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New Abu Ghraib photos, oh oh

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Anerythristic said:
We should do one for every country, Do you guys agree?. I'll start with the UK, because they are BFF with the US and great allies.


Wow, I am shocked actually, how many millions is that from India alone? Do the Indians hate the Brits as much as the Iraqis hate us or more?

Its only popular to hate on the United States. It doesn't matter how many times worse many countries have been and still are to this day. Your not cool if you hate them. Countless People die every day to Bad Governments but since its not the United States its Ok or at least not important enough to make mention.
genjiZERO said:
Well you did start the war unprovoked - and your population supported it full-heartedly - so I do think the American people are (in part) to blame for its barbaric outcomes. It doesn't happen with every other country with a military because the US (and Britain) are the most internationally belligerent nations. When was the last time Canada, Australia, Sweden or almost whoever industrialised nation started an unprovoked unilateral offensive war, labeled the Geneva Convention outdated, and subverted its own laws (habeus corpus) to maintain prison camps/torture facilities? This kind of "shit" happens because the American military/government thinks that it can police the rest of the world, trounce whatever nation it pleases, and subvert the sovereignty of any country who doesn't acknowledge the status quo of its hegemony. Almost as bad, the American people refuse to acknowledge their own accountability in actively or passively supporting such measures. If you are tired of the rest of the world hating you - blaming you for for very single misdeed enacted - then stop electing politicians who feel that they can spit on the faces of other nations, and stop supporting your military who day-in and day-out get away with rape and pillage. Your politicians and your military represent you to the outside world - their actions are your actions - if you are unhappy with this then do something about it - but 'man up' and take responsibility.

1.) It wasn't "full heartedly". Do you know what kind of protests have gone on since the start of the war?
2.) You mention militarys and then some countries involving Canada? Hello?
3.) The middle east is obviously well off on their own, right? Let's just take a look at their track record... oh snap. Sexism? Check. Nonstop religious-sourced violence? Check. WITCHCRAFT trials? Check. Etc.
4.) Nice generalizations about the american people. Keep em coming.
5.) Oh yeah! I forgot that Bush stated he was going to go to war in the ME before elected. I mean, NO WONDER we stupid americans voted for him, right? That was his main campaign issue! And Kerry was obviously sooooo much of a better choice the second time! /sarcasm. Holy shit man.
6.) Tell the whole world to fucking "man up" and quit singling out america.

genjiZERO said:
Furthermore, Germans were blamed for WW2-era genocide and the people of Sudan should be blamed for it in a modern context. Passive acceptance is still acceptance.

OHHHHHH, so we SHOULD hate Germany and Sudan. For the matter, every country who has every committed a wrong doing! Actually, every citizen of every one of those countries who was alive at the time of the wrongdoing for being there and not stopping it! You're right!

What magical "we haven't done anything wrong" country do you live in? BTW, anything they have done wrong is also YOUR responsibility for not stopping it.

I've seen ignorance on these boards before but holy shit. Hate America for whatever self-centered arbitrary reason you want. But the rest the world is fucking up too.

laserbeam said:
Its only popular to hate on the United States. It doesn't matter how many times worse many countries have been and still are to this day. Your not cool if you hate them. Millions of People die every day to Bad Governments but since its not the United States its Ok or at least not important enough to make mention.

Exactly. I wonder how this guy's upbringing was. Talk about brainwashed. THINK FOR YOURSELF YOU TWIT.
Hey guys, quick quiz! How many non combatant Chinese civilians were raped and murdered by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Nanking Massacre alone?

Pro Tip - A guess of 300,000 is too low!


Anerythristic said:
Hey guys, quick quiz! How many non combatant Chinese civilians were raped and murdered by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Nanking Massacre alone?

Pro Tip - A guess of 300,000 is too low!
That'll make it ok when I kick you in the eye!


laserbeam said:
Its only popular to hate on the United States. It doesn't matter how many times worse many countries have been and still are to this day. Your not cool if you hate them. Countless People die every day to Bad Governments but since its not the United States its Ok or at least not important enough to make mention.

When you claim to be the good guys you're held to higher standards.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Borys said:
Fucking redneck trash.


Fucking waste of air.

Fucking piece of trash shouldn't be wearing a fucking steelers hat. Fucker.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Flynn said:
When you claim to be the good guys you're held to higher standards.

Who is claiming to be the bad guys? Doesn't everyone think they are the good guy? Maybe I'm mistaken.
ronito said:
That'll make it ok when I kick you in the eye!

