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MLK Day Protesters Block Traffic on the Bay Bridge

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It doesn't matter what the cause is, I won't support this action.

It doesn't have to be about being liked. Sorry I don't support fucking everyone's day and blocking key infrastructure for any cause.

And if I were mayor, I'd make sure it doesn't happen again.

Sorry a difference of opinion is so hard for you to swallow. That's life.

Jeez, shadows. Did someone block the traffic of love from entering your heart? What would your mayoral crackdown look like?

Here let me guess:


i'm being honest, really can't win with you guys

we're on the same team, denigrating everyone you disagree with ain't helping

I would just say think about some of the stuff you said and why people went in so hard on you.

And after that continue protesting. I feel like your heart is in the right place. Just some of your choices in language.... I can see why reactions can be bad.


Why do these threads get to continue and not locked if any sort of opposition to the method of protest is counteract ed with mocking?

Disclaimer- I believe black lives matter. No, I don't have a better solution. No, I don't believe blocking traffic is the way to go, even though it had success in the 60s. Yes, I've seen the MLK quote. Lastly, I believe blocking traffic when everyone is back to work on a Tuesday ultimately would have been an even more effective tactic.


Why do these threads get to continue and not locked if any sort of opposition to the method of protest is counteract ed with mocking?

Disclaimer- I believe black lives matter. No, I don't have a better solution. No, I don't believe blocking traffic is the way to go, even though it had success in the 60s. Yes, I've seen the MLK quote. Lastly, I believe blocking traffic when everyone is back to work on a Tuesday ultimately would have been an even more effective tactic.

So you don't believe it's the way to go but admit it worked in the 60's yet have no alternative answer. What an odd thing to say.


Why do these threads get to continue and not locked if any sort of opposition to the method of protest is counteract ed with mocking?

Disclaimer- I believe black lives matter. No, I don't have a better solution. No, I don't believe blocking traffic is the way to go, even though it had success in the 60s. Yes, I've seen the MLK quote. Lastly, I believe blocking traffic when everyone is back to work on a Tuesday ultimately would have been an even more effective tactic.

(doesn't apply at all, but this is the first time I've seen shazam giffed sue me)

Not an effective tactic regardless of day. Pretty sure.


Why do these threads get to continue and not locked if any sort of opposition to the method of protest is counteract ed with mocking?

Disclaimer- I believe black lives matter. No, I don't have a better solution. No, I don't believe blocking traffic is the way to go, even though it had success in the 60s. Yes, I've seen the MLK quote. Lastly, I believe blocking traffic when everyone is back to work on a Tuesday ultimately would have been an even more effective tactic.

Is OK for you on let's say, thursday? how about friday? 2 week notice too?


So you don't believe it's the way to go but admit it worked in the 60's yet have no alternative answer. What an odd thing to say.

You should PM a mod if you feel things said in this thread aren't kosher. Kosher..Nana Ruth 😢

(doesn't apply at all, but this is the first time I've seen shazam giffed sue me)

Not an effective tactic regardless of day. Pretty sure.

Is OK for you on let's say, thursday? how about friday? 2 week notice too?

stahp mocking him

The Kree

Why do these threads get to continue and not locked if any sort of opposition to the method of protest is counteract ed with mocking?

Disclaimer- I believe black lives matter. No, I don't have a better solution. No, I don't believe blocking traffic is the way to go, even though it had success in the 60s. Yes, I've seen the MLK quote. Lastly, I believe blocking traffic when everyone is back to work on a Tuesday ultimately would have been an even more effective tactic.

If you don't have a better idea about how to tackle this issue, why are you worth listening to? This isn't even about you to begin with.
i'm being honest, really can't win with you guys

we're on the same team, denigrating everyone you disagree with ain't helping
We aren't exactly on the "same team" (whatever exactly that means) if we disagree on some pretty key shit

Honestly, the biggest revelation for you here should be that it isn't about "winning" at all. It's about listening.


We aren't exactly on the "same team" (whatever exactly that means) if we disagree on some pretty key shit

Honestly, the biggest revelation for you here should be that it isn't about "winning" at all. It's about listening.

we can agree to disagree re: protest tactics. effective communication is a two-way process, but winning and listening are inherently intertwined.

if you can't get that we're on the same team, that's fine. i'll keep protesting every weekend no matter what.
we can agree to disagree re: protest tactics. effective communication is a two-way process, but winning and listening are inherently intertwined.

if you can't get that we're on the same team, that's fine. i'll keep protesting every weekend no matter what.

Something you should ask yourself is whether you think that if your fellow protesters knew the kind of rhetoric you used in this thread, would they think it okay?
that was regretful, i forgot to take my painkillers

what i said was these actions make them look like monsters, probably should've used a different word. brutes maybe.

and to be fair, i'm active with blm across florida unis and will probably join in on a few highway blocks soon. i've been for the cause since the start, it's very important to me (my dad is black)

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Are you for real?

So you don't believe it's the way to go but admit it worked in the 60's yet have no alternative answer. What an odd thing to say.

