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Zelda: "we're preparing more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect..."

AniHawk said:
:lol :lol :lol

First time I've seen it from that source.




Man. I remember that day so clearly. Even though I wasn't at E3 (yet), it took all my effort not to shout out in excitement at school. So exciting.

They never gave TWW this sort of attention. The unveiling of TP was absolutely perfect. The way I had envisioned it (and I had been thinking about the best way to unveil a more realistic looking Zelda months earlier (however, my version would've been cel-shaded with this kind of art)).

Yeah It is amazing the emotional hold that series has over gamers. You know people were crying tears of joy in that room.

Dammit, the videos of that game just make me feel all funny inside.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
BudokaiMR2 said:
Yeah It is amazing the emotional hold that series has over gamers. You know people were crying tears of joy in that room.

Dammit, the videos of that game just make me feel all funny inside.

The same should happen when Nintendo finally shows Mario 128. :)

See, this is the thing. People (even Nintendo fans) could complain all they want about Nintendo not making too many new games, but when it comes down to it, we all just want Zelda and Mario, and Nintendo knows this. I mean E3 2003 was pretty much worthless even though there were some interesting new games shown here and there.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
psycho_snake said:
I've still got a feeling that we will see Zelda: TP on revolution. It would be the best move Nintendo could make. This generation is over, they ended up in 3rd place and they are not going to be selling many more GC units now that we are entering the new generation. Nintendo should concentrate on Revo and make sure that they can put up a proper fight. Zelda: TP would be a fantastic launch title and will guarantee fantastic launch sales.
You're right. But well, even if didn't have any additional Rev feature, it will at least play on Revolution, which can't hurt. Oh, and we need this game in 16/9, hear that Nintendo?
Kulock said:
Alright, seriously, where did this "Zelda gets raped" rumor start up, anyway? It seems way out of the realm of possibility for a Nintendo title, unless they only vaguely implied it, and even then, I just can't see it happening. Miyamoto at one point thought an earring made Link too adult, I can't imagine that with his level of control, he'd allow a game out with one of his big princesses being defiled, even if it's a well-written plot.

Is it just a running joke at this point, or do some people seriously believe that it's going to happen?

I think a running joke, but then also probably some rabid zelda fans thinking TP may be more like the movie LEGEND that spawned the concept for zelda in the first place.
In it the original writer wanted to have the devil character of 'darkness' (ganon) commit the old in out with the princess in the movie once she had been kidnapped. This was in the end dropped and replaced with a dancing scene where the princess dances with a black dress.

So maybe TP will feature a dancing cinematic of zelda doing a waltz!! mature 4 tha win.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
marc^o^ said:
You're right. But well, even if didn't have any additional Rev feature, it will at least play on Revolution, which can't hurt. Oh, and we need this game in 16/9, hear that Nintendo?
NIt cant hurt as long as people know. Nintendo need to make people aware that Revo is backwards compatible and Zelda: TP can be played on Revo.

This would work really well if Revo and Zelda: Tp were released around the same time. Nintendo could promote the backwards compatability feature and that they let people know that Zelda: TP can be played on Revo.

An even better way isd to make a bundle where you get a Revo + Zelda: TP. It would be a very good method of promoting backwards compataability and an AAA title like Zelda will be a system seller.


:lol @ the E3 unveiling

To be fair, I had the exact same reaction, just had the advantage of noone seeing me act like an idiot over it ;).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
marc^o^ said:
They need to get rid of this one second glitch in the fightings, it's really annoying IMO

I'm so glad I don't notice this in game. I remember seeing it in WW videos and thinking I'd hate it, but when it came down to playing it I never even realised it was happening. Must fucking suck for those of you who do see it though.

I wasn't quite that excited at that Zelda showing, but seeing it live was pretty crazy.

I still don't think you can top the initial GC showing though. It was just a bunch of short trailers cut together, but seeing Luigi and the ghosts, Zelda, Wave Race, the jaw dropping graphics of Star Wars, FINALLY the return of Metroid...it all came together so perfectly.

