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River City Ransom: Underground, a licensed sequel to River City Ransom (Kickstarter)

It actually looks quite good. Forgive me since I'm not really up to date on this whole thing, but how did they obtain the license? What has this studio done before? This whole thing just seems kinda weird and out of nowhere.
It actually looks quite good. Forgive me since I'm not really up to date on this whole thing, but how did they obtain the license? What has this studio done before? This whole thing just seems kinda weird and out of nowhere.
I don't think they need to have done anything prior. This is (was) the whole point of Kickstarter. They've obviously proven that they have the chops on some level and I think that's all that matters at this point. Kamiya can't do everything.


Why isn't Million making this?

Because Million was, among other things, busy making a bunch of 3DS Kunio-kun games.



This is from the latest game, "Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun SP", released last month. Anybody's guess if we'll have any better luck with ASW localizing these than they have the last few, but I'd recommend it for anybody with a JP 3DS!

Anyway...the fight mechanics look promising! But the aesthetic is turning me off for some reason. It's one thing to put T-shirts and Jeans on Kunio and Riki, but trying to "age" them in this way just weirds me out...
A resurgence in NES-level graphics and quality?

If so, count me out.

I'm all for funding retro projects and all, but there is a reason why they are called retro.

Also, you do realize this is just going to prompt more and more big name companies to outsource to Kickstarter, right? Which is not a good thing.

Yeah. I enjoy it in this game, and others, but having a resurgence of retro graphics would be just as bad as brown and bloom. Hell, it's already bad right now in some genres.

Anywyay, the video was annoying, but the game looks alright.


Sketchbook Picasso
Anyway...the fight mechanics look promising! But the aesthetic is turning me off for some reason. It's one thing to put T-shirts and Jeans on Kunio and Riki, but trying to "age" them in this way just weirds me out...

I'm kinda happy with it, actually. It lets this team do their own thing, but leaves loads of years for the original devs to be able to tell their teen-adventures, too. And I get tired of how often games stick characters in a time Vacuum; we've grown since these things happened, why can't characters?

Wow, those animations are fantastic! I'm in for a few loonies.

This is how I feel, ha. Watching the one breakdancing fight animation just made me smile.

Looks a bit off.

I would be on board if Paul Robertson was in charge of the pixel art.

I'm actually really glad it's NOT him, truth be told. I enjoy his stuff in Scott Pilgirm, Wizorb, Mercenary Kings... but there's a lot of room for something different, and that was one of the coolest thing about spritework back in the 8 and 16 bit era; every series had it's own personality and style.

Technos style was grittier and darker than Robertsons, closer to the shadowy style of KoF. I'm glad to see these guys are working towards that direction as well!
LOL, never noticed it before but the characters look like Tiff Needell.



go eat paint
OOF! I applaud their efforts and wish the timing was better to allow me to donate more. As the person with the first RCR FAQ and website, I feel compelled to love this thing. Just wish I had been saving up to do the Abobo For Mayor or Soul Proprietor tiers. Can you just imagine the "Frank Provo 6.8 Fountain"???

L Thammy

The game itself looks fun and I really like River City Ransom, but why even bother trying to be an official River City Ransom game when you're going give everyone beards and throw in vomit attacks?
Sorry, but there's no way this will be as good as Scott Pilgrim. That's a River City Ransom sequel that's significantly better than River City Ransom.




Sketchbook Picasso
Someone should Gif the Gameplay from about 0:52 to 1:07 in the Pitch Video; I love watchin' the Little Mac-a-like beating the crap out of the random mook, and all the different fighting styles, even at this early stage, look pretty solid.

The game itself looks fun and I really like River City Ransom, but why even bother trying to be an official River City Ransom game when you're going give everyone beards and throw in vomit attacks?

Because they see RCR as more than just young kids in a school setting? The RPG-ish systems, interactive nature of the items and environment, and the oddly open-exploration world all are worth building on, too.

I guess the "vomiting" attacks are inspired by everyones favorite "BARF!" emote. I actually think it looks cool because they treat it as a fighting style, rather than a "Haha, Body fluids and gasses are funny!" joke.

Sorry, but there's no way this will be as good as Scott Pilgrim. That's a River City Ransom sequel that's significantly better than River City Ransom.

Eh, I really enjoy Scotty P, but I dunno... Scott's leveling eventually just broke the game, and being able to grind for game-breaking over-powered stats took away from it in the end.

I also like the character fighting styles shown in this preview a bit more than Scott's; This looks more like you're getting to play a fleshed out Double Dragon Rogue's Gallery as your main characters, rather than simply derivatives of a general "player 1" character.

