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Today in glasshouse news: Trump challenged Tillerson to "compare IQ tests"


ABC News said:
President Donald Trump is challenging Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to "compare IQ tests" if Tillerson did indeed ever call Trump a "moron" as reported.

Trump tells Forbes magazine: "I think it's fake news. But if he did that, I guess we'll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win."

The president spoke with the magazine Friday. A story was published online Tuesday.

Trump's tense relationship with Tillerson burst into public view last week. An NBC News story claimed Vice President Mike Pence had to talk Tillerson out of resigning this summer, and that Tillerson had called Trump a "moron."

Tillerson said he never considered resigning. His spokeswoman said he never used such language. Trump and Tillerson are scheduled to have lunch Tuesday with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.


I'm sure those results are right next to the tax returns.

400 IQ.

the best doctor
There is honestly nothing I would love more in the world than for Trump and Rex Tillerson to do a televised IQ test competition.


He's the sort of guy who probably clicked a banner ad for one of those online IQ tests that give everyone an IQ of 120+.


If Trump doing a live, on air IQ test results in him getting a score that technically suggests that he's mentally challenged, making him unfit for office just because he got his ego hurt, I wouldn't stop partying for a year.



He boasts, with a dose of hyperbole that any student of FDR or even Barack Obama could undercut: "I've had just about the most legislation passed of any president, in a nine-month period, that's ever served. We had over 50 bills passed. I'm not talking about executive orders only, which are very important. I'm talking about bills."


He's similarly proud of the GDP. "So GDP last quarter was 3.1%. Most of the folks that are in your business, and elsewhere, were saying that would not be hit for a long time. You know, Obama never hit the number."

When informed that his predecessor did, several times, Trump pivots immediately. "He never hit it on a yearly basis. Never hit it on a yearly basis. That's eight years. I think we'll go substantially higher than that. And I think this quarter would have been phenomenal, except for the hurricanes."


Big numbers have always attracted Trump, regardless of their accuracy. He numbered the floors in Trump Tower to make the building seem taller, obsessed over his Apprentice ratings and lied about the square footage of his penthouse. All of this explains the inexplicable--the need to exaggerate crowd sizes or shoot the messenger any time a bad poll comes out.

Witness what happened when Tillerson apparently reopened a dialogue with the North Koreans. "He was wasting his time," Trump now says. But doesn't publicly upbraiding his top diplomat effectively neuter him? "I'm not undermining," Trump says. "I think I'm actually strengthening authority." It's hard to see whose authority he's strengthening, other than his own.


We're beginning to have a Dear Leader situation with 15 - 20% of the adult population falling into the propaganda trap and believing thia bullshit.

Gaslighting to the extreme mixed in with Stockholm Syndrome and a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance.
We're beginning to have a Dear Leader situation with 15 - 20% of the adult population falling into the propaganda trap and believing thia bullshit.

Gaslighting to the extreme mixed in with Stockholm Syndrome and a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance.
If it makes you feel better, his favorables are starting to go down even in rural areas.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
"I think it's fake news. But if he did that, I guess we'll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win."

- The president of the United States of America 2017.

it's missing

'I'm going to win, believe me'
Let's set up the intellectual bout of the decade: Trump v Tillerson v a crow. If it's televised, Trump would be unable to resist the siren's call of attention. If he performs worse than the crow, he can just call it fake news and conspiracies, so that shoudln't dissuade him either.


Tillerson was an engineer who was able to rise all the way to CEO at Exxon Mobile.

If there is a god, we will get a televised IQ test.


Another embarrassing episode for the USA and the world keeps pointing and laughing at the man and the country who elected him.
I used to see those ads all the time about "Trump takes an IQ test and you'll be surprised at the results!" and wondered what the hell that was about. I'm guessing it is similar to how people used to point out that George W. Bush graduated from Yale and Harvard as proof that he isn't as dumb as he seems. If you have to rely on tests or diplomas to prove you are adequate to lead the nation, then you have missed the point. It would be like if I did a shitty job at work and all I did was point out to my boss I graduated college, so obviously I'm smart enough to do this job.

If anything, if Trump does have a high IQ (and that is a big if) all it does is illustrate that even with his education, he is still unfit to be president.


Isn’t this how Trump usually forces people he doesn’t like to leave his employ? Offend, insult, shellack them. I feel like we’ve seen this movie before, you know?
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