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Watch_Dogs |OT| PS4 would probably melt trying to do this

Finally finished Act 1. I probably won't finish the game until the end of August. It feels like I am needing to force myself through the story. But at least I got this far, I never even finished the second mission of Killzone: Shadow Fall.


Gold Member
Dat feel when an invader tries to escape using blockades and I'm on a motorbike... trollolol every time I get hacked I find a bike first.
Definitely. I'd be interested in more content like repeatable side missions on both the regular map and especially in free roam. Free roam could be the real star here but there's nothing to do there. But put in some co-op missions, winner takes all objectives, randomized missions, whatever, and free roam could shine in ways that GTAO doesn't and can't.
Good ideas, yeah free roam is a bummer. You can't even do Cash Run with another person!


I finished the campaign a couple weeks ago and enjoyed it. Was working my way through the side missions when the Destiny Alpha came out, and now when I go back to this game I'm feeling like I hate it. But I know I didn't hate it previously. It's weird. I just cant bring myself to play it anymore. The achievement whore in me is urging me to continue though.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
is there any sure fire way to get other players to tail you?

Here's how I did it. Do a tail mission, win or lose, wait 1 min after completion if someone doesn't connect to you, do another tail after about 10 tail missions I got tailed 4 times.

I wasn't very efficient so it took me about 4 hours.


I only just realised time only passes when you move. It resumes when you idle for a while.

I finished this last night and I'm only noticing this now.


I loaded the game and shadows didn't move. They moved and stopped as I did.

Yeah someone mentioned it before although i never take the time to actually stop and notice even though i idle alot waiting for this damn traced trophy

Here's how I did it. Do a tail mission, win or lose, wait 1 min after completion if someone doesn't connect to you, do another tail after about 10 tail missions I got tailed 4 times.

I wasn't very efficient so it took me about 4 hours.

The only time i had someone invade my game after i finished invading someone else was if i was successful. If i failed i never got anyone and if i did it would take forever. Only time i could guarantee getting someone was if i was successful or if i hacked a blume agent. Those were the only two instances where i'd get someone in my game in less than a minute and even then they were always hacks.

The other day i sat on a bike at an intersection for 2 hours not moving once with my camera facing behind me and all i did was hack people and every so often a blume agent would walk by and i'd hack them and a few seconds later a guy would spawn in behind me on a bike well within my view since i had my camera pointed in that direction and most people would jump off the bike, hack me and run away. A few ballsy people rode by on their bikes as they hacked me and drove off and installed the backdoor but nonetheless they were all hacks. Not a single tail.

There's speculation that if you reset your notoriety and then do a tail mission, the game will then most likely funnel you a bunch of invaders looking to tail you since you've never done hacking so it should be easier but i haven't found this to be true at all.

I just want to get this stupid trophy so i can restart the game and play through it again and turn online off and not worry invaders anymore
So I just finished Act III and cleared all of the fixer missions, convoys and gang hideouts except for 1 each. The others aren't showing up on my map. Do I need to progress through the story more before they pop up?


formerly "chigiri"
So I just finished Act III and cleared all of the fixer missions, convoys and gang hideouts except for 1 each. The others aren't showing up on my map. Do I need to progress through the story more before they pop up?
Some you actually have to find by being in the vicinity, some are tied to progression. Gang Hideouts I had all clear in Act 1 tho so seems you haven't found one.
So I just finished Act III and cleared all of the fixer missions, convoys and gang hideouts except for 1 each. The others aren't showing up on my map. Do I need to progress through the story more before they pop up?
Pretty sure at least one of those is dependent on you completing one of the (not really a spoiler but just to be careful)
human trafficking
side missions.


Gold Member
Yeah Ubi really needs to patch the "game almost crashing" framerate drops after finishing an objective. It's insane.
Pretty sure at least one of those is dependent on you completing one of the (not really a spoiler but just to be careful)
human trafficking
side missions.

