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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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A post from that thread:


"Neogaf is a trashfire of freethinkers" WTF? Is this criticism in the same vein as freedom of speech being "the old racist's trope"? What's wrong with being a freethinker?
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God Enel

A post from that thread:


"Neogaf is a trashfire of freethinkers" WTF? Is this criticism in the same vein as freedom of speech being "the old racist's trope"? What's wrong with being a freethinker?

Hall of Fame has another entry:
1. accusations are evidence
2. freedom of speech being "the old racist's trope"
3. Neogaf is a trashfire of freethinkers

They keep dropping bombs one after another. I'm not even sure if they're serious of if it's next level trolling. And I have a hard time ranking them.


So, is that Metacouncil place for people who think Reset isn't woke enough, or for people who think it's too woke but who have already burned their bridges with GAF?
I think "woke" people who think Resetera mods went overboard and want a less strict posting policy. They have sort of a public moderation system. I don't know it's weird and yeah it doesn't have that much activity.


So, is that Metacouncil place for people who think Reset isn't woke enough, or for people who think it's too woke but who have already burned their bridges with GAF?

I think it's mostly users from the Resetera PC threads that were banned or bailed out due to their dissatisfaction with Resetera moderation. I don't have an account with them, but I do check their monthly Steam thread (that seems to be one of the few threads that sees consistent activity).


Era is trash just like everywhere else on the internet it’s just that every time they smell their own shit they have to say “yeah but that other place is literally Satan”. Pure projection from a toxic shithole
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In a world where free speech is a "racist trope", anything is possible.
Insanity. They insist on everyone else being fascists and oppressive, yet they are admittedly anti-free speech and anti freedom of expression. It boggles my mind, truly.

And a mod locks the thread for no real reason beyond controlling and micro-managing discourse lol.
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So being called a freethinker is an insult now? :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Always was for those kind of people. They are just emboldened to speak their mind more publicly now. Probably some weird let's own the right by reclaiming the NPC meme that only the smartest people will ever understand.
Not to dump on the whole "freethinker" thing, but I always found the modern usage of the term to be a vapid self-descriptor, not anything concrete based on historical meaning.

i.e. *doffs cap* M'lady, I am an atheist freethinker. Please do not let these lowly internet forum-dwellers cloud your impression of my superior intellect and philosophical prowess.

Then again...

Freethought (or "free thought") is an epistemological viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed only on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

This sort of reasoning flies in the face of their cult's pattern of behavior (especially the dogma part), so maybe they genuinely did use the term snidely. 🤷‍♀️


Darkness no more
When ERA has you conditioned to fear everything:



When ERA has you conditioned to fear everything:

tbf he could get bubonic plague in California


A post from that thread:


"Neogaf is a trashfire of freethinkers" WTF? Is this criticism in the same vein as freedom of speech being "the old racist's trope"? What's wrong with being a freethinker?

Dude has to be baiting the morons there. I refuse to believe that this is a genuine post. It has to be a troll post.


I wish I could post there:

"I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils because Hillary is a war hawk. Fortunately he isn't as terrible as I thought he'd be....but this time I will probably support whoever wins the Democratic nomination"


"I think we need to stop running around Trump's tweets. It's not solving anything or a game changer. Let's focus on his policies and the problems that got people to vote for him in the first place. I mean do we need to wring our hands when he verifies that he's Donald Trump for the thousandth time? He is who he is, it's not groundbreaking news"

Would I get a ban?

I imagine the replies:

"We ARE focusing on the problem that got him elected: RACISM and BIGOTRY!!!!"

Then I reply: "There are also a large number of struggling blue collar workers who he was making promises to who voted out of desperation and felt the Dems "America is already great" message was neglectful to them"

Would I get a ban?

Because apart from the first example....these are things a current Democratic candidate (Yang) is saying.
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In the eyes of SJWs, anyone who voted for Trump committed an act of genocide and is worse than all the Nuremberg defendants put together.