This looks more like it's going for "Streets of Rage Remake" levels of character variation, which will be pretty welcome under a RCR-inspired skin.


Wasn't a fan of the whole Pilgrim grindfest and the shit on screen they throw at you.

But this, I want this.
I don't even like "retro pixellated aesthetic" too much and I still think what they shown looks quite rad, actually.

I like pixel art a lot, it's not as easy to work with as some people think. Little things make a big difference, so getting it right can take time.

After looking at it again, I think what I don't like is that they used black outlines for most objects, but stuff like their hair isn't outlined. Like I said, it's not bad at all. I like what I see so far.

L Thammy

Because they see RCR as more than just young kids in a school setting? The RPG-ish systems, interactive nature of the items and environment, and the oddly open-exploration world all are worth building on, too.

I guess the "vomiting" attacks are inspired by everyones favorite "BARF!" emote. I actually think it looks cool because they treat it as a fighting style, rather than a "Haha, Body fluids and gasses are funny!" joke.

Then why not make an original IP that builds on those mechanics and not be bound to the original game at all? It seems kind of goofy to me.

Sure, River City Ransom itself is more than just young kids in a school setting... but it was a part of a franchise where that was a unified element, even if it was more loosely connected here.


Sketchbook Picasso
I like pixel art a lot, it's not as easy to work with as some people think. Little things make a big difference, so getting it right can take time.

After looking at it again, I think what I don't like is that they used black outlines for most objects, but stuff like their hair isn't outlined. Like I said, it's not bad at all. I like what I see so far.

I guess they just totally took that outline-bias from the original sprites:


I guess it's a very NES thing; once larger palettes were introduced, colored outlines become much more popular. I've always liked black outlines myself though, because it feels like Manga lineart, but many sprite artist seem to think it flattens the work.

Then why not make an original IP that builds on those mechanics and not be bound to the original game at all? It seems kind of goofy to me.

Sure, River City Ransom itself is more than just young kids in a school setting... but it was a part of a franchise where that was a unified element, even if it was more loosely connected here.

They seem pretty proud to be able to get the original game's license; I can see why. If Million trust them with it, that offers much more appeal to it, than just calling it a spiritual successor.

I feel like the "20 years later" aspect feels a bit like a successor to "Kunio Tachi No Banka", in the fact that it tries to be a bit deeper than "Someone's been kidnapped, beat all the enemies to get them back!".

I guess I feel one of the weakest aspects to old game revivals / sequels is that people want them to be REALLY similar, to the point where characters just look like HD versions of the same ones from before.

However, It's quite cool to see a character grow with a fanbase; I loved getting to relate to the characters I played, when they were near an age I was, or was looking forward to. So why am I forced to enjoy my entertainment media with an army of 15 year olds, new-to-adventure types, and eternally-green protags now, so many years later?

It's a pretty cool twist to me.


what does charm even mean?

why don't you post some Gifs of the new one..it has its own charm

Good man.

idk, it just looks like a current gen game with intentionally shitty graphics, not 8bit at its best if that makes any sense.

Like in my mind I have a sense of how it should look like, and these guys just up-rezzed it too far or not enough. Like why 8 bit, why not Scott Pilgrim-esque. Maybe it's sort of a reverse-uncanny valley to me where it isn't true enough to 8 bit, but is really begging for either a more Technos style or a bump in graphics to higher than 8 bit.

In any case something to me looks "off".


It doesn't seem to be too hard of a task, as long as the devs have the seriousness and the talent of course, seeing how the original is one of the NES games that hold up the best to this day, it has aged perfectly imo, it's a timeless classic.


Sketchbook Picasso
idk, it just looks like a current gen game with intentionally shitty graphics, not 8bit at its best if that makes any sense.

Like in my mind I have a sense of how it should look like, and these guys just up-rezzed it too far or not enough. Like why 8 bit, why not Scott Pilgrim-esque. Maybe it's sort of a reverse-uncanny valley to me where it isn't true enough to 8 bit, but is really begging for either a more Technos style or a bump in graphics to higher than 8 bit.

In any case something to me looks "off".

I don't get this mindset. Why are people so determined to say NES/Early Arcade-ish spritework is lazy? "Paul Robertson-esque or bust!" is like saying every sprite game should look only like Super Mario. I'd like to see more indies able to pull of something like Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds (examples below) too, but I don't think it's a requirement before I take their sprite work seriously.


To me, "souped-up NES" as legit an option, as it is for big companies to choose to make Flash-looking art, but skimp on traditional animation; it's a style that emphasizes one aspect (resolution) while sacrificing others (key-frame animation, hand-drawn tweens.) Unless you're Vanillaware, which seems to actually try to blur the lines between techniques.

