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The Demise Of Guys? (TED Talk)

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Well this is coming from a christian perspective so I'm sure some will take it with a grain of salt.

1. In relation to our relationships with women one of the huge problems is pornography. It's easy to access, it's free, and the girls are hotter than average girls you meet. It's a huge problem and part of it is societies message that marriage isn't necessary, and a lack of emphasis on long term, committed relationships. Nowadays most people who are together simply "live together" and thus really aren't as committed to each other as possible. This goes hand in hand with a lot of the media's focus on women as "objects". Rarely do we see long-term relationships valued or shown positively. This is also driven in part by our extremely sexual culture. Everything we consume is all about sex.

2. Helicopter parenting. Boys today play videogames as a sort of release. They're not allowed to go explore, run and around crazy and be boys. Similar to that fight club line of a generation raised by women, boys need time to get dirty, to fight, to wrestle, to go on adventures. This goes hand in hand with a education system that is essentially built for girls. So much time is spent sitting down, and being static when boys want to get hands on and dive into things and expend some energy.

I also feel like leadership and involvement is rarely stressed upon men. We've grown into this man-boy culture where men don't move out of the house, (economics is a factor) go out and try to sleep with women, and are simply always focused on their needs. Men historically have always been the breadwinners, but more than that, providers and leaders. Now a days my generation is solely focused on themselves and not on a family of their own, their community or even society at large.

Pretty rambily but some of my basic thoughts on some problems.
Good, good, it is all going to plan. With the younger generations in check, no one will able to jump ahead of me. Now, I shall turn against my own peers and crush them. As the old die off and as all of the rest fall beneath me, then I SHALL FINALLY BE #1... of the... man... rankings...


It's not easy being either, I don't know what would possess you to think being a woman is easier though.

It's different issues. I just think for me women's issues would have been preferable to me growing up. It also doesn't help that I was raised working-class. Living in the sorts of areas where you have to stick up for yourself. Where you can't back down from a fight.

Girls generally don't get their faced stamped on. Or stabbed up for looking at someone funny.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
In different ways Slayven. I didn't go through nearly the same amount of shit for being a tomboy that the boys do for shedding a tear or being "feminine" or not "masculine" enough. And most of the shit I got was from peers, not peers, teachers and parents.

You were pretty lucky in that regard... My ex was very tomboy-ish and got a ton of shit for it. Even by me a bit (I'm ashamed to say that).

Kudos on post #226, Devo. Really great and awesome.
It's different issues. I just think for me women's issues would have been preferable to me growing up. It also doesn't help that I was raised working-class. Living in the sorts of areas where you have to stick up for yourself. Where you can't back down from a fight.
Girls generally don't get their faced stamped on. Or stabbed up for looking at someone funny.

8-mile? We got ourselves a tough guy.

How would an area like that be any easier for a female?


It isn't really. A bad area is a bad area.
He's just trying to play up the "men are tough" line.




How would an area like that be any easier for a female?

I don't know how it was with you when you was a kid, or the area you lived when you was a kid, but generally speaking, that sort of violence happened to a bigger percentage of males than it did females. I imagine I could also back that up with figures.

And not 8-mile no, just living in a working-class area in general.
I don't know how it was with you when you was a kid, or the area you lived when you was a kid, but generally speak, that sort of violence happened to a bigger percentage of males than it did females. I imagine I could also back that up with figures.

So females possess the amazing ability to repel violence with the purity of their sex? Shocking.

I'm sorry, I'm coming off as a jerk and I usually try not to. I'm just trying to wrap my head around your worldview. I don't think you could really speak on the experience of a female in that environment without walking in their shoes.


It isn't really. A bad area is a bad area.
He's just trying to play up the "men are tough" line.


Whatever mate, Or maybe it is just a perfectly understandable observation about the way violence tends to happen to more males than it does females.



At least two of those guys on the left are wearing pink frilly panties under their uniforms, guaranteed.
You were pretty lucky in that regard... My ex was very tomboy-ish and got a ton of shit for it. Even by me a bit (I'm ashamed to say that).

Kudos on post #226, Devo. Really great and awesome.

