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Wilfred - The fourth and final season - Wednesdays on FXX

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Aw shit. Haven't watched this season yet, but seeing that both Yoakam and Steenburgen got re-cast isn't giving me the warmest of feelings about the final season.


I shot people I like more for less.
Pretty good one I thought. John Michael Higgins was solid, and I liked all the Wilfred-Ralston stuff. I didn't think the recast of Ryan's mom was bad at all, didn't really affect the episode for me. I liked how Wilfred commented on that though, "Hey, your mom looks different!" I didn't expect the end either until Jenna threw the keys lol. Oh, and the Punch-Out reference made me laugh too.
This show should be more popular! I'm about to watch last night episode right now. There's a nudity warning?

That was one of the better episodes this season. The different mom wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She sounds and looks very similar. Also holy shit at the ending lol! What was the punch out reference? I must have missed it.


Hunky Nostradamus
Pretty decent episode. I really liked the scene between Kristen and her mom, but it would have been so much more impactful had they not recast Mary Steenburgen with Mimi Rogers.

I liked how Wilfred commented on that though, "Hey, your mom looks different!"

I liked that too. I'm glad they at least referenced the recast(s. they also did something fun with Bruce) and didn't just brush it under the rug. It also helped that Mimi Rogers looks and sounds a bit like Mary Steenburgen.


I shot people I like more for less.
What was the punch out reference? I must have missed it.

"Well maybe they keep bickering because you stop the fights before they get to the late rounds when the real heavy punches start landing, and the weaknesses and vulnerabilities get exposed, and Bald Bull starts doing the Bull Charge, and before you know it Mario is just like 'ee eh oh.'"

I liked that too. I'm glad they at least referenced the recast(s. they also did something fun with Bruce) and didn't just brush it under the rug. It also helped that Mimi Rogers looks and sounds a bit like Mary Steenburgen.

Yeah I think they referenced that in this one again, with the "cleanse" mention.
"Well maybe they keep bickering because you stop the fights before they get to the late rounds when the real heavy punches start landing, and the weaknesses and vulnerabilities get exposed, and Bald Bull starts doing the Bull Charge, and before you know it Mario is just like 'ee eh oh.'"

That line slayed me.

No Love

Question: I stopped watching in S2. Is it worth catching up to S4? I love this show but just lost interest.


Bish loves my games!
OMG are they really going to have
Wilfred die of cancer
. I really hope Ryan see's something different happen.

Also I really like how Ryan's been manning up this season. Very clear character difference from S1.
Been a few episodes behind, caught up yesterday. The recastings were pretty disappointing, but I thought the episodes were good. Some very affecting moments.


After adjusting to a three-legged Wilfred I find out now he's dying. :(

And two episode finale this week? Hell yes. Still want some damn answers, though.


I shot people I like more for less.
After adjusting to a three-legged Wilfred I find out now he's dying. :(

And two episode finale this week? Hell yes. Still want some damn answers, though.

Oh damn, I didn't know they were having both episodes this week. Awesome.


After adjusting to a three-legged Wilfred I find out now he's dying. :(

And two episode finale this week? Hell yes. Still want some damn answers, though.

hahahahahhahahaha. You sound like Ryan!

no way, man. The LAST thing this series should do is actually wrap it up with some happy-yet-open ending, ala Lost or Seinfeld. Only MASH got the last episode right.

Needs to go out like ALF!


Not really happy about the ending. I guess because I'm a regular viewer of Perception, which basically deals in that every episode the end had basically no impact on me. Oh well.
I liked the ending but im still like WTF.... That's the one feeling this series always gave me and now left me with... What the fuck! lol. Overall I did like the series.


I shot people I like more for less.
I liked it. The penultimate episode was really good too I thought. The shot of Wilfred as a real, dead dog was pretty sad. Also liked Ryan telling Jenna off. I think this was a good way to end the show without being too cheap. Ryan really did a lot of fucked up shit come to think of it. I'll miss the show for sure. I don't know if it's something that's very rewatchable, but I'd be down to watch with an interested friend sometime or something like that, just for the reactions lol.


