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The Witcher III: Blood & Wine |OT| One last contract, one last plough


Guys i decided to
lift the curse and get Marlene to my house. I also got the quest "The Hunger Game" , which tells me to go to corvo bianco to speak with Marlene but i cant find her anywhere... Is this a known bug? Is there any solution?
Is this for real? That quest is just called "
" in the Polish version. CD Projekt Red seems to want to turn The Witcher into Borderlands for some godforsaken reason. I don't even want to imagine how memey and referentail Cyberpunk is going to be.

Yuuuup. It's a teenage romance, while Yen and Geralt have an adult relationship.
There's nothing adult about it. They both bicker and hold grudges like moody teenagers. The whole thing is built on inexplicable attraction, not mutual respect (which is why CD Projekt Red decided that it might as well be considered a curse).
Video Game Triss is the blandest character in all the northern kingdoms, but at least those two treat each other like equals.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Lol, can't disagree. I think Geralt/Keira would have been perfect. Similarly grumpily good hearted.
Damn you Lambert, poacher!
True, Keira was shady because she was in desperate circumstances but she had a cute personality and ultimately they called each other out on shit when they perceived shenanigans and were up front in good heart whenever a conflict arose because of that. That was actually one of the cute things about her when Geralt would poke at some way she was being dumb and she'd almost get defensive but then catch herself and cordially explain what he didn't know. She was kind of excitable/free-spirited like a kid but handled herself like an adult and gave Geralt the same respect even when poking fun at ways he failed to meet some expectations. She also had a good sense of reciprocity and helped him as much as he helped her, even when it got really bad. Seemed like pretty solid initial groundwork of relationship dynamics, but Geralt has too much baggage for her.

take that back
Okay, she isn't lame, their love/way of relating is lame but she isn't lame. That's giving her too much credit. In reality she isn't a lovestruck teen who doesn't know any better, she's just a horrible person. She only wants things if they are free, is insecure and weak-willed, will lie the deepest most damaging fucking lies for circumstances she could take gotten help with, acts like her feelings are some higher power twisting her arm that she can blame rather than admitting she's selfish, manipulates people she is closest to and capitalizes on their vulnerabilities if it can get her something she wants, acts like her personal relationships and political goals can exist in separate realities, constantly trips into nearly getting herself killed and freely gives up others unto life-threatening danger, drags Geralt into the most inane shit like some kind of princess who can't step in a puddle while he has infinitely better things to do, and does it all in full awareness of what she is doing and the stakes.

She's awful. Nearly every way she was helpful to Geralt was for something that wouldn't have been a bother if she wasn't in his life. Nearly every shit circumstance they faced together was her fault. Not only this, but things with Yennefer would have made a lot more sense and worked out better if it wasn't for Triss injecting herself into the picture.
Yennefer even revealed that she could have contacted him earlier before she absolutely needed his help for Ciri yet didn't because of his relationship with Triss. So those years on the road chasing Yennefer were because of Triss.
So I say fine, go be with your beloved sorceress bitches because you pretty much are one, and not even one of the cool ones who know it about themselves like Philippa.

All of that and only having passed Pyres of Novigrad. I have heard vague discussion that she pulls a lot of bullshit in this game as well. Doesn't surprise me as I had her number since I found out all the shit she held from Geralt in Witcher 2 while he ran headlong into possibly-world-ending danger. I've heard some shit about Yen too but they also say she's a cold bitch which is a total misread so I'll have to see for myself. She already died for Geralt so I don't see how her love can be doubted. She is also doing what is necessary for their daughter, who just may hold the fate of the world vs the most powerful evil in known existence that is hunting her, so kinda important. She seems good at priorities like that, unlike Triss.


YOOOOOO alternate input response is so much better. It actually feels like a normal game now and I can direct Geralt around a room and loot things without him randomly lunging forward 4 feet.

Also my suspicions from Witcher 2 are being confirmed in Novigrad. Triss is lame and makes Geralt lame when he's around her. It's like a relationship from a WB young adult show.

She is very whiny and a good old homewrecker.

Also that voice acting. Yikes.