Yeah I was lucky that I had a great support structure in terms of my parents. Without my parents I would have had a hell of a time trying to just be me. They didn't mind, they bought me remote control cars, video games and encouraged me to go out for sports. Some girls are not so lucky but it seems like we still have it better than the boys when it comes to enforcing gender roles at an early age. Even some are given the benefit of the doubt such as "oh she'll grow out of it" then when we don't it's still not as big of a deal (at least in more western cultures) as a boy who hasn't turned into the rigid mold of a man's man.

Then there is the bullying that boys receive in high-school that is so ubiquitous and nasty when compared to girls who just toss around rumors. And even that's different. I might have had to worry about being called a lesbian behind my back but I didn't have to worry about being called a "faggot" and getting the shit beat out of me.

Growing up a girl/woman had its own tribulations but just reading about some of the torment guys go through and still do when faced with the ever present "you aren't man enough" without any real support structures is just unfair. I've always had feminism and other women to talk to. Men, however, are forced into silence by the very same mechanisms that tell them they're not adequate men.


So females possess the amazing ability to repel violence with the purity of their sex? Shocking.

I'm sorry, I'm coming off as a jerk and I usually try not to. I'm just trying to wrap my head around your worldview.

This is ridiculous. I'm just amazed that this question even has to be asked. My worldview that men will in general commit more acts of violence than women. And that it would be aimed at more men than women in general.


Whatever mate, Or maybe it is just a perfectly understandable observation about the way violence tends to happen to more males than it does females.

And I'm guessing in "the sort of areas where you have to stick up for yourself" rape tends to happen more to females than it does males.
Pick your poison I guess. Personally I'd rather be beat up than raped.

If you live in a bad area your life sucks regardless of what gender you are.
From my experience I am seeing the decline of what I would call manly men. What is the cause of it and is it even a problem? Who's to say. I have no facts or figures, no sources; I can only share with you my experience as a kid in the 80's and a teen in the 90's.

Women's lib was really getting a foothold in the 80's where I grew up. Divorce was starting to become more commonplace, some women were beginning to "wake up" to the fact that they were just as capable as men. They were pushed into it somewhat. Women got forced into the job market when families could no longer make ends meet with one income.

The important thing to remember is that I was just a boy at this time. My father was a man's man and my role model for what it meant to be masculine. He worked on cars in our driveway, fixed anything that broke around the house, and worked more than forty hours a week as a driller in the oilfield; man's work. He also kept his word, respected others that gave him respect, helped out people who needed help and put his family above all else in this world. He was a penny-pincher and a hard worker. He would also turn into mush whenever he held a baby.

Now on the other hand, my mother was a school teacher and pretty dedicated to women's rights. I had to fight her tooth and nail growing up to actually become what I consider a man to be. When I missed the toilet as a toddler she wanted me to sit down to pee (my Dad stepped in and didn't let that happen). She let me know day after day that women were not just as capable as men but more often than not, better than men. When I hit puberty it really opened up the rift between us because now I had become the one thing she was trying to prevent.

To this day we don't have a good relationship. It's sad really, because she got so caught up in changing me because she didn't like the environment she grew up in that she pushed me completely away. I am inherently a man, and if you have a problem with that, which is something fundamental that I can't change, then you have a problem with me.

But I've gotten a little off topic here, it's just something that I carry with me day to day. I had a great relationship with my Mom when I was very young and it was destroyed.

Good or bad gender rolls are changing and the growing pains are going to be terrible.
We're all human and we want to find our place in this world.

What I think a man and woman should be and represent are going to be different from the next person, and this is where the problem lies. Good or bad sixty years ago everyone new their role, there were no questions.

We'll get there eventually when everyone learns the very basic principals of responsibility and consequence, not to mention, equal expectations.

I personally have a problem with the following:
Men who shave any other part of their body besides their face (grooming your junk is okay)
Men who don't know how to change their oil or a tire.
Men who spend more than 10 minutes getting ready to leave the house.
Men who don't know their way around a woman's body.
Men who would rather play the "game" than actually work for a position.
Men who gossip, back-stab, etc.
Are you a man if you don't fit my list? Technically yes, just not manly...

