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Sony: PSP2 (NGP) will be affordable

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I'm all over this for $300. But I suspect it will be $400.

It's still nearly a year out though. What looks like Martian voodoo today might be a little more down to earth in November.


theBishop said:
I'm all over this for $300. But I suspect it will be $400.

If even you're hesitant at 400, that should hopefully give them pause. I do expect 400 though, unless it launches later than suggested so far.
$299 for the cheapest SKU is my optimistic guess but I expect it to be $349.

Sort of funny that with PS3s at $299 now it is likely that the NGP will be more costly than one (same as the PSP and PS2 at the PSP launch).


"It's not going to be $599."

"Hopefully when we announce the price, people will see the proper value."

It'll probably be quite expensive. With these statements, especially that second one, Yoshida is attempting to soften the coming blow. The price will be very high, but it will be (in their eyes) the "proper value."


Chili Con Carnage!
I'd really like to believe this is some brilliant marketing strategy, roll it out exactly like the PS3 and PSP, focus on the sheer power of the advanced tech to make everyone think its going to be crazy expensive then make it only moderately expensive and everyone is thrilled!

But probably not.


Yoshida said:
“From the very beginning of the project — since 2008 — pricing was one of the considerations that we had. Hopefully when we announce the price, people will see the proper value.”

That... actually sounds really ominous.

Yeah, I'm expecting $350 ($300 at best) at this point.


You know at first I thought "Am I really going to pay $299, or the price of a new PS3 for this?" Then I looked over at my 32GB Ipod touch 4G
Opus Angelorum said:
This showing from Sony was a direct response to this. Only they withheld the price because it's likely to be higher.

Pretty much.

Price-matching the 3DS is both unlikely (they'd get that price out there right now if they were gonna be that cheap) and not particularly unnecessary: they'd almost certainly be selling at a fairly significant loss at that price, and I doubt it'll make enough of a difference to sales vs. $299 to make that price worthwhile in the long run.

The NGP is also very clearly the opposite of PS3 in terms of future price reductions: every part is either standard or close enough to standard that they'll see big drops in the future. In many ways, a price discrimination strategy (with a high initial price and multiple premium SKUs) is actually better suited to them than Nintendo as long as they can make the entry-level launch price not too outrageous ($299 is the sweet spot there) and price-drop very aggressively post-launch.

(I can also see them taking a different strategy than Nintendo in dealing with the exchange-rate blues and putting out a 29k yen device but then soaking the US for a $350 value pack at launch.)

LiK said:
My guess, $40-50 for the games.

If this thing has direct ports from PS3, the games are going to be $60.


gkryhewy said:
If even you're hesitant at 400, that should hopefully give them pause. I do expect 400 though, unless it launches later than suggested so far.

It's not that this thing isn't awesome. But I've got an Evo4G, and a Tegra-2 powered Android tablet. Both pretty powerful and even serviceable for 3D games. So I wouldn't buy one at launch just for the hell of it. I want to see some killer games.

If 60%+ of the footage they showed represents a real project in production, it's more than enough.


LM4sure said:
Well I have most of that functionality in my current cell phone. So why do the games pale in comparison to what's on the ds?

Because they don't have the structural support for gaming specific functionality. These devices (and the companies that make them) have the foundation in place for a flourishing game development environment. Thus, the games you get are better.

Relaxed Muscle said:
But then, you see the games and basically is console games with touch screen actions that could be done with a button anyway.

We've seen at least three concepts out of Sony's initial allotment that are specific to the new capabilities of the device. We've seen nothing from third parties - which means we know exactly zero about how people will be utilizing it. Contrasting to the 3DS, it's a veritable wasteland of been-there-done-that concepts, not far at all from what we've seen announced for the PSP NGP.

The point is, though, that amazingly enough, it's the PSP2 that is focusing on more of the pure gameplay enhancements... which is shocking considering where we were last gen. That they're ALSO focusing on the power is one of the best things about Sony... they never force someone to choose between one thing or the other. You can have both.

But what's negative is that it's also so much that it's probably going to be priced out of the hands of most consumers. Which is why despite how awesome it SOUNDS on paper, they should have had some more restraint so they could get it at a mass market price.