There are no allies or redemption arcs. It's a purity death spiral cult.
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LOL Cheebo at it again calling Tulsi Gabbard insane and disgraceful because she said:

"Mueller reported Trump did not collude with Russia to influence our elections. Now we must put aside partisan interests, move forward, and work to unite our country to deal with the serious challenges we face. "

Like....what is bad in any of that?

Oh Cheebo...I swear Cheebo was created in a lab specifically designed to have the opposite opinions of a reasonable person:

On Tulsi: "She’s an alt right Steve Bannon loving vile person. She has no place in the party."

"Steve Bannon loves her and tried to get her in Trumps cabinet. She’s an alt-right wacko masquerading as a Democrat."

Cheebo is officially the dumbest person on ERA....even most of ERA ignore him/her and he/she leeps multiposting because of the lack of attn - it's quite amusing really.

My God there is literally no evidence anywhere that she loves Steve Bannon. She just gets asked "Why do David Duke and Steve Bannon like you?" and her response is "Well, you should ask them"

Not to mention - we know very little about Steve Bannon because MSM don't give him much coverage. I thought he was some monster or a JAmes Bond villain until I actually saw him talk on Bill Maher's show and then I watched him debate for an hour - he's actually really calm, collected and very anti-establishment - his goal it to rise up against the rich elites who control the Democratic and Republican establishment. And that's why he wanted Trump in office.

I noticed both Yang and Tulsi are the only candidates trying to bring unity and when they express it - they get a few insane replies on twitter saying "I supported you but sorry bye bye"

In regards to Yang, ERA tries to pretend he doesn't exist. And when he is brought up....they just say "He flirts with the alt-right" or "He's disgraceful for going on Ben Shapiro's show"...Slayven said "This does nothing but create another Ben Shapiro "DESTROYS LIBTARD" video on youtube. LOL @! Slayven you silly mod, that post didn't age well. That video earned Yang a lot of respect and voters and was the most civil conversation between a republican and a democrat I've seen in ages.

Then I hop over to "Asian ERA OT" and see a few people talking about Andrew Yang....then one of them says "I tried to make an Andrew Yang thread in the Ect forum and it only got 1 reply...guess that answers my question"
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LOL Cheebo at it again calling Tulsi Gabbard insane and disgraceful because she said:

"Mueller reported Trump did not collude with Russia to influence our elections. Now we must put aside partisan interests, move forward, and work to unite our country to deal with the serious challenges we face. "

Like....what is bad in any of that?

Oh Cheebo...I swear Cheebo was created in a lab specifically designed to have the opposite opinions of a reasonable person:

On Tulsi: "She’s an alt right Steve Bannon loving vile person. She has no place in the party."

"Steve Bannon loves her and tried to get her in Trumps cabinet. She’s an alt-right wacko masquerading as a Democrat."

Cheebo is officially the dumbest person on ERA....even most of ERA ignore him/her and he/she leeps multiposting because of the lack of attn - it's quite amusing really.

My God there is literally no evidence anywhere that she loves Steve Bannon. She just gets asked "Why do David Duke and Steve Bannon like you?" and her response is "Well, you should ask them"

Not to mention - we know very little about Steve Bannon because MSM don't give him much coverage. I thought he was some monster or a JAmes Bond villain until I actually saw him talk on Bill Maher's show and then I watched him debate for an hour - he's actually really calm, collected and very anti-establishment - his goal it to rise up against the rich elites who control the Democratic and Republican establishment. And that's why he wanted Trump in office.

I noticed both Yang and Tulsi are the only candidates trying to bring unity and when they express it - they get a few insane replies on twitter saying "I supported you but sorry bye bye"

In regards to Yang, ERA tries to pretend he doesn't exist. And when he is brought up....they just say "He flirts with the alt-right" or "He's disgraceful for going on Ben Shapiro's show"...Slayven said "This does nothing but create another Ben Shapiro "DESTROYS LIBTARD" video on youtube. LOL @! Slayven you silly mod, that post didn't age well. That video earned Yang a lot of respect and voters and was the most civil conversation between a republican and a democrat I've seen in ages.

