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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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How? We only know the dude by what he uploads to the internet. For all you know he has women locked up in his basement.

I'm gonna say someone who just throws out "fucking nigger" out of anger from playing a videogame is probably racist.
Exactly, you took the words right out of my mouth. That other poster is very ignorant.


This is the "make the kid smoke the whole carton" of racism awareness. That's good stuff.
I think especially because, as I mentioned, he's large and does judo, people were intimidated by his presence. He is a real tough dude. They were legit scared to say it to him.

He's a sweet, funny, caring man deep down.
Listen, there are funny and relevant jokes to be made about our diversity and how we interact with each other. White guy on the internet calling someone the n-word in a video probably doesn't fall in those lines. This was a shitty comment made by a shitty person who has a shitty history of just being a little shit. Jim was right, he is a liability. Cut his money flow off and be done with him. Let him make fucking money on patreon or something.


Why is this guy popular. His content is garbage and it's very clear that he is immature and a bigot.
Few things.

- he was one of the first people to really catch onto the steaming wave
- loud noises and flashing bad editing. It grabs the eyeballs of kiddies
- he's relatively handsome
- puts off a confident persona.
- white guy
- curses a lot and is "edgy". Ie nazi jokes
- screams and makes a fool of himself during scare videos
- once something catches on, others follow

It's nothing to be shocked over. Jersey shore or the kardashians are a thing for a reason(I kinda like JS).


People give the word nigger way too much power. There's no other word in the English language that has so much impact.

I'm not defending anyone. Advertisers will punish accordingly

This word will LITERALLY always have power. You will never be able to erase the historical context from it. You're part of the problem if you try to do so. Ignoring history and all the awful shit that happened and CONTINUES to happen is really heinous behavior.
Anyone who knows who Jim Sterling is knows exactly where his priority is in regards to racism. It's easily paraphrased by "Hey, fuck racism."
Sure. I don't think it should be a given that everyone should know where he stands. And even if you know what he stands for, I still don't think it's too much to ask
of *every* public figure to decry racism, especially when used by a notable person in the same line of work

That's literally all I've been saying this entire time lol
That's good.

Reminds me of one of the lit classes in my high school. We had this wonderful security guard. Big, black guy with a black belt in judo or something. Anyway, once a year when one class would read Huckleberry Finn, kids in the class would have to read aloud with this security guard. They'd have to call him the N word. The point was for them to recognize the power of the word and how awful it feels to use it. I believe it was the security guard's idea, and he thought it was powerful.

Still, some kids in the class told me the look he gave them was like "I'll remember this kid."

I actually knew him pretty well. Heard his whole life story. He's a good man, so though kids were intimidated by him, I always knew he was more kind than they gave him credit for.

That's pretty interesting. If it were me I'd have a really difficult time saying it even in that context - reminds me of the interview somebody did with Samuel Jackson where for some reason Sam decided he wanted to make the interviewer super uncomfortable because he wouldn't say that awful word. Think Sam ended up walking away because of it.


Sure. I don't think it should be a given that everyone should know where he stands. And even if you know what he stands for, I still don't think it's too much to ask
of *every* public figure to decry racism, especially when used by a notable person in the same line of work

That's literally all I've been saying this entire time lol

I follow games pretty heavily, I don't like Jim Sterling at all, so I don't know his stance on it. To me, his tweet does nothing to condemn what happened for what it was, but for what negative attention it could bring the platform.
People give the word nigger way too much power. There's no other word in the English language that has so much impact.

I'm not defending anyone. Advertisers will punish accordingly
The word has historical and current context behind it. It'll always have power, especially as long as society continues acting like the past never happened. For example here in America Christopher Columbus still has a holiday for Christ sakes smh


It wouldn't have nearly as much power if people stopped using it in a derogatory manner.

Hundreds of years of racism don't just go away overnight. A lot of it is still here, both directly and indirectly.

I'm not saying what anyone should feel, or that I'm not aware of the origins of the word. It was a topic in my African American history course that was was discussed and it's relevant here.

I think what he said was horrible, so that everyone is clear.


Sure. I don't think it should be a given that everyone should know where he stands. And even if you know what he stands for, I still don't think it's too much to ask
of *every* public figure to decry racism, especially when used by a notable person in the same line of work

That's literally all I've been saying this entire time lol
Nobody is following him on Twitter, unaware of where he stands on racism.
That's good.

Reminds me of one of the lit classes in my high school. We had this wonderful security guard. Big, black guy with a black belt in judo or something. Anyway, once a year when one class would read Huckleberry Finn, kids in the class would have to read aloud with this security guard. They'd have to call him the N word. The point was for them to recognize the power of the word and how awful it feels to use it. I believe it was the security guard's idea, and he thought it was powerful.

