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Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus |OT| Life Returns to Vita


Sorry if this has been answered, but is this coming to Australia?
I planned on importing anyways, but would prefer to have it in my region, for DLC!


Gives all the fucks
Anime is pretty much what people think this series is at a glance. Heck, it has more fanservice than Burst.


Unconfirmed Member
Sorry if this has been answered, but is this coming to Australia?
I planned on importing anyways, but would prefer to have it in my region, for DLC!
Yep, it has been rated by your classification board and everything.


I don't enjoy this site anymore but that won't stop me from posting in a SK OT every once in awhile.


I miss you Heapy ;_;


Soooo... I've never played this series before. Ever. But I'm here for LIFE.

I did pre-order the Limited Edition a while back, if that counts as anything.

Here's to hoping I'll enjoy it!


XSEED Localization Specialist
Anime is pretty much what people think this series is at a glance. Heck, it has more fanservice than Burst.

So does Shinovi Versus. And Bon Appetit has more fanservice than like, anything else ever. ;)

Burst's fanservice was actually pretty tame. That's why it wound up getting a T rating from the ESRB, while both Vita titles got a solid M.

Control-wise, it's very similar to the Koei musou games- You have light attack, hard attack, jump, dash, and block buttons. Combos are done the same way as the musou games and you get more as you level characters up. As already mentioned, there's a big focus on aerial waves; when prompted during attacks, you can dash up towards enemies and keep the combos going. All characters end up with three musous each; one targeting the upper body, one targeting the lower body, and the third hitting both. The musou moves are very cinematic although you can skip the start-up animations at any time.

Although the game is 3D, it's not really free-roaming. The stages are smaller in scale and linear, and you're often boxed into select areas until you clear out enemies. You won't find anywhere near as many enemies on-screen as the Musou games, however this is fine since they attack in waves (defeat one wave of enemies and the next immediately teleports in) and it means that the frame rate is much higher than those titles. Shinovi Versus is still one of the better-looking/performing Vita games out there, IMO. It looks absolutely fantastic.

This game is a bit on the easy side (Burst and SK2 on 3DS are definitely more challenging) and stays that way after you start leveling up, although it's still a lot of fun and there is a higher difficulty option available. I plan to replay the U.S. version starting on the higher difficulty level and see how that goes.

If you like musou games and like (or don't mind) heavy, insane amounts of fan-service, absolutely pick this game up. Although Senran Kagura 2 does a much better job with character abilities/move sets and is more challenging, I still prefer Shinovi Versus overall (and cannot wait for Estival Versus in March!)

I could not find a dash button in DW8 -- I found some weird button that sort of worked like dash, but not in the way I was used to from action games that use such a mechanic. As long as there's a decent amount of combo variation and variety among the characters, I think I'll like it just fine, especially with all the fan service. But that's the real catch -- I need the core gameplay to be good and for the fan service to be a bonus (not the other way around).

As for any SK game on the 3DS? It's gotta be garbage, because that's what the hardware design lends itself to physically -- the new Zelda game controlled okay, but other games on 3DS just felt unresponsive and uncomfortable.

What's Estival Versus? Is that basically SK:SV2?

I don't enjoy this site anymore but that won't stop me from posting in a SK OT every once in awhile.


I had no idea that you felt the same way I do, Grim. :3

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Wait, Burst is considered easier than this? I pretty much had no issue with that game, save for a few missions on Frantic. Sounds like I won't have trouble with this on the normal difficulty setting.

If you meant harder, yeah, that's the general consensus IIRC. I say that because I didn't play too much of Burst. I played Shinovi Versus first and it was hard to get into Burst after that.

I could not find a dash button in DW8 -- I found some weird button that sort of worked like dash, but not in the way I was used to from action games that use such a mechanic.

DW8 doesn't have a dedicated dash button, but games like One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 and Samurai Warriors 4 do. Actually Shinovi Versus's action button is both a dash and a dodge/roll together. Was just giving you the control layout though-- you'll feel right at home with Senran Kagura if you've played a musou game.

As long as there's a decent amount of combo variation and variety among the characters, I think I'll like it just fine, especially with all the fan service. But that's the real catch -- I need the core gameplay to be good and for the fan service to be a bonus (not the other way around).