I guess you are upset. It is very upsetting. Just like those pictures in the original post. Those poor men were tortured and degraded.

A small GAF contingent says every single American would enjoy doing those things and supports it. Sorry, you just shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.

I am sorry if I insulted you personally but I am also insulted.


all those involved and those who gave the orders to do this torture should be put in prison for life.
Anerythristic said:
I guess you are upset. It is very upsetting. Just like those pictures in the original post. Those poor men were tortured and degraded.

A small GAF contingent says every single American would enjoy doing those things and supports it. Sorry, you just shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.

I am sorry if I insulted you personally but I am also insulted.

Quotes? Examples? I haven't read every post closely, but all I've seen is one guy saying that all Americans are responsible for the invasion, which I don't agree with, but it isn't the same thing.


Anerythristic said:
I guess you are upset. It is very upsetting. Just like those pictures in the original post. Those poor men were tortured and degraded.

A small GAF contingent says every single American would enjoy doing those things and supports it. Sorry, you just shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.

I am sorry if I insulted you personally but I am also insulted.
I'm not offended or anything. But surely you see the silliness of the argument. Just because someone's done worse doesn't mean that don't have the right to get on our country's case for not being what it's supposed to be.


commish said:
Who is claiming to be the bad guys? Doesn't everyone think they are the good guy? Maybe I'm mistaken.

C'mon. Our thing is freedom. Our thing is bringing democracy to the world. Our thing is being a shining beacon of hope and equality.

When shit like this surfaces we deserve the criticism.

Also: Don't make this an atrocity pissing contest. By those standards we could stack bodies by the thousands and just shrug our shoulders ans say, "lol Pol Pot!"


you don't go to war to be nice/moral/apologetic.

You go to war to kill, crush, destroy, demoralize.

Come on now. Read the great war books out there and see what they say.

If you think this is bad, look at how the Japanese treated their POW during WW2.


Anerythristic said:
Hey guys, quick quiz! How many non combatant Chinese civilians were raped and murdered by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Nanking Massacre alone?

Pro Tip - A guess of 300,000 is too low!

supposedly in teh 600,000 and probably more.

I've written 2 papers on this actually and read some books. The number is not exact because we will never know since almost all women in China would not have reported it at the time due to shame.

A number is one thing but lets put a little concreteness to this, in some instances men would be buried halfway into the ground with their upper torso above the ground, then german shepherds would be let loose on em.

The amount of sexual abuse was astounding to say the least. Abstinent Monks forced to rape women and corpses, mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, and so on.

I harbor no hate for the Japanese people, you see at the time people were raised to think of the Chinese as less than dogs thru educational brainwashing under the government's commands.

Not much light is shed on this subject because after WWII Japan became our ally against China. Also Japan has never formally apologized for its actions unlike Germany. Just FYI.
Tideas said:
you don't go to war to be nice/moral/apologetic.

You go to war to kill, crush, destroy, demoralize.

Come on now. Read the great war books out there and see what they say.

If you think this is bad, look at how the Japanese treated their POW during WW2.

I thought USA went to Irak to free it? Oh wait...


shaft said:
I thought USA went to Irak to free it? Oh wait...

only the people who believe War is play nice and drink tea believes that.

remember, Hussein tried to order an assassination on daddy Bush but failed. guess who just got his revenge:lol

f_elz said:
going to war doesn't mean your gonna fucking torture everyone.

unfortunately, yes it does :(


Tideas said:
only the people who believe War is play nice and drink tea believes that.

remember, Hussein tried to order an assassination on daddy Bush but failed. guess who just got his revenge:lol

unfortunately, yes it does :(


Crab Shaker

Doesn't pay his sources
Ok I am really interested in knowing what the hell happened to that corpse thing next to hte girl? Does anyone have any idea what could have possibly been done to that poor soul?


He was most likely electrocuted, look at his fingers and eyes.

I imagine it's related to the images of people with bags over their heads and current wiring attached to their fingers.

You start cooking at 2000 volts, they probably electrocuted him with a lot more than that to get him flayed like that.

Obviously continued electrocuting him long after he was dead. Sadistic fucks.
saelz8 said:
He was most likely electrocuted, look at his fingers and eyes.

It's most likely related to the images of people with bags over their heads and current wiring attached to their fingers.

