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Nomura has spoken: "No FFVII remake yet, Cloud might make another appearance soon."

Tarazet said:
I just spent 40 hours replaying FFVII again. It doesn't need a remake. It's far more vibrant and memorable as it is than it could ever be under the modern S-E. Either you love it as-is and would hate a remake, or you don't like it and wouldn't like a remake either. That's the truth.

Besides, they would surely disable the W-Item cheat.

Nailed it. It's perfect as is. W-item glitch and all.


Will Eat Your Children
That's even worse than saying the remake's never coming :/ Should've gone with no comment

H_Prestige said:
Nailed it. It's perfect as is. W-item glitch and all.
Oh yeah, I can also agree with this. It still has it's charm which is basically the most important thing to me, same with FFVIII. Replayed both not too long ago, was on psx emulator though so the models looked slightly better. Just want them to replicate that charm, which is a hard task but after playing through Crisis Core I'm sure they can do that
Someone make a GIF of the Aeris death scene. Put Nomura's head on Sephiroth and either leave Aeris' head as is or replace it with the GAF symbol or something.


butthurt Heat fan
SonicMegaDrive said:

Come on, Square.

If there is one game in the whole universe that needs remaking, it's this one.
What about Daytona USA? Wouldn't that be worth remaking?

Meh, either they do it or they don't. If the demand is there, why not?


butthurt Heat fan
Bel Marduk said:
Someone make a GIF of the Aeris death scene. Put Nomura's head on Sephiroth and either leave Aeris' head as is or replace it with the GAF symbol or something.
Put Leno's head on Sephiroth's and CoCo's head on Aerith's... :D
Kenak said:
Why the fuck don't they just remake it? Fans have been clamoring for it for years, and yet they just keep releasing crappy spin-offs, one after another. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even like FFVII.

Personally, I think Sony would pay SE a whole boat load of money if they could get the remake exclusively on the PS4. Imagine FF7 remake as a launch title! The hardcore would be buying the system left and right I would imagine, and it would definitely give them a lead on the Xbox720.

However, I really hope it would be multi-platform.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Iced_Eagle said:
Personally, I think Sony would pay SE a whole boat load of money if they could get the remake exclusively on the PS4. Imagine FF7 remake as a launch title! The hardcore would be buying the system left and right I would imagine, and it would definitely give them a lead on the Xbox720.

However, I really hope it would be multi-platform.
It really would be crazy.
Iced_Eagle said:
Personally, I think Sony would pay SE a whole boat load of money if they could get the remake exclusively on the PS4. Imagine FF7 remake as a launch title! The hardcore would be buying the system left and right I would imagine, and it would definitely give them a lead on the Xbox720.

However, I really hope it would be multi-platform.

Yeah, i think they'll make tons of money since FF VII is like the best selling FF title and probably the most-loved. The hardcore JRPG/anime community will eat it up day one for sure. But this is all speculation and i wouldn't hold my breath. No reason to be this excited and then have your hopes dashed :p But yeah, to this day, FF VII has become synonmous with PS-ONE for me. First game i ever bought for the Ps-ONE and the sole reason why I bought one to begin with.


I find it funny that so many FF fans complain about the plethora of sequels and remakes in the franchise, but start frothing at the mouth that FFVII hasn't been remade.

I have a question: what in god's name does anyone expect an FFVII remake to do besides have shinier graphics?

And has any of the people clamoring for remakes even checked the sales numbers on Square's *other* remakes? The best any of you could hope for is an out-sourced PSP game recycling an existing engine, because a full-blown FFXIII level of development on a remake of a game that is still easy to find on store shelves is not going to turn out the sales numbers to justify FFXIII levels of development.

