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Spider-Man: Homecoming |OT| MCU's Sweet 16 - SPOILERS

What about the set photos we saw were Spidey was driving a convertible car

That's in there. It's Flash's car.

A funny part of the movie is that Peter is constantly trying to change his voice when talking with people and he essentially imitates Batman to take Flash's car to follow the Vulture.
Turning MJ into a sardonic black hipster is something I never knew I wanted until now.

I'm hoping that by the end of this trilogy, MJ's rocking a leather jacket or something. Just fully embrace the tomboy-ness of this incarnation of the character and let her be the Rocker of the team between her, Peter and Ned.

That sardonic sense of wit and humor is going to shine moving forward, I bet. Especially once she's in on the Spider-Secret too.


This is one very lovely OT!!!!

Love that Zendaya is indeed "MJ," but I'm hoping they find a way to retcon her full name to being "Michelle Mary Jane Watson" in future films. I'm betting this element is going to result in a fair chunk of frustration from fans on various levels and reasons, some legitimate (i.e. unusual way to introduce Mary Jane to the MCU) and some not legitimate.



This is one very lovely OT!!!!

Love that Zendaya is indeed "MJ," but I'm hoping they find a way to retcon her full name to being "Michelle Mary Jane Watson" in future films. I'm betting this element is going to result in a fair chunk of frustration from fans on various levels and reasons, some legitimate (i.e. unusual way to introduce Mary Jane to the MCU) and some not legitimate.

Using spoiler tags in a spoiler topic, smh.


I would bang a hot farmer!
The guy who came up with that title is awesome!

Sadly I won't be able to read this thread for a while. :(
For those who saw it how is the suit since it has all the gadgets. Does it take away from spidey being spidey?
I didn't think so. In the end you're still primarily getting Spiderman using his webbing and agility and wit more than anything else. Especially in the final act of the movie.
Just saw this and I loved it. Enjoyed it very much. Holland is an amazing Spider-Man and Peter. Both sides are nailed.

I was legitimately shocked when the reveal came that Liz's dad was the Vulture.

I did like Peter rejecting the suit in the end, if only because I was worried he'd take it and then we'd get an Iron Spider reveal. Funny scene, and it was awesome to see Happy and Pepper again. Hopefully in future appearances, Peter still has the training wheels thing going since I don't want Spidey with a million different gadgets going on.

By the mid credits scene, I'm guessing Spider-Man 2 could be Sinister Six?


I saw this early this morning, loved it. Genuinely shocked me a couple of times too, didn't expect that at all. I look forward to Peter accepting that new suit we got a glimpse at in a future movie and it's nice to have GP back in the MCU - if anything just to wrap up the Pepper Potts story line with Tony. I feel like they may go off into the sun set together... or they'll both die.

I do wonder what'l be done about Avenger's Tower in NY and if we'll ever see it again, I know it's apart of that skyline in the MC but it doesn't make much sense to me to have it derelict.

Donald Glover's character was minor but very well done, he was super likable too. I hope he becomes something or someone in this universe.

I also have to say that Tom Holland is the first actor to really get both Peter Parker and Spider-Man right. I could have done with MORE quips when he was fighting (but that's just me remembering some of my favorite quip heavy panels from the comics) but I'm super excited to see how the MCU evolves now we have Spider-Man in play.


So, just got around to seeing this. Overall, I think I was fairly satisfied with it…although it definitely had flaws.


-Tom Holland made for a lovely Spider-Man, striking a wonderful balance between the rapid-fire wit and youthful energy of Spider-Man with the natural teenage awkwardness and quiet vulnerability of Peter Parker. The most faithful rendition of the comic book character yet.
-Following on from Guardians 2, Marvel have continued their unexpected “Strong Villain” streak with Michael Keaton’s Vulture. An intriguing and relatively nuanced character who Keaton seemed to have a lot of playing around with. I especially enjoyed the twist in regards to the nature of his relationship with Liz, even if it was almost absurdly coincidental.
-The more grounded perspective of New York was utilized well in this film, in addition to the high school setting, which definitely granted this film a very different flavour in comparison to previous Marvel films we’ve had in this universe.
-Everything surrounding the titular Homecoming dance was a lot of fun, although the dance itself was frustratingly brief and inconsequential to the story given its prominence in the title.
-I liked Zendaya’s eccentric, bookish take on the MJ character, and greatly look forward to seeing how her relationship with Peter will develop, even if in this film the character was slightly under-written, relegated to mostly offering dry one-liners in her various scenes without benefiting from any kind of character development herself.


