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Your Top 3 Games of the Gen?


1: Mario Galaxy 1/2 probs 1 seeing as it was it first with the concept-2 is technically better though
2: Zelda Skyward Sword-So good i had to immediately start again wen i finished. Never done this before
3: Metroid Prime 3-God like, just like the first prime.

Uncharted(1), batman arkham asylum, red dead , portal and bioshock were all awesome


the number three spot changes time to time, but mirror's edge 2, super mario galaxy 2, and team fortress 2.

sometimes team fortress 2 is valkyria chronicles instead.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
1. Tales of the Abyss 3DS
2. Pokemon White
3. Super Mario Galaxy series


It's too hard for me to narrow it down to only 3 games. So I'll just give you five.

In no particular order:

  • Crysis: It's the shooter I've had the most fun with this gen. There are heaps of things to mess around and the shooting mechanics are very good as well (unlike Far Cry 2 for example, which leaves you lots of options but has sucky mechanics). I finished it 7 times and could go back to it without getting bored.
  • Stalker Call of Pripyat: The story is not as good as Shadow of Chernobyl and it isn't as scary (maybe that's because I was already used to the zone when I played it), but everything else feels a lot more polished and balanced. It's a a game with great atmosphere and a really unique feel to it. Shooting things does not feel as satisfying as in some other games (Killing Floor for example) but it's still decent once you get good guns.
  • Dark Souls: I really love this game, it's really rewarding and the gameplay is very, very solid. Surprisingly, the best thing for me about this game is not playing it the first time like it is the case for lots of people, but more playing through the game again and again, getting better and better, trying different ways of beating the bosses and stuff...
  • The Witcher: This game has a very good branching story and your actions have got consequences! I love Geralt as well.
  • The Witcher 2: Same reasons as above, with better combat and graphics.
3) Journey : Great game, I was on a media blackout for this ignoring all the interviews and impressions and what a great experience this game turned out to be. The whole idea of having online multiplayer without knowing who that person was, no clues as to the sex of the person and unable to find out. You played it with that person as an equal yet you could have been playing the game with a total dudebro. Graphically and atmospherically it was stunning, the sunsets, the lighting and soundtrack really made this some of the best hours I've spent playing a game.

2) The LittleBigPlanet franchise : all three of these have been great, I picked up the original on US import as it got delayed in the UK. It was unlike anything before, the platforming wasn't as sharp as you would like, but the creativity was off the scale, once people had gotten to grips with it all by LBP2 it wasn't even recognisable as the LBP engine anymore sometimes. Vita has added another dimension to this game and what the community will do with it and I'm looking forward to getting many more hours out of the game.

1) Uncharted 2 : Stunning production values, one of the few games to get my heart pounding and excitment levels through the roof at the train/chopper section. Something no game since has managed to do. The game was graphically one of the highlights of console gaming. Admittedly the 3rd topped it in terms of looks, but the story and gameplay just wasn't there for me.


The only one I really want to mention when these threads roll is Vanquish.

There's so many great one's that have already gotten up to the pedestal of many, but Vanquish's poor sales, and somewhat low fanbase, are far from indicative of it's perfection.


3. Red Dead Redemption

Forget GTA V, this is where it's at. Rockstar made a stunningly detailed frontier to explore, filled it with interesting characters and added some ninja bears for good measure. A lot of people found the game (and its story) dull and uninteresting, but the whole 'family man in the frontier'-bit was something unique and daring, and I'm glad Rockstar pulled it off.


2. Mass Effect 2

Yeah yeah, I know. "It's not an RPG", "BioWare is dead", "This isn't the ME2 I wanted". But, I'll be honest, this is the ME2 I wanted. This is an incredibly polished, complete package, with interesting combat scenarios and enemies. Its story, while not as interesting as its predecessor's, still hooked me, from the sad opening piano tune to "It's a Reaper. A HUMAN Reaper." This game feels like a high-budget dystopian science fiction movie in which you are the star. And that's what I wanted from ME2.


1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Another title I GAF loves to hate. "It's too simple", "The world is too boring", and so on. I think it's a surprisingly deeper game than one would think at face value: it just all depends on the way you play. The world is insanely detailed, with so much stuff hidden out there that you owe it to yourself to turn off your map markers and just go explore. Sure, the combat may be messy. Sure, the graphics may not be the best. Sure, the PS3 version is a botched mess Bethesda should never have released in the first place. But despite its flaws this game is the best I've played this generation.
1. Fallout 3.
It came bundled with my PS3 along with Resistance 2, and I was going to sell them both as I assumed they were both FPS', a genre I have little interest in.
However, bored one afternoon, I decided to give it a go. I thought the graphics were awesome and was suprised at how much human interaction and dialogue there was.
As soon as I got out of the vault I was hooked, and ended up playing around 140 hours, more than any other non-fighting game.
This truly felt like the first 'next-gen' game I played, something that wasn't an iteration of a series I'd previously played or something that would have been possible on the previous gen, so it has to take the top for these reasons.

2. (Super) Street Fighter IV (AE) - I simply haven't spent as much time with, or had as much fun with, any other game this generation. Between the three iterations I've probably put in well over 300 hours.

