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The hero GAF deserves: GAFman

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If we're doing the console factions, I want to re-nominate Xbots for the Xbox side. Either flat out robots, or cyborgs sort of like the Star Trek Borg. Cool visuals.

I've always been fond of Ninthings for the Nintendo side, and I'm picturing these as freakish monsters. An organic T-1000, a Ninthing is an empath and gloms onto fond memories of Nintendo's glory days. Often times it will take on aspects of Nintendo mascots, but being ill-formed there's always some imperfection in them.

Perhaps John Carpenter's The Thing is a better model, only less sinister in appearance.

I'll try to whip something up. I choked on Opa because I'm just much just thinking of an Asian Sinestro. :\


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
The Take Out Bandit said:
If we're doing the console factions, I want to re-nominate Xbots for the Xbox side. Either flat out robots, or cyborgs sort of like the Star Trek Borg. Cool visuals.

I've always been fond of Ninthings for the Nintendo side, and I'm picturing these as freakish monsters. An organic T-1000, a Ninthing is an empath and gloms onto fond memories of Nintendo's glory days. Often times it will take on aspects of Nintendo mascots, but being ill-formed there's always some imperfection in them.

Perhaps John Carpenter's The Thing is a better model, only less sinister in appearance.

I'll try to whip something up. I choked on Opa because I'm just much just thinking of an Asian Sinestro. :\
Some sort of dystopian kingdom detached from the rest of the world sounds much more interesting to me than freakish monsters, tbh.
No internet, people having twelve digit numbers instead of names, ninja warriors using weapons made of indestructible materials.
Perhaps even They Live-style billboards with apparently innocent Miis actually hiding messages for mass mind control.
I see a lot of potential there.

EDIT: The Ninthings could still be experiments secretly conducted by the empire's R&D laboratories, using brainwashed followers as test subjects.
Jocchan said:
Some sort of dystopian kingdom detached from the rest of the world sounds much more interesting to me than freakish monsters, tbh.
No internet, people having twelve digit numbers instead of names, ninja warriors using weapons made of indestructible materials.
Perhaps even They Live-style billboards with apparently innocent Miis actually hiding messages for mass mind control.
I see a lot of potential there.

I'll try to visualize it to help my case.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
The Take Out Bandit said:

I think the Friend Code can be the serial numbers for the Ninthings makes sense. :D

I'll try to post something up by the end of the day.
Haha, awesome.
Not as close to what I have in my head; but a rough estimation of a Ninthing:


Umbilical in head in hat / mascot logo seems fun and creepy. Didn't want it to be too much like Twelve from SF3.

They just want to be friends and will sense what the friend wants and start to take on that shape. Perhaps they remain mostly formless until they acquire a friends code? The more friends codes they acquire the more formed the become?!

Need to find way to have Friend's Code on Ninthing itself.

Will try and flesh it out as time permits.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Meanwhile, I came up with an entire, crazy story arc set in such a kingdom. Including Ninthings. And I'm aching to put it on paper. Damn you, spare time I don't have. Damn you to hell :O

Vulcano's assistant said:

The link doesn't work, rehosted for ya:


Jocchan said:
Actually, that video was the main inspiration. Didn't know it was you who made it :D(


Yours conveys the message better. Mine was clunky, first time I had dealt with...cloning myself.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So are we going to get more serious about this? We should totally make a GAFman issue #1.


Well nobody knows what matters and what we're getting rid of etc etc

People keep coming into the thread making new ideas or retreading old ones after having not looked over every page in here to see if it hasn't been done already.

Somebody's got to collect the facts together first.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Satchwar said:
Well nobody knows what matters and what we're getting rid of etc etc

People keep coming into the thread making new ideas or retreading old ones after having not looked over every page in here to see if it hasn't been done already.

Somebody's got to collect the facts together first.
Yep, that's why I suggested to get someone to craft what's actually canon. We did this for Dudebro in the very beginning, and it worked. Without someone in a decisional role, everyone will be working on their own interpretation of the thing, with random and conflicting results leading to nothing productive.
Getting at least one short story, even just a single fight with a sigle villain, out of this thread would be an amazing achievement though.

oatmeal said:

Yours conveys the message better. Mine was clunky, first time I had dealt with...cloning myself.
Your video was awesome, man :D
Mine was just a quick sketch, actually... I didn't even put much time (well... any time) in the character designs.


Fail out bailed
MisterNoisy said:
Dr. M is a shadowy figure that Master Race turned to in his failed attempt to combat what is only known as The Torrent:

A seemingly endless horde of small, blind, uncaring creatures - little more than mouths and grasping little hands - that seek nothing more than to consume and 'seed'. They have always existed and didn't care who they victimized, but Master Race found himself more vulnerable than most to their predations, and felt the need to strike back..
This shit right here is great


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Satchwar said:
Well nobody knows what matters and what we're getting rid of etc etc

People keep coming into the thread making new ideas or retreading old ones after having not looked over every page in here to see if it hasn't been done already.