My guess would be $349.99. They can't be more then 100$ of their direct competition; they would get pounded.

If somehow, they got it to 299$, id be a little concerned if I were Nintendo.

Future, is definately handhelds though.

Even at 299$, I can't justify purchasing it, not yet anyway. I would rather buy a second PS3. IMO, they haven't revealed a game I can't experience on my PS3


charlequin said:
If this thing has direct ports from PS3, the games are going to be $60.

The case could be made for the opposite. And when I say opposite I mean much cheaper. After all if it really is a matter of weeks for porting from PS3 (as has been reported) devs and publishers would be hamstringing themselves pricing that high.

With that said, I'm cynical like you and expect to get shafted on pricing.


Amir0x said:
But what's negative is that it's also so much that it's probably going to be priced out of the hands of most consumers. Which is why despite how awesome it SOUNDS on paper, they should have had some more restraint so they could get it at a mass market price.

If the no-3G model is under $300 - and especially if it has a decent price in Europe - it could probably do pretty well. It's still going to have a hill to climb against the earlier launch of the 3DS, though. People comparing this to the Dreamcast situation are confusing themselves.

I hope it does well. Sony needs something in the Win column.
The iPhone 4 that sold for $500 actually cost closer to $200 to make, the markup for phones is ridiculous. If Sony's going to be taking a loss, and taking into account how quickly mobile tech is progressing (it won't launch for another 9 or 10 months, at least), I'll say $250 wifi, $300 wifi + 3G.


Vinci said:
If the no-3G model is under $300 - and especially if it has a decent price in Europe - it could probably do pretty well. It's still going to have a hill to climb against the earlier launch of the 3DS, though. People comparing this to the Dreamcast situation are confusing themselves.

I hope it does well. Sony needs something in the Win column.

i agree. Nintendo needs competition more than Sony needs to win, though. Nintendo without competition is bad for the industry.

I think if they get it at a, maybe, $279 price then it can still do OK. I hope beyond hope that Sony tries to emphasize that you do not need big budget games to make great titles for the system. "Console experience" should not be the expectation. "Handheld experience" - where the difference isn't in quality but scale.


Amir0x said:
i agree. Nintendo needs competition more than Sony needs to win, though. Nintendo without competition is bad for the industry.

I think if they get it at a, maybe, $279 price then it can still do OK. I hope beyond hope that Sony tries to emphasize that you do not need big budget games to make great titles for the system. "Console experience" should not be the expectation. "Handheld experience" - where the difference isn't in quality but scale.

Well, it's like any platform in that respect: Sony has to lead by example. If the majority of the stuff they release on the NGP is like Uncharted and Killzone, 3rd parties are going to drive the damn thing ever-upwards with port after port of HD titles and see who can port better. In the end, they just need to get it into people's hands. Keeping the price for the no-3G model under $300 could probably accomplish that. The more limited the audience, the less variety we're going to get and the more the drive upwards will occur.

I mean, I'm guessing. I just hope Sony does a good job of encouraging that. Popcap being a listed developer is a good sign that they're trying for diverse levels of software, though.
And contradicting at least one earlier report, Andrew House indicates that Sony intends to sell NGP at a profit:

Eurogamer: As you say, it's clearly a very powerful device and it's got a lot of features. What does that mean for price? I know you're not announcing anything today, but can you put it in a ballpark? Are we talking iPad money?

Andrew House: I can't put a ballpark on it in terms of figures, but I think what I would say is that we will shoot for an affordable price that's appropriate for the handheld gaming space.

Eurogamer: Are you prepared to sell at a loss to do that?

Andrew House: I think ideally we would want to have our hardware be profitable, in addition to our software. We've experienced both sides and we know which one we like to be on!
Elios83 said:
"Ideally we would want to have our hardware be profitable, in addition to our software," he said. "We've experienced both sides and we know which one we like to be on!"