For a small group, picking a style that allows them to get a distinct look, but also make the thing animate like they desire, is one of the best things about spritework. A similar application in 3D would be making something that looked like Tobal No. 1, or an N64 game, in order to make a 3D game with less attention to HD texture creation, and more to making a larger world and cast.

I also really like the fact that all their effects are going to be hand-drawn sprite animation, rather than using 3D lighting effects in the 2D engine. The art of hand-drawn effects seems to be rare for most indie sprite games.

To me, this feels like "Arcade machine" level 8-bit. And I'm fine with that. Beyond just liking spritework, I also think the bolder colors and easily-identifiable sprites really works out well for 4 player multi as well.


Sketchbook Picasso
It's licensed from Million. It's not like Miracle Kids, Million, or and of the other "Ghost of Technos" aren't plugging away at their own projects, anywho. This is just another option!

I find it cool there's enough interest in the brand for all these games personally.

Speaking of that, the Miracle Kidz created XBLIG Downtowm Smash Dodgeball / ダウンタウン激凸ドッジボール! Finally dropped from $10 to $5. Only took 5 years, lol.
I pledged the minimum, and while I love RCR and Technos classics, in general, this game looks almost too aggressive and the attacks too forward-moving compared to the original, like it's in perpetual rushdown mode. Maybe it's just the little bit they showed in the pitch for illustrative purposes, but I hope the fighting doesn't become so effectively ruled by just relying upon cross-screen mashing. Also, there had better be plenty of grapples and more mean 'n gritty moves that, to me, define the style of Technos' best efforts, like classic DD and the original RCR/Kunio games. Not sure they'll reach their target, but can't hurt to support them early on.


Sketchbook Picasso
Update on their Updates: (Highlights, more info on their actual page)

Disasterpiece is doing the soundtrack:


Rich was the mind behind the amazing music in FEZ, whose remixes alone are worth listening to. He has also worked on Cat Astro Phi, and Runner2, to name a few. He immediately brings a signature style that will bring this game to the next level.

To celebrate this exciting collaboration, we're opening up a limited $25 tier that nets you a copy of the game, the wallpapers, your name on the web site as a founder, and the digital soundtrack! We're working on improved rewards in an updated coming soon, but hope you'll enjoy this affordable soundtrack option in the meantime.

They go into the creation of their version of "Alex":

We also wanted to show you some concept art for our rendition of Alex (aka Kunio-kun). We're influenced by the original North American and Japanese box art, as well as other Kunio-kun games in the franchise. Here's the result of that exercise where we've tried to imagine what Alex might look like 25 years into the future.

When it comes to combat, Alex should retain some of his classic fighting moves, but also evolve to keep up with the many other fighting personalities in our game.


I pledged the minimum, and while I love RCR and Technos classics, in general, this game looks almost too aggressive and the attacks too forward-moving compared to the original, like it's in perpetual rushdown mode.

Hmmm... can't say that's an issue for me. I actually like the aggressiveness. Though I wouldn't mind an option to hold back or forward during a combo, to change momentum while attacking. "Perpetual Rushdown" sounds like a fighting gamer's description of a brawler in general...

Maybe it's just the little bit they showed in the pitch for illustrative purposes, but I hope the fighting doesn't become so effectively ruled by just relying upon cross-screen mashing. Also, there had better be plenty of grapples and more mean 'n gritty moves that, to me, define the style of Technos' best efforts, like classic DD and the original RCR/Kunio games. Not sure they'll reach their target, but can't hurt to support them early on.

As opposed to what.. planting oneself, and letting the enemy come to them? I do think it's smart to give a bit more horizontal shift to them moves, when making something that plays on a wide screen-focused display. This game seems like it'll focus on fighting larger groups, and in that case, I want more mobility within my moves.

I liked the fact there were a few grapples and slams and such in the mini video. The art shown above also shows his grapples, so I think, for once, these guys actually will be showing grabs and grapples some love. Some characters will probably be entirely built around the idea.

In a way, I think that's one of the pro's of going with aged-up protags; they should really be willing to fight down and dirty, especially since it'll give them an edge VS quicker / more spry opponents.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
I think it looks great. Give them a chance. Doesn't have to be exactly like the original. This is a sequel after all.
I hope this succeeds because I love RCR.

But if I had the license, I would just make a MMO RCR. Make the world absolutely huge, people can create their own turf and gangs with silly names, and then gangs go fight gangs. Could be totally ridiculous.