Those images were reportedly from fake electrocution sessions.


genjiZERO said:
it doesn't matter if you didn't vote for Bush. Initial support for the war was between 55 and 85%. Even if your government lied to you you still supported it and should accept the consequences of it.
hilarious logic

because obviously there is no chance he didn't support it from the get-go god you are the most brilliant troll ever


f_elz said:

two recommendation on books to read about how to conduct total warfare: Sun Tzu "Art of War"

And Machiavelli "The Prince"

I love "The Prince" though. If only Bush had read that. Basically, a part of it said, "You should never occupy a foreign country if you do not have to, because the people will always end up revolting against your occupation."

Another part said, "if you must get the people to hate you, have them hate you for a whole bunch of things in a short period of time, instead of a small bunch of things over a long period of time."

And my favorite, "You do not control with love. You control with fear."

And that's where torture comes in.


Some more quotes from The Prince.
If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.

It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. It is much more secure to be feared than to be loved.

Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries - for heavy ones they cannot.

hmm, maybe Bush did read the Prince, just the wrong section haha

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member

I feel bad for those people in the photos being treated like animals; however, at the end of the day, what is anybody going to do about it?

I see people getting pissed off online, I see politicians bickering, and then I see this shit still going on.

I've heard of enough people criticizing war atrocities that occurred during WWI and WWII, but what about these people? Are there any good avenues to take to stop this when it's your own country's government more or less condoning it? To be honest, I'd feel pretty powerless if I were in your guys' shoes.

As for those who argue "it's war, shit happens" there's also the Geneva Convention, which these people don't magically appear to be under since there was no formal declaration of war. Regardless, they're enemy combatants and people, and I dislike the fact the US government is claiming to do good in spite of what we've all seen.


genjiZERO said:
it doesn't matter if you didn't vote for Bush. Initial support for the war was between 55 and 85%. Even if your government lied to you you still supported it and should accept the consequences of it.

"Between 55 and 85%" is a pretty canyon-sized margin there, bucko. I don't personally know a single person who supported the war to begin with, and certainly not the Iraq invasion. I don't know why you'd think right-thinking Americans would be so eager to send our younger generation over there to die for no reason.

What exactly does "accept the consequences" mean in this context, anyway? This is a republic. Government by representation. Are you saying America should rise up and overthrow their leaders? Impossible in this day and age. The American citizens should...what, donate money? Make a big "SORRY" banner? The people who committed these crimes have been tried and punished. What else do you want?


laserbeam said:
Its only popular to hate on the United States. It doesn't matter how many times worse many countries have been and still are to this day. Your not cool if you hate them. Countless People die every day to Bad Governments but since its not the United States its Ok or at least not important enough to make mention.

What other countries are worse today?
laserbeam said:
Its only popular to hate on the United States. It doesn't matter how many times worse many countries have been and still are to this day. Your not cool if you hate them. Countless People die every day to Bad Governments but since its not the United States its Ok or at least not important enough to make mention.

It's you're not your, and I don't live in other countries.


"Wow, I am shocked actually, how many millions is that from India alone? Do the Indians hate the Brits as much as the Iraqis hate us or more?"

If you think about it what the brits did to the indians far outway the stuff what the americans have done in Iraq/Afghanistan.

I dont know why but there is like zero hate towards brits from Indians, I think they look at it like, what's in the past is in the past, no point holding grudges and hate for something that was done in the past.


Anerythristic said:
Hey guys, quick quiz! How many non combatant Chinese civilians were raped and murdered by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Nanking Massacre alone?

Pro Tip - A guess of 300,000 is too low!

The Japanese army wasn't there to "liberate" the Chinese.


FunkyMunkey said:
1.) It wasn't "full heartedly". Do you know what kind of protests have gone on since the start of the war?
2.) You mention militarys and then some countries involving Canada? Hello?
3.) The middle east is obviously well off on their own, right? Let's just take a look at their track record... oh snap. Sexism? Check. Nonstop religious-sourced violence? Check. WITCHCRAFT trials? Check. Etc.
4.) Nice generalizations about the american people. Keep em coming.
5.) Oh yeah! I forgot that Bush stated he was going to go to war in the ME before elected. I mean, NO WONDER we stupid americans voted for him, right? That was his main campaign issue! And Kerry was obviously sooooo much of a better choice the second time! /sarcasm. Holy shit man.
6.) Tell the whole world to fucking "man up" and quit singling out america.

OHHHHHH, so we SHOULD hate Germany and Sudan. For the matter, every country who has every committed a wrong doing! Actually, every citizen of every one of those countries who was alive at the time of the wrongdoing for being there and not stopping it! You're right!