Okay, she isn't lame, their love/way of relating is lame but she isn't lame. That's giving her too much credit. In reality she isn't a lovestruck teen who doesn't know any better, she's just a horrible person. She only wants things if they are free, is insecure and weak-willed, will lie the deepest most damaging fucking lies for circumstances she could take gotten help with, acts like her feelings are some higher power twisting her arm that she can blame rather than admitting she's selfish, manipulates people she is closest to and capitalizes on their vulnerabilities if it can get her something she wants, acts like her personal relationships and political goals can exist in separate realities, constantly trips into nearly getting herself killed and freely gives up others unto life-threatening danger, drags Geralt into the most inane shit like some kind of princess who can't step in a puddle while he has infinitely better things to do, and does it all in full awareness of what she is doing and the stakes.

She's awful. Nearly every way she was helpful to Geralt was for something that wouldn't have been a bother if she wasn't in his life. Nearly every shit circumstance they faced together was her fault. Not only this, but things with Yennifer would have made a lot more sense and worked out better if it wasn't for Triss injecting herself into the picture.
Yennifer even revealed that she could have contacted him earlier before she absolutely needed his help for Ciri yet didn't because of his relationship with Triss. So those years on the road chasing Yennifer were because of Triss.
So I say fine, go be with your beloved sorceress bitches because you pretty much are one, and not even one of the cool ones who know it about themselves like Philippa.

All of that and only having passed Pyres of Novigrad. I have heard vague discussion that she pulls a lot of bullshit in this game as well. Doesn't surprise me as I had her number since I found out all the shit she held from Geralt in Witcher 2 while he ran headlong into possibly-world-ending danger. I've heard some shit about Yen too but they also say she's a cold bitch which is a total misread so I'll have to see for myself. She already died for Geralt so I don't see how her love can be doubted. She is also doing what is necessary for their daughter, who just may hold the fate of the world vs the most powerful evil in known existence that is hunting her, so kinda important. She seems good at priorities like that, unlike Triss.

Book spoilers:

Yen has always hated Triss for her attempts to get into Geralts pants. He chooses Yen and considers his intimacy with Triss a mistake but when his memory is lost in the first game (and Triss knows this) she throws herself at him and I'm sure in a lot of people's game stories, he sleeps with her while his memory is gone.
I was always surprised that they didn't do more with the rose of remembrance in W3. We know from Phillipa's spell in W2 that the rose in a spell works like a strong love potion, making the person do as you wish to a degree that could almost be considered mind control, and of course Triss wanted to use that to restore Geralt's memory. Didn't really go anywhere with it, other than a line from Triss.

I kinda liked Triss in 2 (other than the shady shit as above), but her voice acting is atrocious in this one.

Oh, and Triss did pull some shit in the books to get Geralt to sleep with her, but Geralt didn't react negatively afterwards. It could easily be seen as rape.


Still kinda miffed about how they handled Triss game after game. I don't mind her character, but she's so different now from what she was in the first game, almost like she's gotten younger in both mind and body with each game, less down to earth and more idealistic.

Quite frankly, her initial portrayal was actually kind of off when compared to the novels. This may actually be closer.
Is this for real? That quest is just called "
" in the Polish version. CD Projekt Red seems to want to turn The Witcher into Borderlands for some godforsaken reason. I don't even want to imagine how memey and referentail Cyberpunk is going to be.

There's nothing adult about it. They both bicker and hold grudges like moody teenagers. The whole thing is built on inexplicable attraction, not mutual respect (which is why CD Projekt Red decided that it might as well be considered a curse).
Video Game Triss is the blandest character in all the northern kingdoms, but at least those two treat each other like equals.
Exactly how I see it. After all the games, Yen was a complete disappointment and is in no way a good match for Geralt. He's better off alone honestly. Yen treats hin like garbage for the most part.
Still kinda miffed about how they handled Triss game after game. I don't mind her character, but she's so different now from what she was in the first game, almost like she's gotten younger in both mind and body with each game, less down to earth and more idealistic.

First game Triss is much closer to Yennefer in personality. And Alvin is a bizarre Ciri substitute.

The way the first game is written is bizarre- it feels almost like they got the rights to the entire franchise except for Yennifer and Ciri.
In the Witcherverse cats are special; they're the only beast naturally attuned to magic, drawn to places of power, and can sense Witchers instantly. Nobody knows why.

This is very true, but I think there's more to it. Nibbles shows up so many times now, that it has to be one of these reasons:

1: Sapkowski really likes cats, and this is a small nod to that.

Andrzej Sapkowski said:
For me the cats are an obsession. … I believe that they are supernatural creatures, with an identity and personality of their own … . It is very good to have one in the house, because then no demon will cross the shadows, because this [the cat] is in the shadows, waiting and vigilant.