Senran Kagura is one of the few game series like this that action has good game play to back up all that life and hometown.

As for any SK game on the 3DS? It's gotta be garbage, because that's what the hardware design lends itself to physically -- the new Zelda game controlled okay, but other games on 3DS just felt unresponsive and uncomfortable.

No way, Senran Kagura 2 is awesome! Compared to Burst it's a huge step up. Consistently high framerate and pretty nice visuals considering the platform, plus it has some massive, screen-filling bosses and lets you bring two girls into the levels, plus perform a dual musou attack with them both. The characters also feel more varied than before, thanks to added character-specific abilities. Some characters get alternate stances/moves, and Mirai even gets three sets of weapons to change between. It really is much more challenging than Burst and Shinovi Versus, too. They changed up the game play and it's for the better, but the camera system isn't fully 3D like Shinovi Versus, and I think SV's camera works better, although I don't have a circle pad pro to use for more camera control on 3DS.

Here's the beginning of SK2 if you want to see how much better it looks and runs compared to the original game.

What's Estival Versus? Is that basically SK:SV2?

Yeah, basically. It got announced before TGS last month and will be coming out on Vita and PS4. The PS4 version looks more like a Koei musou, with way more enemies on screen.

Here's a teaser trailer.

Lastly, there is also Chou Jigen Action Neptunia U, which is essentially the RPG series Hyper Dimension Neptunia turned into a Senran Kagura game. I don't want to derail this thread with it, but here's a post I made on it with screenshots.
SV isn't necessarily easier or harder than SKB, but just... trickier. In SKB, frantic mode was basically hard mode : get hit one or two times and you are out. In SV, frantic is God mode (avoiding being killed at once is easier); but you have harder versions of the levels that get unlocked once you finish each level the first time.
I prefer how the difficulty was handled in SKB.

SK2's fighting system is much more polished than Burst and some new features are really great (some characters have several stances which translates in different, new combo trees and movements).
SKB was really cheap, even if juggling dozens mobs felt really good.
SV is somewhere between SKB and SK2.

Yup. Called Senran Kagura: Ninja Flash
It's not very good.

I like it but granted, it has its share of flaws. The writing, especially during the first episodes, was really badly done (the introduction was too slow). I'm a little disappointed a) that we haven't got a second season and b) the same writer is coming back for the OAV.

In compensation the last few episodes were the most awesome final episodes I have seen since Gurren Lagann. There is even a drill ! ^^


Just got this the other day, pretty fun so far. Although I think I didn't save somehow, did the first two levels and went back to play later and I had to start over >.>
I hope this makes it it over here; Neptunia is one of NIS' biggest cash cows, so it should. Heck, we got Producing Perfection.


So does Shinovi Versus. And Bon Appetit has more fanservice than like, anything else ever. ;)

Burst's fanservice was actually pretty tame. That's why it wound up getting a T rating from the ESRB, while both Vita titles got a solid M.


Is Dekamori close to being ready? You mentioning it has already been rated implies that much.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
It would be really weird if Neptunia U doesn't make it over here, yeah. I like Re;Birth so much that I almost want to buy PP, but it doesn't seem worth it.


It would be really weird if Neptunia U doesn't make it over here, yeah. I like Re;Birth so much that I almost want to buy PP, but it doesn't seem worth it.

I thought I read somewhere that the Neptune games sell at least as well or better in the west than in Japan, so I'm sure they'll release all of them over here.


I thought I read somewhere that the Neptune games sell at least as well or better in the west than in Japan, so I'm sure they'll release all of them over here.

That's kinda strange to hear that the west buy into this franchise more than Japan. Or they meant "outside" of Japan?


Oh sweet! I didn't realize the OT was up. I pre-ordered the physical edition and can't wait for it to show up.



Santa May Claus
Just so we're clear, the digital version will still be available on the 14th? I may opt to buy it digitally as well if any potential delays are significant.


Just got this the other day, pretty fun so far. Although I think I didn't save somehow, did the first two levels and went back to play later and I had to start over >.>

I got it too, but I haven't started it since I sitll have so many other games to finish. I've not even started Re;Birth 2 yet ;_;
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