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Your Top 3 Games of the Gen?

the number three spot changes time to time, but mirror's edge 2, super mario galaxy 2, and team fortress 2.

sometimes team fortress 2 is valkyria chronicles instead.

for whatever alternate reality you live in, I'm going to build a machine to travel there and play that game


Leaving aside stuff I've played on PC if I go by consoles then, in no particular order:

  • Uncharted 2 - a lot of games tried to deliver an interactive cinematic experience with you as the start, but none were better at this than Uncharted 2

Save Uncharted 3. While I would say UC2 exists as the better "game", it would be dishonest to say that UC3 doesn't up the cinematic ante, making it more of an interactive cinematic experience all around.
First one is easy, and i may get hated on but its true:

COD4 - for me this brought new life to a franchise that was stuck in WW2 and has influenced the gaming world in so many ways. I spent hundreds of hours playing this non-stop and regret nothing.

The remaining two are a bit more difficult, but if i put it through what i spent the most time playing :

Viva Pinata 2 - this charming game never ceased to be fun, as i could load the game up and spend hours on end doing nothing but interacting and collecting new pinatas. Viva Pinata 1 ignited the flame, but 2 took it to a whole new level.

Battlefield 3 -ive sunk close to 400 hours into this game, the bad company games never really did it for me so i was ecstatic to finnaly see Battlefield return to its proper number sequeled setting.

Honorable mentions:
Civ V
Heavy Rain
Banjo-Kazooie Nuts&Bolts
EA NHL series (10 - 13)


The first two are pretty easy I guess:

1) Super Mario Galaxy 1. Although technically, when put side to side, Galaxy 2 may have more stuff going for it, it lacked the newness and therefore much of the tilt I experienced during my playthrough of 1. Also I much preferred the semblance of a fairy tale story compared with Galaxy 2's disjointed worlds.
2) Mass Effect 2. I don't think there ever has been a game that engrossed me so much with the characters. Nearly all of the games nowadays I find start dragging at about two-thirds in and I really need to force myself to finish, but not so Mass Effect 2 (and to a lesser extent 1 and 3), where I just want to stay around and have it never end.

After these two (which could trade places in terms of how engrossed I was), it becomes a bit more difficult, as the game genre starts playing into the equation and it's really what my mood is at that moment. So I have a shared third place between:

3) Bayonetta 3) Skyrim 3) The Walking Dead

Sadly I must conclude that neither Wii Zelda games are anywhere near the top.


Geometry wars 2 - high score attacking against friends scores had me playing this game for months, I still switch on the 360 every now and again for a shot of it and trials evo.

Super Mario galaxy 2 - an engine perfected from the first game, but just 3 years of imagination and fun poured into it. I still play this a lot, I had a smile on my face playing this at first.

Dark souls - I have only started to play this on pc recently, I have fell in love, I think about the game when I am not playing it, I go to have a quick shot and realise its time for me to sleep soon, time passes so quickly with this.
1) Nier - 3rd Person Bullet Hell game? Yes please. (Dat Soundtrack)

2) Street Fighter 4/Super 1500+ Hours Played. Game single handily re-kindled my love for fighters and got me back in my local scene.

3) Spec Ops: The Line - Not even a shooter fan...sat down to give this a shot one night...didn't get up until the credits rolled.


Assassin's Creed
Mirror's Edge

Common strengths:
Adventure, exploration, movement, art design, environment, innovative mechanics


1. Deus Ex - Human Revolution

Reminded me so much about what I loved about PC gaming in the late 90s early 2000s. Fantastic setting / level design combined with a real freedom in how to tackly objectives.

2. Civ 5 (with Gods and Kings expansion)

I know many hardcore civ players prefer Civ 4 BTS, but I love 1 unit per tile and the lack of stacks of doom.

3. Left 4 Dead 2

I'm not much of a competitive multiplayer kind of guy, but small scale co-op, with 2 or 3 friends, is awesome. I can't think of any game that did this better then the Left 4 dead series.


3 Tops:

1. Red Dead Redemption
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Mass Effect 2

10 Honorable Mentions (not in order):

Kirby Canvas Curse
Dead Rising
Left 4 Dead
Halo: Reach
Street Fighter IV
Dragon Quest IX
Professor Layton (series)


Alright, I think I've finally figured it out.