2. The lead writer, Marcin Blacha, has (or had?) a cat that looks very similar to Nibbles, so that's perhaps a nod to that?


The Knight's Tale quest was very cool. Some great music there.
I was nice and bowed to the witch, but rejected the offer to cut a piece of my hair for her. I then lifted the curse by myself. I lied (or perhaps the witch was lying?) to the Spirit, and she left peacefully. I think the Woodcutter was hoping to do some slaying of his own ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but left to "think about things".

Seeing the statue
get built was really awesome
. I wish the base game had handled the POI like that. The
Hanse bases
were also very interesting. I like how the
bandits in the other smaller camps end up dying if you do the big base first. I also saw a few letters that changed depending on choices like that.

The third main quest, where you go with
Regis to the vampire hideout... so good. Human Husbandry, yeah. Colourful history, those vampires have. The fight with Regis in the cage also had some great music. Earlier in the game I had spoken to the bootblack, and I like how the game knew about that, when Regis sent me to find him.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
There's nothing adult about it. They both bicker and hold grudges like moody teenagers. The whole thing is built on inexplicable attraction, not mutual respect (which is why CD Projekt Red decided that it might as well be considered a curse).
I don't see it so far, but I have most of the story left to go so we'll see. Yennefer seems pretty cool and I wouldn't consider anything up to this point as bickering or moody.

Video Game Triss is the blandest character in all the northern kingdoms, but at least those two treat each other like equals.
Except for all her manipulation and lies. It's a pretty
facade over her using him.


Is the 'Cat Eyes' mutation as badass as it seems? Because it seems pretty badass and I want to know if it is worth the insane investment.


any characters from the main game returning on this DLC? you can pm with the info, i didnt want to go into the spoiler thread but i would like to know just that


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
HoS Shani is the perfect Geralt waifu that cannot be.


Just hit me how much
got that Peter Cushing look going on.




Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Also I think the djinn stuff (it's in a book early on
tho I know it's in the story later
) is probably a counter to magical influences on the Triss side of things to explain how Geralt could still feel torn before even getting his memory back or finding Yennefer.

Now I'm excited because I think I'm about to get my first heavy armor set.


I don't see it so far, but I have most of the story left to go so we'll see. Yennefer seems pretty cool and I wouldn't consider anything up to this point as bickering or moody.

Except for all her manipulation and lies. It's a pretty
facade over her using him.
How is Video Game Triss manipulating or using him? In the first game she's basically a stand-in for Yennefer and she spends all of The Witcher 2 trying to help him regain his memory, knowing that it would likely be the end of their new fling. Then they're back to square one in The Witcher 3.
Because she didn't resist Geralt's advances? That sounds more like a sign of weakness and lack of restraint which Geralt was shown to share many times. It's not like she had to seduce him.

Just hit me how much
got that Peter Cushing look going on.
All I can see when I look at him is a hairier Peter Molyneux.
lets roll


These Grand Master sets are killing me, they all have a flaw that makes them subpar to me.

Manticore has chainmail on NG+ which kind of ruins the look, Wolven makes you look like Lambert, Cat has that ridiculous hood, Bear doesn't really mesh with Geralt's look, and Griffin would have been perfect without the pot belly.
True, Keira was shady because she was in desperate circumstances but she had a cute personality and ultimately they called each other out on shit when they perceived shenanigans and were up front in good heart whenever a conflict arose because of that. That was actually one of the cute things about her when Geralt would poke at some way she was being dumb and she'd almost get defensive but then catch herself and cordially explain what he didn't know. She was kind of excitable/free-spirited like a kid but handled herself like an adult and gave Geralt the same respect even when poking fun at ways he failed to meet some expectations. She also had a good sense of reciprocity and helped him as much as he helped her, even when it got really bad. Seemed like pretty solid initial groundwork of relationship dynamics, but Geralt has too much baggage for her.

Exactly, you get it! Her personality really comes through when she's posing as a village witch too - she clearly finds the villagers tiresomely ignorant, and can't stand living in filth. She's just there to hide. But, since she's there, she still helps the villagers more than she needs to maintain her cover (with an eye roll and an acid tone, but none-the-less). She was one of my favorite characters, and I really liked her and Geralt's dynamic.

HoS Shani is the perfect Geralt waifu that cannot be.

No. Shani is friend zone all the way.


So, about the contract Bovine Blues...