3. Assassin's Creed 2
There are several games I could put here but I enjoyed AC2 so much more than I ever thought I would. The feeling of freedom leaping about the city, the setting, the breathtaking views, another game that truly made me feel I was playing 'next gen'.


1. Valkyria Chronicles (completely reinvented my favorite genre)
2. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Brings back so much that standard JRPGs have lost over the years, a joy to play)
3. Portal 2 (Portal 2).
1) Metal Gear Solid 4
2) Heavy Rain
3) LittleBigPlanet

Heavy Rain was close to my top three just for the whole new way to play/watch a game. Loved finishing it and then comparing the ending to other friends that had played and listening how their game played out. For all it's faults it was a cracking game.


3 games are just too less IMO to list.

So ill list 3 games for each platforms and sub platforms

PS3 -
Uncharted 2
Demon Souls
Uncharted 3

Sound Shapes
InFamous Festival of Blood

Resonance of Fate
Castlevania LOS

Xbla -
Trails Evolution

PC -
Fallout New Vegas
Half life 2 episode 2

DS -
Ace Attorney 3
Dusk hotel room 215
Mario Galaxy 1/2 - Amazing looking despite resolution, charming and innovative
Batman: Arkham Asylum - best superhero game ever
Kirby's Epic Yarn - best art style of this entire gen
In no particular order:

Bioshock - Only got around to play it (and the sequel) a few months ago, and I fell in love with everything Rapture! Hope that Columbia is just as grand.

Rayman Origins - The true platformer of this generation, just a sight to behold on the PSV.

Fallout 3 - While it had a gazillion of bugs, I played it and played it and played it some more. Finished all the quests explored exery single area. Still to play F:NV, I'm just waiting for a sale on Play-Asia of the ultimate edition.


Mass Effect 2
Red Dead Redemption
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Damn 2010 was awesome.

My next grouping would probably be

Mount and Blade
Valkiyria Chronicles
Civ 5

Persona 3/4 are two of my favorite games ever but not counting the hand held rereleases.
1. Bayonetta
2. Rayman Origins
3. Super Mario Galaxy series

Close contenders: Professor Layton & the Lost Future. No More Heroes series. Super Smash Bros Brawl.


Neo Member
1: Demon's Souls
2: Dark Souls
3: Monster Hunter Tri

Unexpected runners up: Dead Space 1 & 2. I can't help it! I just love games with the initials D.S.
1. Demon's Souls - Without a shadow of a doubt! One of the best gaming experiences I had in my gaming career.
2. WipEout HD - Best arcade racer I've ever played, R.I.P. Psygnosis ;(
3. Uncharted 2 - The pinnacle of its genre.

Close contenders: Valkyria Chronicles, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, Dead Space, Heavy Rain, LBP and Dark Souls (should actually be at No. 1 spot too, but whatever, I hate lists ;)


1) Mario Galaxy 2 - the second best game ever made

2) Xenoblade - game is flawless

3) Skyward Sword. Fuck the haters, I have very minor complaints about this game. I loved everything about it, yes, even the eel note thing

We should be friends! We can spend our time swimming through the skies with fantastic controls and charming music!


Leaving aside stuff I've played on PC if I go by consoles then, in no particular order:

  • LittleBigPlanet 2 - love the style of the game and the editor remains amazing
  • Uncharted 2 - a lot of games tried to deliver an interactive cinematic experience with you as the start, but none were better at this than Uncharted 2
  • Journey - perhaps the most intriguing, uplifting experience of any game I've played in a long time with amazing art direction, music and a complete control of pace and narrative tone


1. Mass Effect 2
2. Call of Duty 4
3. Uncharted 2

Honourable mentions: Halo: Reach, Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 3: ODST, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow, Resident Evil 5.

Dies Iræ

Dark Souls: this game led me to purchase XBL for the first time, ever. For me, it proves that console titles can differentiate their online gameplay in meaningful ways. This is the dream system that Nintendo has, until now, failed to materialize. Its influence in ZombieU and NSMBU is very awesome. Me thinks Iwata owes the team down at From Software a drink.

Super Mario Galaxy 1: it has that "Nintendo magic" (tm). It released at the height of Nintendo's ascension with Wii and ushered in the company's golden age. Mario also symbolizes the industry as a whole; it gives you that feeling of youthful wonder, which ultimately is at the heart of gaming.

These are the two titles that absolutely come to mind. Third place has too many contenders, and no clear standout, for me to choose.


Demon's Souls - Complete breath of fresh air in every way imaginable. I'm half convinced someone abducted me and read my mind to make the perfect game for me. The sense of achievement and satisfaction is unmatched by any other game, the art direction is fantastic, and best of all, it makes fantasy seem real. Playing through it that first time was just a sublime experience I fear will never happen again.

Dark Souls - I wasn't sure how From could possibly live up to Demon's Souls, but they did. The changes made were incredibly smart such as removing carrying weight, a memorable open world, and the improved healing system. All while keeping what made the original so great. Can't wait to see what's next.

Dragon Quest IX - This was only my second DQ game (played and loved VIII a few years back), yet somehow playing this felt like a trip down memory lane playing FFVI or Chrono Trigger for the first time as a kid. The amount of love and polish that went into this game is abundantly clear, and playing it is just plain fun. Not to mention the insane amount of depth and things to do.
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