Disclaimer: These are all my opinions.

Going to go on about these multiple points (in order):

- Stupid point, do you have a masculinity complex that you need to be worried of how other men groom themselves, in places that you're not supposed to see in public of all things?

- Sure, you can go play with your car and whatnot while I continue working on the complexities of a computer. In the end they're both tools and knowing how to work one does not define masculinity.

- Because in previous generations such as the 1950's dem tuxedos were just overcoats and that collared shirt and tie was just actually one shirt. Never mind them belts used only for style.

- You have something against homosexuals?

- What game are you talking about? The "Game of Thrones" AKA politics? Not every job has to do with manual labor y'know, get with the times.

- Honor means shit if the other is not honor-bound.
This is ridiculous. I'm just amazed that this question even has to be asked. My worldview that men will in general commit more acts of violence than women. And that it would be aimed at more men than women in general.

Do you think those places are void of sexual harassment and assault or something? If the men are getting the shit beat out of them, what do you think happens to the women? Do you think they are spared violence? Do you just ignore the prevalence of domestic violence in these areas or what?


And I'm guessing in "the sort of areas where you have to stick up for yourself" rape tends to happen more to females than it does males.
Pick your poison I guess. Personally I'd rather be beat up than raped.

If you live in a bad area your life sucks regardless of what gender you are.

Probably does, but I bet there aren't as many rapes as there are violent crimes. And I wasn't saying the area I grew up was south central or anything, just your typical working class neighbourhood. I live in a fairly decent neighbourhood now.

I'm amazed my view was even questioned to be honest.

In the United States, men are much more likely to be incarcerated than women. Nearly 9 times as many men (5,037,000) as women (581,000) had ever at one time been incarcerated in a State or Federal prison at year end 2001. However, women are the fastest-growing demographic group in prison because women are the largest demographic on the planet. Statistically the ratio of 9 to 1 has not changed making this increase worth study, however, it is nevertheless statistically insignificant. [1].
In 2004, males were almost 10 times more likely than females to commit murder. Men are also far more likely than women to be the victims of violent crime, with the exception of rape.[2]
One study showed that women were more likely than men to deem certain behaviors that are criminal or unethical, such as inflating an insurance claim or using "cheap foreign labor", to be less acceptable (Fisher, 1999).


I still, based on my own experiences in life, would have preferred to be female than male.
It's different issues. I just think for me women's issues would have been preferable to me growing up. It also doesn't help that I was raised working-class. Living in the sorts of areas where you have to stick up for yourself. Where you can't back down from a fight.

Girls generally don't get their faced stamped on. Or stabbed up for looking at someone funny.

I think there is an inherent form of bias where you only consider the role of the attractive female growing up. Consider if you were an obese female growing up with an ugly face. That would be incredibly difficult, especially with the cavalcade of emotions you eventually endure on a monthly basis.

But ultimately, I don't like these kinds of pissing matches about which race, gender, sexuality, has it the hardest, because ultimately it detracts from what should be a societal goal of ensuring equality for everyone.


Probably does, but I bet there aren't as many rapes as there are violent crimes. And I wasn't saying the area I grew up was south central or anything, just your typical working class neighbourhood. I live in a fairly decent neighbourhood now.

I'm amazed my view was even questioned to be honest.



I still, based on my own experiences in life, would have preferred to be female than male.
Who cares who has it worse? Why does that even matter? Its not a competition.
Do you think those places are void of sexual harassment and assault or something? If the men are getting the shit beat out of them, what do you think happens to the women? Do you think they are spared violence? Do you just ignore the prevalence of domestic violence in these areas or what?

Everyone in this brutal working-class warzone are perfect gentlemen, apparently.

Probably does, but I bet there aren't as many rapes as there are violent crimes. And I wasn't saying the area I grew up was south central or anything, just your typical working class neighbourhood. I live in a fairly decent neighbourhood now.

I'm amazed my view was even questioned to be honest.



I still, based on my own experiences in life, would have preferred to be female than male.

Yeah, I'm amazed when people question my posts as well. What's their problem? Best just not think about it.

I'd rather be beaten up than raped, but that's neither here nor there.


