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Marvel's Daredevil S2 *Spoiler Thread* |OT| Elektra Boogaloo - March 18th on Netflix

The best I've seen in a while especially in regards to Frank Castle, man/ holy shit that was good stuff big props to the actor. Also whoever said that this version if the Punishers, methods were too brutal? have not seen the half of it and it depends on the run.
Binged 5 episodes last night.

This show is fantastic. Slightly jarring when you think this universe is tied to the MCU, given how family friendly the Avengers and Co. are.


Junior Member
Just finished Season 2. I can't express how much it blew me away. Hell, it was even better than the first season.
  • I legit cried during Punisher's monologue in Episode 4.
    R.I.P. Elektra? I honestly didn't see that coming.
  • Speaking of stuff that I didn't expect, maybe we'll see Nelson in Jessica Jones Season 2?
Massive Daredevil Season 2 & Potential Civil War Spoilers Ahoy!
After what happened with Elektra in Daredevil Season 2,
I'm afraid that my bad luck is gonna extend to Scarlet Witch & Cap in Civil War.


Just finished Season 2. I can't express how much it blew me away. Hell, it was even better than the first season.
  • I legit cried during Punisher's monologue in Episode 4.
    R.I.P. Elektra? I honestly didn't see that coming.
  • Speaking of stuff that I didn't expect, maybe we'll see Nelson in Jessica Jones Season 2?
Massive Daredevil Season 2 & Potential Civil War Spoilers Ahoy!
After what happened with Elektra in Daredevil Season 2,
I'm afraid that my bad luck is gonna extend to Scarlet Witch & Cap in Civil War.

they put her in an oven, so they are probably baking her
like a vampire


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Welp I guess
will replace
in that famous scene if they do a s3 >_>

Thats a 20 year old comic spoiler btw but still




So satisfying when Stick just offs Nobu at the end.
What a great season. Much better than the first. They hit the ground running, and keep the show interesting throughout. I liked how the DvP storyline morphed into a legal case plot then tied into the Elektra story. It all felt organic

That Matt/Fisk meeting was amazing, and set up a Born Again season beautifully. So happy they kept Kingpin a secret; at most I was expecting a cameo in the finale

My favorite moments this season were the Episode 3 fight, everything with Frank in prison, and the Matt/Fisk confrontation

Bernthal was fantastic as Frank. The best adaption of the character so far, we desperately need a Punisher series

The biggest disappointment was that they had the great teaser of Punisher firing a mini-gun and that never happened.

Really like the references to Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.
Sums up exactly how I feel.


Elektra ain't dead. She'll be back. Now I wonder who the 2 Bads will be next season. Unless me are going straight into the defends which means the Hand's big bad will be in.

Anyone got a list of the Easter eggs for this season?

Welp I guess
will replace
in that famous scene if they do a s3 >_>

Thats a 20 year old comic spoiler btw but still
What famous scene are you talking about? Karen's destiny is already bleak. Plus no way Elektra is a one season wonder.
Electra ain't dead. She'll be back. Now I wonder who the 2 Bads will be next season. Unless me are going straight into the defends which means the Hand's big bad will be in.
Well they set up another Kingpin storyline here, so I bet we'd get Fisk's return to Hell's Kitchen and Bullseye as the main threats in S3.

Plus a resurrected Elektra and the Hand

Anyone got a list of the Easter eggs for this season?
The only ones I caught were Melvin's body armor having a similar look to the Gladiator outfit in the comics and Madame Gao's comment about other territories. Also Finn is a MAX villain with a fucked up face, so I don't think that shotgun blast killed him


Good season overall for much the same reasons everyone else has posted. Punisher was great, Fisk in prison was a very pleasant surprise, and Elektra had a lot of charisma in her early appearances before her character started wavering. I liked Foggy stepping up in the courtroom and Karen going investigator into the punisher as well, good use of them... though Karen's part was hitting the same beats and being stretched out towards the end. The pace was up from S1, covering dual plots and I thought that worked well enough.

