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Ubisoft dev: Xbox 720 "aligned with what Sony announced"


The Durango is now being rumored to be about right on with the PS4 so people have to pick something out to justify attacking Microsoft. Its good stuff really.

Is that in reference to this thread or are there other rumours doing the rounds?


Or I should be able to just leave it in the box and put it in my storage closet no?

As far as I am aware, mandatory Kinect has not been announced. Have you read differently? You are taking offence about an imaginary scenario at this point in time. Why waste time posting about it.


The real question becomes, how many anti-consumer features will this device come with. And will MS continue to treat Indy devs like crap and overcharge for patches, etc?


I'd be in the dick
Microsoft has definitely loosened the embargo. Between this and the Gamestop quote last night it's pretty obvious. It's nice that they don't have to pretend it doesn't exist any more.

I'm also pretty impressed that most people in this thread actually read the quote in question and saw it was about features, not hardware. I expected a lot of tech spec bickering in here.
If the next kinect is mandatory, is required to be on, and there are no options to turn it off, or put it in standby, there is no way in hell I am going to subject myself to that annoyance.
Do you think MS won't think about that?Btw even Kinect for 360 is not that easy to popping up


As far as I am aware, mandatory Kinect has not been announced. Have you read differently? You are taking offence about an imaginary scenario at this point in time. Why waste time posting about it.

Which is why in my very first post about this I said "IF" they make kinect mandatory, I will do this...


So... we get the same console two times?

Now give me something so I can choose between one and the other. What features make this consoles more than just being a pesudo-PC?!

Oh I am sure they will have a large difference in their approach to Next Gen than Sony.


Leaks all point to it being required for XBOX to even work.

There is no way they would potentially have your system not work if the Kinect broke. Think of the logistics.

Kinect will come with every xbox as a pack in, but the xbox will be able to function without it. Once you have configured it you will be able to choose whether it is turned on or not.


did the reveal get pushed back for more ram?

Serious or joke post?

I can imagine Microsoft scrambling to add GDDR5 to the 720 to match the PS4... yes, it would require a re-design that cannot be thoroughly tested in the time given... but they might feel that any issues that pop up could be solved in future hardware redesigns.

And that's all that is, your imagination. MS are not going to dramatically waste their time and money from the past several years just so they can match the ram type. Their setup now DDR3+eSRAM is not particularly bad and they clearly have their own goals with the console and believe their specs will fulfill them.


I can imagine Microsoft scrambling to add GDDR5 to the 720 to match the PS4... yes, it would require a re-design that cannot be thoroughly tested in the time given... but they might feel that any issues that pop up could be solved in future hardware redesigns.
Microsoft needs to reveal already.

Jeff Gerstmann has been very clear (Bombcast, Bonus Round) he is hearing many developers are frustrated with Microsoft and its arrogance. And during this week's Bombcast, Klepek mentioned developers at GDC talked about Microsoft with "vitriol." Not good.

I am very much a Forza, Halo, PGR guy - but Sony is making a very compelling argument with the PS4.

Naked Lunch

Who ever didnt think they were going to be close is a fool. These systems are going to have the same exact 3rd party games. Both Sony's and Microsoft's exclusives didnt impress me this gen. It all comes down to controller preference for me and the dualshock is butt.


It better be as powerful as the PS4 hardware wise or they can count me out as using it as my main console next gen.

Maybe they will surprise me and have 8GB of ram like the PS4 and a comparable GPU/CPU.

It will have 8GB of RAM, it will have the exact same CPU and a GPU from the same vendor as Sony. Hows that for being comparable.
Well i hope they can pull off the same stuff. But i also hope xbox 720 will be getting great gaming exclusives that make it worth for me to buy it.


Microsoft needs to reveal already.

Jeff Gerstmann has been very clear (Bombcast, Bonus Round) he is hearing many developers are frustrated with Microsoft and its arrogance. And during this week's Bombcast, Klepek mentioned developers at GDC talked about Microsoft with "vitriol." Not good.

I am very much a Forza, Halo, PGR guy - but Sony is making a very compelling argument with the PS4.

In the end the preference of developers doesnt matter. If 720 sells like hotcakes they will instantly like MS.


In the end the preference of developers doesnt matter. If 720 sells like hotcakes they will instantly like MS.

I'm pretty sure this is what they are going for, they have a plan to make it a must have item which is why all the insane secrecy. Of course that is hard to manufacture so it could just blow up in their face.

So far my money is going to a PS4, mostly because I am certain the best features of Durango will be US and maybe UK exclusive

But I'm rooting for MS to enrage the very vocal Sony poster's on this board who so desperately want it to fail. One day you will realize that we need Sony and MS to be at each others throats like this generation as it is win/win for the consumer.

This Ubisoft rumor seems to counter the power discrepency
The Gamestop CEO statement seems to counter the no used games rumor

All we have left is always online to play and when all else fails to repost the Bender gif


Sony was so foolish to reveal first Micro$oft has deep pockets to equal or surpass them easily.

If 720 can play 360 games I'm in. Fuck used games.