Probably does, but I bet there aren't as many rapes as there are violent crimes. And I wasn't saying the area I grew up was south central or anything, just your typical working class neighbourhood. I live in a fairly decent neighbourhood now.

I'm amazed my view was even question to be honest.



I still based on my own experiences in life would have preferred to be female than male.

That isn't really the point.
No one is questioning that violence happens more frequently to men.

If getting into fights has solely determined what gender you would have wished to be, then you are correct, you probably wouldn't have been in as many fights had you been a girl. Probably.
I'll just leave it at that because this is turning into a distasteful dog-pile.
Hey leadbelly why don't you discuss ways to stop the violence that is so often carried out by men rather than derail the thread with who suffers from said violence more.


Who cares who has it worse? Why does that even matter? Its not a competition.

That was not the initial point I made. I love the way that point gets lost when someone has issue with a specific part.

The point I was making originally was about raising boys in general. The problem isn't just to to do with the parents (although it partly is) it is being exposed to the cold reality of the world also. Where growing up male sometimes means you have to be strong. You have to at least appear strong or else you get walked all over.


Yeah I was lucky that I had a great support structure in terms of my parents. Without my parents I would have had a hell of a time trying to just be me. They didn't mind, they bought me remote control cars, video games and encouraged me to go out for sports. Some girls are not so lucky but it seems like we still have it better than the boys when it comes to enforcing gender roles at an early age. Even some are given the benefit of the doubt such as "oh she'll grow out of it" then when we don't it's still not as big of a deal (at least in more western cultures) as a boy who hasn't turned into the rigid mold of a man's man.

Then there is the bullying that boys receive in high-school that is so ubiquitous and nasty when compared to girls who just toss around rumors. And even that's different. I might have had to worry about being called a lesbian behind my back but I didn't have to worry about being called a "faggot" and getting the shit beat out of me.

Growing up a girl/woman had its own tribulations but just reading about some of the torment guys go through and still do when faced with the ever present "you aren't man enough" without any real support structures is just unfair. I've always had feminism and other women to talk to. Men, however, are forced into silence by the very same mechanisms that tell them they're not adequate men.
I'm kind of jealous of what girls go through in high school compared to how I felt all the time. This is a good post. Everyone has it bad, let's fix it, not fight over who really has it worse.


Hey leadbelly why don't you discuss ways to stop the violence that is so often carried out by men rather than derail the thread with who suffers from said violence more.

Shit devo, I never derailed the thread. Read my last post, and then read the post I originally made in response to another post.
Shit devo, I never derailed the thread. Read my last post, and then read the post I originally made in response to another post.

You pretty much started on about how men get the shit beat out of them in various places with economic hardship as if women in the same places have it so much better, here's a fact: they don't. If you kept it in line with bullying it would make sense but the fact that you had to bring up life being "easier" for women is what got you the pile-on.
That was not the initial point I made. I love the way that point gets lost when someone has issue with a specific part.

The point I was making originally was about raising boys in general. The problem isn't just to to do with the parents (although it partly is) it is being exposed to the cold reality of the world also. Where growing up male sometimes means you have to be strong. You have to at least appear strong or else you get walked all over.

Or you could be weak and get beaten up. Or you could be a strong female and defend yourself, or alternately a weak female and be victimized. It goes all ways. It's a matter of individual strength and circumstances, not universal gender conventions.

Shit devo, I never derailed the thread. Read my last post, and then read the post I originally made in response to another post.
In all fairness, anyone who responded to his posts are just as guilty of derailment as he is. Credit where it's due.
In all fairness, anyone who responded to his posts are just as guilty of derailment as he is. Credit where it's due.

Like I said if he just talked about the violence without the need to assert that being a woman is easier, I don't think posters would have been on his ass about it.


Or you could be weak and get beaten up. Or you could be a strong female and defend yourself, or alternately a weak female and be victimized. It goes all ways. It's a matter of individual strength and circumstances, not universal gender conventions.

Being a weak male would arguably spare you from any involvement in fights at all.
I think the necessity of "appearing strong" might have some part of the cause of so much male violence in the first place.


