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Report: WB is worried about ‘Batman v Superman’, but not because of its quality

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Super Member
Batman V Superman |OT| Too Big For Little Minds


still has the OT rights. I think

BKatastrophe said:
Do you suppose it might be God?
Spectre will kill Doomsday, but a mid-credits scene will show Doomsday evolving an immunity to divine wrath.

If history has proven anything, it's that evolution always wins.


I think it's a fair assumption that any studio putting out a several million dollar budget film that is supposed to kick start an expansive cinematic universe will be very nervous about its performance.

You guys should know that the guy who instigated this rumor is the same guy who said that DC had a no joke policy in their movies and that Joseph Gordon Lewitt would play Batman in the Justice League. So he's not exactly bullet proof when it comes to these rumors.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
What I don't get is how in the trailers they clearly show Batman and Superman already working together against a monster (along with Wonder Woman) so mehh, what's the point of putting a Vs. on the title again?

Also, it would have been better if they just keep Wonder Woman under wraps and reveal it as a surprise during the movie itself. Of course, they can't resist showing a Terminator Genesys level of trailer :/


"Deep story written by an Oscar winner." Well, there's your tagline for marketing folks. Nothing else to see here, move along.


So they're preemptively pulling a "If you don't like it, you just didn't get it" months before it's even out?




Velcro Fly

i'm more insulted that WB thinks i'm too dumb to comprehend the obviously complex story of a comic book movie

get the fuck out of here with that shit
The stuff in the OP reeks of a controlled leak for PR damage control after the last one.

"The only bad thing about
Gears of War 2
Batman V. Superman is that it's too good!"

Those crafty folk at DC Studios had an anonymous source tell Batman on Film that they're concerned about the critical and financial response to their multi-million dollar project. Where's The Question when you need him.


Gold Member
I think the question they're asking is, "Why is Batman and Superman fighting?". I had someone at work ask this and you can basically boil all of it down to the whole superheroes should be accountable for their actions.

I don't see how people even remember the plots as is. Most people will walk in, get their thrill of the violence and cinematic effects, and then leave. I don't hear about too many mainstream outlets of generic groups of people (who aren't fans of Marvel or DC) discuss any plot in any movie.

IMO they're basically wanting to put pretty images on the screen and get people excited. Doesn't anyone else feel like these movies come with their own push and shove? One minute everyone loves it and then the next there's something majorly wrong with it.

It's like video games in certain ways. One moment everyone's talking about it and the next they're all proud that they don't sit at home and play anymore.


The story did look pretty deep to me... Until wonder woman and the monster thing showed up. Ill pass.


What could go wrong with a movie with batman and superman having like a billion fights and then Wonder Woman shows up and Lex Luthor is manipulating everything and then Doomsday shows up
Unless BvS is secretly a comic book movie version of Brokeback Mountain, I'm doubting the plot isn't much deeper than the usual CB movie.


I love Man of Steel, but not quite that much. lol

I also really liked Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead. 300 had some nice shots too. He's okay with me.
Superman and Superman II really ain't that good. By comparison to the previous films before it, Man of Steel is the best
The two titles in regards to this story have both been really misleading. Speculation is being presented as fact and it's fucking people up.

I'm gonna borrow Dash Riprock's enduring words of wisdom and say that if they're getting fucked up by this at this point it's because they deserve to be.

(By which I mean they really want to be. Like, you'd have to stop reading the OP halfway through and spend 0 time looking through the replies.)


Literally days after Deadpool shocks the world by offering up an irreverant experience skewering how seriously superhero movies take themselves, we get word that BvS is simply too deep and too cerebral for audiences to understand.

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