It's sort of pissing me off emotionally.

So basically a young Slyzard accidentally dropped a cow on top of someone after attempting to carry it back to its home because it overestimated its own strength and then hit into a crane causing it to start bleeding heavily. It then struggled to get back home, barely even being able to crawl, and then it's mother came to save it and pick it up to take it back home. My problem is that the game is forcing me to barge into its nest and brutally slay the mother draconid in front of its young. It pisses me off because it's wrong. These draconid (Slyzards) are not hurting any humans.

So yeah, I'm in the middle of slaughtering this poor young Slyzards mother in front of it while seeing Slyzards eggs in my periphery. I'm also now having to slaughter the young Slyzard because it is now attempting to defend its own mother too all while Geralt makes very uncompassionate remarks like "Oh, mommy is coming to help is she?". What the fuck, Geralt?


So, about the contract Bovine Blues...

It's sort of pissing me off emotionally.

So basically a young Slyzard accidentally dropped a cow on top of someone after attempting to carry it back to its home because it overestimated its own strength and then hit into a crane causing it to start bleeding heavily. It then struggled to get back home, barely even being able to crawl, and then it's mother came to save it and pick it up to take it back home. My problem is that the game is forcing me to barge into its nest and brutally slay the mother draconid in front of its young. It pisses me off because it's wrong. These draconid (Slyzards) are not hurting any humans.

So yeah, I'm in the middle of slaughtering this poor young Slyzards mother in front of it while seeing Slyzards eggs in my periphery. I'm also now having to slaughter the young Slyzard because it is now attempting to defend its own mother too all while Geralt makes very uncompassionate remarks like "Oh, mommy is coming to help is she?". What the fuck, Geralt?
No one forced you to complete the quest.


The latest reply:

In the Witcherverse cats are special; they're the only beast naturally attuned to magic, drawn to places of power, and can sense Witchers instantly. Nobody knows why.

The fact it's the same cat model each time is what's driving me crazy. I just wish it was a gag they used in Witcher 1 and 2, I guess, since my only exposure is through the games.



So, about the contract Bovine Blues...

It's sort of pissing me off emotionally.

So basically a young Slyzard accidentally dropped a cow on top of someone after attempting to carry it back to its home because it overestimated its own strength and then hit into a crane causing it to start bleeding heavily. It then struggled to get back home, barely even being able to crawl, and then it's mother came to save it and pick it up to take it back home. My problem is that the game is forcing me to barge into its nest and brutally slay the mother draconid in front of its young. It pisses me off because it's wrong. These draconid (Slyzards) are not hurting any humans.

So yeah, I'm in the middle of slaughtering this poor young Slyzards mother in front of it while seeing Slyzards eggs in my periphery. I'm also now having to slaughter the young Slyzard because it is now attempting to defend its own mother too all while Geralt makes very uncompassionate remarks like "Oh, mommy is coming to help is she?". What the fuck, Geralt?

What you're framing as a complaint actually perfectly captures the melancholy and pathos of what being a witcher is. It's a horrible way of life for multiple reasons.


So, about the contract Bovine Blues...

It's sort of pissing me off emotionally.

So basically a young Slyzard accidentally dropped a cow on top of someone after attempting to carry it back to its home because it overestimated its own strength and then hit into a crane causing it to start bleeding heavily. It then struggled to get back home, barely even being able to crawl, and then it's mother came to save it and pick it up to take it back home. My problem is that the game is forcing me to barge into its nest and brutally slay the mother draconid in front of its young. It pisses me off because it's wrong. These draconid (Slyzards) are not hurting any humans.

So yeah, I'm in the middle of slaughtering this poor young Slyzards mother in front of it while seeing Slyzards eggs in my periphery. I'm also now having to slaughter the young Slyzard because it is now attempting to defend its own mother too all while Geralt makes very uncompassionate remarks like "Oh, mommy is coming to help is she?". What the fuck, Geralt?
I'd just like to say that I appreciate this post and I like the way you think.

What you're framing as a complaint actually perfectly captures the melancholy and pathos of what being a witcher is. It's a horrible way of life for multiple reasons.
Pathos of being The Shitty Witcher, maybe, but Geralt doesn't kill animals just because they were involved in an air traffic accident. That's like killing a band of horses and their unborn young because one trampled someone in panic.


So, about the contract Bovine Blues...

It's sort of pissing me off emotionally.