In some ways the Revolution unveiling should be even better, if they choose to hit us with a load of short clips all at once anyway (as opposed to going through the big games individually and then showing us the rest). We should hopefully get one or two new IPs in there (unlike the initial GC showing, which was much earlier and didn't contain anything like Pikmin), along with Mario, Metroid, Smash Bros, Final Fantasy etc, and who knows, maybe a returning series or two...Kid Icarus? Pilotwings? In far more complete form too.

As excited as I am about that though, I doubt it could blow me away like the GC unveiling. Without the advantage of the snazzy new graphics and no big returning franchise after a long abscence like Metroid (Kid Icarus would be cool but it's not in the same league), I just can't see it. I doubt there'll be any Revolution Zelda either...not only because it'd be too early, but what would be the point with TP there?

Still, show me Mario back in the Mushroom Kingdom without any delfinos and you might just have yourself a passed out fan, Nintendo.
For me the Zelda unveiling was one of most exciting moments in videogame-history. I'll never forget how Link turned into Miyamoto at the end of the trailer. And all the the screaming people! Classic!
Mama Smurf said:
I still don't think you can top the initial GC showing though. It was just a bunch of short trailers cut together, but seeing Luigi and the ghosts, Zelda, Wave Race, the jaw dropping graphics of Star Wars, FINALLY the return of Metroid...it all came together so perfectly.

I present to you, a blast from the past.
Zerodoppler said:

That particular video is historic for another reason - filmed by NNDon, one of the most rabid N-fans to ever run a website. His forums were melting because of the anticipation he built up for his upcoming trip to SW2000 and promised 'better than the rest' videos, for free.

Watching that particular video of the event now, for the first time, reminds me how eventually a couple months later he finally got his media online (a bunch of bad jpgs from the movie if memory serves). Good to see he finally got the video online :)

(btw his site was pretty good back in the day, so no offense if you're still around here Don - i know some others from back then are)
When is Zelda scheduled to come out? If it's too close to the holidays, that just wouldn't make sense; it would take too large a bite out of Rev sales.


dlobro1080 said:
When is Zelda scheduled to come out? If it's too close to the holidays, that just wouldn't make sense; it would take too large a bite out of Rev sales.

at this point I am going to say it will make a summer or november release. Hurry up and release a RELEASEDATE Nintendo :(

edit: fixed.


Zerodoppler said:

Too Human footage included?
I'm unable to watch it, because:

Thanks for your interest in Google Video.

Currently, the playback feature of Google Video isn't available in your country.

We hope to make this feature available more widely in the future, and we really appreciate your patience.
I agree that it would make a lot more sense just to move it to Revolution. Yeah, a few gamers would be pissed, but they'll all buy the Rev just to play it anyway. And again -- why divert attention and sales away from the Rev? Either Nintendo is gonna have a new Zelda ready for the Rev, a "Revolution" version of TP launched with the Rev, or TP will be moved. I just can't see why they'd compete against themselves in the console wars.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
SantaCruZer said:
Hurry up and release info Nintendo :(

Have you been keeping up with the Inside Zelda articles every month? I think there's like 9 now.

There's really very little in the way of info, but they do talk in general terms about TP and more specifically about older Zelda games or other Nintendo titles, it might go some way to tiding you over.

No Too Human footage.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
dlobro1080 said:
I agree that it would make a lot more sense just to move it to Revolution. Yeah, a few gamers would be pissed, but they'll all buy the Rev just to play it anyway. And again -- why divert attention and sales away from the Rev? Either Nintendo is gonna have a new Zelda ready for the Rev, a "Revolution" version of TP launched with the Rev, or TP will be moved. I just can't see why they'd compete against themselves in the console wars.

People shouldn't focus on what makes sense so much. It perhaps makes sense to release more than one Mario Kart and Smash Bros per generation given how much they sell, but Nintendo seem to have no interest in doing that. Can you imagine any other company having sellers to that degree and not releasing at least one sequel on the same console? Nintendo don't always do what seems to make sense, they do what they think is right.