What magical "we haven't done anything wrong" country do you live in? BTW, anything they have done wrong is also YOUR responsibility for not stopping it.

I've seen ignorance on these boards before but holy shit. Hate America for whatever self-centered arbitrary reason you want. But the rest the world is fucking up too.

Exactly. I wonder how this guy's upbringing was. Talk about brainwashed. THINK FOR YOURSELF YOU TWIT.

1. I don't recall any mass protests in the US before the start of the Iraq war. Admittedly, I was living in the East Indies at the time - but I recall that the sentiment was Saddam was in bed with bin Laden and caused Sept 11 - not lets use diplomacy; that's what France and Germany were preaching (and what did they get for it "Freedom Fries").

2. My point was that the US military overwhelmingly is the one associated with international conflicts. You implied that other nations rape and pillage countries they are involved in offensive wars with. My question is which ones (first world nations that is)? Which ones are involved in militarism as heavily as the US is?

3. Sexism is prevalent in Japan - does that mean the US should unilaterally invade them? What does it matter what a region does culturally? Sure they have religious strife - but how does that justify destabilising the one relatively nation? I feel that you are arguing for the fallacy of "Western Universalism" with this point; meaning Western values are universal therefore it is OK the enforce them upon other civilisations.

4. Go to another country and ask the people what they think of American sentiments and the way they interact with the rest of the world.

5. Kerry? That's the second election mate. Anyway, anyone who paid even the slightest attention could have told you that the election of Bush (in 2000) would mean likely war with Iraq. Let's look at the evidence: a pro-military, former Texas governor who is a born-again Christian with a former cocaine and alcohol problem, who is the son of a disgraced former president (who was a CIA man and lead a earlier unsuccessful war with Iraq), who comes from a family intimately associated with the oil industry and the house of Saud, who associates himself with oil executives, branded Neo-Conservatives, signatories of the New American Century manifesto, who chooses for his running mate a known Neo-Conservative/NAC signatory/Haliburton executive. I can see why you were surprised when he offensively invaded Iraq
no I can't

5. The whole world should "man up". What's going on in Africa is disgraceful - Industrialised nations care nothing about it and are doing nothing about it - if this were a conversation about that I'd have just as much ire for for them. But this is a conversation about American actions in Iraq.

6. No one should "hate" anyone. I used the word "blame". They don't mean the same things. I don't hate Americans or American culture - I hate American government/militarism and the passive nature of Americans towards it, and I blame them for turning a blind eye towards global injustice - but that has nothing to do with hating people.

7. If you really want to know I'm British but was born in a Commonwealth Country. I've lived in Britain, the Caribbean, the US and for a bit in Europe. If you think the wrongdoings of the US are bad - they are nothing in comparison to what the British did - and I've got loads of criticism for them too. "Love the country... but hate the government" (JRR Tolkien)

MattKeil said:
"Between 55 and 85%" is a pretty canyon-sized margin there, bucko. I don't personally know a single person who supported the war to begin with, and certainly not the Iraq invasion. I don't know why you'd think right-thinking Americans would be so eager to send our younger generation over there to die for no reason.

What exactly does "accept the consequences" mean in this context, anyway? This is a republic. Government by representation. Are you saying America should rise up and overthrow their leaders? Impossible in this day and age. The American citizens should...what, donate money? Make a big "SORRY" banner? The people who committed these crimes have been tried and punished. What else do you want?

55% represents that percentage of people who where in favour of the war even if the information (WMD/9-11..etc) was false (this means 55% of Americans favoured a pre-textless war). 85% represents the percentage who were in favour assuming the pre-text reasons were true. If the "true proportion" lies somewhere in the middle then the percentage of Americans who were in favour of unilateral war with Iraq was 70% before onset. Any way you slice it the majority of Americans were in favour of an offensive war; I just feel they should be held accountable for it.

Make the the conclusion of the war your top priority in the next election (it's not - right now the troubled economy is). Listen to what the people of the region are saying that they want. Sacrifice "American interests" for Iraqi interests. Admit culturally that you fucked up. Stop trying to establish permanent military bases. You've got a democracy you're (rightfully) proud of and a bleeding election - use it.

Jenga said:
hilarious logic

because obviously there is no chance he didn't support it from the get-go god you are the most brilliant troll ever

see point 5 above. He may not have said, "I want to invade Iraq" - but he certainly showed the symptoms of it. Any rational analysis at the time would have (did) predicted a likely confrontation between the US and Iraq if Bush was elected president.

