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Major League Baseball 2k8 Official Thread

Superblatt said:
framerate problems in a baseball game at this point in the system's lifespan? Ugh. That's enough for me to solidify my purchasing choice of the Show 08 on PS3.

I agree. MLB2k8 really chugs at moments, even on a routine ground ball as you throw it from 3rd to 1st you can notice hiccups as the ball flies across the field.

I went with The Show again this year. It plays a great game of baseball and now has a new coat of paint. Such a good looker!


I posted on Operation Sports about my issues with batting and they gave me the best tip ever.

Change the batting camera angle to "tight". I honestly can barely tell the difference in terms of how it looks, but for some reason, now I can hit.

I like this game, and it's a patch away from being really good. I dont understand why people are really really hating on it. Besides from frame rate its a good game. The new controls are fairly innovative.


never heard about the cat, apparently
they have 2k7's pitching control in 2k8. I think its in the VIP settings menu, and its called "precision control" now or something like that.

Jack B

MugthisNowWithLemon said:
The biggest issue with the game is definitely the jittery framerate during fielding, although I noticed when I switched to the zoomed out camera, it was better. Hopefully this can be fixed with a patch.


From the reviews I’ve read about the game, I think the lower scores the game is receiving are from lesser baseball fans. There are definite problems with the game, but as a big-time baseball fan, I very much appreciate all the things the game does right. A lesser fan would have slightly different priorities, so I can see how it would be rated lower.

Overall, I’d give the game an 8.5-ish score, and if the framerate was better, 9.0.

I"m like you. It's the subtle nuances, that I appreciate. I'm not as impressed with the presentation as I am with the feel and sim qualities.

Anyway, I've read the frame rate issue is related to Xbox Live, VIP and the roster update. For not it's fixed if you stay off Live/VIP and use the shipped roster not the update.

It's a pain for sure, but it seems to fix the problem. Given it's a Live thing, I'm sure they'll have a patch in 1 to 6 weeks. Hopefully, 1 week!!! :D
I can't play it anymore. The frame rate is terrible. The "fix" helps a little but there is no way this game ever gets close to running smoothly. Just run around the infield with a position player to see how choppy this game is.

I'm about to pick up The Show after work. I think if I never played The Show demo I would be a little less upset with MLB2k8's frame rate. I'm going to miss 2k8's signature styles, it's really the only reason I kept trying to get into this years game.


never heard about the cat, apparently
sportzhead said:
I can't play it anymore. The frame rate is terrible. The "fix" helps a little but there is no way this game ever gets close to running smoothly. Just run around the infield with a position player to see how choppy this game is.

I'm about to pick up The Show after work. I think if I never played The Show demo I would be a little less upset with MLB2k8's frame rate. I'm going to miss 2k8's signature styles, it's really the only reason I kept trying to get into this years game.
You have a PS3 and you have been playing 2k8? Are you crazy or something?
I was ready to take this game back today, and I signed into XBL and got a message that someone proposed a card trade with me... and of course I got all excited and now I don't want to trade the game in. It was also a good trade proposal (my Pat Burrel common for his Adrian Gonzalez common)... damnit!

Who wants my Juan Pierre black card? Anybody have a need for a no power having, infield single hitting, no outfield arm having, no patience at the plate centerfielder? It's only 9 mildo against your salary cap :lol

It makes me happier to see that the frame rate issue is at least partially because of a bug and not a bad engine as a whole. In spite of the miserable technical issues, all of my games have actually been pretty close/challenging/fun so far.

Oh, and there is a bunch of free DLC up... some minor league stadiums, some new cards, and some new jerseys.


never heard about the cat, apparently
I haven't really messed around with the card system yet, I only have Atlanta Braves cards anyway since that is the team I'm using for franchise. Plus I am now always signed out so I can't get them. I will probably look into it more when the patch comes out. And no I don't want Jaun Pierre, hopefully no one does.
Windu said:
And no I don't want Jaun Pierre, hopefully no one does.

That's the problem! :lol

I hated when he was a Cub, he is so overrated by baseball dinosaurs who think he is the prototypical leadoff man.
Windu said:
You have a PS3 and you have been playing 2k8? Are you crazy or something?