Then I hop over to "Asian ERA OT" and see a few people talking about Andrew Yang....then one of them says "I tried to make an Andrew Yang thread in the Ect forum and it only got 1 reply...guess that answers my question"

The attitude over "centrists" makes them look like children.

The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of voters are going to be in that "middle ground". So if Yang and Gabbard are reaching out a little then it's coming from a, pretty obvious, understanding that if they can swing voters from Red to Blue then they can win.

It's funny because both Bannon and Shapiro did the same thing to build themselves up. Put yourself right in front of the most crazy elements of the left and then act calm and rational and allow them to look deranged and awful.

So a smart thing to do is approach Bannon and Shapiro in a calm and logical fashion and see if you can beat them by just offering a better perspective.
Not raving like a maniac.

A normal person understands the need for compromise, common ground and cooperation. Morons like Cheebo and Slayven are saying "fuck that, double down" as they try to berate people into either shutting up or obeying. It won't work.

The folks must be a nightmare to deal with in real life. You're either with them 100% or the screeching starts.... rrrrrrRRRREEEEE!


I dunno but he/she usually crusades for The Last Jedi like it's some holy mission, then comes into every political thread spewing out hate.
The attitude over "centrists" makes them look like children.

The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of voters are going to be in that "middle ground". So if Yang and Gabbard are reaching out a little then it's coming from a, pretty obvious, understanding that if they can swing voters from Red to Blue then they can win.

It's funny because both Bannon and Shapiro did the same thing to build themselves up. Put yourself right in front of the most crazy elements of the left and then act calm and rational and allow them to look deranged and awful.

So a smart thing to do is approach Bannon and Shapiro in a calm and logical fashion and see if you can beat them by just offering a better perspective.
Not raving like a maniac.

A normal person understands the need for compromise, common ground and cooperation. Morons like Cheebo and Slayven are saying "fuck that, double down" as they try to berate people into either shutting up or obeying. It won't work.

The folks must be a nightmare to deal with in real life. You're either with them 100% or the screeching starts.... rrrrrrRRRREEEEE!

I noticed they do have more resentment towards moderates or centrists than Republicans. They refer to them as "so called liberals" or "so called centrists" and imply they are like the alt-right.

But the group I see hated the most - libertarian.

Also, by outright banning voices from conservative networks.....ERA literally doesn't get access to a lot of important info.... for example when it comes to non-establishment dems who agree to be interviewed on right leaning shows because other MSM don't give them much coverage......ERA then only have a surface value level of knowledge and when MSNBC or VICE or any MSM smear Tulsi Gabbard or Andrew Yang...they actually believe it. They still cling on to the belief that she is a war hawk or that she is extremely homophobic - which she already addressed.
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Not a troll post. That dude just received a troll education.

Thats what happens when you grow up in safe spaces. Reality is not something you should give a fuck about.


Incredibly entertaining thread here:

I can't imagine being such a baby that you try to cut your family out of your life just because you don't have the same political beliefs
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Incredibly entertaining thread here:

I can't imagine being such a baby that you try to cut your family out of your life just because you don't have the same political beliefs



Incredibly entertaining thread here:

I can't imagine being such a baby that you try to cut your family out of your life just because you don't have the same political beliefs

The horror that someone shares a different political belief than you.............and shares memes!

I just don’t even talk to my mom anymore. She’s a completely lost cause and it’s not worth getting myself worked up over anymore.

What a loser. The whole bunch are. And yes, it is a cult. It's the exact same behavior. Cutting ties with family, friends, etc.


Incredibly entertaining thread here:

I can't imagine being such a baby that you try to cut your family out of your life just because you don't have the same political beliefs
Sounds like a Christian with a gay son disowning him. They've become what they hate


I've only ever seen that thought of "fuck your family" coming from the left. I didn't read the whole thread but I don't think this person even posted any examples of how he debunked any of their shit. What a child.
Never. I guarantee the "10 things that were false information" were in reality mostly true. But yep, no examples of how he 'debunked' his dad or whatever. There's never any explanation given in these types of threads.