I mean, if Nintendo cared that much about what makes sense with TP, they'd have released it this past Christmas. I genuinely believe they just want to make the best Zelda possible, and deliver it to the GC owners they promised it to as well.


Mama Smurf said:
Have you been keeping up with the Inside Zelda articles every month? I think there's like 9 now.

There's really very little in the way of info, but they do talk in general terms about TP and more specifically about older Zelda games or other Nintendo titles, it might go some way to tiding you over.

um yeah I have. When I meant info, I meant Release date or media. You know that I am one of the bigger zelda fans out there. Of course i am keeping up, but very little has come out of nintendo's own mouth.


That Zelda unveil at e3 2k4 it's one of the most brilliant moments Nintendo had in years, at least one of the most emotives .
Mama Smurf said:
People shouldn't focus on what makes sense so much. It perhaps makes sense to release more than one Mario Kart and Smash Bros per generation given how much they sell, but Nintendo seem to have no interest in doing that. Can you imagine any other company having sellers to that degree and not releasing at least one sequel on the same console? Nintendo don't always do what seems to make sense, they do what they think is right.

I mean, if Nintendo cared that much about what makes sense with TP, they'd have released it this past Christmas. I genuinely believe they just want to make the best Zelda possible, and deliver it to the GC owners they promised it to as well.

Definitely -- and honestly, aside from the fact that I think Nintendo makes the best games, it's their refusal to water down their franchises by releasing annual updates which is why I like the company.

But what I'm talking about is something different. They're going to be launching a brand new console with a new controller that they are going to need to convince people to buy.
My point isn't that Nintendo should do this or that -- it's that I have the feeling they have some kind of Zelda related trick up their sleeves in regards to the Revolution. Because if TP can sell say, 4 million copies, and it's going to launch right around the Rev, there is going to be some way Nintendo gets those 4 million customers interested in the Rev. My bet is that the game is going to be able to be played with the Rev controller (even though Nintendo has denied it).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
SantaCruZer said:
um yeah I have. When I meant info, I meant Release date or media. You know that I am one of the bigger zelda fans out there. Of course i am keeping up, but very little has come out of nintendo's own mouth.

Well you know, there's already 3 trailers out there. That's a lot for a Nintendo game, particularly as we're likely to get at least one more at E3 or not long before the game comes out. It's been at two E3s, playable at one, there are a bunch of screens out, quite a few interviews...they've hardly been holding out on us.

I know it's annoying that we haven't even seen a new screen in 5 months, but even after Wind Waker was revealed we got fuck all until the next E3, 9 months later. Mario Sunshine was almost as bad, a 7 month gap of nothing.

So I guess what I'm saying is...aside from a release date (and I'm sure of they had one they'd give it us), this is what we've come to expect from Nintendo and they actually have given us a hell of a lot of information and media on the game.

I'd be surprised if we didn't get some screens at least before E3 though.


Hmmz, I guess this E3 will all about Revolution, so what about Zelda?
Nintendo's focus was on Zelda last year, and I guess they think it shouldn't be somewhere in the background.

So Nintendo can do a few things on the show floor:
-Revolution in the spotlights, Zelda being part of Revolution (because of Controller functionality, no playable Mario etc, but movies of them)
-Revolution in the spotlights, Zelda in the background, small stand (would be weird)
-Revolution in the background, Zelda in the spotlights AGAIN. (Highly unlikely)
-Revolution in the spotlights, Zelda already out in stores.

It just doesn't make sense to put Rev AND Zelda on the foreground. They would want one to steal the show, without putting the other one away.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The thing about the Zelda 2k4 trailer was that it came out of fucking nowhere, which made the feeling all the more awesome. It's gonna be hard to replicate that this time around.
Mama Smurf said:
Can you imagine any other company having sellers to that degree and not releasing at least one sequel on the same console? Nintendo don't always do what seems to make sense, they do what they think is right.

