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The Flash |OT| Gotta Go Fast - Tuesdays 8/7c

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God I have to watch Steins Gate again >_>
Someone has to initiate a crossover meeting between Okabe, the Doctor and Barry and have them solving a mystery together that spans time. Could be interesting to have three people who travel through time in different fashion, crossing their paths and getting the best out of everyones abilities.


So I asked this in the DCTV topic because I forgot this topic was still open lol. I guess I'll also ask it here.

So about the flash finale I though it was fantastic but was anyone else a little disappointed that we didn't get a longer fight with the reverse flash? The little bit they had there was good but I feel like it should've been bigger since that's likely the last time we'll See RF for the foreseeable future. I still feel like episode nine had the best reverse flash fight. I understand though that the finale was more about Barry's decision to go back in time to the night his mom died and it was all fantastic to me and the way he punched through the time sphere was awesome.
Finally caught up with the thread. What a great episode and season. I wish I could forget it all and then marathon it. Also, has anyone put rules of nature over the last part of the episode?

Yo, actually marathon it. I did just from winter break which was 9 episodes and once you know who Reverse Flash is, the dialogue is great. You can see facial ticks and tells he built into the character.


So I asked this in the DCTV topic because I forgot this topic was still open lol. I guess I'll also ask it here.

So about the flash finale I though it was fantastic but was anyone else a little disappointed that we didn't get a longer fight with the reverse flash? The little bit they had there was good but I feel like it should've been bigger since that's likely the last time we'll See RF for the foreseeable future. I still feel like episode nine had the best reverse flash fight. I understand though that the finale was more about Barry's decision to go back in time to the night his mom died and it was all fantastic to me and the way he punched through the time sphere was awesome.

If we hadn't gotten the Flash/Arrow/Firestorm team up fight the episode before the finale I would have been disappointed. Not sure they could have made that fight longer in the finale since it was just Barry and the episode prior had established current Barry can't take on the Reverse Flash one on one. He would get dominated pretty quickly and he did.


If we hadn't gotten the Flash/Arrow/Firestorm team up fight the episode before the finale I would have been disappointed. Not sure they could have made that fight longer in the finale since it was just Barry and the episode prior had established current Barry can't take on the Reverse Flash one on one. He would get dominated pretty quickly and he did.

Yeah I'm coming around on this a bit now and you are right. The whole season established that Barry cant beat the Reverse Flash on his own so it would've made no sense to have a long drawn out battle between the two in the finale. Barry tried and quickly got destroyed and it took eddie killing himself to beat the Reverse Flash.


Whoa that last episode. I almost cannot believe how good this, a CW superhero show, is.

Damnit, have to wait like five more months.


So is it time travel or parallel universes? The show can't seem to decide.

Barry time travels when trying to save Central City from the tsunami but then it's written as a "parallel dimension" in the finale. This means that there's a universe he left behind where the tsunami hit Central City and Thawne killed Cisco, which Cisco can feel the effects of. So far, so good.

(side question - if Barry travelled through a wormhole into a parallel dimension, what happened to the Barry that exists in his destination? Did he inadvertently kick him out of the dimension and into the speed force and then take his place in that dimension?)

But then in the finale, Eddie's death causes Thawne to fade out of existence. Disregarding the paradox (I like to think that a paradox caused the giant wormhole to open), why would it have any effect? If Thawne travelled back in time and killed Barry's mother wouldn't he be in a different universe too? Why would he care about the future that Gideon shows him where the Flash doesn't exist? All he would need to worry about is getting Barry to open the portal to the speed force so he can return to his dimension.

I'd be happy if the show stuck with one or the other. But I don't think it can do both. It's just way too complicated. That's my one big worry for season 2 - how are they going to juggle this multiverse idea when time travel and parallel dimensions have already been handled inconsistently so far?

I prefer parallel universes because it avoids paradoxes. So when a character travels back in time, they're actually accessing an identical version of their universe, to which they can travel to any time in that universe without it affecting their original universe.


So is it time travel or parallel universes? The show can't seem to decide.

Barry time travels when trying to save Central City from the tsunami but then it's written as a "parallel dimension" in the finale. This means that there's a universe he left behind where the tsunami hit Central City and Thawne killed Cisco, which Cisco can feel the effects of. So far, so good.

(side question - if Barry travelled through a wormhole into a parallel dimension, what happened to the Barry that exists in his destination? Did he inadvertently kick him out of the dimension and into the speed force and then take his place in that dimension?)

But then in the finale, Eddie's death causes Thawne to fade out of existence. Disregarding the paradox (I like to think that a paradox caused the giant wormhole to open), why would it have any effect? If Thawne travelled back in time and killed Barry's mother wouldn't he be in a different universe too? Why would he care about the future that Gideon shows him where the Flash doesn't exist? All he would need to worry about is getting Barry to open the portal to the speed force so he can return to his dimension.

I'd be happy if the show stuck with one or the other. But I don't think it can do both. It's just way too complicated. That's my one big worry for season 2 - how are they going to juggle this multiverse idea when time travel and parallel dimensions have already been handled inconsistently so far?