Ah rats, was hoping I didn't have to do those. I was really only doing the major side quests -- guess I'll have to do the others.


Yeah Ubi really needs to patch the "game almost crashing" framerate drops after finishing an objective. It's insane.

It's a save issue? that's what I figured it was when it happened after every mission, probably writing a pretty huge savefile while trying to stream textures? no clue, just guessing.


All the drinking games were easy as hell.

Don't get why so many people complained about level 6 in Pawnee, it's the hardest one for sure but it's hardly difficult and also the only challenging one.
I'm enjoying my time with Watch Dogs, but I do have to agree with those criticising the game's story elements. I haven't actually finished the campaign yet, but something about the way the whole plot is set up bothers me.

I just don't see how it's possible to sympathise with Aiden Pearce as a character the way they've set things up. Basically, his criminal activities resulted in him pissing the wrong people off, and that leads to them going after his family and killing his little niece. Her death is pretty much his fault. The way they've tried to offset this is by now making him a "vigilante" who's also out to get revenge, but the problem is he's still carjacking people and hacking and stealing money right out of people's bank accounts. He hasn't become a good guy, the vigilante stuff doesn't erase any of the other things he's still doing, the stuff that got his family into trouble in the first place.

So what you have is a guy who caused the death of his young niece, and then carries on doing the same stuff that caused her death while throwing a massive pity party for himself - even as his sister does a much better job of getting on with her life and doing the right things despite it being her daughter that was killed.

It ends up totally undercutting what they are actually going for. The acting and writing and animation in the party scene, for example, is pretty well done and makes both Aiden and his sister seem like real people, but the narrative just kills that moment, because the situation the main character is in and how he's dealing with it makes him totally unsympathetic.

Surely, a much better way to go about it would to have made him a basically normal guy, maybe with some computer skills and a regular job, who inadvertently gets caught up with some bad people, who then kill his niece through no fault of his own - though he still blames himself for not doing more to stop it. Then, to take revenge, he becomes a full-on hacker/vigilante/anti-hero, and does whatever it takes to exact revenge on those who wronged him - even if it means breaking the law.


I'm enjoying my time with Watch Dogs, but I do have to agree with those criticising the game's story elements. I haven't actually finished the campaign yet, but something about the way the whole plot is set up bothers me.

I just don't see how it's possible to sympathise with Aiden Pearce as a character the way they've set things up. Basically, his criminal activities resulted in him pissing the wrong people off, and that leads to them going after his family and killing his little niece. Her death is pretty much his fault. The way they've tried to offset this is by now making him a "vigilante" who's also out to get revenge, but the problem is he's still carjacking people and hacking and stealing money right out of people's bank accounts. He hasn't become a good guy, the vigilante stuff doesn't erase any of the other things he's still doing, the stuff that got his family into trouble in the first place.

So what you have is a guy who caused the death of his young niece, and then carries on doing the same stuff that caused her death while throwing a massive pity party for himself - even as his sister does a much better job of getting on with her life and doing the right things despite it being her daughter that was killed.

It ends up totally undercutting what they are actually going for. The acting and writing and animation in the party scene, for example, is pretty well done and makes both Aiden and his sister seem like real people, but the narrative just kills that moment, because the situation the main character is in and how he's dealing with it makes him totally unsympathetic.

Surely, a much better way to go about it would to have made him a basically normal guy, maybe with some computer skills and a regular job, who inadvertently gets caught up with some bad people, who then kill his niece through no fault of his own - though he still blames himself for not doing more to stop it. Then, to take revenge, he becomes a full-on hacker/vigilante/anti-hero, and does whatever it takes to exact revenge on those who wronged him - even if it means breaking the law.

This part isn't 100% accurate. This gets fleshed out ever so slightly as you progress the story and do some of the side stuff but overall doesn't change the points you make and how it's a pretty shit story for more reasons than the ones you've touched on
is there any sure fire way to get other players to tail you?