But I did feel the finale was somewhat weak. We've seen Daredevil & Elektra take out so many of these ninjas at this point, and Matt has fought Nobu (who worked as a mid-season villain but has no depth in the show) several times as well... just losing interest in those fights. Which would be ok if it was just a backdrop for Matt & Elektras drama, but I felt the pre-fight and "death" dialog just wasn't working well and sapped impact there. And yeah, all that setup for Punisher to save them from a horde of ninjas with a minigun and he just snipes a couple after the main fight is over. I think it might have worked better to just use the stick rescue as the finale for the Hand/Elektra arc with a few adjustments.

Anyway, I'm definitely re-watching at least the Punisher arc which I never ended up doing for S1. Fisk's setup has me anticipating whatever season that plays out.


Finished the season. First ten episodes were fantastic. There was a lot less wasted time, each episode was only a few minutes longer than needed compared to S1's 5-10 minutes and JJ's 10-20 minutes. Fisk's return was fantastic, as soon as the episode had Frank strolling to meet someone it was obvious and fantastic. Fisk's autism makes him very interesting when put against interesting people like Frank or Matt, although not as intimidating as the show wants him to be.

Problem for me was that the last three episodes didn't really coalesce the plot lines. It was like the show had two 7-episode plot lines and then the tail end of Punisher's plot line faltered while Elektra took too long to get going. Punisher really starts to fizzle post-prison. Was the Colonel the Blacksmith? The Hand isn't well developed for the sake of mystery/season 3, and Nobu is a great combatant but not a big bad leader. The plots don't meet smoothly, there's some loose overlap but really it's two separate stories that we just interchange between.

Elektra's death was super televised and so was the revival if you're familiar with the material. Spent the final fight waiting and waiting for Punisher to roll in like a boss and he just comes in to shoot 3 mooks at the last second where Daredevil didn't really need the help, compared to the 'army' they were facing beforehand. He should've been there from the start of the rooftop.

Sounds like I'm being super negative, but it really was just the last three and they're fresh in my mind. Bring on Bullseye and Fisk 2.0.

PS why was Stephen Rider a series regular?
Same thoughts re: the final fight. What a letdown. They tease the mini-gun and Frank finally getting the emblem/outfit, they show this big Hand army incoming, they emphasize that this is a to-the-death battle of impossible odds...and Elektra/Matt easily take on everyone and Frank shoots three ninjas then leaves


The whole "Karen becomes a journalist" thing is ridiculous. She just showed up to the newspaper one day and was allowed to act like she actually worked there.
I liked when Stick killed Nobu at the end. It's one of those things that rarely ever happens in fiction but I always want it to.

I'll also say that I like everything about the show. I know it's entertaining to pick things apart, but I can't when relating to this show. I like the costume, I like Karen, I like Foggy, I like all the acting and I don't think there's too many episodes. I suppose I'm easy to please.


Same thoughts re: the final fight. What a letdown. They tease the mini-gun and Frank finally getting the emblem/outfit, they show this big Hand army incoming, they emphasis that this is a to-the-death battle of impossible odds...and Elekta/Matt easily take on everyone and Frank shoots three ninjas then leaves

They even said there's people following from behind who'll catch up with them in a few minutes. I was like "oh so they'll show up and Daredevil will be screwed and in comes the Punisher". Nope. Just those last few guys.


I don't get the obsession the writers have with making sure that Karen is in the middle of everything as often as possible.
After all the Ninjas, Black Sky, Stick being a dick, and stuff.

The only two times Matt was deathly afraid was...

1) An Army of Ninjas getting ready to annihilate him.

2) Fisk putting the fear of god in him.

SO fitting, because if Kingpin almost gave me a concussion and then threatened me like that? I'd be scared shitless too. Superhero or not.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
As someone who disliked the majority of the first season, I loved this.
9/10 season. Super stuff. Ninjas, Punisher, Elektra, Elektra, Elektra.
Some weird moments here and there, but overall good.
Ninja armies showing up and disappearing when convenient was strange.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I almost feel like Punisher was meant to minigun ninjas while DD and Elektra were on the roof, but plans changed for whatever production-related reason.

