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Xenoblade 2 confirmed for Holiday 2017

Mister Wolf

Best character design is clearly the Nopon with a drill-shield.


This Nopon looks like a badass.


Ah yes, of course, if something shitty stays around long enough, the best thing to do is simply to accept it. That's how progress is made.

your first mistake is thinking that everyone thinks its shitty.

That is the main issue with this topic...not everyone feels the same...so what is the solution here? For it to change to appease those who don't like it? People constantly make it out to be that everyone hates it when that is not the case.

Its not always that serious guys.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Critiquing overly sexualized female designs is fair game.

Xbcx had some good females and not much sexualization apart from that one villain.

Xbc had shania or w.e the name is but she was still a great character.

This is on another level...

As someone who loves both prior games this trailer didn't excite me.

Remember the xbcx trailer with mechs? This looks worse...
I also... think given the conventions of jRPGs (of which this game seems to lean into heavily), the out of context quotes are... not going to play well. I wish that they'd stop doing this when they cut trailers.
The first Xenoblade was literally announced in a folder on the E3 press site and everyone thought it looked like crap because this was the first screen shot.


And this was the first trailer


OBVIOUSLY Xenoblade 2 needs to make a better impression since this is a bigger franchise now, but to say that the first Xenoblade made a better first impression is... wrong.

This. I remembered when Monado was just announced in the Press Site. How can anyone say that that showing is better?
The dub sounds great. Far better than typical American voices in JRPGs. I don't understand how that aspect can be criticized.

The character design is not really good, but isn't this what you expect based on the series? It's been declining hard ever since Xenogears.
Holy shit those soundtrack samples. Sounds like they could have come directly out of the original's OST. Can't wait to hear more.

On the other hand, the character designs are utterly atrocious. Get your shit together Monolith.
Once we see some gameplay of running around a giant world with incredible vistas the tune of these threads will change. Not to say it isn't justified right now, of course.
I wonder in what ways this is going to be connected to XB1? They mentioned the architects so I wondered if they're connected to Shulk in any way. I also wonder if we'll see any of the XB1 characters. I'm hoping Melia shows up in some way, even if it's just mentioning her name.
Critiquing overly sexualized female designs is fair game.

Xbcx had some good females and not much sexualization apart from that one villain.

Xbc had shania or w.e the name is but she was still a great character.

This is on another level...

As someone who loves both prior games this trailer didn't excite me.

Remember the xbcx trailer with mechs? This looks worse...

Well, this trailer leaned into the story of it because there was a decent backlash with the ways in which XCX was almost exclusively about exploration versus a story.



That has got to be one of Nomura's worst designs. Ewwww. I wonder if that's all Nomura or if the director or general art director or someone had a lot of input. Not that Nomura alone isn't capable of some hideous designs, but we are at the bottom of the barrel here :S


That has got to be one of Nomura's worst designs. Ewwww. I wonder if that's all Nomura or if the director or general art director or someone had a lot of input. Not that Nomura alone isn't capable of some hideous designs, but we are at the bottom of the barrel here :S

Nomura only did one character design, and we have no idea which one it is.


your first mistake is thinking that everyone thinks its shitty.

That is the main issue with this topic...not everyone feels the same...so what is the solution here? For it to change to appease those who don't like it? People constantly make it out to be that everyone hates it when that is not the case.

Its not always that serious guys.

I know some people love sexualized kids, or sexualized anime characters using tired tropes to titillate guys, if you prefer a less controversial description (these aren't lolitas after all). And yes, I want it to change to appease me and not those people. Opinions are like assholes, some are full of shit.


What is this anime shit? Man... horrible downgrade from previous titles in terms of art style.

I don't understand.
Is that a requirement? I missed the Nintendo conf and am catching up on the announcements in case anything was to change my mind about buying a Switch. So far this game isn't cutting it, between the costume designs and the generic shonen adventure story I can't call this the tipping point for me ordering $300 hardware.

The point is that everything here is bang on with the aesthetics of previous titles going all the way back to Xenogears. This is the sort of game Monolith makes and what their fans like and have supported with dollars to date.

You can not like it, of course, but a lot of the "why does it look like this?!" takes feel extremely weird. edit: like literally one post above me

Also, as a general thing, I think the voicework is just kind of preliminary and for the trailer. A lot of those read like contextless reads for a trailer, and hopefully it'll be more up to snuff for the game, but we'll see. Certainly Xenocross had good VO work.

I did. Which is why I'm still hoping they follow up Xenoblade Chronicles X story. I'm much more interesting in traditional space sci-fi.

Still this actually looks a bit better than I expected and should be a fun romp.