Elios83 said:
"Ideally we would want to have our hardware be profitable, in addition to our software,"

Elios83 said:
"Ideally we would want to have our hardware be profitable,

*checks specs*

CPU: ARM Cortex-A9 core (4 core)
Dimensions: Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth) (tentative, excludes largest projection)
Screen: Touch screen 5 inches (16:9), 960 x 544, Approx. 16 million colors, OLED, Multi touch screen (capacitive type)
Rear touch pad: Multi touch pad (capacitive type)
Cameras: Front camera, Rear camera
Sound: Built-in stereo speakers, Built-in microphone
Sensors: Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass
Location: Built-in GPS, Wi-Fi location service support
Keys/Switches: PS button, Power button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square), Shoulder buttons (Right/Left), Right stick, Left stick, START button, SELECT button, Volume buttons
Wireless communications: Mobile network connectivity (3G), IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1x1)(Wi-Fi) (Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode), Bluetooth 2.1+EDR (A2DP/AVRCP/HSP)


gonna be $399 or more.
I love this quote from that interview:

“From the very beginning of the project — since 2008 — pricing was one of the considerations that we had. Hopefully when we announce the price, people will see the proper value

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This thing really does make the 3DS seem a bit cheesy in comparison.
Very excited about the touch panel on the back, a lot of really interesting things could happen there.


It's DS/PSP all over again...

NGP=more and faster
3DS=something different

Anyone that expects the NGP to come in at anything less than $349 base model is fucking HIGH, the OLED alone assures this thing ain't gonna be cheap...

It's nice tech but it's gonna come at a cost, there is no way around it.


VAIL said:
It's DS/PSP all over again...

NGP=more and faster
3DS=something different

Anyone that expects the NGP to come in at anything less than $349 base model is fucking HIGH, the OLED alone assures this thing ain't gonna be cheap...

It's nice tech but it's gonna come at a cost, there is no way around it.

exactly, OLED isn't cheap
Hopefully when we announce the price, people will see the proper value.

That's something Sony has had an issue with this generation, perceived value.

darkwing said:
exactly, OLED isn't cheap

An AMOLED screen this size would be cheaper than the iPhone 4's 'Retina Display', which I is around $40 (including the reinforced touch-screen).

The much bigger issue facing AMOLED is its availability.


I've updated the OP with Yoshida's comments.
These comments and the fact that there won't be a single SKU to me hint more more towards 299$ and 399$ for the Wifi and 3G+Wifi+GPS+internal memory version respectively.
Oxymoron said:
The original GB launched in 1989, at a price of 179$. When you adjust for inflation, though, that costs 314$ in 2010 dollars. That is, the 3DS is actually launching cheaper in real terms than the original GB

The problem with using "inflation" to measure these things is twofold. One is that in many places, incomes have stagnated over that period so even though $179 might be "worth" $319 now, people don't have the additional income to match that; the other is that entertainment products in general, and technological gadgets especially in specific, have gotten far, far cheaper overall in that time so the relative value of a game system compared to other things the same money will buy you is not as good.

Tobor said:
Best we can realistically hope for:

$299 Wifi / $399 Wifi + 3G

I think this is very plausible (with the 3G model also having double or quadruple the flash memory of the wifi model) and would actually be very sensible pricing. They ought to be able to afford a $100 price cut within a year, so they really might as well soak the early adopters.

A lot of people are suggesting a $50 difference for 3G but I don't think that's very plausible -- they'll pack in more features and make a $100 difference.


VAIL said:
It's DS/PSP all over again...

NGP=more and faster
3DS=something different

Anyone that expects the NGP to come in at anything less than $349 base model is fucking HIGH, the OLED alone assures this thing ain't gonna be cheap...

It's nice tech but it's gonna come at a cost, there is no way around it.

I could see Sony taking a loss on the no-3G model and making a profit on the 3G one, bringing the no-3G one down to just under $300. That's really what they should do. And if they're able to get it at a decent price in Europe, that right there will buy them huge help in the market after what Nintendo did to it.


Gamecocks625 said:
I love this quote from that interview:

Haha, that's great. Yeah, once you announce that it's $400 people will see that it's worth $400.

I think between my phone and when I get the 3ds (gotsta haev my 3D!!) I'll be all set on the portable gaming front.