Batman: Arkham City - Combat and stealth improved on the already amazing first game, and while the open world was a different direction from Asylum's more Metroidvania structure, I can't deny that gliding around the city was fun as hell.

Metroid Prime 3 - It's Metroid. A change in style from previous games in some ways, but it still had the highly detailed world, excellent music, and awesome boss fights that Retro's known for. Also this Metroid Metal wouldn't exist without it.

Donkey Kong Country Returns - What's that? The developers of my favorite trilogy are rebooting my other favorite trilogy that I thought I'd never see again? I'll just go ahead and set my hype levels to 11. And then I'll be shocked when the game still somehow manages to not only match, but exceed my expectations. In a generation that's seen a surprise resurgence of 2D platformers, a company that's never made one before managed to provide the best one of all.


1. Deus Ex - Human Revolution

Reminded me so much about what I loved about PC gaming in the late 90s early 2000s. Fantastic setting / level design combined with a real freedom in how to tackle objectives.

This is exactly how I felt about HR. It was like playing a great PC game from the late 90's, early 2000's. Something about its design just seemed so anti-current-gen to me, and I mean that in the best possible way.


1) Mass Effect 2 - What came after can never diminish it's greatness.

2) Vanquish - Best TPS ever, not even open for discussion.

3) Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Even with some of the worst boss fights ever conceived, this cyberpunk masterpiece still ranks as the 3rd best game of the generation IMO.


Hard to make a list when my backlog is so huge comprising of games that were on everyone else's list.

In no particular order:
Super Mario 3D Land, super fun platforming. I enjoyed it immensely even though I sucked. I didn't bother finishing the secret worlds, the main game was amazing and super fun even though I died a gazillion time.
Uncharted 2, best of the trilogy still.
Guild Wars 2, I haven't enjoyed playing a MMO for almost 8 years until I played GW2. Feels pretty refined to me.


1) Mass Effect - The RPG experience by which all others are judged. The pure joy of discovery when I landed on my first planet...incredible.

2) Dark Souls - Nothing comes close, except for Dark Souls. Still haven't beaten it, but I really love this game. So far it's the only game I stayed home from work just to play.

3) Fallout 3 - One of the most relentlessly oppressive worlds I've ever experienced in a game, and I enjoyed every second of it. I've probably dropped more hours into this game than any other this gen.


!.) The World Ends With You- phenominal soundtrack, great story, and exquisite gameplay. At times it felt like random button mashing and stylus scratching, but after you get a hang of the battel system it provided an excelletn level of depth and strategy.

2.) Valkyria Chronicles- Excellent, excellent game. I loved the story, and strategy of it. Gorgeous, challenging and just fantastic.

3.) Uncharted 2- Was some of the most fun I had this gen Id say. Great gameplay, and a wondeful experience all in all.

Wow, took me a while to think of this list. Theres so many great games I had to think through. Ill probably have a new top three as soon as I go home and look through my shelves though lol.


1. Dark Souls - brilliant gameplay & dark awesome mythology
2. Bayonetta - best action game, platinum seal of quality
3. Guild Wars 2 - first mmo i can enjoy
4. Donkey Kong Country Returns - love my 2d jump n runs
5. Valkyria Chronicles - evolution of s-jrpg
6. Mario Galaxy 2 - best 3D Plattformer
7. Vanquish - most awesome tps
8. Journey - i cried ;_;
9. Metal Gear Solid 4 - so much production value in one game
10. Portal 2 - love dat puzzles

6 japanese and 4 western games, japan still rules my world

too early for the question, still 2 metal gear games on the way

1. The World Ends With You
2. Castlevania - Order Of Ecclesia
3. Ghost Trick


1- Killzone 2
2- Resistance
3- White Knight Chronicles (I&II)

just outside the top 3
4- Oblivion..
5- Resistance 2
7- Disgaea III on VITA


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
- Corpse Party
- Ace Attorney
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep


1. Mass Effect 2
2. Call of Duty 4
3. Uncharted 2

Honourable mentions: Halo: Reach, Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 3: ODST, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow, Resident Evil 5.