And thinks they should have done it today on a non holiday :|
ok so people keep invoking the 60s as a parallel to this protest but didn't mlk and the other organizers give a heads up when they were going to protest on roadways and impede traffic? or is that misinformation?


What the fuck is wrong with you?

Are you for real?

And thinks they should have done it today on a non holiday :|

i meant re: the original post, a different synonym. i already apologized, mate. race had nothing to do with the language, if that's what you're thinking. (not that i'd presume such a thing)

let it go, indiana
i meant re: the original post, a different synonym. i already apologized, mate. race had nothing to do with the language, if that's what you're thinking. (not that i'd presume such a thing)

let it go, indiana

Brute is so bloody loaded. Monster or brute it doesn’t matter both are horrendousto use to describe peaceful protestors fighting against the slaughter of their own at the hands of agents of the state.

You're the one who kept coming back to make things worse and your apology doesn't acknowledge that you were wrong.
If this protest gets attention it has done what it set out to do.
I just don't see how any attention is good attention. My parents are sadly in the "self defense" crowd, and after seeing this they'll probably think the black lives matter movement is full of a bunch of crazy people or something stupid. But I guess their reactions aren't important since they probably were going to stay that way regardless of any reasoning. I guess if there's really no other effective way to get the attention this movment needs then this is the way it has to be though. So maybe I'm starting to get it I guess.

That's not what these protests are for. They are not designed to win people over. Even raising awareness is not their primary goal.

The purpose of these protests is to non-violently attack the infrastructure relied upon by the government and corporate America:

Ken Langone, the co-founder of Home Depot and a major Republican donor, said the protests like those in New York City last fall are bad for business. “If people are afraid to go out of their homes, they don’t shop,” Mr. Langone said.


What protestors are trying to do is twist the arm of those in power. The choice is simple, fix this broken system or see it shut down altogether.


Brute is so bloody loaded. Monster or brute it doesn’t matter both are horrendousto use to describe peaceful protestors fighting against the slaughter of their own at the hands of agents of the state.

You're the one who kept coming back to make things worse and your apology doesn't acknowledge that you were wrong.

okay, i was wrong. fully acknowledged, 100%.

be well my friend, placate the universe with feels
BLM has really opened my eyes to just how little white people care. There is no real desire for change, no real hunger, and it took widespread protest like this to make that naked apathy so evident.

I wanted to believe we were better than this. We are not. We care more about tone we can tune out like television commercials, about polite concern we can disregard without a second thought, about feel-good MLK quotes that don't make us uncomfortable, about the "tradition" of confederate flags flying over government buildings, and about unimpeded traffic over bridges that don't interrupt our own private, curated existences than we care for all the lives of black men, women, and children destroyed by broken, racist systems.

We are a sick people, and no amount of tithing in our megachurches and our shopping centers, devil's advocacy, lip service, fuzzy feelings, and passivity will make us well. We stand motionless in the way and we are so passionate, so vocal to make sure everyone knows we're better than those ones who are throwing down black people and killing them, that we're not the bad ones. We wrap MLK's dream speech around us like a t-shirt, to conspicuously consume civil rights as though it were a part of our lives and important to us like our favorite sports, games, celebs, or electronic peripherals.

It's a lie. Black Lives Matter. But not to us.



Are you protesting Tesseract's racial identity? What the fuck?

i think it was just a light play on the friend argument, i laughed

no biggie, tokenism is a thing

i do need to vacate da fuk outta this thread, it's taking years off my life (my own doing)
I don't think stopping a be a bridge helps their cause
Probably has an opposite effect.

Instead we need to take a hard look at every cop and have evaluations and big changes and policy changes with how police handle themselves in hundreds of situations.

From racial issues to lethal force and detainees.

Seeing so many cops hit people without any care or feeling really is a problem

That's scary.
I don't think stopping a be a bridge helps their cause
Probably has an opposite effect.

Instead we need to take a hard look at every cop and have evaluations and big changes and policy changes with how police handle themselves in hundreds of situations.

From racial issues to lethal force and detainees.

Seeing so many cops hit people without any care or feeling really is a problem

That's scary.

And who is going to make that happen?


Are you protesting Tesseract's racial identity? What the fuck?
You got me! Because he and I disagree, I am questioning his blackness. foh

I don't think stopping a be a bridge helps their cause
Probably has an opposite effect.

It's like a never ending cycle of nonsense. I think I've already replied to this exact message twice now. Fun times.

And who is going to make that happen?

People protesting in a respectable manner... something like MLK would have done, none of this bridge nonsense.


Im late on this, but I felt like it should be shared. For those that are still thinking more about hypothetical traffic jams and can't imagine why that is the least of black people's concerns... This is a good starting point.

My responses before were snark out of anger and disgust because reading about hypothetical patients or hypothetical people being late to work being weighed as more important than what those out there on that bridge represent literally just... eats at me. I wish I had the balls to be out there on that bridge. And you know what, if something like that happens here in AZ maybe I will. All I can do is post on forums, share knowledge on Twiiter and occasionally Facebook.