-I still absolutely loathe the fact that this version of Spider-Man has been transformed into a high-tech, Iron-Man like superhero with a super sophisticated Jarvis-like AI and advanced navigational abilities, in addition apparently now having a sidekick working tech-support. One of the main reasons Spider-Man stands out as a superhero is on account of his relative simplicity, and I think what they’ve turned this new, super high-tech take on the character absolutely flies in the face of that.
-The opening video-blog stuff was hugely irritatingly and went on for far too long, and worse, I imagine it’ll be extremely alienating for casual cinema-goers who hadn’t happened to watch Civil War. I just found that whole opening insanely grating.
-The nature of the climactic plane sequence struck me as very strange. Because of Peter’s interference in regards to Toome’s heist, Peter was essentially responsible for causing a large plane to crash land in New York City, potentially putting numerous lives at risk….all because he wanted to stop Toomes stealing some weapons? And Tony thought his handling of the situation was appropriate, despite chewing Peter out for behaving in a similarly hot-headed, thoughtless manner in regards to the ferry? Really jarring.
-Liz, Michelle and Flash were definitely underwritten, and needed more development to truly shine as characters.
-The score was utterly bland and forgettable.


-Tony installed an “INSTANT-KILL” mode into Peter’s suit? What the fuck?
-The whole Ferris Bueller shout-out with the fence jumping sequence was obvious, they didn’t need to kill the joke by driving the reference home with the literal Ferris Bueller footage playing randomly at some party.
-I thought the actor playing the first “Shocker” struck me as noticeably more charismatic and engaging in the role, so naturally was disappointed when they replaced him with a less interesting actor playing an even less developed version of the character.
-Both of the post-credits scenes were disappointing, although I appreciated the self-awareness of the joke at the end.

Overall score:



Really, really fun movie, and a generation just got their own Peter Parker which is great. Reminds me most of Ant-Man in that it's a smaller, more personal story about what it means to be a hero in a world full of much bigger ones.


- I'm not an expert but some of the editing felt sloppy, bits of hanging action and weird scene cuts. Possibly inexperience.
- Likewise I don't think this film will be on One Perfect Shot for a while. Not incompetent just nothing special
- Not quite sure why the first post-credits scene wasn't just in the movie. It's the natural end to Toomes' character arc.
So does The Shocker ever end up looking like this in the movie or is this like a fan done cosplay?


This never shows up in the movie so yeah, it was fan done (or was left on the cutting room floor). The guy who is the Shocker at first does wear a jacket that has the same color scheme.


Just realised that the shot from the trailer with Spider-Man and Iron Man swinging and flying together in-sync isn't in the film, is it?


Just realised that the shot from the trailer with Spider-Man and Iron Man swinging and flying together in-sync isn't in the film, is it?

A recent interview with the director confirms that was a shot specifically created for the trailer, along with that shot of The Vulture flying through that hotel.


I think the best part of the movie not many people mention is that Spider-Man more or less makes Vulture into a villain.

In the prior 8 years he's just a guy stealing scrap to make weapons, sell on and support his family. Not much indicates he used violent methods either despite the first scene of the movie having him punch that guy.

It's only until Spider-Man shows up does he put peoples lives at risk and end up becoming menacing and killing. Pretty interesting take on a villain and Marvel Studios nailed it. One of the best superhero villains without a doubt.


Oh, that reminds me...

We're told this film is set "8 YEARS LATER" after The Battle of New York, which was established to have taken place in 2012. But isn't this film set in 2015/2016?


Easily the best Spiderman and Peter Parker.

They made a good job putting Peter in High School. It made his story arc really great.

Also Aunt May.

The Kree

Oh, that reminds me...

We're told this film is set "8 YEARS LATER" after The Battle of New York, which was established to have taken place in 2012. But isn't this film set in 2015/2016?

It would be 8 years after the emergence of Iron Man. Are you sure about that?


Just gonna repost what I posted in the review thread:

I saw it today, a very enjoyable, light hearted take on the material. It seemed they made a conscious effort to avoid the "wangst" feel of the other Spider-Man films and not repeat any major aspects of the previous films (something I believe people complained about a lot with ASM 1), and had very different interpretations of many of the same characters, like May, Flash and
Mary Jane
, which will probably divide folks.

Holland is great as you'd expect, and they nail the high school feel of things. Vulture wound up being a solid villain by the end, there was a little more to him than first indicated, and his depiction/design is superb. They probably could have spent more time on his school stuff, but it's all much better than the silliness of the Raimi and ASM films. On the
Mary Jane
front, I was suprised both at how small the role was and also
I fully expected them to do the Breakfast Club deal with her showing up to a dance all glamorous after being frumpy the whole film, but they never did. They did the "cast a pretty girl and give her baggy clothes and untidy hair" gimmick but didn't indulge the other cliché.

The film really relishes being in the MCU, more even than most entries do. While it's very standalone from a plot/scale perspective, Marvel/Sony definitely leaped at the chance to have Spider-Man as a little part of a larger world. There's all sorts of passing references and the cameo from
Captain America
was hilarious. However, I did get a little confused at when exactly the film took place, as
generally the MCU films are set t he year they come out, but this one had an intro set after The Avengers, then a jump to 8 years later, which would put it in 2020, but it also was two months after Civil War, so Civil War apparently took place in 2019 or 2020, and not 2016?

As others have said, the marketing greatly overstates Iron Man's role, he's in at most, four scenes of the movie.

I will add also that I legitimately did not see the Vulture twist coming, which was a nice surprise.