Still, some kids in the class told me the look he gave them was like "I'll remember this kid."

I actually knew him pretty well. Heard his whole life story. He's a good man, so though kids were intimidated by him, I always knew he was more kind than they gave him credit for.

WhT happens if some punk kid enjoys calling him that?


"Don't give a word so much power" is victim-blaming nonsense.

It's also hypocritical considering people that use it are absurdly defensive about being called a Racist.

And yet that is also 'just a word' and yet they don't use that argument there.

I wonder why.



People give the word nigger way too much power. There's no other word in the English language that has so much impact.


It's a racist insult, it has power because it was used to label, enslave, and justify heinous crimes to an entire races of human beans. The icing on top is, it's never stopped.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
how can pewdiepie say the word, yet half the headlines i see aren't about that, but about the firewatch dev team doing a copyright strike


Fucking what.

How can that be the most important issue right now.

I thought back with the whole previous scandals that people where throwing around the word neo nazi and white supremecist way to much.

But the responses here are perfectly justified


It's also hypocritical considering people that use it are absurdly defensive about being called a Racist.

And yet that is also 'just a word' and yet they don't use that argument there.

I wonder why.

I'm gonna call you this word to upset and denigrate you but don't get upset because it's just a word. But I'm gonna call you this for a purpose. But don't complain it's just a word.


Un Rama
I'm kind in two minds about how this will effect a lot of YouTubers. This DMCA stuff could really fuck over LP's as that isn't actually protected under fair use. However, staying stum and not condemning PewDiePie etc even with his role in the adpocalypse means I feel little sympathy.

It is total bullshit that's it's only when the gravy train's being comprised that some folk are even talking up and yet there is still a lot of silence.
Fuck this piece of shit. His bigotry was obvious enough after the antisemitic video and his response to the loss of sponsors. Poor him, I expect essentially the same here.


That's pretty interesting. If it were me I'd have a really difficult time saying it even in that context - reminds me of the interview somebody did with Samuel Jackson where for some reason Sam decided he wanted to make the interviewer super uncomfortable because he wouldn't say that awful word. Think Sam ended up walking away because of it.
I think Samuel L. Jackson would have appreciated what my old security guard did. I thought of that interview, too.
WhT happens if some punk kid enjoys calling him that?
I was about to mention. I remember one kid saying "I looked him right in the eyes and said it. It was great." And I was like "That's not funny. If you hate the guy because he gets you in trouble, that's your own fault. He's a great man."
He was often misunderstood. I had to do this a lot. People spread a rumor that he tried to touch girls before, and they wonder why he's always so friendly with them. I had to explain that it's because he was abandoned by his family and adopted as a teen by a white family with several sisters. He feels very relaxed around teenage white girls because they were there for him during the hardest part of his life. It's nothing sexual. Those rumors angered me.

OG Loc

how can pewdiepie say the word, yet half the headlines i see aren't about that, but about the firewatch dev team doing a copyright strike


Fucking what.

How can that be the most important issue right now.

because don't tread on me motherfuckers

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I'm not a native English speaker so I have to ask: Is it possible that he simply let that slip but didn't really have any bad intention? Is that word 'banned' or something like that? Do people speak that word between friends or is it absolutely racist? Legit question, I have no idea of the weight of said word.
how can pewdiepie say the word, yet half the headlines i see aren't about that, but about the firewatch dev team doing a copyright strike


Fucking what.

How can that be the most important issue right now.

I thought back with the whole previous scandals that people where throwing around the word neo nazi and white supremecist way to much.

But the responses here are perfectly justified
Yeah it sucks, but at least it's being covered
My co-worker at work is an "egalitarian". Whenever I bring up his youtube favorites being problematic he usually falls back on the "it's just a joke" defense. I can't WAIT to roast his ass on right in the middle of work over this if he tries to defend it.
Black guy here...

I know many of you mean well, but I think we should stop perpetuating the notion that "nigger" is offensive, but "nigga" is an acceptable term of endearment.

In the black community, it is used as a term of endearment. It's also used as an insult. It's often used as an empty pronoun in reference to any person, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Basically, the word is used so liberally, that the meaning behind it is purely contextual.

But it's important that you note I said "in the black community". If you are outside of the black community, chances are that if a black person that hears you using any pronounciation of it, he/she will be offended. They may or may not make this known, but this is the reality. Also, there are many black people who find the word offensive, regardless of who says it. Finally, there are people who aren't black who feel the same way.

I just don't want anyone finding themselves in an unneccisary altercation, because the Internet told them "nigga" was a-ok.