In all fairness, anyone who responded to his posts is just as guilty of derailment as he is. Credit where it's due.

In all fairness, my point wasn't about men being worse off (that was just my own feeling on the matter) it is was about the fact that men tend to develop into that philosophy because of the way boys act sometimes around other boys. Problems are solved with aggression. Being weak doesn't always help you at all.


is now taking requests
Like I said if he just talked about the violence without the need to assert that being a woman is easier, I don't think posters would have been on his ass about it.

He kept asserting that females are less likely to be victims of violence, a well established fact. You and other posters kept interpreting that as "women have it easier".
You know what the problem is, too much crap on the mind.

The minute you start thinking about masculinity, you've lost. What I don't know, but you've lost.

The amount of times I've merely walked past people and have them give me the I'm a badman deadeye just to prove how tough they are makes me laugh out loud, they're probably thinking "I've gotta show him I'm not to be messed with". Personally if you're thinking anything other than there's a man walking on the street you've got problems. Old ladies just say hello or smile.

Just get out of your head and focus on what is right in front of you, problem solved.

The confident people are the ones that act, not react.

The difference between the men of yesterday and the men of today is not masculinity, it just the fact that they're not so caught up in themselves, which naturally allows them to exude a confidence and a calmness that you don't see too much these days outside of TV, some may view that as toughness, but they're just more self-regulated.

Put it this way, it's not the lads dressed in the colourful clothes and funky shorts in that comparison picture you see getting into fights outside of bars and clubs, nor is it them you see ending up strung out on drugs or turning into an alcoholic.
He kept asserting that females are less likely to be victims of violence, a well established fact. You and other posters kept interpreting that as "women have it easier".

They're not less likely when you count sexual assault. Is that suddenly not a form of violence?
He kept asserting that females are less likely to be victims of violence, a well established fact. You and other posters kept interpreting that as "women have it easier".
Except that's how he meant it, in the context of the argument. Being female is easier because you get in less fights. That was the provided reasoning, as far as I could interpret.

Being a weak male would arguably spare you from any involvement in fights at all.
I think the necessity of "appearing strong" might have some part of the cause of so much male violence in the first place.

Good point. People often overcompensate for that sort of thing and get themselves into trouble. A strong individual who is secure in their strength probably doesn't get into too many fights.

But I think this thread's done. Buh-bye.
You know what the problem is, too much crap on the mind.

The minute you start thinking about masculinity, you've lost. What I don't know, but you've lost.

The amount of times I've merely walked past people and have them give me the I'm a badman deadeye just to prove how tough they are makes me laugh out loud, they're probably thinking "I've gotta show him I'm not to be messed with". Personally if you're thinking anything other than there's a man walking on the street you've got problems. Old ladies just say hello or smile.

Just get out of your head and focus on what is right in front of you, problem solved.

The confident people are the ones that act, not react.

The difference between the men of yesterday and the men of today is not masculinity, it just the fact that they're not so caught up in themselves, which naturally allows them to exude a confidence and a calmness that you don't see too much these days outside of TV, some may view that as toughness, but they're just more self-regulated.

Put it this way, it's not the lads dressed in the colourful clothes and funky shorts in that comparison picture you see getting into fights outside of bars and clubs, nor is it them you see ending up strung out on drugs or turning into an alcoholic.

Agreed and the bolded part is very much true.


You know what the problem is, too much crap on the mind.

The minute you start thinking about masculinity, you've lost. What I don't know, but you've lost.

The amount of times I've merely walked past people and have them give me the I'm a badman deadeye just to prove how tough they are makes me laugh out loud, they're probably thinking "I've gotta show him I'm not to be messed with". Personally if you're thinking anything other than there's a man walking on the street you've got problems. Old ladies just say hello or smile.

Just get out of your head and focus on what is right in front of you, problem solved.

The confident people are the ones that act, not react.

The difference between the men of yesterday and the men of today is not masculinity, it just the fact that they're not so caught up in themselves, which naturally allows them to exude a confidence and a calmness that you don't see too much these days outside of TV, some may view that as toughness, but they're just more self-regulated.