And yes, allow me to echo: Elektra, Elektra, Elektra.


Same thoughts re: the final fight. What a letdown. They tease the mini-gun and Frank finally getting the emblem/outfit, they show this big Hand army incoming, they emphasize that this is a to-the-death battle of impossible odds...and Elektra/Matt easily take on everyone and Frank shoots three ninjas then leaves

I almost feel like Punisher was meant to minigun ninjas while DD and Elektra were on the roof, but plans changed for whatever production-related reason.

And yes, allow me to echo: Elektra, Elektra, Elektra.

Yeah it definitely got cut or changed late in production.

I really like the season overall, but I do think having the show be 10 episodes would make things a lot tighter. Like god damn we really didn't need so much Karen.


Un Rama
So I finished this last night. But I really needed to sleep after binge watching so hard. Here's what I thought:

Overall a very strong follow up to season one. You could tell from episode one that there were confident in the foundations they had previously laid so they hit the ground running and didn't let up. There are so many stand out moments and even when it slows down a bit it was still captivating.

Charlie Cox still does a wonderful job portraying both sides of Matt and I feel without him and his chemistry with the cast a lot of this show would fall apart. Karen and Foggy are Karen and Foggy and a lot of people hate them but I think they are pretty good both for plot reasons and to add some much needed levity to all the grimdark.

As someone who had been lobbying for Bernthal to play Punisher for a long time I'm confident when I say he is absolutely the best Punisher we've seen on screen to date. Frank is an absolute beast and the terminator-like portrayal really sells that. They humanise him as much as they need to (the graveyard scene is a standout of the entire show) but don't recoil from the fact that he is a single-minded killing machine. The plot twist was super dumb and re-contextualized everything for the worse. What happened to Frank works because it was a random act of violence. Making it some grand conspiracy theory just dilutes it all way too much. I can handle the Reyes aspect of the cover up as 1) it could play into Frank taking the law into his own hands and 2) Her being killed should have been a Kingpin play. He takes out major players in his way paving the way for his return and uses Franks escape as cover to do that. They could have even alluded to the sniper as being Bullseye. But no we get some terrible 11th hour plot twist that is dumb and actually retroactively cheapens everything before it. Loved Finn Cooley showing face (lol)

I really enjoyed Elektra. She is gorgeous and played to perfection. Having her act as a toxic foil to Matt but also opening the door to all the weird Chaste/Hand stuff was excellently handled. In fact, I'm so glad they went all out on the Ninja stuff. People think its dumb but its a huge part of what Daredevil is about so I'm glad they didn't hold back. Oh yeah, Stick still stealing the show every time he is on screen. I didn't mind her being Black Sky as that is okay foreshadowing for her inevitable return. Killing her kinda steals the bite from when Bullseye does it though.

Kingpin coming back was amazing. I'm so happy that secret never got out and that little subplot was great and terrifying.

Cinematography was weaker and a bit dark but still a cut above most things on TV. Plus those fight scenes still the best. So glad they didn't dial down the kind of gruesome havoc the Punisher revels in.

One small thing I'll add is that I really enjoyed the scenes with Melvin Potter. They are just these underrated little scenes with some nice back and forth dialogue and I love all the Gladiator reference.

So yeah, loved it apart from the ending getting dumb and losing steam but damn they've set things up for a killer season 3 (Kingpin returns, Elektra and Bullseye please) and hopefully a Punisher MAX inspired mini-series.

Welcome back, Frank. (WHY NO FRANK MINIGUN?!)


I almost feel like Punisher was meant to minigun ninjas while DD and Elektra were on the roof, but plans changed for whatever production-related reason.

I thought that too bc of that one poster of him with it and them showing the minigun in the armory.

My mini review:

I really liked the the whole Punisher storyline. I liked Karen investigating his life, but don't see her as a journalist at all. I thought it was really good except for the Blacksmith being his old partner. It comes out of no where and didn't really add anything. It was a bad ending for him.