So basically a young Slyzard accidentally dropped a cow on top of someone after attempting to carry it back to its home because it overestimated its own strength and then hit into a crane causing it to start bleeding heavily. It then struggled to get back home, barely even being able to crawl, and then it's mother came to save it and pick it up to take it back home. My problem is that the game is forcing me to barge into its nest and brutally slay the mother draconid in front of its young. It pisses me off because it's wrong. These draconid (Slyzards) are not hurting any humans.

So yeah, I'm in the middle of slaughtering this poor young Slyzards mother in front of it while seeing Slyzards eggs in my periphery. I'm also now having to slaughter the young Slyzard because it is now attempting to defend its own mother too all while Geralt makes very uncompassionate remarks like "Oh, mommy is coming to help is she?". What the fuck, Geralt?

When I did that quest, I went to the nest and it passed the mission immediately. Apparently I'd already slayed them in passing as I was out for a casual stroll.


So, about the contract Bovine Blues...

It's sort of pissing me off emotionally.

So basically a young Slyzard accidentally dropped a cow on top of someone after attempting to carry it back to its home because it overestimated its own strength and then hit into a crane causing it to start bleeding heavily. It then struggled to get back home, barely even being able to crawl, and then it's mother came to save it and pick it up to take it back home. My problem is that the game is forcing me to barge into its nest and brutally slay the mother draconid in front of its young. It pisses me off because it's wrong. These draconid (Slyzards) are not hurting any humans.

So yeah, I'm in the middle of slaughtering this poor young Slyzards mother in front of it while seeing Slyzards eggs in my periphery. I'm also now having to slaughter the young Slyzard because it is now attempting to defend its own mother too all while Geralt makes very uncompassionate remarks like "Oh, mommy is coming to help is she?". What the fuck, Geralt?

At the end of the day, the
Slyzards did actually kill a human, a cow, and caused damage to property.


Baha, so apparently there's a dev exploit left in Qwent on PC that you can use;

Press O to draw a decoy anytime, don't need them in your deck and there's no limit.
Played a couple games using it just for kicks.
Also I think the djinn stuff (it's in a book early on
tho I know it's in the story later
) is probably a counter to magical influences on the Triss side of things to explain how Geralt could still feel torn before even getting his memory back or finding Yennefer.

Geralt and Yennefer in the books never respect each other as equals and wouldn't ever be a thing if not for that djinn curse. Their whole relationship is a tiring game of breaking up and getting together again because magic, only made tolerable only due to their mutual fondness of Ciri.

The whole situation is even worse when you consider that Geralt made that wish to begin with because he took pity on Yennefer.

leng jai

Is the crossbow actually good if you spec for it? I've literally never used it outside of parts where you're forced to mainly because it looks ugly covering up the swords.


Baha, so apparently there's a dev exploit left in Qwent on PC that you can use;

Press O to draw a decoy anytime, don't need them in your deck and there's no limit.
Played a couple games using it just for kicks.


this is hilarious

I love finding debug commands and code in games


I'd just like to say that I appreciate this post and I like the way you think.


Pathos of being The Shitty Witcher, maybe, but Geralt doesn't kill animals just because they were involved in an air traffic accident. That's like killing a band of horses and their unborn young because one trampled someone in panic.

Yeah, pretty much. Having to slaughter the mother, her injured young, and destroy all of her eggs just because the smaller Slyzard made a mistake while trying to get food back to its sister and mother just felt off and contradicts Geralts morals. To put it bluntly, Geralt sounded like a right heartless cunt. True, you do come across a winery where killed a couple of humans, but it was most likely out of fear and panic. First contract that agitated me. I really feel for those Slyzards. Still absolutely loving the game though.
Geralt and Yennefer in the books never respect each other as equals and wouldn't ever be a thing if not for that djinn curse. Their whole relationship is a tiring game of breaking up and getting together again because magic, only made tolerable only due to their mutual fondness of Ciri.

The whole situation is even worse when you consider that Geralt made that wish to begin with because he took pity on Yennefer.

It being a curse is something that is open to interpretation for sure. One way to look at it could be they linked their fates together in a literal sense, as in they live and die together. When Geralt dies in the pogrom, so does Yen.
For it being a life and death link to each other, the Djinn can't just kill the person that has the power to make wishes through them, so it could simply be that the Djinn can no longer kill Yen, because it would have to also kill Geralt...something it can't do.
People loving each other, but driving each other crazy and breaking up, only to get back together, isn't something special to fantasy novels.