Somebody's got to collect the facts together first.

Jocchan said:
Yep, that's why I suggested to get someone to craft what's actually canon. We did this for Dudebro in the very beginning, and it worked. Without someone in a decisional role, everyone will be working on their own interpretation of the thing, with random and conflicting results leading to nothing productive.

Getting at least one short story, even just a single fight with a sigle villain, out of this thread would be an amazing achievement though.

If we could get some talented artists and writers that are willing to put the time and effort into putting together a full comic, I would be willing to take the kind of supervisory role necessary to organize all this creative chaos together. I am definitely interested in working in a creative/editory capacity on such a project.
So I tried to recap in this pic most of the general points that has been brought to the thread. It is very incomplete, but at least will serve to pick what is canon and disregard the rest (of what it is in the pic) in the future.

Click it for the readable version:



Somebody should parody this, so GAFman would be saying something like

"you think the letter on my chest stands for neopets?"

Or something. Idk. I thought it'd be funnier if it referenced another gaming forum.
Lol, talk about coincidence.

I was just sketching two faces of GAFman to test how well his expressions would come through the mask and the first is him shouting that; the other is him laughing, "Oh, wait. There's no 'A.' Lol."

Mista Koo

Dunno why but I think Nintendo should have a somewhat Japanese theme, I can see them being led by Shogun Laughs.

Also one of these groups should be brainwashed zombies, perhaps Apple's?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Mista Koo said:
Also one of these groups should be brainwashed zombies, perhaps Apple's?
The idea I had for the Nintendo kingdom (the one I said I had come up with an entire story arc with) was to have the population of the empire entirely brainwashed into some sort of dystopia where everything works differently from the rest of the world (see no Internet access, everyone having a 12-digit friend code instead of a name). Something similar to the Village from The Prisoner filled with the subliminal messages from They Live (hidden in giant billboards with Miis promoting a healthy lifestyle), basically.
All this while King Gahiggidy and his R&D laboratories conduct experiments in secret on the population turning some of them into dangerous monsters called Ninthings.

The idea for my story arc was
to have GAFman wake up in his house inside the kingdom. He lives there. His name is 5567-6990-1337. He has a hot girlfriend (!), a job and a happy life. Then, a series of brutal murders upsets the town and GAFman can't stop himself from investigating about what happened. Nintendo ninjas try to stop him, but he eventually finds out that weird things happen in the R&D laboratories under the castle. After interrogating one of the scientists, he finds out that his real body is kept in a suspension capsule inside the laboratory, and that he himself is a Ninthing in which GAFman's mind was transferred to, in an experiment to control Ninthings' innate aggressivity to let them mesh with the population in the outside world and then "activate" them on command in case of console war. To achieve this, they used a foreigner (GAFman, duh), crafted a Truman Show-like perfect life for him by brainwashing other citizens, and started activating his aggressivity at night time (hence the brutal murders). The arc would end with the GAFman Ninthing freeing the real GAFman, somehow freeing everyone else from their brainwashing, and the real GAFman leaving the kingdom together with the Ninthing's fake girlfriend (which insta-friendzones him). Then GAFman would ask her what name she'd use in the outside world, and she would answer "Francesca". Shyamalan.jpg.

Something like that :p

Important plot points:
- Even though Francesca was GAFman Ninthing's girlfriend, the real GAFman is still a virgin
- All the work is done by the Ninthing, GAFman does absolutely nothing except getting his ass saved
- I mentioned King Gahiggidy because having our members lead the different fanboy factions would make much more sense than actual execs who have nothing to do with them

EDIT: I had some fun making a billboard:



Make another villain out of this image.

Roommate - He likes to film himself in the bathtub and post it online frequently, along with his girlfriend/sidekick (I can't think of a good name for her).


Hylian7 said:

Make another villain out of this image.

Roommate - He likes to film himself in the bathtub and post it online frequently, along with his girlfriend/sidekick (I can't think of a good name for her).


Jocchan said:
The idea I had for the Nintendo kingdom (the one I said I had come up with an entire story arc with) was to have the population of the empire entirely brainwashed into some sort of dystopia where everything works differently from the rest of the world (see no Internet access, everyone having a 12-digit friend code instead of a name). Something similar to the Village from The Prisoner filled with the subliminal messages from They Live (hidden in giant billboards with Miis promoting a healthy lifestyle), basically.
All this while King Gahiggidy and his R&D laboratories conduct experiments in secret on the population turning some of them into dangerous monsters called Ninthings.