What was the significance of him looking into the closet and smiling? Also, what about him finding the tennis ball in the water?

edit: okay, so the basement wasn't real at all, and the whole time he was just sitting with Wilfred in the closet lol


Hunky Nostradamus
I really liked the two part finale. It was basically the ending I had been hoping for from the beginning - Ryan is mentally ill (better yet, the product of mentally ill parents - the show actually contained some of the best sketches of mental illness that I've seen in a TV show) and Wilfred is a product of said illness. It's puts the entire series in a much darker and sadder light (not to mention it makes everything a bit creepy) but it was the best ending they could have done.

I was satisfied with what Wilfred was and I'm glad that Ryan and Jenna didn't stay together.

Same. The mythology stuff that they established was super dumb at first so I'm glad they provided a real world explanation that was realistic and believable.

I'm also glad that Ryan didn't end up with Jenna. Their sex scene was a long time coming, but there was no real chemistry between those two and Jenna was never that great to Ryan anyway. I thought it was really satisfying (and refreshing!) that Ryan told her off and found happiness without her (or any other girl for that matter). It really was the most honest conclusion to their story.

The penultimate episode was really good too I thought. The shot of Wilfred as a real, dead dog was pretty sad.

Yeah, the penultimate episode was very well done - especially the end where Ryan was on the beach.

Agreed. As a dog owner, I thought the series had always done a good job at making Wilfred's dog mannerisms recognizable and relatable, but his death scene really hit me hard since I'd experienced almost that exact same situation with one of my dogs a few years ago.

Bone voyage Wilfred


Neo Member
I loved "Resistance" but the ending left me unfulfilled. I figured he was crazy the whole time but all the other things they added to it felt unnecessary. I did like how at the end it seems like Ryan figured out how to use Wilfred without the negative aspects.
I loved "Resistance" but the ending left me unfulfilled. I figured he was crazy the whole time but all the other things they added to it felt unnecessary. I did like how at the end it seems like Ryan figured out how to use Wilfred without the negative aspects.

Feel the same way.

Was kind of hoping for a clearer resolution, but it certainly wasn't bad.


The scene where we saw Wilfred as a real dog was the only thing I guessed correctly about the finale. Pretty sad moment, really.

I guess Ryan really was just nuts. When they showed the scenes with him just talking to the dog Wilfred I just felt a bit uneasy. And the whole basement just being the closet thing was creepy, too. Like...damn.

: /

Overall I loved the series. Kinda sucks the last season got cut short. Pretty happy with how it ended and enjoyed the hour long "WTF" converstaton with my girlfriend after watching it- since the entire time I've been wanting to know exactly what was going on but feel like that was a good end to it.

And screw Jenna.
Ended really the only way it could and while I don't think it was the most interesting or fulfilling ending, I was mostly satiated. I still wish this season had any interest in being humorous.
Damn, that was good to see Ryan finally get over Jenna and drop some truth bombs on her face. So glad he didn't end up with her flaky ass.

I'm really gonna miss Wilfred...or should I say Mattdamon.


Damn, that was good to see Ryan finally get over Jenna and drop some truth bombs on her face. So glad he didn't end up with her flaky ass.

I 100% agree with this. It's funny because at points during the series, you root for Ryan to "win" over Jenna. Then at the end, you want him to give her the boot. All she really did is use him the entire time and from a purely vengeful standpoint, I'm glad she's going to be stuck in a relationship where she is going to continue to be fake and not really find happiness. As Ryan said, he may not be happy, but he's not unhappy.


That sure was something else. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet, gonna have to let it mellow for a few days. I think the last episode somehow wasn't really needed, the introduction of his father was kinda unnecessary. I did like the whole Wilfred bit and seeing him as a normal dog was so sad.
You know, even though I was hoping for a grand ending with wilfred being a god I am actually really pleased with how they handled it. It's not just the fact that ryan was crazy, but the fact he accepted his situation and decided to knowingly have this relationship with an imaginary friend because it was the one thing that made him happy on life. Very refreshing.

The scene of wilfred dead as a dog brought real tears for me, their relationship not only was one of the most unique and endearing one in all of media but also touched the cat owner in me. For me and the wife our four cats are like kids to us, they all have their own personalities and are very smart and watching wilfred reminds us of our own relationships with them (minus the shitting in boots of course). So seeing this heartbreaking scene with ryan and wilfred was hard hitting.