Granted, where the fuck is my Xenocross sequel, Monolith. You are not gonna leave us hanging on that shit.
The VA was legit awful but people getting on their high horses yet again about the sexualization is getting really tiresome. This is Japan, this is the way they are and have been for decades. Time to get over it.

'That's just the way it is' is hardly a valid response to something like this.
Nintendo didn't get pervy with her clothes. She just had access to the same stuff every other female did. You could easily not use them if you didn't want to.

Yeah, personally I agree with you. But you could make the argument that the clothes were needlessly sexualized if you wanted to. However, my point was that Lin didn't have out of proportion body parts like it was implied.


Tbh if it bothers you so much just don't play it? Save you the anguish of looking at it
The arguments bother me more than the game (I'm not bothered by it -- another presumption -- just not very interested). I have played and mostly enjoyed Xenoblade C (although not the rest of the series) and while I'm not the biggest anime or JRPG fan I can dig some of them. So it's kind of annoying when people accuse "haters" of not having played any prior game or be predisposed against anime. I wouldn't have posted in the thread if I didn't have any interest in the game in the first place.

But no, I probably just won't play the game based off of this trailer, although things can always change depending on word of mouth or if I see a better trailer sometime. I probably won't participate in future threads either. Not every game has to be for me.


Man kinda bummed now. I really wish they could hit the character designs right just once.

I thought X designs were pretty good, the problem was the transition from the art to 3D models. Xenoblade 2 is just what happens when you get a hentai artist to model your characters and no one seems to oversee the design it seems.

Loved Xenoblade 1 and X they are some of my favorite JRPGs though so I'm still hopeful that the gameplay, story and music can push past my initial impressions of the designs.

Oh and super surprised they actually managed to hit 2017, really makes it feel as if they have two teams? Maybe the X sequel is in the works as well, would love to see more of Mira.


But it didn't have to go down like this, that's my point. Are there really people out there who played the previous Xenoblade games and thought man these games are fun! But it needs more fanservice!
I dont think there's many people that played the previous Xenoblade games, period. And many of teh comments in this thread show that.


Watching it again and this looks too similar to a Tales game. I'm guessing that previous art style didn't do so hot in Japan.
Cuningas de Häme;240546453 said:
Xenoblade Chronicles has similar voice acting, I don't get the hate... Unless you guys hated the XC VO too...

I think they did a better job picking them for the first one, probably also due to the wider age range of the characters. I personally like US voice acting so, while the first XC had good voices, I also really liked the most of the voices for XCX and this trailer made me miss the US voice acting even more hearing the main couple of voices for XC2.



Why cant you copy and paste this???? Smash shulk suh gud

I had hoped if they ever made a sequel to chronicles they would have kept the original character art style. Not a fan of the character art in 2 at all, wasn't really a fan of it in X either but at least we could call that a spin off.

Oh well hopefully its good at least, the first game is still one of my favorite JRPGs to date.


I also hate the desings and over sexualized girls like in Etrian Oddysey, but just like in that game I can look past it if it isnt the focus of the game and the gameplay is good.


The Birthday Skeleton
Honestly this feels underwhelming after Xenoblade X. I felt no "wow" watching the trailer. And the characters are so unfitting. It's not like with Xeno X where there were kind of meh, but I learnt to love some of them in the end. I dislike them. I have no will to play with them.


Maybe it's me but there's something wrong with the game screen resolution (like too much dithering). I hope it's just the video footage and not how it's going to look.


Yeah sure, but just because it exist something even worse doesn't make the XC2 voice acting good,

How about we wait to hear it in game before judging it? Over dramatic yelling tends to sound worse when its just random phrases. The voice director's past work gives me confidence that it will be fine.

I know some people love sexualized kids, or sexualized anime characters using tired tropes to titillate guys, if you prefer a less controversial description. And yes, I want it to change to appease me and not those people. Opinions are like assholes, some are full of shit.

They aren't kids but whatever you need to justify your selfish attitude i guess. At least you are honest tho. I personally hate the focus on zombies and multiplayer but I'm not about to go shit up threads of those games whining about it either....mainly because I'd get banned. I always love the weird double standards around here for certain groups. I don't even think the designs are that great or even good. Her Boobs look weird if anything (why are they so far apart lol) but I'm not about to insult anyone who dissagrees by virtually calling them pedos or basement dwelling losers. Some of you need to get over yourselves sometimes....not liking a thing does not give you the right to insult folks


The VA is hilarious but doesn't bother me too much.
I like the art style of the game in general, just not the characters as much.
Her titties are pretty crazy, which is unnecessary but again, whatever.

But the fucking trousers on the MC. Please let me change them. Holy fuck.

Other than that, super excited.
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