This is the way i got it to work.

Turn off invasions(this does reset your online level sadly), let the game save, then turn it back on and tail someone online. When you return to your game just let the game run for a few minutes, don't do anything, just stand there. Don't even have your phone out. Thats how i got people to tail me. It pretty much worked every time i did it, took me 30 minutes to get the traced trophy this way c:


This is the way i got it to work.

Turn off invasions(this does reset your online level sadly), let the game save, then turn it back on and tail someone online. When you return to your game just let the game run for a few minutes, don't do anything, just stand there. Don't even have your phone out. Thats how i got people to tail me. It pretty much worked every time i did it, took me 30 minutes to get the traced trophy this way c:

Seems like a YMMV kind of thing
I finally started to play the campaign. The mission design is rich in variation. It's not just 'mission a - get a car' and 'mission b - now, kill that dood'. Ok, you still can kill a lot of bad guys at some mission's end. But you don't have to and furthermore the shoot-outs are also fun due to the hacking mechanics and sand-box approach. I'm positively surprised about most of the missions and their design.

Compared to any other character (beside Jacks) Aiden is dull. But his hat is somewhat iconic.


So I folded and bought it on steam yesterday, these are my impressions after finishing chapter 1.

No like:

- WORST WRITING in recent memory, I mean how come such an expensive game to make can't afford better writers!?
- Aiden is quite possibly the worst character since Rico or Zeke, seriously he is unlikable, the writing is nonsensical, and its "cute" bandido outfit is as cheesy as the voice acting
- Action is so so, being mostly kind of boring
- The hacking is kind of boring, consist on click on X so you can jump from camera to camera so you unlock the next section
- OMG The writing... have I mention the writing?
- I'm not having performance issues with an AMD7950 vid car, getting solid 60fps on very high, Yet game still looks like hot garbage.
- After GTAV last year, Watch Dogs Chicago lacks any character or charm, feels like a generic videogame city with a few landmarks here and there.
- Soundtrack is bad, has no coherence. Sometime is elevator music during a car chase, then is some sort of new age, and then some dubstepp out of nothing in a gunfight...
- Art direction is mediocre, parts of the seem so hight tech near future, yet most cars are like old 90s junk, the city doesn't reflect the near future vibe as well.


- Paid 45 for it because some steam goodies I sold.
- The UI and menus are pretty
- Its a big budget open word game ? i guess, I like open world games.

Seriously, I'll be boomed if this is what we should expect from "next gen". I don't think I'm finishing this game even though I'm a sucker for open world games, MK8 is like 8 times more fun than WatchDogs for me.


The commenting on this game amuses me since a lot only do the story while ive stopped in chapter one to play hours of hacking a night. The multiplayer is great, give it a try.

This is the way i got it to work.

Turn off invasions(this does reset your online level sadly), let the game save, then turn it back on and tail someone online. When you return to your game just let the game run for a few minutes, don't do anything, just stand there. Don't even have your phone out. Thats how i got people to tail me. It pretty much worked every time i did it, took me 30 minutes to get the traced trophy this way c:

Yet another example of how trophies help make multiplayer games less fun.


Finished it yesterday. I was expecting it a whole lot worse based on the comments written here.

It is not a masterpiece of course, but it is also not the kind of POS game a lot were presenting it to be either.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I just beat it. Didnt't want to like it but winded up doing so. Easily the best open world in a game and game really is beautiful to look at and explore. I was engaged in the story. Act 3 is when things really picked up for me. I really liked going through a moment where you stop to grasp the scenery. I love the world far more than I did or will GTAV though that game has better writing and characters.

I thiught the team did an awesome job. The driving was a pain even after getting used to it but I managed.
Why didn't you want to like it?


I'm at level 10 in the Pawnee drinking game, and level 9 in the drinking game with the black guy (I don't know the area's name).