Punisher just showing up on the rooftop at the end was predictable and lame as well Elektra's death. That whole speech about running away together was too on the cheek.

I didn't like Elektra at all. The actress was fine, I just didn't think she had much to do and found the whole 'Black Sky' storyline to be convoluted. I would have liked to see her push Matt more and see if he would actually break his code and kill. I know that happens, but I just didn't find the way they did it good.

Foggy remains a pointless character.

Really enjoyed the Kingpin mini arc. I wish he stayed longer, he just kinda disappears after they set him up for season 3.

What was the giant hole for?


Problem for me was that the last three episodes didn't really coalesce the plot lines. It was like the show had two 7-episode plot lines and then the tail end of Punisher's plot line faltered while Elektra took too long to get going. Punisher really starts to fizzle post-prison. Was the Colonel the Blacksmith? The Hand isn't well developed for the sake of mystery/season 3, and Nobu is a great combatant but not a big bad leader. The plots don't meet smoothly, there's some loose overlap but really it's two separate stories that we just interchange between.

Elektra's death was super televised and so was the revival if you're familiar with the material. Spent the final fight waiting and waiting for Punisher to roll in like a boss and he just comes in to shoot 3 mooks at the last second where Daredevil didn't really need the help, compared to the 'army' they were facing beforehand. He should've been there from the start of the rooftop.

I 100% agree. The multiple plots melded together better around episode 7 or so when every character was affected but I felt like shit got unnecessarily messy starting with episode 9 until the end. I liked the finale a lot despite the few disappointments like Nobu being the final fight and Frank not rolling in military style but I thought the series ended at an interesting place overall for next season or whenever we'll see these characters again.

I actually thought the structure of this season was much less tighter than season 1. I don't see where the arguments are coming from that season 1 was too long whereas I felt this season was honestly padded out even more regarding the plotlines to reach that 13 episode quota. In the end each plot line just ended unrelated to each other unlike earlier in the season where they seemed to converge in a neater way.

Though even with the complaint of where this season ended up towards the end, it was still very good and better than Jessica Jones to me. Idk if I like it more than DD S1 because they're so different structurally and plot wise but I'll give this season a rewatch soon enough, maybe before Luke Cage premieres.


I almost feel like Punisher was meant to minigun ninjas while DD and Elektra were on the roof, but plans changed for whatever production-related reason.

I just finished the season and missed exactly that. I really was expecting it, but it was never delivered.

I've liked the season. Much more than Jessica Jones, but I would've liked it better with more Punisher and less Frank Castle/trial, etc. But then I also have to remember that this is a Daredevil show, not a Punisher show as much as I would like it to be.

Highlights of the season for me? Episodes 1 through 5.
Season 2 ends so bleakly. Which is fine. Was hoping he'd do a reveal to Karen before the end, which he did.

But man, how can he rest even slightly easy? Kingpin's going to fuck him up, regardless of whether he knows he's DD or not. You don't mention the girl he smashed a guys head into itty bitty bits of Skull for because he interrupted their first date...


You know, what I really love about how this season ended is that it was a tonally perfect setup to a "Born Again" season.

It will be fucking glorious.
Fuck Matt this season. He's a complete bitch and a prick to all his friends.

Karen was fucking awesome this season. I was actually more excited to see her side of the story and got annoyed when it went back to Matt again, except for when I got to see more Stick.
Fuck Matt this season. He's a complete bitch and a prick to all his friends.

Karen was fucking awesome this season. I was actually more excited to see her side of the story and got annoyed when it went back to Matt again, except for when I got to see more Stick.

It's an interesting turn really, it shows the "double life" side of being a vigilante in a deeply painful way the Spider-Man films never really got, for instance.

Like of course you'd end up turning into a bit of an asshole.


What was the giant hole for?

I feel like we honestly got more questions than answers to what the Hand is up to. Like what IS Black Sky, yeah, we get it, Elektra is it, but we still don't know what that allows her to do. Then we still never got a total answer to why those kids were seemingly under mind control by the Hand and so on and that hole you mentioned.