The idea for my story arc was
to have GAFman wake up in his house inside the kingdom. He lives there. His name is 5567-6990-1337. He has a hot girlfriend (!), a job and a happy life. Then, a series of brutal murders upsets the town and GAFman can't stop himself from investigating about what happened. Nintendo ninjas try to stop him, but he eventually finds out that weird things happen in the R&D laboratories under the castle. After interrogating one of the scientists, he finds out that his real body is kept in a suspension capsule inside the laboratory, and that he himself is a Ninthing in which GAFman's mind was transferred to, in an experiment to control Ninthings' innate aggressivity to let them mesh with the population in the outside world and then "activate" them on command in case of console war. To achieve this, they used a foreigner (GAFman, duh), crafted a Truman Show-like perfect life for him by brainwashing other citizens, and started activating his aggressivity at night time (hence the brutal murders). The arc would end with the GAFman Ninthing freeing the real GAFman, somehow freeing everyone else from their brainwashing, and the real GAFman leaving the kingdom together with the Ninthing's fake girlfriend (which insta-friendzones him). Then GAFman would ask her what name she'd use in the outside world, and she would answer "Francesca". Shyamalan.jpg.

Something like that :p

Important plot points:
- Even though Francesca was GAFman Ninthing's girlfriend, the real GAFman is still a virgin
- All the work is done by the Ninthing, GAFman does absolutely nothing except getting his ass saved
- I mentioned King Gahiggidy because having our members lead the different fanboy factions would make much more sense than actual execs who have nothing to do with them

EDIT: I had some fun making a billboard:

I think the kingdom should live in a technologically outdated society (see Cuba), In part because of the old hardware Nintendo used this generation but also because it would make an strong visual link to oppressed societies.

If times goes in a different pace in Gaf-man's world, 10-years-of-old hardware could translate into people that various decades there. They might still wear 50's fashion.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
JonCha said:
I you're doing factions, then you have to reference the bit franchise characters (Chief, Drake, Mario etc.).
Considering they're factions of console warriors, those would work better as their inspiration.

Vulcano's assistant said:
I think the kingdom should live in a technologically outdated society (see Cuba), In part because of the old hardware Nintendo used this generation but also because it would make an strong visual link to oppressed societies.

If times goes in a different pace in Gaf-man's world, 10-years-of-old hardware could translate into people that various decades there. They might still wear 50's fashion.
Well, not sure the physical location should necessarily reflect that (ninjas in Cuba, for example, wouldn't make a lot of sense), but I definitely agree about making that society outdated. Especially with a 50's or 60's retro flair, maybe even with art deco mixed to traditional Japanese architecture? The possibilities for such a location would be nigh endless.

Also, no one pointed out the subliminal message in the billboard above :(
Jocchan said:
Considering they're factions of console warriors, those would work better as their inspiration.

Well, not sure the physical location should necessarily reflect that (ninjas in Cuba, for example, wouldn't make a lot of sense), but I definitely agree about making that society outdated. Especially with a 50's or 60's retro flair, maybe even with art deco mixed to traditional Japanese architecture? The possibilities for such a location would be nigh endless.

Also, no one pointed out the subliminal message in the billboard above :(

I didn't it mean it to look like Cuba, I was just saying that they are almost still living in the sixties.

Btw all i can think of japan + 60's is this:

EDIT: the only thing you may want to avoid, is stating that technological progress = better. In order to counter this, you could include sub themes about the preservation of the kingdoms traditions (the main franchises) because they are what brought happiness to the inhabitants in the past (when the monarchy was in power ?) and to this day.
Jocchan said:
Considering they're factions of console warriors, those would work better as their inspiration.

Well, not sure the physical location should necessarily reflect that (ninjas in Cuba, for example, wouldn't make a lot of sense), but I definitely agree about making that society outdated. Especially with a 50's or 60's retro flair, maybe even with art deco mixed to traditional Japanese architecture? The possibilities for such a location would be nigh endless.

Also, no one pointed out the subliminal message in the billboard above :(
I don't see any subliminal message. I do, however,
suddenly feel like online is completely overrated. Odd.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Vulcano's assistant said:
I didn't it mean it to look like Cuba, I was just saying that they are almost still living in the sixties.

Btw all i can think of japan + 60's is this:

EDIT: the only thing you may want to avoid, is stating that technological progress = better. You could include sub themes about the preservation of the kingdoms traditions (the main franchises) because they are what brought happiness to the inhabitants in the past (when the monarchy was in power ?) and to this day.
I thought you meant placing it physically in a location like Cuba :D
Agreed about the edit, by the way. One thing I love about dystopias is that they're a very good way to introduce a variety of themes, or to show everyday life from a different point of view.

