky and the game looks like a storm is about to hit.

The game play is actually pretty good. The pitching is pretty cool although a little to complex, especially when men are on base.

But the frame rate and drop in graphics kills everything for me. The stuttering between batters, hiccups during replays, same boring commentating, 20fps infield frame rate, flat textures is just ridiculous.

And the real slap in the face is that the retail version supposedly runs even worse than the demo.

And this is coming from someone that has been playing 2k7 every week for the past year.

WTF 2K Sports.

One last thing: I'll give a dollar to the first person that can tell me when this game actually runs at 60fps. It can't even get past 30fps. What a joke of a game, so disappointed.
it runs at 60 fps in the menu.....


WTF is this new pitching shit? Every ball I throw is a meatball and I have no idea how to time it correctly.

The framerate is shit too.

Having second thoughts about this game...


never heard about the cat, apparently
Hootie said:
WTF is this new pitching shit? Every ball I throw is a meatball and I have no idea how to time it correctly.

The framerate is shit too.

Having second thoughts about this game...
pitching has a steep learning curve, but it is great once you get the hang of it.


Step 1) Hold analog stick in the first direction until the circle expands all the way.

Step 2) Move and hold the analog stick in the second direction after the circle gets expanded all the way.

Step 3) Release when the circle collapses into the green circle.

There is a pitching tutorial in the start menu.

Hope that helps.


Yeah, you need a full game or two to get comfortable with the precision controls in this game. But once you do, just hitting buttons to do everything seems weak.

I just shut my 360 off now, I've been playing straight from 1pm to 7pm. I can't remember the last time I did that with a baseball game. If you get can around the few graphical glitches (which are now being blown wayyy out of proportion, but that's typical GAF for you), this is a great playing game.

I'm 2-0 in my franchise so far as the Mets. 5-0 and 8-6 wins over the Marlins. The stats have been perfect so far. Not too many homers but not too few either, a few triples, about 4 errors between both teams... just in terms of pure gameplay I'd give this a 9.5, but of course the mediocre/shaky presentation would bring the game down around to 8.5.


Let the mixed impressions continue: I've just posted the OXM review (seen in the April issue that's starting to circulate to subscribers now) to our website, if the OP also cares to add it to the first post.


It's been 24 hours since I first fired up this game. The game has gotten better as I've gotten better at playing it.

For fielding and pitching I use the new control scheme. But for batting, I use the classic "MVP-style" controls.

It's imperative that 2K corrects the framerate with a patch.

There are alot of little things they should have upgraded in 2K8, which makes me scratch my head. I can't believe they didn't update player photos.

The sports ticker glitch needs to be fixed as well. When I say "OFF", I mean OFF! How did they not catch this?


never heard about the cat, apparently
yeah there are alot of little things here and there that you wonder about. I mean they took the time to get Kelly Johnson of the braves to look right but they couldn't find a photo. strange.


never heard about the cat, apparently
From the Operation Sports Forums:

A fix for the frame rate issue said:
This is getting lost in the impression thread and the frame rate thread and I think we're really on to something here so I'd like to post this in it's own thread so as many people can see it and test it as possible.

Also, thanks to Bubba4 for his ideas regarding this.

This covers franchise play and exhibition play....

There still needs to be testing done for presentation options such as replays, cutscenes, etc. For starters when testing these please turn all possible presentation options off.

The very simply work-around I thought would work in franchise does indeed work.

The HD being attached has no effect on the frame rate, it's all the 360 profile/VIP. Same idea in terms of constantly saving replays, but it's the profile/VIP that's doing the damage and not the HD. If there's no VIP nothing can be saved anyway.

Here's what I did...

1) Started my 360 with HD attached

2) Load menus came up, my VIP, settings and roster were auto-loaded

3) I started a franchise and started my first game

4) Before the first pitch is thrown, I tap the middle button on the controller to bring up the blade from the left that controls your profile. I signed out of my profile (and in turn out of my VIP as well) and got the error message saying "Progress Won't Be Saved" blah blah blah

5) After the game, back at the main menu of the franchise I tapped the middle button of the controller again and logged back in to my 360 profile/VIP. I went to the save menu, saved my franchise and viola! No problems.

So we should be able to play franchise mode immediately without any frame rate issue.

For exhibition games just follow Step 4.

Now of course there are cons with this. If you don't have your VIP loaded you obviously cannot unlock achievements, cards, or have your stats saved. If that's important to you than this fix isn't something you'll be interested in.

If you test this out please report back and state if you're on PS3 or 360.

In english:

Start a game.

