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What about gaming in 2017 would blow someone from 2007's mind?

Share button would astonish me in 2007.

It's the culmination of a lot of different things coming together to create a pretty easy-to-use and IMO pretty powerful function. It feels to me like it's years of Quick Looks, Let's Play, YouTube celebrities, and just plain old having amazing moments to talk about from games but not being able to prove they ever happened, etc...

It literally is like a decade of social tech distilled down into a dedicated button and streamlined interface.

I am not a YouTube personality and l hate putting my face and voice to things, but man have I loved just capturing and sharing a quick funny moment or awe-inspiring screenshot every once in a while.

I mean, just two days ago I was playing Bloodborne cooperative with some friends and my buddy accidentally sprang the trap in Forbidden Woods while I wasn't looking and it ended up killing me, and we were laughing our asses off for minutes before we were able to continue. I just reminded my friends that they could press the share button to capture the moment and they were like "oh yeah, that's amazing, I forgot..."

That's a good point. Share button is what I wanted on the PS3 as well. It's so cool that it's there, and it's awesome to have me even just on the mic and recording funny things that happen.

On that note, SharePlay is also crazy to me. To be able to digitally "share" the controller with someone and have them either couch co-op or allow your friend from anywhere to be able to "demo" a game you own would have been amazing to hear about in 2007.


Guilty Gear Xrd.

But yeah Smash Bros with fucking Cloud and Megaman would be insane. Would have been a much bigger surprise to someone from 2006 though.



I mean, seriously, have you tried that? Click a couple of buttons and you can hand the controller over to a friend on the internet. I'm still blown away by it.


Junior Member
Showing someone a list of Assassin's Creed games that have been released in the meantime. :eek:

Main games
Assassin's Creed (2007)
Assassin's Creed II (2009)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010)
Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011)
Assassin's Creed III (2012)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2013)
Assassin's Creed: Rogue (2014)
Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014)
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (2015)

Spin-off games
Assassin's Creed mobile game (2007)
Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles (2008)
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (2009)
Assassin's Creed II mobile game (2009)
Assassin's Creed II: Discovery (2009)
Assassin's Creed II: Multiplayer (2010)
Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy (2010)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood mobile game (2010)
Assassin's Creed: Revelations mobile game (2011)
Assassin's Creed: Multiplayer Rearmed (2011)
Assassin's Creed: Recollection (2011)
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (2012)
Assassin's Creed III mobile game (2012)
Assassin's Creed: Pirates (2013)
Assassin's Creed: Memories (2014)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (2015)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (2016)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (2016)
Assassin's Creed: Identity (2016)



Looking for meaning in GAF
The record buffer feature. Being able to go "wow, that was really cool. I wish I recorded that" and actually being able to save a video of your last 10-15 minutes of play is amazing. The fact that your PS4, PC, etc. can actually do that with pretty much no performance overhead would be considered sorcery 10 years ago.


The record buffer feature. Being able to go "wow, that was really cool. I wish I recorded that" and actually being able to save a video of your last 10-15 minutes of play is amazing. The fact that your PS4, PC, etc. can actually do that with pretty much no performance overhead would be considered sorcery 10 years ago.

This blew my mind when I first started recording PS4 gameplay. I actually had a lot of trouble in the begining, because I didn't realize that the thing was constantly recording. I kept azsking myself "Yeah, but how do I turn this on".



Hmm thinking about it. 2007 me would probably blown away by the fact that Kojima left Konami and that game streaming became a thing.

Otherwise it's all pretty standard stuff like graphics and ff7 remake, shen mue and weird collaborations like platinum games x cavia.


That the Elder Scrolls game that followed Oblivion went to become the 3rd best selling game on the HD consoles and would become a mainstream sensation.

The Elder Scrolls.
Honestly, if future me sat me down, and had me play a game like Last of Us remastered, or see the graphics of say Uncharted 4, or an open world level like Sapienza in Hitman, I would have been with my jaw on the floor. Those games still had an impact at their respective year for me, so ten years ago thinking that it doesn't get better than Oblivion, this would show me what's to come


Much as I love it, if I showed Rock Band 4 to my ten year younger self playing Rock Band 1, I'm pretty sure I'd still be unimpressed with 4 in comparison.
Speaking on a personal level, if I told myself that SOCOM would be dead and buried for the better part of the next decade, I wouldn't believe it.
I think the sheer quality AND quantity of games coming out would astound them.

I mean you get a ton of "indie" games making A and AA level games, and they're easily as good or better than the games from last gen and sometimes same gen. Something like Victor Vran, as a random example of something I played this evening. Easily one of the better Diablo clones, and it's normal that we get something as polished and fun coming out on a regular basis.

