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Spider-Man: Homecoming |OT| MCU's Sweet 16 - SPOILERS

The Kree

You know how people occasionally ask why Stark doesn't make high-tech suits for the other Avengers?
Feel like they have even more of a point now that he actually did make two for Peter.

Newbie kid gets suits filled with gimmicks, Hawkeye still has to wear standard Berlin techno rave gear. Good luck against Thanos then. :D

It's established at the beginning of Age of Ultron that he makes everybody's gear.

Nobody had a problem then. I wonder what changed.


"Had been" is probably a better way of putting it.
It was present tense.

Yeah, thats not the shield. Its a easter egg, Cap had the shield when he crashed.


You know how people occasionally ask why Stark doesn't make high-tech suits for the other Avengers?
Feel like they have even more of a point now that he actually did make two for Peter.

Newbie kid gets suits filled with gimmicks, Hawkeye still has to wear standard Berlin techno rave gear. Good luck against Thanos then. :D

Stark gives most of the avengers mild tech upgrades(Black Windows electric gautlents, Caps magnet shield,Falcons Redwing, Thor Belt,etc) Maybe it's an ego thing or just a story contrivance but in the MCU all the heroes besides Spider-Man were heroes before Iron man showed up so they probably don't want to shed their identities and become mini iron men. Peters a hero worshiping 15 year old so it makes senses that he'd take the suit.
Finally saw it, and enjoyed it. Big positives for me were the realistic portrayal of NYC's diversity in the supporting cast, the humor, the focus on Queens. But I really missed some of the acrobatic web slinging action of prior Spider-Man movies, and didn't really empathize with Peter as much as in Raimi's movies, even if I loved Holland's portrayal. Definitely not what I had expected, but enjoyable nonetheless.


Stark gives most of the avengers mild tech upgrades(Black Windows electric gautlents, Caps magnet shield,Falcons Redwing, Thor Belt,etc) Maybe it's an ego thing or just a story contrivance but in the MCU all the heroes besides Spider-Man were heroes before Iron man showed up so they probably don't want to shed their identities and become mini iron men. Peters a hero worshiping 15 year old so it makes senses that he'd take the suit.

I have a strong suspicion that Tony putting Peter (and others) in danger is going to be a plot point at some point in Infinity War.
Not in my dub.

Also, this is Iron Man 2, so its pointless to bring the screengrab up. It was a Its all connected Easter Egg back then.

It's Iron Man 1 actually, and was seen again in Iron Man 2. The point being he has obviously been working on a Cap shield since before he even met him so it's not so weird he has been working on another even if Cap isn't around right now.


It's Iron Man 1 actually, and was seen again in Iron Man 2. The point being he has obviously been working on a Cap shield since before he even met him so it's not so weird he has been working on another even if Cap isn't around right now.
Its a easter egg. Nothing more.


Like throw-away comments about Stark working on a shield for Cap and something for Thor.
Ok, serve me one real proof that this thingy from Iron Man 1 & 2 is the the same thing they are talking about in Homecoming: Also, its not like the movie majory fucked up other details, like the Battle of New York taking place 8 years before Homecoming, even while it fits 0.
You dont even remember the Thor stuff correct. Stark worked on nothing for Thor, Thors magic belt was just located at Stark Tower, what also doesnt make really sense since Thor is supposed to live somewhere else for quiete some time.
Ok, serve me one real proof that this thingy from Iron Man 1 & 2 is the the same thing they are talking about in Homecoming: Also, its not like the movie majory fucked up other details, like the Battle of New York taking place 8 years before Homecoming, even while it fits 0.

Who said it's the exact same one? Not me.

You're looking way too deep into a throw-away line and then getting strangely defensive when I pointed out Tony has been shown to work on a Cap shield in two other movies. Maybe it's a side project of his to try and make a shield as good as the one his father made or something. Whatever the case he tinkers about with things like that and the line in Homecoming is fine.


So I am looking to deep in stuff, while basicly saying that people shouldnt look to deep into this, because it will be a random throwaway line.


So I am looking to deep in stuff, while basicly saying that people shouldnt look to deep into this, because it will be a random throwaway line.

Yes and no.

Ultimately, it's a throwaway line that could be into play in the future, but only if the writers and directors decide to make use of it in any future movies.

Until you see it in your face, it's a nice wink-nudge kind of Easter Egg.

I wouldn't put too much thought into it for now, but it's one of those things where it would be cool if they did actually do something in the future with that throwaway line.

Blue Lou

There was a Howling Commandoes photograph in the Principal's office.

Principal Morita was played by Kenneth Choi.
Jim Morita from HC was played by Kenneth Choi.

Presumably the Principal is the grandson of Jim. 😁
Bug themed teen hero in a tech suit.

The suit talks to him. It also constantly suggests that he use lethal force,

Guys, I think the MCU Spider-Man is Jaime Reyes.