I had my brother help me out with some of the tricky analog stick puzzles. Level 10 in Pawnee is basically done for me. I got to the end on my own and lost - but the puzzle I lost on could easily be done with two people, so I'm not worried about that one.

Hopefully the black guy's drinking game doesn't cause any problems.
Why didn't you want to like it?

It took me a while to get into it as well. And that's assuming you even want to. A lot of people wanted to hate the game from the get-go due to the graphics downgrade... or they just hate Ubisoft in general. So you have to get over that first to enjoy it.
I loaded the game and shadows didn't move. They moved and stopped as I did.

I noticed there's a shadow movement delay setting that controls this in one of the config files. It defaults to 30 seconds, setting it to 0 makes them move no matter what. God knows why that's even in there at all.
Finished it yesterday. I was expecting it a whole lot worse based on the comments written here.

It is not a masterpiece of course, but it is also not the kind of POS game a lot were presenting it to be either.

dont think people really think its POS game, but the story is legit shit, and the protag is the worst protag in western games of at least the last gen.

its an average game with neat ideas, with terrible story/characters.


Why didn't you want to like it?

I didn't want to like it because Ubi showed us lots of things and the game didn't have them. Typical downgrade tactics as shitty marketing ploys. I don't like supporting those practises.

I'm a sucker though, and if a game grabs me it grabs me, my morals are easily quashed by enjoyable gameplay.

WD surprised the hell out of me, I didn't love it entirely but I gave it 40 hours and finished it. I didn't expect that at all.


I just beat it. Didnt't want to like it but winded up doing so. Easily the best open world in a game and game really is beautiful to look at and explore. I was engaged in the story. Act 3 is when things really picked up for me. I really liked going through a moment where you stop to grasp the scenery. I love the world far more than I did or will GTAV though that game has better writing and characters.

I thiught the team did an awesome job. The driving was a pain even after getting used to it but I managed.
I can't even fathom this.

There are things it does better than GTA like running and gun play overall. Love the addition of actual stealth to a degree. GTAV still shits all over it to me in terms of a living world, no matter how tongue in cheek it is. It just feels more real. Plenty of cons to this game, but overall it's good the forty I paid so far. The little side missions they've added are what I enjoy the most. Escaping the cops is nowhere near as fun as GTAV, though. I wish it was. Hiding in a car is a good idea. Having a magical scan find you even hidden in the car is lame.

I think Watch Dogs 2 could be something real special, if they take the criticisms to heart and build on the good.

Chitown B

- I'm not having performance issues with an AMD7950 vid car, getting solid 60fps on very high, Yet game still looks like hot garbage.
- After GTAV last year, Watch Dogs Chicago lacks any character or charm, feels like a generic videogame city with a few landmarks here and there.

A) what? You must be doing something wrong. Those posting webm links here show it looks amazing on PC with mods.

B) My friend who loves GTA says WD is much more alive with peoples' reactions, and realistic than GTA - even points to litter blowing around.


A) what? You must be doing something wrong. Those posting webm links here show it looks amazing on PC with mods.

B) My friend who loves GTA says WD is much more alive with peoples' reactions, and realistic than GTA - even points to litter blowing around.
That second part is so, so not true. So many more random things happen in GTAV. You can play for so long before seeing anything regarding AI repeating itself in that game. I can walk two blocks down the street and find the same group of people dressed differently beat boxing or saying the same tired ass dialogue again in Watch Dogs. The game has a real problem diversifying what the crowd actually says or does. I think they dropped the ball on that in favor of giving you more flavored and varied text when hacking phones for each individual. It's a fine trade off, but I'd want them to step it up big time in terms of diversity for the sequel.
That second part is so, so not true. So many more random things happen in GTAV. You can play for so long before seeing anything regarding AI repeating itself in that game. I can walk two blocks down the street and find the same group of people dressed differently beat boxing or saying the same tired ass dialogue again in Watch Dogs. The game has a real problem diversifying what the crowd actually says or does. I think they dropped the ball on that in favor of giving you more flavored and varied text when hacking phones for each individual. It's a fine trade off, but I'd want them to step it up big time in terms of diversity for the sequel.