It's sad to think how little a fan base this show has, it's not only one of the funniest shows around but also has a hugely dark side to it, is a great character study with some really great life advice. It really is a unique show that has a tonne of heart and thought put into it, I'm sad to think we want get to see them just hanging out and having a laugh :)


Stopped watching after the season 4 premiere & just watched the finale episode. I guess the ending was ok, but I think the show lost me somewhere down the road. When I don't care for the characters, the "funny" leaves and the "weird" overstays its welcome, that might happen. But it's great you all enjoyed it as much as you do. Nothing more special than getting a satisfactory ending to one of your fav shows! =)
I thought it was handled well. Finally seeing Wilfred as a real dog was powerful. The show's run was a little short but it was a great ride. I'd like to own this show.


When Ryan is looking through the photo album in the barn he sees a pic of a dude that has Wilfred's face. What's up with that?

And what's up with Bruce exactly? Was he just in Ryan's head, too? Bruce spoke to Wilfred after all during their games. But that once happened in the basement and the basement wasn't even real.

So, Bruce is real, but he was also in the basement that one time?

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
When Ryan is looking through the photo album in the barn he sees a pic of a dude that has Wilfred's face. What's up with that?

Ryan grew up with those cult dudes until he was 3. Presumably some part of him remembered those faces. As for Bruce, no clue.


I liked the symbolism of Jenna immediately getting a new dog. Did she ever really care that much for Wilfred, she left him with Ryan a lot, only seemed to take interest in Wilfred when she could use him against Ryan, etc.

When Ryan is looking through the photo album in the barn he sees a pic of a dude that has Wilfred's face. What's up with that?

And what's up with Bruce exactly? Was he just in Ryan's head, too? Bruce spoke to Wilfred after all during their games. But that once happened in the basement and the basement wasn't even real.

So, Bruce is real, but he was also in the basement that one time?
The ending makes you think about the whole series like this, I was doing it while mowing the lawn yesterday, remembering past episodes and going "but if...then...but...wait..."

Almost want to rewatch the series now.


When Ryan is looking through the photo album in the barn he sees a pic of a dude that has Wilfred's face. What's up with that?

And what's up with Bruce exactly? Was he just in Ryan's head, too? Bruce spoke to Wilfred after all during their games. But that once happened in the basement and the basement wasn't even real.

So, Bruce is real, but he was also in the basement that one time?

Bruce was also part of the delusion, IMO.


Bish loves my games!
When Ryan is looking through the photo album in the barn he sees a pic of a dude that has Wilfred's face. What's up with that?

And what's up with Bruce exactly? Was he just in Ryan's head, too? Bruce spoke to Wilfred after all during their games. But that once happened in the basement and the basement wasn't even real.

So, Bruce is real, but he was also in the basement that one time?

All part of Ryan's repressed childhood memories from being abused by a cult.

Explains why his sister drew the picture of Wilfred too.

Man what a cynical, downer of an ending. Re-watching the show will be tough knowing Ryan is schizophrenic and crazy and really doing eveything Wilfred did without consciously realizing it.
Just finished watching the finale. Wow. I knew Ryan was just crazy but I liked the ending. The part where they showed Wilfred dead as a real dog was so sad :(
Bumping this thread because I marathon'd seasons 1+2 last week and I marathon'd 3+4 today.

Love the show overall and I loved that they were able to keep the comedy up while getting REALLY dark and trippy but the very last episode fell kinda flat to me.

While I liked that they committed to making Ryan crazy or Wilfred a god and not both, something about Ryan keeping Wilfred around felt kindaaaaaaa...meh. I can't quite put my finger on it but I'm sorta disappointed. I don't know, it might be because the hardest-hitting, and arguably best, episode happened right before it so I was kinda let down with the finale.

I'm still confused about two main parts.

-So every time Bruce was playing games with Wilfred and Ryan, he was a hallucination but at the very end when Ryan tracked him down with the money, that was the real Bruce that almost knifed him AND if that's true how the hell did the real Bruce have the same exact costume that imaginary Bruce was wearing when he picked up the money earlier in the episode?

-Does that mean that Ryan broke into a random family's house when he played the meatball prank on Bruce and Wilfred?

Time to google whether those were just plotholes or if there are reasonable explanations and find out other things I missed. Like this -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_kDF777vOA

PS seeing Amanda in the final season bummed me the fuck out.

PPS Fuck Jenna

PPPS Drew's cool


Ryan's delusional therefore the ultimate unreliable narrator. It's impossible to separate reality from fiction so any plot holes can be attributed to Ryan's imagination.
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