Some of you have just started seeing the police brutality and violence on camera phones in the past couple of years. I should personally be more understanding of that. It's not part of your everyday life. It is impossible for you to really, truly understand the frustation of people that have been watching it happen for decades, whose parents and grandparents lived through all of that... And just seeing it on repeat.

There is so much more I and others could tell you about this. We've been here before. Many people have already done the peaceful, quiet protests on the side. Many of us have tried to work within the system. When we do that, we're ignored. When we riot, we're thugs and looters. When we get into office, we're utterly disrespected. When we block a bridge, we're an inconvenience.

And no matter which one of these avenues are taken, any one of us could end up in the next video at the top of this forum.

That, is scary.

No, not very interaction we have with police is bad. I've chatted with cops, I have cops as friends and military in my family. But there are few things more frightening than being a black man driving home late at night from work, with a cop car following you for blocks because you entered a new neighborhood.

Because some of us don't make it out of that interaction in one piece.



Isn't it obvious that this does more harm than good to their cause? These ill conceived blanket disruptions are just as likely to be fucking with the lives of people who support them as not.
Some petition in change.org of course.

Hilarious thing is I betchya the same people would then turn around and say the people have to do more and that an internet petition is just like lazy slacktivism and how are we supposed to take something seriously if they are being such slacktivists.

Isn't it obvious that this does more harm than good to their cause? These ill conceived blanket disruptions are just as likely to be fucking with the lives of people who support them as not.

What does BLM want to achieve? I've looked at their website and I've seen a lot of stuff on them trying to highlight the injustices placed upon the Black population. They've gained a lot of publicity this year and I think a lot of us support their message.

What I want to know is the policies they want to put in place? Are they campaigning for a new bill to be passed that creates a new body to regulate the police? Are they after body cams on every police officers? More education in schools? I know people hate drawing comparisons with MLK, but he had an aim with his movement. Objectives that will bring about change.

To me BLM is starting to feel more like Occupy. It brought of a lot of attention to an issue that deserved to be talked about. Then they did nothing with it and it faded away. This year a survey came showing that 64 people own more than 3+ billion people. I'm afraid that this movement is just going to become something that we all get angry about it and demand change, but no one is willing to say what needs to be changed.

I'm not the authority on this and I am open to be proven wrong. I want to become more informed about this.
What does BLM want to achieve? I've looked at their website and I've seen a lot of stuff on them trying to highlight the injustices placed upon the Black population. They've gained a lot of publicity this year and I think a lot of us support their message.

What I want to know is the policies they want to put in place? Are they campaigning for a new bill to be passed that creates a new body to regulate the police? Are they after body cams on every police officers? More education in schools? I know people hate drawing comparisons with MLK, but he had an aim with his movement. Objectives that will bring about change.

To me BLM is starting to feel more like Occupy. It brought of a lot of attention to an issue that deserved to be talked about. Then they did nothing with it and it faded away. This year a survey came showing that 64 people own more than 3+ billion people. I'm afraid that this movement is just going to become something that we all get angry about it and demand change, but no one is willing to say what needs to be changed.

I'm not the authority on this and I am open to be proven wrong. I want to become more informed about this.

Not to be murdered by the police.

Not to be murdered by the police and then for the police to walk away unscathed without any justice or legal punishment

Not to be murdered by the police and then for the police to walk away unscathed without any justice or legal punishment and have the general public go meh they were no angel.
Care more about your fellow citizens being brutalized by the police state and maybe your little commute would be better, victim-blamers.

how do you know none of the people stuck on the bridge care about their fellow citizens? collectively punishing them like this is stupid. some of them might be much better and effective activists than the ones making them stuck in traffic..
how do you know none of the people stuck on the bridge care about their fellow citizens? collectively punishing them like this is stupid. some of them might be much better and effective activists than the ones making them stuck in traffic..

Won't someone think of the hypothetical activist child who is trying to get to the hospital to donate a kidney to the next MLK but can't because of the mean protesters.


Junior Member
Not to be murdered by the police.

Not to be murdered by the police and then for the police to walk away unscathed without any justice or legal punishment

Not to be murdered by the police and then for the police to walk away unscathed without any justice or legal punishment and have the general public go meh they were no angel.
Line for line, that was MLK's website in the 60s. Brilliant.

I missed Nana's funeral. Was the chicken dry?
Not to be murdered by the police.

Not to be murdered by the police and then for the police to walk away unscathed without any justice or legal punishment

Not to be murdered by the police and then for the police to walk away unscathed without any justice or legal punishment and have the general public go meh they were no angel.

Your'e saying the why they are protesting. Not the how they intend to stop it.

What about body cameras that's footage is sent to server owned by a civilian authority instead of the county police?

What about better education?

Psychological evaluations for the officers on the front line?

Harsher penalties for not just the officers found committing murder but for all the officers involved in the cover up.

Who is pushing for these and how do I support them?
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