Agreed totally. GTA V has way more unique AI behaviors in the NPC civilians than in Watchdogs. Los Santos feels way more like a big sprawling living world.


A) what? You must be doing something wrong. Those posting webm links here show it looks amazing on PC with mods.

B) My friend who loves GTA says WD is much more alive with peoples' reactions, and realistic than GTA - even points to litter blowing around.

Alot of the webms in this thread at least are unmoded

except for skyzards who uses the mod and pretty much shows why DOF was changed to what it is today


I can't even fathom this.

There are things it does better than GTA like running and gun play overall. Love the addition of actual stealth to a degree. GTAV still shits all over it to me in terms of a living world, no matter how tongue in cheek it is. It just feels more real. Plenty of cons to this game, but overall it's good the forty I paid so far. The little side missions they've added are what I enjoy the most. Escaping the cops is nowhere near as fun as GTAV, though. I wish it was. Hiding in a car is a good idea. Having a magical scan find you even hidden in the car is lame.

I think Watch Dogs 2 could be something real special, if they take the criticisms to heart and build on the good.

The trick to avoiding cops is to stealth. Hiding in the car is only really effective while you're still hidden.

I've said this a few times, but remember the opening to the film Drive? Do that (youtube it if you don't know it).

Then when the scan happens, block it with gadgets and burn rubber. Easy money.


The trick to avoiding cops is to stealth. Hiding in the car is only really effective while you're still hidden.

I've said this a few times, but remember the opening to the film Drive? Do that (youtube it if you don't know it).

Then when the scan happens, block it with gadgets and burn rubber. Easy money.
Yeah, I've done all that, but it's the last extra step needed that sucks the fun out of idea of a stealth, realistic getaway. I ditch the hot car, I'm out of view of any cops, and I find a new car and hide. That should be more than enough for the ones patrolling the streets with the lights. Having to use some gadget to block the magical scans and then bug out beyond the goofy ring of threat isn't really fun, it's tedious. For me, anyway. It feels like the open world games before GTAV where threat circles were the norm. I was hoping any modern open world take would steal the way Rockstar does it now. Line of sight is a godsend. It doesn't break the immersion, it heightens it. You can literally escape on foot if you are crafty enough. I really hope they retool it for the sequel.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I didn't want to like it because Ubi showed us lots of things and the game didn't have them. Typical downgrade tactics as shitty marketing ploys. I don't like supporting those practises.

I'm a sucker though, and if a game grabs me it grabs me, my morals are easily quashed by enjoyable gameplay.

WD surprised the hell out of me, I didn't love it entirely but I gave it 40 hours and finished it. I didn't expect that at all.
The gameplay is the same stuff that they've been showing since the reveal and subsequent videos.


Yeah, I've done all that, but it's the last extra step needed that sucks the fun out of idea of a stealth, realistic getaway. I ditch the hot car, I'm out of view of any cops, and I find a new car and hide. That should be more than enough for the ones patrolling the streets with the lights. Having to use some gadget to block the magical scans and then bug out beyond the goofy ring of threat isn't really fun, it's tedious. For me, anyway. It feels like the open world games before GTAV where threat circles were the norm. I was hoping any modern open world take would steal the way Rockstar does it now. Line of sight is a godsend. It doesn't break the immersion, it heightens it. You can literally escape on foot if you are crafty enough. I really hope they retool it for the sequel.

As long as you have a stock of gadtes, it's a non issue really. I do understand what you mean though.

Hopefully they'll smooth it out in the next instlalment.

The gameplay is the same stuff that they've been showing since the reveal and subsequent videos.

From the start they showed MP being a lot more in depth. With people logging in and aiding you while you escape police, etc...

And a lot of the game felt half-baked, espeically the MP parts and random encounters.
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