Yea, Nintendo would never treat their consumers like money funnels.


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
A company not taking a couple of massively selling titles and making sequels on that console /= A company not trying to get as much money out of their customers as possible with some games
Shiggy said:
The funny thing: That picture combination doesn't make sense.

Yeah it does, you had to use that card reader to get little extras in the game. That's the birth of microtransations right there, though Nintendo fans would never admit it :lol


AniHawk said:
I didn't say THE three top Zelda games...

ALttP has got to be the most overrated
game of all time.
Die. :lol

Replace LttP with TooT and you'll be onto something.


Pedigree Chum said:
Yeah it does, you had to use that card reader to get little extras in the game. That's the birth of microtransations right there, though Nintendo fans would never admit it :lol

I'm sad to tell you, but the Super Mario Advance 4 version shown on that boxart doesn't support any e-Reader features.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Nintendo's an anomaly. They're obviously greedy, yet they want to leech off our money in other less effective ways, like ports, instead of real sequels to games that they know people would want (Mario platformers and SSB).


Thaedolus said:
What! Of course if you play it like 7 years later it won't have the same impact as it did when it was brand new.
If that was true then this
Thaedolus said:
LTTP is still one of my top 10 games of all time...
makes no fucking sense. If the game is one of your top 10 games of all time, then it should be just as good now as it was then. You can backpeddle, though. I'll allow it

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oblivion said:
Nintendo's an anomaly. They're obviously greedy, yet they want to leech off our money in other less effective ways, like ports, instead of real sequels to games that they know people would want (Mario platformers and SSB).

I don't know if businesses making as much money as they can could really be called greedy. I mean...that is business, it's the heart of it.

Regardless though, I don't know if you could call low cost, high selling ports less effective than a SSB sequel. Perhaps it is, but there's really no reason they couldn't do both.

At least you get my point though, that Nintendo don't definitely make sense all the time, rather than thinking I'm saying they don't try and grab as much money as they can.
Mama Smurf said:
A company not taking a couple of massively selling titles and making sequels on that console /= A company not trying to get as much money out of their customers as possible with some games

Yea, but portraying Nintendo as some kind of company that favors integrity and quality ("what's right") over the bottom line is pretty ridiculous.

But this is turning into a thread derailer, now. I just didn't like seeing Nintendo being portrayed as the company of holiness and light, when they're quite the opposite.

Back to Zelda.


Mama Smurf said:
Well you know, there's already 3 trailers out there. That's a lot for a Nintendo game, particularly as we're likely to get at least one more at E3 or not long before the game comes out. It's been at two E3s, playable at one, there are a bunch of screens out, quite a few interviews...they've hardly been holding out on us.

um of course i meant that Nintendo lacked info the last 6 months. I am very aware of the 3 trailers thank you.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
AdmiralViscen said:
Yea, but portraying Nintendo as some kind of company that favors integrity and quality ("what's right") over the bottom line is pretty ridiculous.

I said I think they're trying to do what's right with Zelda. And I honestly do believe that, or they'd have released tha game this Christmas, when it would undoubtedly have sold more.

I'd have to have forgotten every Mario Party game and Mario Bros port to think Nintendo were like that as a whole.

um of course i meant that Nintendo lacked info the last 6 months. I am very aware of the 3 trailers thank you.

I know what you meant, I'm simply pointing out how Nintendo must feel, and perhaps why they don't feel the need to reveal any info. I'm certainly not trying to just tell you things you already know (the Inside Zelda thing earlier was a genuine question, as I know you're not in America and the articles generally aren't posted here, so it was possible you missed them and then I could have linked you), nor that you shouldn't be complaining/impatient.