Vinci said:
I could see Sony taking a loss on the no-3G model and making a profit on the 3G one, bringing the no-3G one down to just under $300. That's really what they should do. And if they're able to get it at a decent price in Europe, that right there will buy them huge help in the market after what Nintendo did to it.

Them taking a loss is the only way this thing will be anywhere in the realm of $299, and a pretty hefty loss at that...not to mention if you skew feature set too far your going to segment the market at some point. I applaud them for making such a nice piece of kit (design and crappy UI aside) but I have a feeling we are just seeing a replay of the last gen of hand helds...

I'll get both eventually so it doesn't matter but the days of getting these things day 1 I think has passed for me.
Opus Angelorum said:
An AMOLED screen this size would be cheaper than the iPhone 4's 'Retina Display', which I is around $40 (including the reinforced touch-screen).

The much bigger issue facing AMOLED is its availability.
the biggest issue isn't even that.

it's that Sony -- right from the beginning (today) -- has said that they want to make a profit on the hardware.

that should dispel any allusions of a sub-$300 device.


VAIL said:
It's DS/PSP all over again...

NGP=more and faster
3DS=something different

Anyone that expects the NGP to come in at anything less than $349 base model is fucking HIGH, the OLED alone assures this thing ain't gonna be cheap...

It's nice tech but it's gonna come at a cost, there is no way around it.

Interesting since PSP NGP offers more unique and novel gameplay opportunities than 3DS does.

PSP NGP has TONS of new functional gameplay methods/inputs that combined offer gameplay opportunities far and beyond the call of duty provided in 3DS and other handhelds.

Multi-touch OLED
Rear Touch
Three-Axis Gyroscopes
Six-Axis Accelerometer
Three-Axis Electronic Compass
Dual Analog
3G (Providing unique asynchronous online gaming opportunities)
And yes, near PS3 level power for more high-scale games/physics enhancement/etc.

AND it has of course the microphone and the two cameras (for AR games that seem so gimmicky on 3DS, like "Reality Fighters" PSP NGP).

The 3DS has two things over PSP NGP - it has two screens (which does provide a level of gameplay opportunities and which PSP NGP can still not match) and it has 3D, a purely cosmetic gimmick which enhances the visual "immersion" but offers extremely slim gameplay opportunities ESPECIALLY due to the extremely narrow field the 3D effect actually works, and the fact that 3D has a slider and most games have to be able to turn it off to be playable.

This is actually a slightly offensive myth at this point. PSP NGP represents the most GAMEPLAY FUNCTIONALITY of any handheld on market to date. It's actually incredibly future proof and provides the sort of fundamental gameplay improvement we'd typically see from Nintendo.

It IS still going to be outrageously priced, but to say it's just "more and faster" is absurd.


VAIL said:
Them taking a loss is the only way this thing will be anywhere in the realm of $299, and a pretty hefty loss at that...not to mention if you skew feature set too far your going to segment the market at some point. I applaud them for making such a nice piece of kit (design and crappy UI aside) but I have a feeling we are just seeing a replay of the last gen of hand helds...

I'll get both eventually so it doesn't matter but the days of getting these things day 1 I think has passed for me.

I think you are overestimating how expensive this stuff is.


They are going to make all sort of promises to hold off the 3DS launch. Whether they'd be true or not, depends on what you think compare to what they think.
slider said:
The case could be made for the opposite. And when I say opposite I mean much cheaper. After all if it really is a matter of weeks for porting from PS3 (as has been reported) devs and publishers would be hamstringing themselves pricing that high.

Publishers aren't likely to devalue their ability to sell games for $60 on consoles by selling comparable titles at a discount on a newer system. I don't think that position is cynical, just realistic. We saw the same thing with PSP games coming in at $50 to start until the HD systems were out.

It'd be nice if they actually went for tiered pricing and actually made games from $20-60 viable and respectable on the market, at least.

Father_Brain said:

That tells us they're not going to cut deep like they did on PS3 but doesn't mean they won't take a small loss at launch. The NGP is built to cost-reduce very quickly so a small loss at launch would probably translate into hardware profit relatively quickly.
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