I guess so. I've been a 2k baseball fan for so long it's hard to just let go. But damn The Show is so good.
Well, I just had to compare 2k7 to 2k8 for the fun of it, and WOW! Also the sign out trick work with 2k7. So not only does 2k7 look 10 times better than 2k8, it also runs 10 times better. I seriously don't know what 2k Sports did to this game over the course of a year to screw it up so much.

Both games are running at 1080p







Congratulations 2k Sports, go strait to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.


never heard about the cat, apparently
But 2k8 plays better, so its the best one in my book. Maybe next year they will get both aspects right....

Oh and you can tell that 2k7 has a lot more jaggies than 2k8, probably the main reason for the lower textures in 2k8.

edit: after putting 2k7 in and doing the "fix", damn it was smoothly now, really nice. But I loooooovvvveee the pitching and fielding of 2k8, so I'll stick with that. It seems like the player models and the lighting are not as good in 2k8. And as I said earlier 2k7 has way more jaggies than 2k8.


I'm logging into the 2K servers but they seem to have all sorts of trouble letting me in tonight. I assume thats where you get the roster updates,right?

I simplified the pitcing and hitting styles,none of that useless stuff where it feels like I'm doing stupid combos in some fighting game. Love the game so far.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

I played the demo and while the presentation is the same, it's like listening to MLB2K5.
Is there anyway to change the controls and camera view in the real game? I always go back to the 2K2 pitching style and the button swinging and wtf is up with the fielding? In 2K7, you hit the right trigger to turn turbo on and on this game it's to dive.

wtf @ everything

If it's no way to change anything, I'm passing.

this game needed to wow me to get a purchase since Dontrelle isn't a Marlin anymore...so far it's meh


never heard about the cat, apparently
Yes you can change the controls to the old style, well you can in the retail game, not sure about the demo. It takes awhile to get used to the new controls but once you get the hang of them they are better.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Windu said:
Yes you can change the controls to the old style, well you can in the retail game, not sure about the demo. It takes awhile to get used to the new controls but once you get the hang of them they are better.

Yeah I was talking about the retail. I like the over the shoulder camera view when you pitch, but it's so difficult to aim for the corners with it.

2K8's pitching is dumb. No matter how straight I moved the stick, it was a meatball. Do we really need to pull off street fighter dragon punch motions to throw a pitch?

Old system was perfect. Aim, select pitch, and control how fast you throw it. Seems simple, but when you're playing strategic ball, it's the best.


It's funny, we expected a degradation in graphics quality because MLB2K8 was supposed to have a silky smooth framerate.

I will ALWAYS welcome a silky smooth framerate, even if the graphics take a hit.


PS--- The pitching really grew on me the last couple of days. Though, I will never ever use a swing stick.

Plus, why is the right trigger used to dive or jump while fielding? Absolutely clunky.


Fatalah said:
Plus, why is the right trigger used to dive or jump while fielding? Absolutely clunky.

Really? I think it's pretty natural. More natural would be the right stick, but that's obviously in use.

What do you guys think of the fielding? That's really what has me so hyped on the game above anything else. If you haven't noticed yet, you get a stronger throw by moving into your throw with the left stick instead of just using your arm/right stick. That's pretty tight. I threw out someone at home yesterday on a shallow bloop to RF with a good momentum throw and I wanted to cry. :lol You really feel like you've earned your plays in the field, especially double plays. 9 times out of 10 you'll get run into and won't complete the DP if you don't move off the bag while throwing.


what the hell did they do to the color palette? ugh that looks worse than 2k7.

i'm not sure why everyone claims 'The Show' to be so awesome though....it's a good game but in the few games i've played there have been major flaws.