As far as the game goes, when the magic link is broken, Yen feels as if nothing has changed. If you choose to continue the romance, it seems like they are still the same people, but all those expectation of being magically linked are gone. Of course there is an option to break it off, it's a RPG, but you get the "nothing has changed" info regardless of player intervention.
People loving each other, but driving each other crazy and breaking up, only to get back together, isn't something special to fantasy novels.
Even in the most turbulent relationship, a couple continue to seek each other because they get something out of it. It typically starts with something shallow, and then grow to be more. Geralt and Yennefer never move past that shallow "opposite attracts" phase. It gets stale.

I mean, the majority of romantic relationships in the novels is shallow and rubbish, anyway, but Geralt and Yennefer's is a major offender because they keep repeating it over and over because magic.

I'm not arguing that they never actually love each other. I'm saying that even if they do, this love is contrived and all around depressing.


hmmm so beat the 'boss' on the
fairy tail path
. is it worth doing it the other way? Does it play out somewhat the same?

Too many games on the plate lol.
These Grand Master sets are killing me, they all have a flaw that makes them subpar to me.

Manticore has chainmail on NG+ which kind of ruins the look, Wolven makes you look like Lambert, Cat has that ridiculous hood, Bear doesn't really mesh with Geralt's look, and Griffin would have been perfect without the pot belly.
I'm all about the Toussaint armor set this time.

Ursine maybe back in Skellige and Velen but it looks kinda weird in the bright hot countryside haha.
I just spend 5 hours straight playing Gwent ...

I don't regret anything

Any good advice to get money ? i want to upgrade my villa but i'm short on funds ...


I just spend 5 hours straight playing Gwent ...

I don't regret anything

Any good advice to get money ? i want to upgrade my villa but i'm short on funds ...
The honest way is doing contracts and selling treasures. The "I don't want to waste time, I just want to enjoy the game*" way is to do the bee hive exploit.

*Definition of enjoyment varies from player to player.


These Grand Master sets are killing me, they all have a flaw that makes them subpar to me.

Manticore has chainmail on NG+ which kind of ruins the look, Wolven makes you look like Lambert, Cat has that ridiculous hood, Bear doesn't really mesh with Geralt's look, and Griffin would have been perfect without the pot belly.


It's why it's my least favourite Witcher set, hahaha
I just spend 5 hours straight playing Gwent ...

I don't regret anything

Any good advice to get money ? i want to upgrade my villa but i'm short on funds ...
Special honey delivery for Willis

On the subject of armour aesthetics, Grandmaster Feline looks quite good in green. It has a Robin Hood/Santa's little heavily armed helper vibe going :)

I haven't found black dye yet but I'd be keen to see what it looks like in black too. I think we can all agree that blue doesn't do it any favours...
Going back to finish some side quests and contracts from Blood and Wine after completing the story, and I can not for the life of me shake this feeling of immense sadness/emptiness :(

I love this game.


I haven't found black dye yet but I'd be keen to see what it looks like in black too. I think we can all agree that blue doesn't do it any favours...

Have only tried black dye on the Viper set, which as one can imagine doesn't make a huge difference but I noticed it makes the gauntlets and chest armor a deep blue and not proper black unlike the other armor pieces. I expect it styles other sets differently.

Okay, she isn't lame, their love/way of relating is lame but she isn't lame. That's giving her too much credit. In reality she isn't a lovestruck teen who doesn't know any better, she's just a horrible person. She only wants things if they are free, is insecure and weak-willed, will lie the deepest most damaging fucking lies for circumstances she could take gotten help with, acts like her feelings are some higher power twisting her arm that she can blame rather than admitting she's selfish, manipulates people she is closest to and capitalizes on their vulnerabilities if it can get her something she wants, acts like her personal relationships and political goals can exist in separate realities, constantly trips into nearly getting herself killed and freely gives up others unto life-threatening danger, drags Geralt into the most inane shit like some kind of princess who can't step in a puddle while he has infinitely better things to do, and does it all in full awareness of what she is doing and the stakes.

She's awful. Nearly every way she was helpful to Geralt was for something that wouldn't have been a bother if she wasn't in his life. Nearly every shit circumstance they faced together was her fault. Not only this, but things with Yennefer would have made a lot more sense and worked out better if it wasn't for Triss injecting herself into the picture.

Whew, what a takedown.
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