Put it this way, it's not the lads dressed in the colourful clothes and funky shorts in that comparison picture you see getting into fights outside of bars and clubs, nor is it them you see ending up strung out on drugs or turning into an alcoholic.

Agreed with the bolded.
I think trying to define masculinity (and femininity for that matter) is a lost cause.
The qualities that the terms refer to are characteristics that pre-date self-reflection.


Except that's how he meant it, in the context of the argument. Being female is easier because you get in less fights. That was the provided reasoning, as far as I could interpret.

The last post I am going to make in this thread, but I am going to dissect my own posts just prove that wasn't actually the point I was making.

My intial point with devo is quite clear what I am speaking about.

It would be interesting to know just how many parents treat their kids like that in today's society. I never had that really ever. I think that type of attitude was when exposed to other boys. I think in school if you were the little cry boy you would get picked on, seen as weak, etc. Issues were always solved with fists. I think the main issue I had was being exposed to the cold hard reality of the real world where the weak are walked all over. If you don't stick up for yourself then the problem gets worse.

The next post was in response to someone else talking about raising his kid. I think it may even have been a joke post. I start off with stating, "I'm not sure what you can do".

I'm not sure what you can do. Being a man in the real world isn't always a walk in the park. I've seen men glassed, stabbed up in clubs. I have often wondered how easy it must be to be a woman. Life seems easier to me.

My mother and uncles were orphans. They had no one to protect them. Not surprising that my uncles had this philosophy of not backing down from a fight ever.

I then follow on with it not being a walk in the park being male. Sometimes you have to put up with the acts of violence from other males. I then spoke about my own view that my life would have been easier if I was female. This is the part that everyone got hung up on, but it was not actually the point I was making.

I then talked about my uncles who were orphans and their philosophy of never backing down from a fight. This was simply because they never had anyone to protect them. They had to stick up for themselves. They learned quite early on that they can't show themselves as weak.


Men of the 50s where much better of than modern men. Atleast here in sweden.

Men of the fifties could get a bread winning " skilled trade style" job straight out of highschool. start a family with one salary. Buy a house and pay it of within 20 years. And save some money on top of that.

Modern swedish men, if they manage to finish highschool, dont enter the workforce until they are fucking 26-27, with a lifte time worth of debt, and even more debt if they want decent living accommodation. But even more importantly men than ever will never have a bread winning job. Never marry a women. Will live alone for the rest of their lives. A life which they fill with cronic masturbation, alcohol consumption and video-games.

Friggin SWEET!

Also I think the problems you outline are because of predatory global capitalism and population growth-the men weren't better, human lives are just worth less these days.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Friggin SWEET!

Also I think the problems you outline are because of predatory global capitalism and population growth-the men weren't better, human lives are just worth less these days.

The points he mentions are definitely that. It was much more feasible in much of the industrialized world to be able to set yourself up with a job that would allow you to settle down less then a decade out of high-school.

Pretty much what I think. Although others on GAF with disagree, I'm sure, men and women are extremely different, behave different, and have different qualities, strengths and weaknesses. Politically correct bullshit is part of the problem with people wanting equality between apples and oranges.

Zimbardo makes very good points in his video, and I think he's right. The answer really is, get out more, out of your comfort zone and connect with others in a real way.

You didn't see those so called "men" on the right during the time on the left because they were horribly repressed, not because they weren't there.


Pfft. The real manly men were the men of the 17th-18th century. With the tights and wigs and all.


Hey, he couldn't change a tire, but he just oozes masculinity.
Pfft. The real manly men were the men of the 17th-18th century. With the tights and wigs and all.


Hey, he couldn't change a tire, but he just oozes masculinity.
And he'd fuck your wife and you couldn't do anything about it.

These threads always make me wonder why the Internet seems to yearn for the 50s more than any other period. I see these "look/act/dress like don draper" posts everywhere. Nobody wants to be Henry VIII :(


And he'd fuck your wife and you couldn't do anything about it.

These threads always make me wonder why the Internet seems to yearn for the 50s more than any other period. I see these "look/act/dress like don draper" posts everywhere. Nobody wants to be Henry VIII :(

i want to be a renaissance man. human revolution here we come.
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