1) gold glove first basemen derek lee had 2 costly errors in 1 game
2) is there no way to not be lackadaisical when trying to throw the ball to ANYONE
3) the diving mechanic for infielders is clunky as shit
4) the outfields are fucking huge....it seems like the scale of the ballparks are way off

overall it's still plays better than any other game on the market at the moment but it still doesn't deserve anywhere near the praise it gets

2k7 was a fine, fine game with a couple of glaring flaws that only had to be addressed this year and it appeared they fucked it all up

all they had to fucking do was fix the fielding, stop the wall-climb and make it so hitting doubles wasn't almost fucking impossible (goddamn outfielders covered ground ridiculously fast for no reason) spruce up the presentation, and you'd have a terrific game of baseball

why the shit can't anyone make a true to life game of baseball.....where when someone breaks a bat, they don't take the handle and immediately get back in the batting position for the next pitch (I'm looking in your direction; The Show) Where dirt is kicked up whilst running the bases and the crowd actually acts into it...in playoff games i want the crowd to be thunderous and flashbulbs to go off..i want the feature in mvp back where when the pitcher releases the ball, there's some tip off as to what pitch it is (simulating spin)...i want better/non-monotonous fucking announcers that actually get EXCITED when shit goes down...hell different commentators for different hometeams would be an excellent addition...they don't have to be big names, just something to break up the repetitiveness.

gah i'm living in a fantasy world.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ragnarok said:
1) gold glove first basemen derek lee had 2 costly errors in 1 game

Kevin Youkilis won a Gold Glove last year and have 0 (ZERO) errors in almost 1,100 chances.

He had an error in the last game I played in The Show. Unrealistic total. I threw the game in the trash. Unacceptable. To have such a major flaw make it into the game it a fuckin' crime.


Kintaro said:
Kevin Youkilis won a Gold Glove last year and have 0 (ZERO) errors in almost 1,100 chances.

He had an error in the last game I played in The Show. Unrealistic total. I threw the game in the trash. Unacceptable. To have such a major flaw make it into the game it a fuckin' crime.

i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but derek lee having 2 errors in 1 game (costing me the game) is just stupid.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ragnarok said:
i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but derek lee having 2 errors in 1 game (costing me the game) is just stupid.

I could name many, many more stupid things that happen in REAL baseball. Would you like to see those too? How about a Bartman clone in the crowd that catches a ball you could have caught, costing you the game?

A gold glover having 2 errors in one game isn't all that hard to believe. I mean, Youk is only 3 games away from breaking the major league record for regular season games without an error. If you did that in any of these games, you'd probably call it stupid and unrealistic to go that long without having an error. =P

No surprise you whiffed on the sarcasm. =)


Ugh this demo is horrible. The new pitching mechanics suck, fielders still make SportsCenter highlight reel catches over and over, it looks worse than 2k7 and yet has a shitty, shitty framerate. I'll pass.


Fatalah said:
It's funny, we expected a degradation in graphics quality because MLB2K8 was supposed to have a silky smooth framerate.

I will ALWAYS welcome a silky smooth framerate, even if the graphics take a hit.


PS--- The pitching really grew on me the last couple of days. Though, I will never ever use a swing stick.

Plus, why is the right trigger used to dive or jump while fielding? Absolutely clunky.
Yeah, it's baffles me a bit how they degraded the graphics to improve the framerate, and it's still apparently as clunky as last year.

Brinkman: Between that and knowing that we had to improve framerate, we had to make a lot of changes. As a result, the game runs as 60 frames a second on the PS3. We're trying to get it locked down at 60, and this late in the project, we're doing a lot of optimization to keep it there. We've added things – we didn't have 3D hair last year on the PS3, and that's been added. We've added real-time self shadowing of players, which we didn't have last year, so players looked like they were floating a lot of the time.
Sure doesn't sound like they achieved that goal. :/

You have to preload the throws...I think the diving mechanic is pretty good actually, I've made some incredible plays already.


What's this MLB 2K7 trick? I might have to pick 2K7 up, since i'm using an SDTV anyways. Althogh :( @ Lack of new Rays outfits in 2k7.

man, this is so bad. I'm seriously considering stepping back and getting MLB 08 the Show...on PS2. :lol


The last good baseball game I played... here it is... it was made by 2K Sports... and it is not MLB2Kx

I really enjoyed The Bigs... I wish another one was coming out...





Yeah The Bigs was dope. I ended up getting too good at it though, managed to play it on Super Hard. Couldn't beat rookie challenge on super hard though :(


I admit that I've gotten a little frustrated with the game the past couple of nights, but then I get a Smoltz platinum card. You know when you see the domestic abuse cases where the woman still loves the abuser? Yeah, that's me at this point. Keep giving me shiny cards 2K, and you can hit me all you want.
Cereal said:
I admit that I've gotten a little frustrated with the game the past couple of nights, but then I get a Smoltz platinum card. You know when you see the domestic abuse cases where the woman still loves the abuser? Yeah, that's me at this point. Keep giving me shiny cards 2K, and you can hit me all you want.