Oni Jazar

Those that just saw it, is this still in the movie?

... Spiderman was trapped in the rubble. He looks at his reflection in the water and then you hear Tony Stark in a cheesy ObiWan style voice over who says "use the force..." I mean "if you're nothing without the suit then you're nothing" or something which is an obvious and unessessary callback.
I think if I had to change something, I would have taken out the entire DC trip subplot and had the reveal of Vulture being Liz's father happen earlier, then focus on Peter and Toomes butting heads more. That was the best part of the movie for Keaton, that car ride and subsequent threatening of Peter, would have liked to have seen more of that.


I don't think MCU time quite lines up with ours?

It's supposed to generally (for example, Guardians of the Galaxy is set in 2014), barring a few exceptions

It would be 8 years after the emergence of Iron Man. Are you sure about that?

The prologue takes place a couple of days after The Avengers (being set in the aftermarth of The Battle of NY). The title-card then said "8 YEARS LATER", jumping to Peter's Civil War camcorder footage.

EDIT: The official MCU wiki does indeed state The Battle of NY took place in 2012.

The MCU timeline just started making a whole lot less sense.



Old Member
Glad to hear Holland is good and Spidey himself is done justice.

I just can't get over the "MJ" thing. It seems like a case of Marvel wanting to have their cake and eat it too by establishing an Elseworlds MJ instead of saying "Fuck it, Zendaya is Mary-Jane Watson". Like they felt they had to give themselves an out if it didn't work.


Just came back from the cinema, loved it!!!!
Finally a Spiderman movie i can say i enjoyed.
This is what it should have been all along, Tom holland nails it.
And that ending... WOW!!!

There are some minor scenes/flaws but still great movie.

9/10 for me.
Just came back from the cinema, loved it!!!!
Finally a Spiderman movie i can say i enjoyed.
This is what it should have been all along, Tom holland nails it.
And that ending... WOW!!!

9/10 for me.

Yeah that ending really was my favorite of the MCU ones I think.

The offering of Avengers membership, the Tony/Pepper proposal, then Aunt May finding out his identity as the last shot. Good shit all around.
It was good. Solid 7/10, maybe 8/10 for the very end. One thing I hated, and kept hating was the lack of Web swinging and spider sense. Idk it didn't feel like Spider-Man at times because of it.


Yeah that ending really was my favorite of the MCU ones I think.

The offering of Avengers membership, the Tony/Pepper proposal, then Aunt May finding out his identity as the last shot. Good shit all around.

I dont think she will know...since he was with his back to her he can put back his mask and ask he is looking fot peter or that he put the suit for fun...will have to wait a few years to find out.

The Kree

It's supposed to generally (for example, Guardians of the Galaxy is set in 2014), barring a few exceptions

The prologue takes place a couple of days after The Avengers (being set in the aftermarth of The Battle of NY). The title-card then said "8 YEARS LATER", jumping to Peter's Civil War camcorder footage.

EDIT: The official MCU wiki does indeed state The Battle of NY took place in 2012.

The MCU timeline just started making a whole lot less sense.


Sounds like a pretty blatant mistake on their part.


It was good. Solid 7/10, maybe 8/10 for the very end. One thing I hated, and kept hating was the lack of Web swinging and spider sense. Idk it didn't feel like Spider-Man at times because of it.
He didn't seem to have his Spider Sense tuned at all. He did one Civil War though from what I remember. I hope they bring it back as it's a key part of his abilities. The lack of any serious web swinging seems to be from his amateur nature, he was scared by going up the Washington Monument so he probably hadn't done a large amount of city style web swinging - yet.
Those that just saw it, is this still in the movie?
Yes, worst part of the film

He didn't seem to have his Spider Sense tuned at all. He did one Civil War though from what I remember. I hope they bring it back as it's a key part of his abilities. The lack of any serious web swinging seems to be from his amateur nature, he was scared by going up the Washington Monument so he probably hadn't done a large amount of city style web swinging - yet.
Yeah he seemed a completely opposite character to his Civil War cameo. Like I see your point about him being an amateur, that would have been good the first time he fell, by the third it was just boring. Running through the golf course was a good gag, but having him drive an Audi around Queens for what felt like 5 minutes was just wasted time. Why not swing?


Gotta say I did love the tech-suit, it's something really different but I feel it gelled with this Peter well. They really pushed him being this huge nerd so him geeking out over his suit is fun to watch, whilst at the same time him trying to use this overly-complicated mess of a suit with no training was more interesting than the standard 'coming to terms with powers' scene.


Gotta say I did love the tech-suit, it's something really different but I feel it gelled with this Peter well. They really pushed him being this huge nerd so him geeking out over his suit is fun to watch, whilst at the same time him trying to use this overly-complicated mess of a suit with no training was more interesting than the standard 'coming to terms with powers' scene.

I have to admit, as much as I personally despise the tech-suit, I ended up finding myself enjoying Peter's interactions with "Karen".

(Peter unexpectedly finds himself face to face with Liz)
Karen: (Strangely earnest) Kiss her!
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