Any with that I'm to bed. Cheers all. You've been a laugh


FunkyMunkey said:
Fuck you for associating the rest of America with this sick shit.

And I can't understand the ignorance in this thread. EVERY FUCKING COUNTRY WITH A MILITARY HAS SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPEN. The only difference here is, the pictures got out.

Quit playing the "lol stupid americans!!" card and think. This is humanistic problem that developed from dumbasses being put into a position of power over others. Add weapons and language and ethic barriers between the two parties and sick shit will go down.

(P.S. According to much of the logic here, I guess I should hate all of Germany and the germans for the holocaust, right? Or I should hate ALL of Sudan for the crap going on in darfur? You guys are fucking amazing sometimes.)

Look who's talking, you're the one who interpreted "America" to refer to the American populace, when we all know in context that his comment was in reference to the very people in government pushing their agenda. "Americans" clearly refers to the Bush Administration.

You can't stand the ignorance in this thread? I see ignorance in your own posts.

Tideas said:
you don't go to war to be nice/moral/apologetic.

You go to war to kill, crush, destroy, demoralize.

Come on now. Read the great war books out there and see what they say.

If you think this is bad, look at how the Japanese treated their POW during WW2.

Yes, we all know this, and this is why we protested before the war, and this is why the Pentagon and the Bush Administration claimed that it would be quick and would minimize war's effect on civilians.

So now you're telling us not to hold these people to their word, because we were right all along? Sheesh...
God dammit. This is fucking disgraceful. There aren't any other ways to rationalize it, or explain it, or excuse it, or say "hey we're not as bad as North Korea!", its flat out shameful and disgusting.

I participated in the war protests before the war began, I voted against Bush's re-election (wasn't old enough the first time), but it doesn't matter. I'm still ashamed.

I hate seeing shit like this, but I make myself because I gotta know how far things have fallen under Bush. Obama is going to have a lot of shit to clean up.

But to be honest, some of those comments on Wired make me feel even worse.


I wish these pictures were reported with more context. For example, I just had to go and find out for myself who the man in the hood was in probably the most famous picture.

He was Satar Jabar and he wasn't arrested for terrorism at all. His charge was carjacking.
genjiZERO said:
1. I don't recall any mass protests in the US before the start of the Iraq war. Admittedly, I was living in the East Indies at the time - but I recall that the sentiment was Saddam was in bed with bin Laden and caused Sept 11 - not lets use diplomacy; that's what France and Germany were preaching (and what did they get for it "Freedom Fries").

2. My point was that the US military overwhelmingly is the one associated with international conflicts. You implied that other nations rape and pillage countries they are involved in offensive wars with. My question is which ones (first world nations that is)? Which ones are involved in militarism as heavily as the US is?

3. Sexism is prevalent in Japan - does that mean the US should unilaterally invade them? What does it matter what a region does culturally? Sure they have religious strife - but how does that justify destabilising the one relatively nation? I feel that you are arguing for the fallacy of "Western Universalism" with this point; meaning Western values are universal therefore it is OK the enforce them upon other civilisations.

4. Go to another country and ask the people what they think of American sentiments and the way they interact with the rest of the world.

5. Kerry? That's the second election mate. Anyway, anyone who paid even the slightest attention could have told you that the election of Bush (in 2000) would mean likely war with Iraq. Let's look at the evidence: a pro-military, former Texas governor who is a born-again Christian with a former cocaine and alcohol problem, who is the son of a disgraced former president (who was a CIA man and lead a earlier unsuccessful war with Iraq), who comes from a family intimately associated with the oil industry and the house of Saud, who associates himself with oil executives, branded Neo-Conservatives, signatories of the New American Century manifesto, who chooses for his running mate a known Neo-Conservative/NAC signatory/Haliburton executive. I can see why you were surprised when he offensively invaded Iraq
no I can't

5. The whole world should "man up". What's going on in Africa is disgraceful - Industrialised nations care nothing about it and are doing nothing about it - if this were a conversation about that I'd have just as much ire for for them. But this is a conversation about American actions in Iraq.

6. No one should "hate" anyone. I used the word "blame". They don't mean the same things. I don't hate Americans or American culture - I hate American government/militarism and the passive nature of Americans towards it, and I blame them for turning a blind eye towards global injustice - but that has nothing to do with hating people.

