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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.

Is anyone else playing on PC encountering hackers? Is there anyway to report them?

Last game, for instance, the guy's gun was zooming on me like a robot while I was running around inside of a building AND out of his sight and of course as I popped out of cover I died in an instant.

Thankfully we won the game and I called him out on it, but it's very annoying and frustrating to deal with. Especially when they end up taking the W.
Yep, more than a few times, too. It's hilarious how bad they are; they'll stand in one place and die if two or more pilots come simultaneously to kill them. They're still really annoying though, and I can't wait until Respawn bans them.


Using any hovering with North star is like a bat signal to everyone to blow you out of the sky. Pretty pointless when you die immediately.

I love this game but there is an absurd amount of missteps everywhere.

-Wallhacking. Just remove all that shit, it's dumb.

-Can't stand in the bush without the game killing you, what fucking genius came up with that, just remove them. This includes tall buildings. WHY

-Some of the maps, my god. They figured to make one map that is the antithesis of this whole game.

-Lack of custom Titans.

Flank enemy titan, pop flight core and profit. Also very useful when pilots are on rooftops. You have to be careful how you use it, but hardly pointless come on.
Finished the campaign the other night. Definitely one of the best FPS campaigns I've ever played. Although I do think the last three missions are weaker, since they lean more heavily on titan gameplay which is just inherently not as interesting as the super mobile pilot stuff. Still there's some really good stuff in there like
fighting from ship to ship, and that fucking amazing homing pistol run
. Missions 2 through 5 are all fuckin incredible though.


Just played a tonne of Mixtape. Got the chance to try LTS for the first time ever. Man, that shit is sweaty. I love it.

Is it just me or does that mode seem like the most #eSports-friendly of the entire bunch? I could see teams who communicate being deadly, clutch Disembark plays, and so on.

I also got the chance to play PVP, which, above all else, seems like a great mode to (quickly) level weapons with Pilot kills for Mod/Sight/etc unlocks. I didn't think it was as terrible as people here make it out to be. hot protip:
If you don't like it, don't play it.

Did so much crazy shit tonight. Highlight was definitely messing around with Grapple again; managed to tether 2 enemy Pilots and kill them with melees. Super satisfying!


One of us. God I hope this game doesn't die.
The RB:S scenarios some ppl are espousing has me cautiously optimistic. Maybe once folks have played with all their new toys and figure out which ones are the most fun.. we'll see.

No matter what I'm pretty sure they'll be a core group that sticks around. It has lots of layers. And I'm liking most of them. It's taken over all my MP time~ which is pretty sparse as a pappy.

And why the Frothy hate? His vids are fantastic.
Charge rifle with charge hack does laughably small damage if you land a bodyshot on a titan

Went back to the mgl

Anyway took a loot at the kit 2 perks, in a few weeks everyone and their mother is gonna be using low profile right? No reason not to.

That combined with the cloak is gonna be a bitch
Just played against another hacker, who ultimately lost against the 6 stack I was playing with. I caught him when he meleed me in his Titan; he tracked me for at least a second for no reason at all just to end up punching me.
I just wanna drop in and say the campaign is genius. Brilliant design after brilliant design, great shooting mechanics and a pitch-perfect sense of speed and movement. Also that pace... once you think the game has slipped into a pattern it mixes it up completely.
My jaw dropped at the time travel reveal. That was such a smart mix of puzzle-solving and platforming. We've been spoiled this year with this and DOOM.


Map Hack changes feel much better now. It doesn't have as much practical, usable uptime because of the fade before each new ping. This is ultimately a Very Good Thing, in my opinion. On the receiving end of it, I think the UI message stayed up constantly before the change (IIRC), but to have it flash (with each new ping?) is a great reminder now since it's renewed on-screen every second or so. I might be crazy, but has the opacity of the highlight also been toned down a bit, too? Hard to tell since I've not played MP in nearly a week, before tonight.

Thanks to the folks that made that happen really quickly. From my session tonight it seems less people are using it now, so I'd consider that to be a successful balancing change.


Is it just me or does the party system kind of suck in this game? You can't join your network in progress games, it's unclear whetger or not you are in a party, and it's clunky to invite people to your games. I'm in ps4 and most of the time I have no idea how to play with other people even though I see people in my network all the time.

Unless I'm just really confused, in which case that kinda proves my point. I'm on ps4.


Is it just me or does the party system kind of suck in this game? You can't join your network in progress games, it's unclear whetger or not you are in a party, and it's clunky to invite people to your games. I'm in ps4 and most of the time I have no idea how to play with other people even though I see people in my network all the time.

Unless I'm just really confused, in which case that kinda proves my point. I'm on ps4.

The biggest question, if anyone can chime in to answer: does seeing someone online, in your Network, mean they're also on the same datacentre as you, so that you can MM with one another?


I hate how basically every single camo is so bright and gaudy

I'm almost continually impressed by how there's so many skin unlocks and they're all so shitty. It's amazing. Where they all done by the same dude after he turned in his two week notice?

Charge rifle with charge hack does laughably small damage if you land a bodyshot on a titan

Went back to the mgl

Anyway took a loot at the kit 2 perks, in a few weeks everyone and their mother is gonna be using low profile right? No reason not to.

That combined with the cloak is gonna be a bitch

I fully expect cloak and low profile to be the new meta. I see tons of cloak, especially now that map hack is nerfed, and it requires no thought to use. There's no alternative to low profile. I don't know what they were thinking with those perks for that slot.


I keep getting the feeling that this game is a joke everybody is in on but me. How do people know where I am at all times? Radar doesn't do shit for me except for finding AI grunts. People can kill me in 2 bullets with an SMG from the ground when I'm at max ejection height whereas when I use one they are super inaccurate and useless outside of close range. Game is constantly spawning people in behind me or dropping me into the middle of the team, it doesn't give a shit where it puts you. Hit detection is spotty at best, I've seen people eat 3 seconds of sustained fire from an LMG and take no damage.

Nevermind the actual cheaters and matchmaking that loves putting solo against full organized teams (I frequently go up against the same team 2-3 times in a row until I change to attrition). I had 3 games that were 6v3 in a row. Are there just problems with the PC netcode or not enough players?

Still have fun once I get a titan but it seems like everybody just rolls around in a death ball of 5-6 now. So I use Northstar and hang back, but then I see stuff like the tether refusing to work or the core ability not registering any damage (might as well just keep using the sniper).


Use the charge rifle with charge hack.

It does crazy dps if you have even halfway decent aim, and builds meter super fast.

yep. it's my favorite with the charge hack. i love jumping on a friendly titan and just blasting the shit out of the opponents with it. i usually die pretty quick but damn is it fun.
Northstar needs the option to cancel its hover at any point.

Also, why cant we just buy the skins/nose art/weapon camo that we want? The grind is just unnecessarily stupid. Attach some significant but reasonable cost to it for those of us who value our time.


I wish Respawn would provide actual fucking numbers on how anything works. Scorch shield perk increases damage how much? How much longer does sensor array make smart core last? I shouldn't have to try to dig up YouTube videos or spend 20 minutes running comparisons in solo private matches to figure some of this shit out.
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