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Thor: Ragnarok Early Reactions

People are really underestimating the importance of fun. Which is funny after seeing what's going on with Blade Runner.

I may love movies like that, but many others may think boring and either won't bother, or won't care about the quality of the film.

Fun has a place in film. And I'm happy the MCU brings it more than most. And hey, sounds like the other compenents are great too so I'm ready.
The "music" and "70s/80s" angles is making this feel a lot like Marvels stretching out the Guardians of the Galaxy formula - or is that just the aesthetic they've assigned to "off-Earth/in space" movies?
We'll see if Agents of Shield gonna have that 80s feel too. Lol


This comes out in theaters here the same day Super Mario Odyssey and Stranger Things 2 comes out...

Doesn't matter, all these critic Twitter reactions are always so positive. Gonna wait for the exact same critics to post their full reviews elaborating on their positive Twitter reactions.


ALL early reactions are positive. ALL early reactions may or may not be studio driven screeners.

Press/fan screeners haven't happened yet.
Love Taika.
Love What We Do in the Shadows.
Like Thor.

Can't help, but go into this with tempered expectations. We've been here before. Early reviews get everyone hyped. We see the 97% on RT, but the time the movie is released, the reception drops down to the MCU usual.

Jokes and characters are front and center to the action & drama. This will be the thing people will either love, or dislike, about the film.
Pretty much what we'd expect, but if the joke aren't landing, MCU's constant humor can be the most grating thing. Loved it for Avengers, Iron Man 3 and Guardians 1. Dr. Strange, Guardians 2 and Homecoming were a different story.

This project was my most anticipated at the start of the year, but Guardians 2 and Homecoming, really hurt some of the hype.

Sure looks colorful, but "it's fun" is what you say about a movie when you can't find anything to actually praise.

Sounds harsh, but I do agree with that statement.

It's MCU, not an art house film. The thing they do best is being fun. What did you expect?

Wasn't this the Transformers defense years ago?

I had fun watching several blockbusters (including several MCU entries), but I could use other words to describe them.

I still really want to like this.

wowowowowow positive early reactions for a comic book movie on twitter


The "music" and "70s/80s" angles is making this feel a lot like Marvels stretching out the Guardians of the Galaxy formula - or is that just the aesthetic they've assigned to "off-Earth/in space" movies?
Waititi used Big Trouble in Little China as an example of what he wanted to do with the film. Covers both the music and the 80s angles, I reckon.


Yep, sounds like a same old "fun" (read: empty) MCU movie. At least this one seems to look good. Will watch for brunette Blanchett.


Good to see them giving it to an actually great director. Decisions like that are gonna save blockbusters.


The tweets are from critics...

These are the "bought" critics. The ones who never have anything negative to say about a movie. I use to go to a lot of screeners and I've met some of those types. They usually are super well known, get flown places, and think everything is awesome. One even said the latest Transformers is a must see and definitely in IMAX.

The real critics who'll say negative things haven't got a screening yet considering the movie is about a month away.

I've fixed it now
(i've got a lot of faith in this movie and its director, but still)

That is a better way to put it for sure. Remember early reactions to BvS were positive.


Yep, sounds like a same old "fun" (read: empty) MCU movie. At least this one seems to look good. Will watch for brunette Blanchett.

These are the "bought" critics. The ones who never have anything negative to say about a movie. I use to go to a lot of screeners and I've met some of those types. They usually are super well known, get flown places, and think everything is awesome. One even said the latest Transformers is a must see and definitely in IMAX.

The real critics who'll say negative things haven't got a screening yet considering the movie is about a month away.
Yeah, it’s an MCU thread alright.


One even said the latest Transformers is a must see and definitely in IMAX.

going in blind I'd say the exact quote was something like "this must be seen in IMAX", meaning that if you really have to see it, you have to see it in IMAX. they're usually not saying an outright lie, but rather a half truth. like "wonder woman is the best DCEU movie" yeah, it is, it's still not that a big achievement


This thread is gonna look real silly once it's out and is another homerun for Taika.

I think people here are just showing fatigue for these "first impressions". they're always super positive, and the actual quality of the movie never seem to matter. we've seen so many super-positive first impressions for average (or bad) movies that now it's difficult to tell when it's really awesome, a sort of "cry wolf" in reverse. I'm definitely going to watch this on a big screen because I believe Taika Waititi can't do wrong and it's going to be great, but I hope you get my point


Considering how every Marvel movie turned out and what I thought of them, I'm not sure critical acclaim for a MCU film means anything to me anymore.

There we go.

I'll watch this because of Taika (maybe not in theaters though), but knowing the studio behind it I'm setting my expectations at mindless, disposable entertainment.
I think people here are just showing fatigue for these "first impressions". they're always super positive, and the actual quality of the movie never seem to matter. we've seen so many super-positive first impressions for average (or bad) movies that now it's difficult to tell when it's really awesome, a sort of "cry wolf" in reverse. I'm definitely going to watch this on a big screen because I believe Taika Waititi can't do wrong and it's going to be great, but I hope you get my point

Seems to me that people just love to tell everyone how little they care about first impressions by posting in a thread about first impressions. Or to post their hot takes as a response to other people‘s hot takes that they apparently don‘t value but still influence their hot takes. Or to be quoted and feel special, I guess.
These are the "bought" critics. The ones who never have anything negative to say about a movie. I use to go to a lot of screeners and I've met some of those types. They usually are super well known, get flown places, and think everything is awesome. One even said the latest Transformers is a must see and definitely in IMAX.

The real critics who'll say negative things haven't got a screening yet considering the movie is about a month away.

That is a better way to put it for sure. Remember early reactions to BvS were positive.
Weird months you must have considering its out in just over two weeks.
Scott Mendelson is certainly known to be soft on superhero movies.

The embargo lifts next week and the film comes out in Europe in a good two weeks, so i'll see for myself soon enough. I'm certainly crossing my fingers for Waititi to deliver.
I just don't want the Guardians movies to lose their personality by being a winning formula that Marvel bleeds dry.

I'm glad they're doubling down on "fun," though. Comic book and superheros movies need to have a good chunk of wonder and levity or they collapse under the weight of middle-aged men in silly costumes self-seriously brooding.

These are the "bought" critics. The ones who never have anything negative to say about a movie. I use to go to a lot of screeners and I've met some of those types. They usually are super well known, get flown places, and think everything is awesome. One even said the latest Transformers is a must see and definitely in IMAX.

The real critics who'll say negative things haven't got a screening yet considering the movie is about a month away.

That is a better way to put it for sure. Remember early reactions to BvS were positive.

Lmao at "bought" critics

im tired of conspiracy theory bullshit in our current climate

please come up with a more sane explanation



Its Thor

Fun is the best case scenario for the source material adaptation

Unless someone wants to educate me on how the marvel comic could somehow be elevated

If we even wanted to go there in the first place lol
Yup, the expectations for what these movies are shouldn't be high. Ofcourse there are good comic book movies and sometimes the makers take some risks even, but rarely anyone should expect much substance. It's dumb fun when it works.
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