I don't know what kind of FFVII game is in everyone's heads, but I guarantee that any *real* remake is not going to meet their expectations. And will likely also be met with derision and scorn the second it's announced, since then it will actually exist and the fans will have to find something else to whine about.
Rebochan said:
And has any of the people clamoring for remakes even checked the sales numbers on Square's *other* remakes? The best any of you could hope for is an out-sourced PSP game recycling an existing engine, because a full-blown FFXIII level of development on a remake of a game that is still easy to find on store shelves is not going to turn out the sales numbers to justify FFXIII levels of development.

There's obviously a huge demand for it, so S-E would be stupid to totally ignore it. The prequel Crisis Core supposedly sold 2 million units (for the PSP) and Advent Children sold 10 million copies. And countless fans are probably sending mails to Square-Enix demanding a remake. S-E knows that fans around the world are clamouring for one. I don't dare to say it, but perhaps, just perhaps, the demand for a FF VII remake may be higher than that of FF XIII.
Rebochan said:
I find it funny that so many FF fans complain about the plethora of sequels and remakes in the franchise, but start frothing at the mouth that FFVII hasn't been remade.

I have a question: what in god's name does anyone expect an FFVII remake to do besides have shinier graphics?

And has any of the people clamoring for remakes even checked the sales numbers on Square's *other* remakes? The best any of you could hope for is an out-sourced PSP game recycling an existing engine, because a full-blown FFXIII level of development on a remake of a game that is still easy to find on store shelves is not going to turn out the sales numbers to justify FFXIII levels of development.

I don't know what kind of FFVII game is in everyone's heads, but I guarantee that any *real* remake is not going to meet their expectations. And will likely also be met with derision and scorn the second it's announced, since then it will actually exist and the fans will have to find something else to whine about.

personally, I think it's fitting if DS get FF 3-6 remake and then PSP get FF 7-9 remake with crisis core/kingdom hearts bbs graphic
Callibretto said:
personally, I think it's fitting if DS get FF 3-6 remake and then PSP get FF 7-9 remake with crisis core/kingdom hearts bbs graphic

flip the script....give FF6 a full-on remake in HD and give FF7,8, and 9 a remake in the FF3/4 DS style remakes. Makes barely any sense, Square might do it....


Rebochan said:
I find it funny that so many FF fans complain about the plethora of sequels and remakes in the franchise, but start frothing at the mouth that FFVII hasn't been remade.

I have a question: what in god's name does anyone expect an FFVII remake to do besides have shinier graphics?

And has any of the people clamoring for remakes even checked the sales numbers on Square's *other* remakes? The best any of you could hope for is an out-sourced PSP game recycling an existing engine, because a full-blown FFXIII level of development on a remake of a game that is still easy to find on store shelves is not going to turn out the sales numbers to justify FFXIII levels of development.

I don't know what kind of FFVII game is in everyone's heads, but I guarantee that any *real* remake is not going to meet their expectations. And will likely also be met with derision and scorn the second it's announced, since then it will actually exist and the fans will have to find something else to whine about.

The problem is that you have people who are just fans of Final Fantasy VII, that's why they're calling for the remake.

I'm perfectly happy with the game how it is. It really doesn't need to be remade.

Honestly, I wish Square would just give the FF7 universe a rest.


Having played Crisis Core, I don't much care for Cloud. Gimme more Zack! Obviously I'll shut up and take whatever Square deigns to hand my lowly self, because I like FFVII more than I hate being a consumer whore, but that doesn't change what I want.

Who knows, maybe this new Cloud-featuring thing will be decent.
MikeE21286 said:
flip the script....give FF6 a full-on remake in HD and give FF7,8, and 9 a remake in the FF3/4 DS style remakes. Makes barely any sense, Square might do it....

but I want psp ff remake love too. for some reason I can't get into any of ff remake on ds. I tried playing ff4 ds, I love the old ver better(played it on ps1 port). I think it's the 3d artstyle, doesn't suit well with FF story or something. I'm less bothered with FF3 ds than FF4 ds.
Monocle said:
Having played Crisis Core, I don't much care for Cloud. Gimme more Zack! Obviously I'll shut up and take whatever Square deigns to hand my lowly self, because I like FFVII more than I hate being a consumer whore, but that doesn't change what I want.

