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Saudi Arabia's highest cleric bans chess. Claims game spreads enmity and hatred.

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Saudi Arabia's highest cleric on a mission to make the Middle Ages look germane and civilised in comparison.

Dude has no love for the Golden Age. How does one become the highest cleric of SA?



If your people have a problem gambling on chess, then I think you need to look into them having a gambling problem rather than a chess problem.


Is this the guy that recently said it was to be expected that the Christians and Jews would team up with Shia Iran to destroy true Islam?

Gotta love Saudi Arabia.
I'm getting the image of a high cleric waking up in the morning to see snow cover, gasping, hurriedly scrambling outside and knocking down any snowmen that may have been built


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
The guy probably lives a really sheltered life and one can assume any ideas that make into his cocoon of ignorance has a great likelihood of being banned.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This is stupid, but we should be more concerned with their bans on human rights and dignity.

I think such examples of utter ridiculousness are still educational, as many human rights issues are caused by the same methodological approach that made all these clerics ban chess and snowmen. It demonstrates the complete disconnect from reality that occurs when you base all your ethical verdicts on deductions from sacred dogma.


Most people nowadays don't give a rat's ass about these petty fatwas though. But back in the day, even a little over a decade ago, things were different.

I remember back when I was in school when they issued the fatwa banning Pokemon (everything from the cartoons to the card games), and these were the reasons:

1- Pokemon was distracting the youth from their daily prayers and wasting their time in useless activity.

2- It promoted the theory of evolution, which is a zionist scheme.

3- Pokemon names had blasphemous meanings when translated. Examples:

Pikachu meant "Become a jew"
Pokemon meant "I'm a jew"
Charmander meant "Allah is weak"

Anyone with a basic knowledge of the English language would laugh at these, but since the majority lacked that basic knowledge Pokemon quickly faded into oblivion. The cartoon stopped airing on almost all Arabic channels, the Pokemon gift items and toys were scrapped and discontinued, teachers conducted regular searches to confiscate Pokemon items in students' posession and anyone seen with anything related to Pokemon would be looked down upon.

The fatwa banning Pokemon was never recognized as an official decree however, but the intial statement was enough to scare off the public.

Those were dark times, but definitely not the darkest or the most absurd.

Ok I laughed because I was reminded of that game where its a garbled word and if you say it enough times really, really, REALLY fast it actually has a hidden meaning.

Become A Jew

Pikachu definitely haram.


you know what, the sad thing is, other then "football" and video games we guys don't really have a lot things to do for fun here, almost all parks and attractions are "family only", yes they are "guys only" areas but they more like a hung out and watch sports ;/
I was gonna say - if they're out to ban chess for spreading enmity and hatred, what do they have to say about football?


Sounds like my friend who is such a sore loser that he refuses to play any competitive games with us now.


Is this the guy that recently said it was to be expected that the Christians and Jews would team up with Shia Iran to destroy true Islam?

Gotta love Saudi Arabia.
Not entirely sure, at least someone high up in the hiearchy there. It could be this guy you are thinking of:

"No wonder the Safavids are allies with Christian and Jews against Muslims, history has shown this. How can some minds still miss this?"

Safavid = Derogatory term for Shia muslims

This guy talks to million of muslims from the podium of the Grand Mosque in Mecca so he's not just a nobody; you can imagine how many minds he affects. That particular tweet itself was retweeted thousands of times in just a few hours. Comments like that are very common in Saudi Arabia and in many Sunni countries influenced by radical Sunni ideology. Many years I recall cleric saying something along the lines of:

"Shia are a Christian conspiracy against Islam created by the Jews"

This is like normal daily talk among their clerics.

It shouldn't come as a surprise when an Islamic scholar who've had significant influence on Wahhabism/Salafism (the state ideologies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the ideologies ISIS/AQ follow and the ideologies radical Sunni Islamists in general follow) said this:

Rawafid are a Christian seed planted by the Jews in the land of Zoroastrians - Ibn Taymiya

Rafawid = Derogatory term for Shia muslims.


Not entirely sure, at least someone high up in the hiearchy there. It could be this guy you are thinking of:

"No wonder the Safavids are allies with Christian and Jews against Muslims, history has shown this. How can some minds still miss this?"

Safavid = Derogatory term for Shia muslims

This guy talks to million of muslims from the podium of the Grand Mosque in Mecca so he's not just a nobody; you can imagine how many minds he affects. That particular tweet itself was retweeted thousands of times in just a few hours. Comments like that are very common in Saudi Arabia and in many Sunni countries influenced by radical Sunni ideology. Many years I recall cleric saying something along the lines of:

"Shia are a Christian conspiracy against Islam created by the Jews"

This is like normal daily talk among their clerics.

It shouldn't come as a surprise when an Islamic scholar who've had significant influence on Wahhabism/Salafism (the state ideologies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the ideologies ISIS/AQ follow and the ideologies radical Sunni Islamists in general follow) said this:

Rafawid = Derogatory term for Shia muslims.
That's the guy. The headline said 'top Saudi cleric' -- I guess I assumed that meant he was the top Saudi cleric.

Thanks for the info.


There are lots of music albums and concerts every month, but some foreign music is forbidden here. specially metal/hip hop/every female singer!
and TV can't show musical instruments! lol I don't know why showing musical instruments is forbidden on TV, but they are every where. from stores to street artists and concerts and ...

Is music still banned in Iran?

Then what is this video of TehranChoir performing scared,christian music of all things ? And the ensemble was composed of men and women,too ?
Ok I laughed because I was reminded of that game where its a garbled word and if you say it enough times really, really, REALLY fast it actually has a hidden meaning.

Become A Jew

Pikachu definitely haram.

Fun fact: this whole Pokemon is blasphemous shit was started by some atheists/agnostics for the lolz and wow did the morons eat this shit up. I was a kid when this stuff started across the ME and didn't give two shits (heathen from childhood I guess), but a friend told me recently that back then he had a big ass Pikachu stuffed doll thing that he loved and was so sad to have to throw it away due to the haram-ness Pikachu represents. Growing up in the ME without psychological traumas is hard.


Let's ban Saudi Arabia, I don't think many people here in Canada will miss them, with our food being so expensive, oil in the gutter and Canadian dollar in the tank.
Then what is this video of TehranChoir performing scared,christian music of all things ? And the ensemble was composed of men and women,too ?
Sorry I forgot to mention that choir performance by women is legal! there are bands like Arian that half of them are women:


But a single woman can't sing in normal concerts, although they can do it only for women. there are special concerts that only women can go and they can't even have their mobiles with them!
Albeit single women singing in operas and theatres (and declamation) is another thing and its legal! but for normal (!) music, its an illegal thing in Iran.


So I'm assuming Spades is already banned there.

Monopoly sours moods. Risk spurs anger. Spades ends marriages and friendships.
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