7. If you really want to know I'm British but was born in a Commonwealth Country. I've lived in Britain, the Caribbean, the US and for a bit in Europe. If you think the wrongdoings of the US are bad - they are nothing in comparison to what the British did - and I've got loads of criticism for them too. "Love the country... but hate the government" (JRR Tolkien)

(I shouldn't have started the number thing haha ;D)

1.) There weren't any large scale protests that I know of, you're right. But, every single person I talked to thought it was a horrible and pointless idea. Living in california though, it's kinda expected :lol

2.) I understand that. But don't you also see that it is completely natural for one nation to be involved in the world more than others? I disagree with the war completely but if the US wasn't sticking it's nose around, another country would be. (Hopefully a republic haha)

3.) No way, but the ME is HARDLY okay on their own. I do not mean to insult the countries or the people, but compared to western ideologies, they are ridiculously outdated and barbaric. They NEED to catch up, especially if any get their hands on nuclear weapons. Is the war the answer? I don't think so at all. Something needs to be happening over there though, imo.

4.) Doesn't change the fact that they are vague generalizations.

5.) I know haha. During the first election, no one was aware we were going to GO to war. Conflict with the ME was like you said, obvious, but war? Hardly.

(two fives :p) 5.) It still has to do with atrocities. You can't throw a fit over this and then ignore the other horrible things around.

6.) It's kinda like saying you don't hate someone, but that you hate what they do, how they do it, and their influence on the world.

7.) I agree that the British have dont some crazy messed up things, but the past is the past.
What exactly IS the big deal with this?

They are radical Islamic millitants, no one is going to let them go, ever. I always assumed after intergation and what not the foreign fighters would be transported back to Iraq/Afgahanastan for execution by those respective governments.

What do you think happens to foreign fighters caught fighting government forces in Afganastan or Iraq? You think they get deported back to their home countries where they would be happy to carry on a normal peaceful life? The foreign fighters are mercenaries, and they are NOT protected at all by geneva convention.

Honestly, what do you think those released prisoners would do? Jihad again of course!


Junior Member
Tyrannical said:
What exactly IS the big deal with this?

They are radical Islamic millitants, no one is going to let them go, ever. I always assumed after intergation and what not the foreign fighters would be transported back to Iraq/Afgahanastan for execution by those respective governments.

What do you think happens to foreign fighters caught fighting government forces in Afganastan or Iraq? You think they get deported back to their home countries where they would be happy to carry on a normal peaceful life? The foreign fighters are mercenaries, and they are NOT protected at all by geneva convention.

Honestly, what do you think those released prisoners would do? Jihad again of course!
Fucking Wow. I don't mean to single out your post, theres a bunch of them in here. You people are fucking disgraceful, the epitome of ignorant sheep. Did you not read the post just a few above yours dude:
I wish these pictures were reported with more context. For example, I just had to go and find out for myself who the man in the hood was in probably the most famous picture.

He was Satar Jabar and he wasn't arrested for terrorism at all. His charge was carjacking.
The people carrying out these sort of acts are beyond depraved. I imagine that they'd be indulging in hardcore paedophilia, necrophila or bestiality if they weren't getting their kicks in this way. One has to suspect they're most likely spouse beaters, too.


Tyrannical said:
What exactly IS the big deal with this?

They are radical Islamic millitants, no one is going to let them go, ever. I always assumed after intergation and what not the foreign fighters would be transported back to Iraq/Afgahanastan for execution by those respective governments.

What do you think happens to foreign fighters caught fighting government forces in Afganastan or Iraq? You think they get deported back to their home countries where they would be happy to carry on a normal peaceful life? The foreign fighters are mercenaries, and they are NOT protected at all by geneva convention.

Honestly, what do you think those released prisoners would do? Jihad again of course!

Flynn said:
I wish these pictures were reported with more context. For example, I just had to go and find out for myself who the man in the hood was in probably the most famous picture.

He was Satar Jabar and he wasn't arrested for terrorism at all. His charge was carjacking.

Aside from the fact that they are still human beings in the 21st centuary. We also don't know all of their charges to demote them on our own moral scales for deserving such torture and dehumanisation. Honestly i'm beggining to think almost every human beng is capable of being a complete asshole given the right circumstances, and you're not even in one of the desired so whats your excuse.


laserbeam said:
Its only popular to hate on the United States. It doesn't matter how many times worse many countries have been and still are to this day. Your not cool if you hate them. Countless People die every day to Bad Governments but since its not the United States its Ok or at least not important enough to make mention.

It's ok guys, laserbeam is here with his sarcastic wit.
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