Seriously, this. Neither version is "okay." If you are not a member of that community that word has no business being in your mouth. And I can attest that I know plenty of black parents who have lost their shit when they heard their kids use that word or its derivations. I ran a multi-ethnic summer camp in Philly, and we had some kids going home in tears after their parents heard some of the things they said while playing around in the park.
The dude on twitter told me its not racist because the person he said it to wasn't black, so the word doesn't mean anything. How do people think like this and think its logical?


I'm not a native English speaker so I have to ask: Is it possible that he simply let that slip but didn't really have any bad intention? Is that word 'banned' or something like that? Do people speak that word between friends or is it absolutely racist? Legit question, I have no idea of the weight of said word.

There is no possible excuse for saying it. Ignorance is not an excuse either when the word has the hate and power this word does.


I'm not a native English speaker so I have to ask: Is it possible that he simply let that slip but didn't really have any bad intention? Is that word 'banned' or something like that? Do people speak that word between friends or is it absolutely racist? Legit question, I have no idea of the weight of said word.

I mean his reaction immediately after he says it is that he corrects himself with the word asshole. No real plausible deniability he wasn't using it as a slur.


I watched https://oddshot.tv/s/g_05U6, not a sub or like his content. his Nazi jokes did seem always seem to be in a joking context (that I saw), this does not mean they were good or not over used.(one video that I saw was enough) use of racist slang did seem brought on an 'oops' reaction from him (from the linked video context). of the little I have seen of pewds does not paint him as a blatant racist to me but I could be wrong.

Unpopular opinion but I doubt he is really a racist or nazi. is he funny? my thought is no.

not really sure if worth to be so worked up over.

God fucking dammit
I'm not a native English speaker so I have to ask: Is it possible that he simply let that slip but didn't really have any bad intention? Is that word 'banned' or something like that? Do people speak that word between friends or is it absolutely racist? Legit question, I have no idea of the weight of said word.

It's banned for everyone except African Americans
It's racist.


yes, that talented of a member
When you say 'get over it' or 'it's just a word' you are hand waving one of the darkest movements of mankind.

It appears PewDiePie is very much a political personality---he makes political rants and mocks progressive ideology. His ideology is very clear, and yes, context is key. If you don't think his brazen use of racially charged humor isn't indicative of a deeper issue, I don't know what to tell you.


I'm not a native English speaker so I have to ask: Is it possible that he simply let that slip but didn't really have any bad intention? Is that word 'banned' or something like that? Do people speak that word between friends or is it absolutely racist? Legit question, I have no idea of the weight of said word.
He knows perfectly well. It is not possible, no. The word isn't literally banned, but only racists use it. It's possible that small groups of black friends let their white/Asian/Hispanic friend use the word without the hard r, as I had friends in high school that told me it was fine to use with them, but I think that's not even a good idea.
You don't know the weight? Go educate yourself on the history right now instead of having this discussion.
I'm not a native English speaker so I have to ask: Is it possible that he simply let that slip but didn't really have any bad intention? Is that word 'banned' or something like that? Do people speak that word between friends or is it absolutely racist? Legit question, I have no idea of the weight of said word.
A word of this capacity doesn't just simply slip out. I'm sure it slips out of his mouth a lot because its in his day to day vocabulary. You should probably educate yourself on the word.


I mean his reaction immediately after he says it is that he corrects himself with the word asshole. No real plausible deniability he wasn't using it as a slur.

Yep, even then he wouldn't have an excuse because he's been an internet persona for so long that he absolutely KNOWS that the word is bad.

But immediately using the word "Asshole" as a substitute 10000000% solidifies that he knew that it's an insult.
I'm not a native English speaker so I have to ask: Is it possible that he simply let that slip but didn't really have any bad intention? Is that word 'banned' or something like that? Do people speak that word between friends or is it absolutely racist? Legit question, I have no idea of the weight of said word.
He corrected himself and said he meant to say asshole, so it absolutely was said with bad intentions. And if you are aware enough that you correct yourself immediately then you can't claim ignorance of that word. If someone was actually ignorant of the word,and even that is hard to believe, they would have only been aware of it well after it was said if someone else pointed it out to them.
It seems that he uses the N word in private due to his reaction after saying it. It's like he was caught in the act.

PewDiePie has a lot of explaining to do with this one. Otherwise, he'll be forced to admit he is racist. A non-racist person would not have landed themselves in his situation.

I was never a fan of him, so I don't have any personal reaction to his action. I do know these words are very upsetting for countless other fans and non-fans alike. That racial slur is just not acceptable when racial inequality and hatred are still alive.


Fuck this guy.

This piece of shit has a huge audience, and a lot of young impressionable people who will look at this and think it's OK behaviour.
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