Same thing happened to me, haha... Bobby Jenks platinum :lol


not an idiot
shantyman said:
6 years ago High Heat Baseball did this. Despite what you hear about MVP, High Heat was always better.
I agree with this, High Heat 2000 on the PC was the epitome of perfection. The online play was flawless, no lag at all and the pitching hitting dynamics were equally flawless.


jobber said:
Yeah I was talking about the retail. I like the over the shoulder camera view when you pitch, but it's so difficult to aim for the corners with it.

2K8's pitching is dumb. No matter how straight I moved the stick, it was a meatball. Do we really need to pull off street fighter dragon punch motions to throw a pitch?

Old system was perfect. Aim, select pitch, and control how fast you throw it. Seems simple, but when you're playing strategic ball, it's the best.

If you're moving the stick in the right way and still throwing a meatball, then your timing is the problem.


Yeah I think i'm going to pass. No reason to get this game if I hate the new pitching. Reverting it back would just be a worser looking 2K7. I'm not paying $60 for a roster update.
jobber said:

I played the demo and while the presentation is the same, it's like listening to MLB2K5.
Is there anyway to change the controls and camera view in the real game? I always go back to the 2K2 pitching style and the button swinging and wtf is up with the fielding? In 2K7, you hit the right trigger to turn turbo on and on this game it's to dive.

wtf @ everything

If it's no way to change anything, I'm passing.

this game needed to wow me to get a purchase since Dontrelle isn't a Marlin anymore...so far it's meh

that's probably what i like best about you, you too are a marlins fan


shantyman said:
6 years ago High Heat Baseball did this. Despite what you heard about Triple Play, High Heat was always better.


I think the reason why people think that MVP 2005 was pretty much the most fun baseball game is because it did a lot of things right than it did wrong. What's fucked up most baseball games is the whole maddenizing aspect where you have to make the simple things infinitely difficult.

I mean come on, I have to pull a shoryuken or a sonic boom motion to throw sliders and other pitches? Are you kidding me?

Konami should quit the nonsense and make an MLB licensed title.
shpankey said:
I agree with this, High Heat 2000 on the PC was the epitome of perfection. The online play was flawless, no lag at all and the pitching hitting dynamics were equally flawless.

Now, I was a fan of high heat back in the day, but high heat was far from perfect. The hitting system made it easy to make contact, so to compensate, they made pitches break way more than is realistic--feet instead of inches. Hits were canned -- that is, you got the same hits over and over because the game just used player ratings and randomness to pull a specific hit off a chart of pre-made hits. You got a mathematical bonus for swinging in the right zone and timing it right, but the game did not use physics to provide the hit results, just dice, ratings, and a small human factor.

Heat Heat's animations were so atrocious-looking because they needed to be able to snap to various positions at any time so that the AI would not be hampered with complexities such as momentum and base-rounding.

Still, even with all these compromises that today's games do't make, the "tune" file had to be modified extensively to make the outcomes somewhat realistic.

In later years, the franchise mode was somewhat broken, and the games as a whole were bug-ridden. ESPN MLB and MVP 2005 both surpassed high heat in terms of realism, while crushing it in other areas.


BojTrek said:
The last good baseball game I played... here it is... it was made by 2K Sports... and it is not MLB2Kx

I really enjoyed The Bigs... I wish another one was coming out...

I read, i think it was in game informer (aliens on cover), that a BIGS 2 is coming out and it will have franchise in it. Take it for what its worth.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Updated info!

Here is a copied post from a 2K Staff Member!

As owners of MLB 2K8 know, there is currently an issue with framerate which is being worked on. Until the fix is put in place, here is the work-around so that you can play the game as it is intended to be played. The temporary fix takes just a second of your time, but we do apologize for any inconvenience.

For Xbox 360:
- Sign out of your Xbox 360 profile by hitting the Xbox Guide button (the center button with the large green X), and pressing the blue X button.