Gold Member
Wakune said:
If that was true then thismakes no fucking sense. If the game is one of your top 10 games of all time, then it should be just as good now as it was then. You can backpeddle, though. I'll allow it

Uh, right. So when I say a 7 year old game won't have the same impact on someone today as it did on someone who first played it when it came out, that somehow makes it a worse game in my opinion? FOR ME, A Link to the Past is one of my top ten favorite games. But had I erased all my memories of playing it when I was like 9 years old and played it again today, would it still have that monumental impact on me? I doubt it. Does that make it a worse game? No, just old. The point is, you don't go back and play a bunch of retro classics, rate them on today's standards and go OMG OVERRATED!!


Thaedolus said:
Uh, right. So when I say a 7 year old game won't have the same impact on someone today as it did on someone who first played it when it came out, that somehow makes it a worse game in my opinion? FOR ME, A Link to the Past is one of my top ten favorite games. But had I erased all my memories of playing it when I was like 9 years old and played it again today, would it still have that monumental impact on me? I doubt it. Does that make it a worse game? No, just old. The point is, you don't go back and play a bunch of retro classics, rate them on today's standards and go OMG OVERRATED!!

Well, you make a good point (Wakune is wrong in that aspect), but I'm just comparing it to other 2D Zeldas. Link's Awakening, which was done a year or two later on obviously weaker hardware, was a far better experience for me than ALttP. Same with TMC (though on better hardware than the SNES).


Gold Member
AniHawk said:
Well, you make a good point (Wakune is wrong in that aspect), but I'm just comparing it to other 2D Zeldas. Link's Awakening, which was done a year or two later on obviously weaker hardware, was a far better experience for me than ALttP. Same with TMC (though on better hardware than the SNES).

Fair enough.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
How was the reaction when WW was first revealed? Anyone have a video of that? :D
Oblivion said:
How was the reaction when WW was first revealed? Anyone have a video of that? :D


Very different reaction from SW '01. They show video, Chibi Link winks at camera, cut back to Miyamoto beaming with pride... a very slight, stunned, pause then polite applause.

Also, I have to say that as long as Nintendo plays their cards right, the TP/Rev situation is very unlikely to go wrong. At this point in the game, it's close to naught that there;s going to be a system seller for Gamecube, even if (and when) TP turns out to be a magnificent experience. Sad to say, but the generation is essentially over for Nintendo, with Sony probably closing it last this year/early next. This game IMO is going to sell to those with existing GC's first and foremost; people aren't gonna buy a GC just for this game when it essentially has no prospective games after.

Now the second part is that (and I can't stress this enough) as long as Nintendo makes it perfectly clear that Twilight Princess can be played on Revolution to all of those in the "out" (i.e. everyone that isn't on message boards) then this will have a mutually beneficial relationship with the sales of TP and the Revolution. OOT didn't just sell to N-branded cattle; TONS of people played, and loved this game. Joe Schmoe can walk into EB hearing that there's a brand-spanking-new Zelda game, plus a brand-spanking-new console for ~150-200 dollars with added virtual console download capability... that's a Rev system seller right there.

If Nintendo plays this right (and lately my stock in Nintendo has gone up) then it can work out that the GC owners can buy and play this thing (who are most likely going to pick up a Rev anyways) and it'll appeal to those that may be intrigued by a Rev, and a new Zelda game just makes it that much more enticing.


The Autumn Wind
the androgyne said:
That particular video is historic for another reason - filmed by NNDon, one of the most rabid N-fans to ever run a website. His forums were melting because of the anticipation he built up for his upcoming trip to SW2000 and promised 'better than the rest' videos, for free.

Watching that particular video of the event now, for the first time, reminds me how eventually a couple months later he finally got his media online (a bunch of bad jpgs from the movie if memory serves). Good to see he finally got the video online :)

(btw his site was pretty good back in the day, so no offense if you're still around here Don - i know some others from back then are)
Don is still around, but he prefers to not openly tell people who he is, and I'll respect that wish.

Who were you back on NN?


I was 8BALL
If you don't want to tell me who DON is, tell him I've been looking for him, and I have a few things to ask him.

Seriously, I've been trying to contact him for a while, to no avail.

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