Who knows, maybe this new Cloud-featuring thing will be decent.

?? How can they have more Zack though???


I would've been hyped about this a long time ago, but to be honest, I don't really care for it anymore. SE went from being my favorite gaming company during the SNES and PSX days, and now I can hardly muster up any interest for their offerings.
I'd love to see FFV remade; its character development system is brilliant as it is, so it'd be great to see it bring in some of the improvements from FFT or FFX-2. I might prefer it on the PSP, Wii, or an HD system, though - FFIV DS was plenty of fun, but DS 3D is pretty fugly.


cosmicblizzard said:
That would pretty much kill the ending to Crisis Core.

It wouldn't be the first time they've changed what happened to Zack. Ever watch Last Order: Final Fantasy VII?
B.K. said:
It wouldn't be the first time they've changed what happened to Zack. Ever watch Last Order: Final Fantasy VII?
Last Order is pretty strictly non-canon, though, and wasn't really heavily overseen by Nojima at all.
B.K. said:
It wouldn't be the first time they've changed what happened to Zack. Ever watch Last Order: Final Fantasy VII?

Yeah, but it still happened. Even though he dies 3 different ways in the FF7 "canon", he still dies.

I'm not saying Square wouldn't do something like that, just that it would make the Crisis Core ending really stupid.


Tarazet said:
I just spent 40 hours replaying FFVII again. It doesn't need a remake. It's far more vibrant and memorable as it is than it could ever be under the modern S-E. Either you love it as-is and would hate a remake, or you don't like it and wouldn't like a remake either. That's the truth.
I feel the same way when I fire it up.

If you really want to make it feel different, snag a PC copy and play around with all the mods out there.
How about a story about Zack Jr., Aeirth's forgotten son lol.

B.K. said:
It wouldn't be the first time they've changed what happened to Zack. Ever watch Last Order: Final Fantasy VII?

What is Last Order? Is that a CG film or anime??
I'm more interested in FFVII-2. Already played the original 10 years ago, loved every bit of it on PSX. Advent Children was a step in the right direction for sure, but Cloud isn't that strong of a character Square thinks he is. His Buster sword is badass, but thats about it. But I digress. Sephiroth or Jehova don't need to be brought back. A good place to start will be to focus on Gaia losing all its Mako energy and slowly dying, or something like that.
Make Aeris the final boss :eek:


Ahhh shit, I've been waitingfor the remake since the FF7 infamous tech demo. Looks like I will have to wait longer:( They have an engine running, they have the scripts, locations, etc, it would waht take them 2 years at max to make the game? And do the same deal as FFXIII, in Japan PS3 only, rest of the world PS3+360 and boom your highest selling FF since FFVII:D


Shadow780 said:
Obviously Tifa is due for a spin-off <3 <3

"Adventures of Tifa and her master Zangan"

Give that to Team Ninja to make with their ultimate boob jiggling effects
U guys think Tifa is the hottest FF7 character?

DarknessTear said:
I think Wada represents everything wrong with S-E.
Yeah, I'm gonna go with Wada too. I think Nomura is a bit of a mismatch for FF, but otherwise I like his efforts. Wada on the other hand seems pretty dedicated to choking the life out of SE for short-term profits.
RadioHeadAche said:
Aww damn. I was really hoping that the big announcement would be FF7R.

The big announcement was one giant mistranslated lie. Nomura wasn't talking about a "highly requested" game at all. He was just talking about a game.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Yeah, I'm gonna go with Wada too. I think Nomura is a bit of a mismatch for FF, but otherwise I like his efforts. Wada on the other hand seems pretty dedicated to choking the life out of SE for short-term profits.

You know, it feels like Nomura (also, from what I've read, KH: BbS is really good) and the portable teams are the one who are doing the right things for Square Enix this generation. :p
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