I prefer parallel universes because it avoids paradoxes. So when a character travels back in time, they're actually accessing an identical version of their universe, to which they can travel to any time in that universe without it affecting their original universe.

I want to say both. So far all we've seen is time travel but the finale teased parallel universes (Jay Garrick)
There was a timeline, Eobard travelled back in time creating an alternate timeline (The one that we're watching). The one that Barry created in episode 15 is another timeline I'm guessing.
Andrew Kreisberg even refers to it as a seperate timeline.

Also, Flash Season 1 Review by everybody's favourite JeremyJahns.


You know what would be amazing.

The Flash goes for 10 seasons, until 2024. The series ends with the Flash going back in time to try to stop Thawne killing Barry's mother, seeing Season 1 Flash standing at the door and stopping him from intervening, before saving young Barry and then disappearing into the speed force, causing the 2024 headlines that Wells/Thawne sees in season 1.

Loop closed.


You know what would be amazing.

The Flash goes for 10 seasons, until 2024. The series ends with the Flash going back in time to try to stop Thawne killing Barry's mother, seeing Season 1 Flash standing at the door and stopping him from intervening, before saving young Barry and then disappearing into the speed force, causing the 2024 headlines that Wells/Thawne sees in season 1.

Loop closed.

I'm kind of sold on the idea of
there being a universe ending crisis (like Infinite Earths), where Barry sacrifices himself to stop it from happening. He dies and becomes the Speed Force, becoming the bolt that originally strikes him (Secret Origins #2). "Barry, I think it chose you."


You know what would be amazing.

The Flash goes for 10 seasons, until 2024. The series ends with the Flash going back in time to try to stop Thawne killing Barry's mother, seeing Season 1 Flash standing at the door and stopping him from intervening, before saving young Barry and then disappearing into the speed force, causing the 2024 headlines that Wells/Thawne sees in season 1.

Loop closed.

I don't want 10 years of Barry. Ideally he dies like five years in and gets revived in the final season or something.


I don't want 10 years of Barry. Ideally he dies like five years in and gets revived in the final season or something.

Oh shiiiiit... imagine season 2 starting with

"My name is Jay Garrick, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was in college working in the lab I inhaled some heavy water vapour and became something impossible. I used my speed to help people and fight crime. I thought I was done being a speedster until this punk-ass amateur named Barry started messing around with the timeline. So now I have to go back into the speed force and clean up his mess before it destroys the universe. I am The Flash."


I don't want 10 years of Barry. Ideally he dies like five years in and gets revived in the final season or something.

This Wally love needs to stop.

Although, an opportunity to recast the lead in a show and have it make sense canonically doesn't come around very often.

Time travel + a recast lead every few years? This is America's Dr. Who yall.
I just need Bruce Greenwood as an older Jay Garrick.


Yeah bro.
Some would say you read the reverse.

lmao, I just saw this


There's good, and there's bad.

The Bad: Poor writing on Barry's dad. They never convinced me why his dad would not want him to go back and change the past. He'd get his wife back. He'd get his life back, without being stuck in a shitty prison. This is something that any normal person would say yes to. But Barry's dad is the complete opposite, and giving out some hazy, half-baked platitude about maybe Barry losing something within himself or whatnot? I didn't really even understand what he was talking about. It was just odd and a poorly-thought out rationale.

Barry's mom. He doesn't save her. He just stands by and lets her die, based solely on seeing future Barry gesturing to him to stop. Cmon, man. This made absolutely no sense. This has been torturing Barry for his entire life. The idea of going back and saving her has been on his mind for half of this entire season. Yet when the time came, he just completely gave up, even though this whole opportunity was risked on a chance of a singularity possibly destroying the entire planet. WTF? Just lame and incomprehensible.

Yeah, they went and gave him a final farewell to his mom, blatantly ripping off the ending to Mark Waid's Superman Birthright. That had emotion, sure. But I wasn't invested in it, because I was just stuck wondering why he idiotically refused to save his mom. And also... just noticing the fact that Nora Allen's stab wound to the heart was apparently lazily applied with some ketchup packets at the last minute. What was that all about?

Lol, what? Literally everyone that said "yes" is stupid. Do not. Fuck with. Time. All to get your mommy and daddy back? Stupid and selfish.

Also, I don't know about you, but I would probably trust me from the future.


Greenwood, Shipp or Boxleitner would all make for great Garricks.

Wait for the CW to cast a sexy guy in his 30s. Ted Grant looking spry!


Wait for the CW to cast a sexy guy in his 30s. Ted Grant looking spry!