First Name said:
I don't see any subliminal message. I do, however,
suddenly feel like online is completely overrated. Odd.
How odd. I have absolutely no idea why.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Has anyone made the spider villain?

It should be two spiders one on the back of the other, upside down! That way they can never fall on there back.


Plywood said:
Has anyone made the spider villain?

It should be two spiders one on the back of the other, upside down! That way they can never fall on there back.
plus, sixteen legs. shiiiit.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Mista Koo said:
Wow, I can't believe you actually thought out an entire story. But it was awesome :lol.
The billboard idea is brilliant, but it should be like this to better suit the comic format:

(click for fullsize)
Hahahaha this is amazing.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Vulcano's assistant said:
So I tried to recap in this pic most of the general points that has been brought to the thread. It is very incomplete, but at least will serve to pick what is canon and disregard the rest (of what it is in the pic) in the future.

Click it for the readable version:

Nice, Dr. M made it :D


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Okay, I am completely willing to take the responsibility of taking many of the ideas from this thread and condensing and incorporating them into a consistent universe. Making some of this stuff canon. But before I do anything like that, I have to know.

Are there any artists on GAF willing to spend the time and effort to actually draw a full GAFman comic book?

If GAF doesn't have the drive to undertake a project of this size, than there really isn't much reason to establish any sort of canon. We need to decide if this spontaneous creativity has any sort of goal or if it's just chaos.

In an ideal situation, I'd certainly like to see about 6-7 of us working on a GAFman comic book as a continuous project. Releasing several different, full color comics that could be read like an actual digital comic book. That would be awesome.


This thread makes me review the "memes" of GAF, and I have a lot of fun too. Keep going!

Over the last few pages, everyone seemed to have forgotten the role of Google in the potential comic book.
ZealousD said:
Okay, I am completely willing to take the responsibility of taking many of the ideas from this thread and condensing and incorporating them into a consistent universe. Making some of this stuff canon. But before I do anything like that, I have to know.

Are there any artists on GAF willing to spend the time and effort to actually draw a full GAFman comic book?

If GAF doesn't have the drive to undertake a project of this size, than there really isn't much reason to establish any sort of canon. We need to decide if this spontaneous creativity has any sort of goal or if it's just chaos.

In an ideal situation, I'd certainly like to see about 6-7 of us working on a GAFman comic book as a continuous project. Releasing several different, full color comics that could be read like an actual digital comic book. That would be awesome.

I'm in. I am not as good as other members and I work slow, but I'll do my best.


Mista Koo said:
Wow, I can't believe you actually thought out an entire story. But it was awesome :lol.
The billboard idea is brilliant, but it should be like this to better suit the comic format:

(click for fullsize)
Needs to be a parallax barrier display. When in the sweet spot, it looks innocuous; move away, and it becomes sinister.
Obviously all Nintendo citizens are capable of keeping their heads in the sweet spot all the time


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Vulcano's assistant said:
I'm in. I am not as good as other members and I work slow, but I'll do my best.

Something we could do is help distribute some of these duties. For example, we might have one artist sketch one issue while somebody else sketches another. And then we could have other people do the inking and coloring. Something like that. Keep the process efficient rather than offloading all the duties onto one artist.
ZealousD said:
Something we could do is help distribute some of these duties. For example, we might have one artist sketch one issue while somebody else sketches another. And then we could have other people do the inking and coloring. Something like that. Keep the process efficient rather than offloading all the duties onto one artist.

I am wondering two things:
- How many panels/pages for issue do you think we could aim to do without being more than we can handle?
- Do you think gafers would actually read these if they are beefy in dialogue and panels,or should it be safer to make them as short as possible?


I still think the GAF-HiveMind is a villain which practically creates itself.

Something creepy and insidious.

I also think the Hype Train needs to be fleshed out :)

Mista Koo

I think the most viable option is to make it in a way similar to Axe Cop 1-2 page(s) every week, but perhaps with a more flexible schedule.

Rapstah said:
I'm amused by the concept of a billboard that only shows subliminal messages when you're not looking at it.
Wichu said:
Needs to be a parallax barrier display. When in the sweet spot, it looks innocuous; move away, and it becomes sinister.
Obviously all Nintendo citizens are capable of keeping their heads in the sweet spot all the time
Actually I was thinking it only shows the subliminal message when you are not focusing on it, you can only see it when you are not directly looking at it.
But again it's a comic so I don't think it has to be very realistic. Maybe we could even call it a Billbooard :p

Vulcano's assistant said:
I don't think I ever saw this before, but it's not like the concept is super original.
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