Any games without guns you like? No offence, simply curious.


1) Demon's Souls/Dark Souls (I don't care if these are two different games, I go back and forth which one I like the most.

2) Skyrim

3) Red Dead Redemption



Deus Ex - Human Revolution belongs on the list for sure. Brought back fond memories of PC gaming when I was a kid.

Metal Gear Solid 4- Damn the haters I played through it multiple times. Second favorite Metal Gear title.

Demon's Souls - Could be alternated with Dark Souls but I preferred Demon's level structure and bosses better.

Alias Greed

Neo Member
1. Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together - My game of the generation even though it's a remake. Never played it on SNES. Story/gameplay/music/graphics/atmosphere/replayability is simply perfect.

2. Dark Souls / Demon Souls - I'll just include this two games as one.

3. Valkyria Chronicles - Sega makes one epic RPG per generation. This was it's rpg this generation.

Dragon's Dogma
Mirror's Edge
Red Dead Redemption


Super Mario 3D Land (all time favorite Mario)
Resident Evil Revelations
Kid Icarus Uprising

Runner(s) Up:

Skyward Sword (Zelda)
Mass Effect 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Lost Odyssey


Dark Souls - it's almost everything i want in an rpg. tough, fair, and rewarding. good amount of exploration and great atmosphere. this and demons souls felt like unintentional survivor horror games and i love it. and i'm kind of fascinated with demons and all that so any game with that theme has an easy time impressing me.

Ultimate/Marvel vs Capcom 3 - this actually isn't my favorite fighter of the generation. i can't really play it aside from just practicing combos in training mode (which is fun. combos are crazy). but this has to be the best spectator game of all time. this game got me "into" the fgc (11er here, not even an 09er lol). i have been playing fighters since the 90s, but i didn't know there was anything like the fgc (i have heard of evo, but i just thought that was it). now i'm watching weeklies, podcasts, ultrachen, lijoe...all that. while it's not my favorite fighter, marvel got me into a whole nother world.

Fallout New Vegas - i don't have too many words as to why this is a favorite, but it is. i find myself doing a playthrough each year. something i do not ever do anymore.

honorable mentions

Demon Souls - if not for Dark Souls, this would be in its place.
Borderlands 2 - it's been a week but holy hell i'm having so much fun
Portal 1/2
The Witcher 2
Street Fighter 4 series
Red Dead Redemption
Tough, but here goes:-

1. Bioshock 2
2. Dead Space/Dead Space 2 (tie)
3. Mass Effect

Bubbling under would be Halo : ODST, Assasin's Creed 2, Bioshock, Crackdown, Batman : AA & Mass Effect 2.


In no order of greatness:

Super Mario Galaxy 2- arguably Nintendo's finest game
[Super] Street Fighter IV [Arcade] - I put more hours into SFIV online that all other online games combined.
Demon's Souls - trumps the sequel and is probably the single most affecting game I've ever played.

Only having three is a tough one. Really, any other above could be replaced by Vanquish (fuck yeah, Vanquish), Bayonetta, Dark Souls, NSMBWii, Bit.Trip Runner or Wipeout HD.

If we're including HD remakes, Hale CE HD and Rez HD would be in my top three. They were was the best games last gen, and are the best games this gen.
Mario Galaxy - Jaw wide open, and grinning (is this even possible?) the whole game.

Portal 2 - Great puzzles, dialog, and atmosphere.

Donkey Kong Country Returns - Favourite series from back in the day brought back, and trumps originals.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
1. The World Ends With You
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
3. 9-9-9
4. Portal 2
5. Pullblox / Pushmo


Almost impossible to bring a list down to 3 choices, there were a lot of fantastic games (and lot of shitty ones as well). But If I had to name three that struck me the first time I played the, it would be those :

1) Super Mario Galaxy
2) Bioshock
3) Mass Effect

It's not the overall quality or their standing "currently" compared to later games. No it's really the sensation I had when playing them upon release. Each of these three made ma feel something I had never felt with any other games before...and I was amazed.

Now, I see other games that are "technically" better games, but none that could spark the incredible feeling that a first play of the above generated.
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