I'm a strong believer in "show, not tell" when it comes to video games on Kickstarter. I've said this before, but making an attractive prototype is really not that hard, I've made many, and it's really like distilling game development down to only the fun part with little of the grind part. You get to do the fun stuff, see the results, and show it to people but without going into the real grind of getting all the connective tissue, balancing, and content in general done. So, particularly when dealing with a 2D style game like this, there's no excuse to not show a decent amount of gameplay. You want us to take it seriously enough to give money, then you should take it seriously too.

Oh, and video game KS, in my opinion, should always *open* on the gameplay. If you want to sit around and tell jokes, do it afterwards. That way I can bail and people who came to the video game section of KS for jokes can get what they came for and everyone wins.

All that said, I like RCR and I'd consider backing this if they showed more game.
Video is terrible. Seriously, show me the damn game for 80% of the video and talk for 20%, not the other way around. Hell, most of their talking is non-informative jokes that fall flat anyway. If they cannot make an effective 6:00 minute pitch, how can I trust they can invest the time to make a worthwhile video game? I'll tentatively keep an eye on this, but as of now, I'm not convinced.. and I really enjoyed RCR as a kid. Honestly though, looks like they'll hit the funding easily. 30K of 180K in 3 days.


Sketchbook Picasso
There's not a single bit of Gameplay for Mighty No. 9. Compared to that, I thought this video delivered pretty well.

  • Showed a variety of playable characters.
  • Each one had very different fighting styles.
  • Each fight took place in a different environment.

They were upfront enough about not having their physics model fully built yet. I'm actually surprised they had more to show than "Single character VS a single enemy", at the stage they appear to be at.

Even the Shantae HD Gameplay showed off a lot of game... but almost nothing new for our main Heroine to do herself. The gameplay they showed could have all been from previous entries; it had a lot of it, but still felt like a trailer for a new game... without the "new" exhibited.

The KS's that leave me feeling annoyed are the ones that only come up to you with concept art, no gameplay, or animation at all, and a bunch of descriptions of "this might sorta look this way!". I couldn't believe M #9 didn't have an in-game Asset of Beck to show, running around in a single-screen, for example. And that 1 glorious 2D HD screenshot they show is probably not indicative of the final Cel-shade 2.5 D style in the slightest...

But anyway, if this is a complaint you have, make sure to voice it to them! I'd love to see more gameplay if it's available / possible. A per-character breakdown video, showing off a helping of their moves (in concept, and in game), telling how these moves would be preformed, and letting people get a brush with the kind of hitstun, blowbacks, crowd control, and grapple variety the game has would be ace.


There's not a single bit of Gameplay for Mighty No. 9. Compared to that, I thought this video delivered pretty well.

Not that anyone cares what I think or should care, but I offered the same criticism (show you're serious by showing the damn game) to MN9. But at least they didn't subject me to joke after joke after joke.


Sketchbook Picasso
Not that anyone cares what I think or should care, but I offered the same criticism (show you're serious by showing the damn game) to MN9. But at least they didn't subject me to joke after joke after joke.

I didn't find the jokes offensive at all (was like the kind of things people say between each other in casual conversations with friends, when talking about a light-hearted subject), but yeah... gameplay is what gamers are there for.

But KS's are for getting money to create the things in the first place. It's understandable that there might not be MUCH game to show. If anything, the large amount of character profile pics, all the enemy designs on the KS page, and the "4 player OK!" and "I'm going to Canada!" spritework shown, all make me feel a bit more solid about this project, on top of the gameplay.

Gameplay that really should have been GIF'd by now, btw...


Sketchbook Picasso

WoOT, thanks for that :) Should be added to the OP, if not there already.

Hre's a reply on their comments page, when asked about "Is that real gameplay, and when will we see more?" BTW:

Fair question. The gameplay in the video is the animation spec we're working off in the engine. We are further along now engine-wise than when we prepared the video, but it's fair to say that it's early. For example, you'll notice the enemies in the video are just standing around waiting to get pummeled. The engine plumbing for rendering audio/video/input/combos is done, so we are working now on actual gameplay, mainly combat and open world interaction. On a technical level, our engine is built as a layer on top of XNA/MonoGame. We use Tiled (mapeditor.org) to load object and edge data for level design, and recently sponsored a feature to help with that, with more planned. We handle battle choreography with animated sequences of sprites matched to a polygon layer, and audio cuing is all there. We're using Box2D (for the moment anyway), for shapes and collision physics. It's our intent to smooth some edges and show engine progress in a future update during the campaign.


Not that anyone cares what I think or should care, but I offered the same criticism (show you're serious by showing the damn game) to MN9. But at least they didn't subject me to joke after joke after joke.

In the case of MN9 you can just look at any Mega Man gameplay. :p
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