But I'm rooting for MS to enrage the very vocal Sony poster's on this board who so desperately want it to fail.
The bitter tears are going to be hilarious, but in the end it only makes them more rabid each time a Sony product fails to outsell the competition - and there's been quite a few in a row now. Sony's glory days are long gone and the idea that a huge percentage of the Xbox audience will jump ship while none will jump the other way is fucking ridiculous.
Really don't understand this mentality, why exactly is only Sony capable of 8GB GDDR?

It's not about capability but about what the design philosophy is and what a company thinks is suitable to current standards.

8GB DDR3 is perfectly fine from Microsoft, and no one is or was expecting any more than 2GB-4GB GDDR5 from Sony. Microsoft could definitely do that but you cannot change your design last minute. We already knew that Sony is going for G/DDR5 while Microsoft is going for DDR3.

As simple it is on the PC side to replace the RAM with something bigger or better or different, it's not the same on the console end. Yes, it is the easiest thing to replace compared to GPU or CPU but both console developers have their own way of how the console should work.

It's like saying "Why doesn't the PS3 support audio chat even after 7+ years?!"; it's because that's how they designed it from the get-go. I/O components such as the amount of USB ports or HDMI ports or ethernet ports can always be replaced some few months before the mass production. Same could not be said for internal components without a lot of R&D time.

If rumors are correct, Sony/Microsoft should be going in full production on the consoles in the next month or so. Most definitely the late announcement of "Xbox 720" means that either MS is making last minute changes to the hardware or are trying to finalize the numbers on their end.

Long story short: It is possible for "Xbox 720" to feature 8GB GDDR5, but it's going to cost them a lot of money. A lot. You cannot tell your suppliers to dump whatever they were planning to make for something better. It costs shit loads of money and it may or may not reflect on the console price. As I stated some time ago, manufacturing any component takes a lot of time, a lot of research and a lot of development. It's not as simple as taking a controller and adding rumble to it i.e. Sixaxis to Dualshock 3. No matter how quick or reliable the mass production is, companies charge insane amount of fees to make a change.

TL;DR: It's possible. Anything is possible. Microsoft or consumers will have to pay the price for it. Product with same architecture can be bumped up i.e. from 4GB DDR3 to 8GB DDR3 without any cost but product with different architecture and familiarity i.e. DDR3 to DDR5 cannot be bumped up that easily to something with less familiarity. Microsoft can easily pull of 8GB DDR3 and no one will notice the difference in multiplatform games.

I hope I'm making sense. (I hope!)


It will have 8GB of RAM, it will have the exact same CPU and a GPU from the same vendor as Sony. Hows that for being comparable.

If it's not GDDR5 and has a weaker GPU no it wont be. Considering both of these consoles are going to be basically PC's, I want the most powerful overall unit to be my main console.

Technically the PS3 has more raw power than the 360, but only the best first party developers could do anything with that. Almost all third party games, especially in the early run of the gen were better on the 360. That should not be the case with the next gen considering the architecture will be virtually identical, and so it comes gown to raw specs.

There is no way they would potentially have your system not work if the Kinect broke. Think of the logistics.

Kinect will come with every xbox as a pack in, but the xbox will be able to function without it. Once you have configured it you will be able to choose whether it is turned on or not.

If this ends up being true, then there is absolutely no reason at all I should ever have to even plug it in.


I can imagine Microsoft scrambling to add GDDR5 to the 720 to match the PS4... yes, it would require a re-design that cannot be thoroughly tested in the time given... but they might feel that any issues that pop up could be solved in future hardware redesigns.

If the VG leaks are correct the 720 doesn't need GDDR5. There will be no redesign, whatever MS has designed it is very content and happy with.
In the end the preference of developers doesnt matter. If 720 sells like hotcakes they will instantly like MS.

I agree with this.

At the same time, few of the recent rumors surrounding the next XBOX have been positive - to the point where even a loyal customer such as myself is having doubts.


I thought every video game was supposed to be interactive?


Guess what, guys... it's going to play games!

I'll be taking interviews on my thoughts of what the Xbox 720 will be now. No point in interviewing a guy that can't say anything worthwhile and instead has to use a bunch of vague buzzwords that can be applied to any modern video game system. Whatever builds up hype, I guess.
Too bad Microsoft is blocking used games and forced Gamestop to say something good about them. I'll be ignoring their console this time around.

lol, im kidding (go away EDGE). Looking forward to the announcement!


24 million shipped. Just because GAFers are vocally against it doesn't mean the mainstream isn't interested. Besides, in your previous post you made it clear that your opinion is not to be taken seriously.

This means very little.

After all, there are not 100 million people sitting around playing on their Wii's.
Just because people own them, does not means they want them or use them.

Care to make an estimate as to how many of those Kinects were in bundles or gifts?

The amount they have sold is irrelevant to either its popularity, use, or want by mainstream people. I know several people who own them, but never asked for or wanted them. I know several people that did want one, and purchased it.

I know no one that uses one.


So it will boil down to:

  1. Exclusives Games
  2. A handful of Exclusive Features (zune music vs music unlimited etc)
  3. Windows 8 Phone Smartglass/Xbox Apps vs Sony Mobile/Playstation Apps
  4. Performance
  5. Console Reliability (if the consoles are for the most part similar off/online will people rebuy one console over and over if it has a high failure rate?)
When Microsoft doesn't announce in May people will proclaim, "But it 'twas never official anyways! E3 is only a week or two away!"
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