These are always a great source of entertainment. And notice it's only ever the lunatic left that disowns close friends and immediate family over shit like this. It's never the conservatives (outside of your occasional religious zealout that disowns a homosexual child) or the moderates. But no, WE are the problem apparently.

Good thing hardly anybody is like this in real life. This is a minority within a minority that feels bold and strong due to their little echo chamber.
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It's never the conservatives (outside of your occasional religious zealout that disowns a homosexual child) or the moderates. But no, WE are the problem apparently.
Yeah, was gonna say that we do see the religious zealots on the Right disowning people. Remember the ol' trope about how a racist white man cannot bear the thought of his white daughter dating a non-white boyfriend, and similar stereotypes?

We all know that is 'bigoted', but mix up the example to a racist far-left zealot who cannot bear the thought of their family supporting Trump and suddenly it's okay to treat them like dried shit. Would be quite amusing if it wasn't so harmful to the person and the people around them. Families being torn apart for the sake of political allegiance is the height of privilege.


Jelly Belly
Holy shit that thread is absolutely insane. I would definetly get a perm in that one if I didn’ t request it myself.... missed opportunity..
But for real.. what the fuck.. what a bunch of cunts man.. taking about the thread where they tell OP to cut of his family.
Just makes my blood boil


I wish I could make a thread about how my 101 year old Korean grandpa who was a pastor......is against gay marriage...and see how they'd respond.

ERA seems filled with sociopaths trying to convince themselves they are empathetic.

I grew up in suburban Southern California....very left leaning......my parents after retiring moved to semi-rural Wisconsin....I visited them a couple times....their neighbors were extremely conservative families who just vote Republican every election and they were some of the nicest ppl you could ever meet. I doubt they get into the nitty gritty of politics in 2019....they probably just watch MSM on cable TV occasionally and just vote.

There's a big difference between being uninformed and bigoted which ERA has no concept of.
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Holy shit that thread is absolutely insane. I would definetly get a perm in that one if I didn’ t request it myself.... missed opportunity..
But for real.. what the fuck.. what a bunch of cunts man.. taking about the thread where they tell OP to cut of his family.
Just makes my blood boil

Or hey, just steal from them instead

I would simply scam him out of money by pretending to be red pilled and needing money to go to conservative events.

Imagine disowning or doing this to your family because Orange Man Bad :messenger_tears_of_joy:


And yes, it is a cult. It's the exact same behavior.

It's absolutely a cult. Check out the 15 bullet points here. Not ALL of them entirely fit. But most of them at least reasonably fit, and some of them are fucking spot on.

Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary.
Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

I mean look at that, it's fucking perfect. Fits them to a T.

And people in the thread even go so far as to claim that the conservatives, the Trump voters, THEY're the cult. The lack of self awareness is absolutely monumental. I can't help but laugh at the absurdity.
And people in the thread even go so far as to claim that the conservatives, the Trump voters, THEY're the cult. The lack of self awareness is absolutely monumental. I can't help but laugh at the absurdity.
While I don't think conservatives are the cult, they could be the cult. That's one of the most telling characteristics of a cult: pointing to extreme examples and caricatures of other groups in order to say "no, no, those are the cultists. See?" as a defense mechanism to hide their own predilections.

By most normal standards, the behavior of the other group is usually pretty bad, which is exactly why they are selected. Why prop your movement up against meek evangelicals baking cookies for the elementary school when you could use the Westboro Baptist church as your foil instead? Why prop your movement against hard-working black families that just want to make their way in the world when you can use racist caricatures and old tropes instead? In a reality-starved cult environment, being shown examples of "the real cult behavior" is an excellent way to prevent self-awareness because it keeps attention on the outside instead of letting the light shine into the group (and into their hearts).

This is unfortunately a part of any mass movement and can crop up among any ideology that is sufficiently driven by feelings of moral superiority. Churches, spiritual gurus, dictators, pop-stars, and politicians have all preyed upon this same weakness of the human heart.


Darkness no more

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