- You can still save your franchise by signing back in to the gamer profile before attempting to save in the franchise menu. Simply press the Xbox Guide button (the center button with the large green X), select "Sign In," and select the gamer profile you wish to save the franchise to. You will need to sign back out prior to playing another game if you wish to alleviate the framerate problems currently being experienced.

For PS3:
- We are currently testing some different methods to make sure they work in all situations. Check back soon for more information.

3/7 Update - Please note that some control issues are resulting from players having their guitar / drum controllers plugged into their consoles. These controllers are used for music games such as Rockband and Guitar Hero II & III. Please unplug these controllers prior to playing MLB 2K8 as they were not connected to consoles during pre-release testing and are causing unexpected consequences at this time.

3/7 Update - 2K Sports has identified the framerate issue as not being server-related. Some users have been suggesting that you only need to log-off of an internet connection (Xbox Live for X360 users), but this is not true. The issue is isolated to the Virtual Identity Profile's data transfer.

Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue in a better manner,


Alright, so, I've been enjoying 2k8 despite all the hate flying around for it. I think the controls are pretty awesome and slick (though I plan to switch between Advanced and Classic, Adv. for when I want to pay attention and Classic for when I want to rest/relax), the framerate isn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be, and I like the game overall.

I had a really good franchise game going today, Yankees v. Tampa Bay, was winning after a tough first three innings. My hitters were going solid overall, knocking the ball with two homers, some singles and doubles, pitching was just barely holding the lead (Mussina got to 50% stamina in 3 innings, what?), and I go through David Wells as a hold for three innings after the fifth and bring in Ramirez in the 9th to close it off winning 10 to 4.

Now this is what 2k's MLB games always do: go crazy in the last few innings. I understand there has to be some sense of unpredictability and intrigue, and that similar to actual baseball, unlikely things do happen, but it seems that the 2k series decides no game can end without going absolutely insane first.

Cano starts off the ridiculousness with an error on a routine ground ball, my third error of the night (while I like the control mechanic, it's way too picky and quick). Another hit slips right under Mussina's and then Cano's legs, through to the outfield. Cabrera makes a very slow lob to home, despite the fact he actually has a good arm and I had the throwing meter hitting precision control. Okay, fine, 10 to 6.

Single through the middle. Another hit down the middle, Jeter dove to pick it up, fielder's choice to 2nd base, runners on the corners. I had Henn warming up, and yeah, he's not a spectacular pitcher, but the Yankee bullpen is pretty scarce right now. I just need two more outs to end the night with a satisfactory game.

Upton comes in and smacks over his second homer of the night to bring them one behind me, 10 to 9. I just shut off the box in disgust at that point.

It would actually be quite the spectacular moment and game if this wasn't such a regular occurrence, but I find my late game pitching to get hammered to death, no matter who's in there (I've had Rivera blow a save with a two point lead). It's not because of the new mechanic either, I can handle the stick configuration with ease. Same thing happened often in 2k7 - the ends of games always seem to go haywire.

Keep in mind, I'm hitting my spots, getting good gestures pitching, not throwing meatballs, making payoff pitches...

There needs to be a form of reliability and stability in these games, otherwise it's just frustrating to go through the better part of an hour crafting a well played game to just have it thrown out in the 9th inning constantly and consistently for irrational and unknown reasons beyond your control.

(I like the game otherwise, though, coming from someone who liked 2k7...)


If they're going to put catch-up AI in the game, and that's what it sounds like, then there should be an option to turn it off.

It sounds as bad as EA's catch-up AI in NHL 08, where the last 10 minutes of the third period are 'make it close' time. They deny any catch-up AI though, saying that players just play harder in the last 10 minutes...


What are the Rays ranked in this game? The deciding factor will be which game the Rays are ranked better in.

Upton comes in and smacks over his second homer of the night to bring them one behind me, 10 to 9. I just shut off the box in disgust at that point.

So you got mad because you thought you could treat the Rays as the team formely known as the Devil Rays?

No my friend, BJ Upton is the new David Ortiz. He will kill all Yankees.


I'm not having the CPU AI comeback issue in my franchise. What difficulty are you using? I'm on pro and am currently 12-5 in my franchise.
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