Basically every little indie game that we barely even notice would have been a major $60 release in 2007 and there's so many goddamn games of that quality.
like OP and many here have stated. VR. It blows people away now who are new to it and tech has been going that way for a while now.

First bit of tech I think I have demoed and when they ask the price of everything they think it is worth it.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
From Software being the best developer around would blow my mind, that's for sure.

The fall of Konami.

Like this is what Gears 1 actually looked like, and it was arguably the most technically-advanced game ever made when it was released 10 years ago:
Nah, that's surely Crysis.


Spend two days downloading a 50 GB game. Ready to play the game, new 20 GB patch released.

That big AAA games are routinely over 50GB, and that people are fine with downloading them.

Related: that 10GB plus patches are a thing.

Edit: beaten!

You guys said it. I would set them down in front of a connected to the internet psxbox and have them put in a disc to play a game.


That fact that Half-Life 2 Episode Three never happened, and it's seriously doubtful that a Half-Life 3 will see the light of day anytime soon.


No Half-life 3, Assassins Creed on its millionth game (after the awful first game came out in 2007) with a live action movie and Nintendo going mobile.
Is nothing an acceptable answer? I mean looking back at 2007, we saw gems like Super Mario Galaxy, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted and Civ 4. There really hasn't been anything done so amazingly spectacular that tops these games, let alone something that would blow someone's mind. This thread actually makes me cringe and think to myself, "man that's all the industry has done in 10 years?"
Show them Super Mario Galaxy 2, 3D World, Halo 5 made by 343, Destiny made by Bungie, the most recent Assassin's Creed (most games in the series are significantly better than the first), Uncharted 4 (again, 1 was the low point in the series...), and both Civ V and VI?


That Call of Duty far surpassed the sales and mainstream impact of any other shooter franchise ever. Before MW, it was a well-received but sort of quiet Medal of Honor clone.

After MW, it's a shooter juggernaut that dominates sales across continents and platforms.

Not that this pleases me - but it'd certainly shock all the people picking up Halo 3 in 2007 that COD is the dominant shooter franchise of the last decade.


6 Teraflops.

Not really. We got an 11TF GPU in 2016. I know you are talking about the Scorpio but that isn't coming out until towards the end of the year. 6TF for a console is interesting but for gaming as a whole? Not too impressive. The PC I built in June is already more powerful than a Scorpio.
I think they'd be shocked at all the awesome classic adventure games that have been remastered. They'd be sorely disappointed that tactical shooters are good as dead :(


People who play games apparently hate games

That would make me very surprised in 2007 who knew

In 2007 game hatred culture was already alive and well. I remember the early impressions of gen 7 from a lot of people were really negative. The stereotypes were that the Wii had no games but Twilight Princess, the PS3 had no games period, and the 360 had games but your console was guaranteed to break at some point because of RRoD.


A lot of things here are frankly "in 10 years that would be so? I guess I can see that..." (including the bad things like microtransactions following after horse armor or still paid online after Xbox Live Gold. Although about the latter, I don't remember when Sony promised no paid online, it would be easier to swallow if they didn't).

But you know what would REALLY blow my mind? Unreal Engine being free to download and use, with royalties being the only payment.

Like, Unity? Sure, they are the newcomers, have to get their marketshare and they aren't very competitive in other areas, at least yet (I think I remember downloading some early demos, but I don't remember when it was).
But Unreal? Unreal was THE engine. It costed hundreds of thousands of dollars and was basically reserved for the big developers, usually AAA ones. And now? Everyone can use it.


People playing games on phones/tablets. In 2007 I had a Motorola Krzr K1 and later a Samsung G600. I remember being amazed I could get internet on it and that was nothing like internet we have on our phones today. It had some games/demos on it but it was used purely to call and text. When the iPhone was announced in 2007 it blew my mind that it was an iPod + Phone in one that could also go on the internet. The iPhone didn't even get the app store until July 2008. The tablet didn't become popular until 2010.

The Nintendo Switch would probably be another thing that would have seemed like black magic. In 2007 I would probably describe it as a bigger PSP with detachable controllers that could turn into a PS2.

Also the most obvious would be graphics. 2007 games i played were CoD4, Bioshock 1, The Witcher 1, and Halo 3. You just need to look at the CoD4 remaster, Witcher 3, Bioshock Infinite and Halo 5 to see how far we have come and of course none of them are even 2017 games. Only one is 2016. 2 are 2015.


Still no good Metroid game since 1994

Or that a brilliant Metroid replacement came out (Axiom Verge), cost only $20, is available on almost every platform, and was virtually ignored because it didn't have the Metroid name. That would be mind blowing.
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