I wonder if Defenders or Daredevil S3 will answer this. Cause I wonder if The Hand and ressurected Elektra will be a big bad.
They were draining blood out of people and putting it into that container but nothing was in it. I was expecting something being cooked up in there ready to emerge in the finale.
They were draining blood out of people and putting it into that container but nothing was in it. I was expecting something being cooked up in there ready to emerge in the finale.
Between the talk of The Rising and them prepping the resurrection pod, I took it as they had anticipated/planned/prophesied Elektra's death and bringing her back was their plan all along
It's an interesting turn really, it shows the "double life" side of being a vigilante in a deeply painful way the Spider-Man films never really got, for instance.

Like of course you'd end up turning into a bit of an asshole.

Yeah, but he lost me when he spit "I'M DONE APOLOGIZING NYEHHH" right in Foggy's face, after Foggy ran into a SWAT gunfight to make sure he was okay and risked his career countless times.

Matt's complete disregard for anyone else....he's telling himself he's going it to protect the people he cares about, but he's just doing it so he doesn't have to deal with the chains they put on him anymore. He confirmed as much to Elektra at the end of the season. He said what he really felt. He made his choice.

Telling Karen was the right thing to do FUCKING FINALLY after lying to her face constantly, but by then it was already too late.

And yeah, it is interesting.
They were draining blood to prepare for the "bring back from dead pod" in case someone needed it. Which turns out they dead.

Question about S1. I thought that kid was suppose to be black sky? Or was that something else The Hand had going on? They kid Stick wanted dead.

Loved this season btw. Not as much Foggy complaining as last season, so it words. Least it didn't seem like he was complaining as much. Punisher arc and all scenes with Fisk were my fav on top of all the fighting stuff.
The conclusions to all of the plots felt like a whole lot of nothing and Frank the entire crew showing up to the fight scene on the roof was terrible; Punisher's stupid ass nod almost undid all the good work they built up in the earlier episodes.

I think they should have pulled the trigger on Bullseye as the villain for the season. He could have tied the Punisher and Elektra plots together so Frank had more reason to show up in the finale other than to randomly brain two ninjas, which Matt is now totally cool with. He would also have been a far more compelling villain than random general who's in the show for 10 minutes and the season 1 mid boss.

With that said the start of the season was by far the best Marvel content Netflix have put out and I really enjoyed the portrayal of Frank and Elektra, it's just a shame that the show fell flat on its face towards the end.

They set up so much good stuff for a Punisher series. The Frank/Fisk history, Finn, Punisher finally becoming Punisher at the end,

But come on, how could they tease this and then not deliver? ;_:


When they were talking in the stairwell I figured Punisher was just going to mow down all the idiot rooftop ninjas and leave so that Nobu can rise up for the final fight. I still have no idea why they didn't just do that. I mean you have a wide open rooftop with no cover, an army of Ninjas who need to be killed, a villain who can't be killed by conventional means, a Punisher in an elevated position and the teaser of a chain gun. Just do the God damn math.
One of my favorite moments of the whole season is when Matt goes to save Frank in episode 4 and he walks by and hits his club on the wall. It was just so perfect. Then he just tackles the guy through the doorway. So good.
When they were talking in the stairwell I figured Punisher was just going to mow down all the idiot rooftop ninjas and leave so that Nobu can rise up for the final fight. I still have no idea why they didn't just do that. I mean you have a wide open rooftop with no cover, an army of Ninjas who need to be killed, a villain who can't be killed by conventional means, a Punisher in an elevated position and the teaser of a chain gun. Just do the God damn math.
This (with a minigun) + ninjas. That's what I thought they were building towards
Blacksmith was behind the killing of the DA/Medical Examiner/Attempt on Karen right? Think I may have missed it in a scene where that was put out.

Edit: Also nice to know the Finn character will live on. He made an awesome entrance and wouldve sucked to see him killed off so quickly. I can only imagine the way Punisher tried to kill him off would make him more unstable/violent.
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