Well..CW seems to be pushing diversity in Arrowverse though. Grant was a sad mistake, but let's not forget we got sexy cougars (Moira), Sexy 40s like Malcolm and Ra's. And even sexy 50s like Cavanagh. Heck, they just got their first sexy guy in 60s

I think Arrowverse is much more progressive than typical CW fare..in that it doesn't mind how old an actor is, of course...as long as they're still sexy as hell. :D You could even say that thanks to superhero shows CW is entering...a new age ;)


Maybe they did it so they could avoid having an old man get the living piss beaten out of him
Realistically, after last few years in cinema, at this point mainstream audience is probably more used to old guys kicking ass than young ones. Action cinema turned into geriatrics fest :D


Well..CW seems to be pushing diversity in Arrowverse though. Grant was a sad mistake, but let's not forget we got sexy cougars (Moira), Sexy 40s like Malcolm and Ra's. And even sexy 50s like Cavanagh. Heck, they just got their first sexy guy in 60s

I think Arrowverse is much more progressive than typical CW fare..in that it doesn't mind how old an actor is, of course...as long as they're still sexy as hell. :D You could even say that thanks to superhero shows CW is entering...a new age ;)

Well Moira makes sense but Blackthorne and Barrowman are both playing up in age. Either that or they had their kids very young. They're still casting sexy and skewing younger if they can.

Flash is certainly more progressive - half the cast is now non-white - and focusing less on super attractive and beefy.


I honestly can't think of anyone on core Flash crew who wouldn't be super attractive :D

Cisco and Joe. Not sure if Wells is really super attractive either, even if he's doing really for 50. And none of the guys in that show are particularly shredded, notice a big lack of shirtless scenes?


Cisco and Joe. Not sure if Wells is really super attractive either, even if he's doing really for 50.
Cisco, Joe and most of all Wells aren't super attractive to you? So you're not just a fan of those shows. You must be actually living in CWverse ;)


Cisco, Joe and most of all Wells aren't super attractive to you? So you're not just a fan of those shows. You must be actually living in CWverse ;)

I don't think they're super attractive at all. They're good looking guys but aren't even close to models frankly. There's a reason Panabaker, Patton and Gustin are getting magazine shoots.


Cisco and Joe. Not sure if Wells is really super attractive either, even if he's doing really for 50. And none of the guys in that show are particularly shredded, notice a big lack of shirtless scenes?

Tom Cavanagh at 51 is in better shape than I am at 25 lol. Hope I can be in relatively good shape when I'm his age.


Ok, so I'm catching up on this show and episode 18 and 19...the fuck. Bees? BEES?! Barry can't outrun bees?! I'm sure this has been complained about before so sorry if I'm being redundant but...what the hell.

And in the shapeshifter episode, Iris and Caitlin don't call a police escort and leave the back door unlocked? And no one seems to be wondering why Barry is missing? C'mon Flash writers, step up your game. This is the kind of lazy writing that made me take a break from the show in the first place.

edit: And then Wells' secret room is unlocked, just like every door in Star Labs apparently.


I watched the finale last night and was very pleased with it. Well almost pleased anyway. I mean, a cliffhanger? Really?! CW dropped a monumental first season and I have to imagine hooked a very large amount of people; they did a great enough job that they don't need a moment like that at the end to ensure people tune in the the S2 premier.
Anyway, I teared up a bit on three separate occasions. The scenes with Barry's dad and Dad-Joe got me misty-eyed and then Eddie's remake about finally being the hero hit me hard too. With time-travel anything is possible but I am hoping Eddie comes back somehow. Maybe when his body was dragged into the singularity could have something to do with a potential return, and then a return of the Eobard?

I can't wait to buy the season on DVD or Blu and cannot wait for Season 2. Hopefully S1 releases with a good enough gap between it and the S2 premier so I can speed through the season again. I need to start watching Arrow now too, gonna have to get my hands on season one.


Ok, so I'm catching up on this show and episode 18 and 19...the fuck. Bees? BEES?! Barry can't outrun bees?! I'm sure this has been complained about before so sorry if I'm being redundant but...what the hell.

And in the shapeshifter episode, Iris and Caitlin don't call a police escort and leave the back door unlocked? And no one seems to be wondering why Barry is missing? C'mon Flash writers, step up your game. This is the kind of lazy writing that made me take a break from the show in the first place.

edit: And then Wells' secret room is unlocked, just like every door in Star Labs apparently.

the wells's room thing at least is somewhat intentional.
I think i might check out some JSA comics for Jay Garrick goodness

The New 52 Earth 2 comics are good for that as well. Since Jay and Alan Scott (Green Lantern before Hal) don't really fit with the other characters (Jay originally had nothing to do with Speed Force and wasn't tied into it, and Alan Scott's GL powers were mystical and thus the only connection he had to the GL Corps. was in name only) they were made into The Flash and the Green Lantern of an alternate earth called Earth 2.

I've only read the first trade, but it's a damn fine read on it's own. It's a damn good superhero book. I keep meaning to pick up the second trade...


The New 52 Earth 2 comics are good for that as well. Since Jay and Alan Scott (Green Lantern before Hal) don't really fit with the other characters (Jay originally had nothing to do with Speed Force and wasn't tied into it, and Alan Scott's GL powers were mystical and thus the only connection he had to the GL Corps. was in name only) they were made into The Flash and the Green Lantern of an alternate earth called Earth 2.

I've only read the first trade, but it's a damn fine read on it's own. It's a damn good superhero book. I keep meaning to pick up the second trade...

Ah okay I didn't know the old timers were still around in new 52 comics ( I haven't read any new 52). Sounds good.
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