Hit the middle button (circle thingy).

Left Blade Menu opens.

Log Out.

Play Game at a smooth Frame rate.

Want to save? Log back in.

Downside is that you can't get achievements or cards. Hopefully its fixed in a patch.
So I tried that little trick that was just posted and it seemed to work pretty well for the rest of the first game that I tried it. Im playing in another franchise game right now and its bad once again.


never heard about the cat, apparently
did you automaticly log back in? You might have to log out before each game.
I tried the trick with the demo and it did help a little. It still wasn't smooth. The pitching and hitting views were nice and smooth but the fielding still had problems. It was better but not 60fps smooth, not even a steady 30fps. Maybe the retail version benefits more from this work around.


never heard about the cat, apparently
well the main objective of this fix is to log out of the VIP, to do that you have to log out of your XBL name. I don't think the demo uses the VIP profile does it? Anyway its not 60 fps but its about 45 to 50.


OK... someone help me with batting

I don't want to switch to classic batting, I try to play most of my games on default settings, but I simply cannot hit the ball in this game.

I make contact all the time, but its always ground outs and fly outs... in 4 games I have hit 0 HRs and probably a total of 2 hits. My pitching is sweet, so the games are still exciting.


Musashi Wins!

Gosh, this demo is such junk. They should be embarrassed. There are a lot of nice statistical touches, etc. but the whole thing feels like such a poorly produced project. And graphics are not that major to me, but what a downgrade. For worse performance, sheesh. I like the throwing, and the pitching is interesting, if a bit tiresome to me. I really don't understand what happened in a year to make the game like this. I mean it was already mediocre, but how could this be released like this?

I suppose they know the sales are built in. I hate the exclusivity license.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Maybe its the desperate baseball fan in me, but I like it. Its not perfect but its fun.


This game is crap. Why did they have to screw up the controls? And there doesn't seem to be a way to use 2k7 controls. I'm selling this and buying 2k7 back. Ugh..

ps: check old threads, I'm the biggest mlb 2k7 backer on these boards. This game is a TURD..


the signing out of your profile once the game loads trick is real, and really improves performance.

Shouldnt be needed and I hope it gets patched soon


allgames said:
We all felt like we had gotten Rick Roll'd when we played the game so we decided to Rick Roll 2K customer support. The response we got was HILARIOUS:lol

I'm really happy there are other people out there as upset as I am. 2Ksports deserves a HUGE backlash from consumers.

Maybe they were able to get away with the sub-par MLB2K7, but this is an important year for baseball. The next-gen consoles are firmly in place, 90% of the teams have a shot at the playoffs this year, and baseball is more popular than ever.

No bobblehead is gonna shut me up. When I play the game, the framerate doesn't look like it gets close to 60fps.

I think we should be calling the MLB and Microsoft to complain. They'll get sh*t done.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Cloudy said:
This game is crap. Why did they have to screw up the controls? And there doesn't seem to be a way to use 2k7 controls. I'm selling this and buying 2k7 back. Ugh..

ps: check old threads, I'm the biggest mlb 2k7 backer on these boards. This game is a TURD..
you can use the controls from 2k7, check the options menu.



Update, patch 1.1 is on its way

As owners of MLB 2K8 know, there is currently an issue with framerate which is being worked on. Until the fix is put in place, here is the work-around so that you can play the game as it is intended to be played. The temporary fix takes just a second of your time, but we do apologize for any inconvenience.

For Xbox 360:
- Sign out of your Xbox 360 profile by hitting the Xbox Guide button (the center button with the large green X), and pressing the blue X button.

- You can still save your franchise by signing back in to the gamer profile before attempting to save in the franchise menu. Simply press the Xbox Guide button (the center button with the large green X), select "Sign In," and select the gamer profile you wish to save the franchise to. You will need to sign back out prior to playing another game if you wish to alleviate the framerate problems currently being experienced.

Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue in a better manner,

2K Sports Moderator


never heard about the cat, apparently

btw apparently the downloadable content is finally available for us 360 owners.

edit: ....only for gold members it seems, still free though.

edit: The graphics to me look better than 2k7, not a omg improvement but better. The only thing that seems downgraded are the faces, everything else looks better. I think the biggest improvement is the anti aliasing, 2k7 I don't think had this, the game looks much better now because of it. The crowd is a improvement over 2k7, though that isn't saying much but you can tell that they look a little better. Overall it just seems to me that it looks better than 2k7, maybe I'm crazy though.

edit: People that are having trouble getting the hang of the pitching, watch this video.
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