There was a Howling Commandoes photograph in the Principal's office.

Principal Morita was played by Kenneth Choi.
Jim Morita from HC was played by Kenneth Choi.

Presumably the Principal is the grandson of Jim. ��

Yup- so now we've met the grandsons of two Howling Commandos -

Principal Morita and Agent Antoine Triplett.


Bug themed teen hero in a tech suit.

The suit talks to him. It also constantly suggests that he use lethal force,

Guys, I think the MCU Spider-Man is Jaime Reyes.


Yup- so now we've met the grandsons of two Howling Commandos -

Principal Morita and Agent Antoine Triplett.
Always gotta pour one out for my mans Trip


I'm actually pretty sure Happy said "the prototype for Cap's new shield". Like, 90% sure those are his exact words. I'd bet it's referring to the shield in Iron Man 1 and 2 , but it's possible it could be a reference to something in the future. I wouldn't put any weight in it, though, just like the reference to Thor's magic belt.
It's a throwaway line

And Tony makes shit for every contingency ever.

He's probably working on a super durable blue jumpsuit that is super resistant to heat, stretching, and has a built in cloaking device just in case...


I thought it was hilarious and way too convenient. Also how do you feel "dread" when Pete could've slapped Tooms unconscious at any moment. Tooms was just such a mess of a character.

He's in a car in a public place with his crush's dad, who pulls a gun on him and probably has backup at a thumb's press. And his confidence is at all-time low. Why would he do that?

It's established at the beginning of Age of Ultron that he makes everybody's gear.

Nobody had a problem then. I wonder what changed.

New kid nobody trusts or has faith in
I just saw this.

Yo, wow I loved this joint. This was like pretty much the first movie I went to see by myself and it was like a private viewing.

So much to say. This is a great adaptation of Spiderman, the characterizations were super strong and lovable even. I really liked the coming of age/ high school thing mixed with the the fun action blockbuster, its a great combo. The tone is perfect. As I reflect more on the title, I see how some people felt that they didn't explore the homecoming element but that was the entire point.

Yo, that twist was great! I just was not expecting that and it really made the movie super fun. Like that shit was perfect to tie all the elements so close from the overall story. He left that night because he knew that he had to stop Vulture from taking that shipment. Its fucked up that Spidey has to do that shit before IM can give a fuck for real.

The fucking elements are real, IM giving Spidey the great power, responsibility lesson. Again, if the trailer held that shit back, the movie would be so damn strong.

I love how Peter had to play detective to get shit done. I like that Peter fucking struggled to do what he wanted with having to do for greater good. Vulture was badass. He was a real person, took advantage of his situation, pushed his limits, maintained composure.

Idk why they had him hold Peter down though. This movie was super fucking fun just because it go so much out the way, We have MJ. Aunt May knows and we have a better suit coming.

Peter is so young and untrained and he has to fight Thanos soon. This Spidey has to fight some cool next.


I know I'm a bit late, but I finally saw this and it's very good. I'm pretty down on Marvel Studios as a whole, but Homecoming was solid as hell. Vulture twist was a bit too convenient but it added a whole new layer to the villain that basically no MCU villain except Loki has had and I hope Keaton sticks around. Ned and May were fun, RDJ was an overpaid waste. Thought the Pepper cameo was great though. MJ had all of like ten lines in the film? She's a megastar so I get why they wanted to lock her in. Good use of smaller villains as henchmen. Tom Holland was strong, especially for an actor that young. Didn't feel lower budget than the past entries either, but swinging through high rises was sorely missed. I know he's not there yet but it's a shame how weak he seems in comparison to the last few movies.
organic shooters >>>

No it's not as good as Raimi but I never expected it to be. I'd be down for any sequels to show a little more heart and vulnerability or whatever you want to call it. They touched on May's fears and how presumably they tie into Ben's death, but the movie didn't want to come out and say it. If they can nail that cheesy sincerity, it'd work wonders. Peter and Tony isn't the same kind of emotional hook that Peter and Ben is.

Wish the final action scene had been less noise but Wonder Woman fell victim to that too. The horror in the moonlight imagery for Vulture worked well and could've been used more.
I assume it's for the ending Avengers suit and not the already designed Homecoming tech suit.

Man, this would've been much better than Iron Spider but I get that they wanted to go for that comics parallel.
I'm actually pretty sure Happy said "the prototype for Cap's new shield". Like, 90% sure those are his exact words. I'd bet it's referring to the shield in Iron Man 1 and 2 , but it's possible it could be a reference to something in the future. I wouldn't put any weight in it, though, just like the reference to Thor's magic belt.

He did say that but the shield in IM1 amd 2 isn't a shield and certainly no prototype. Its a piece of metal art that he used to prop up the collider a few more inches.

CAP isn't even awake by then is he?

Also Tony mentions in Avengers that he finances all of their outfits and gear. Him working on a new shield wouldn't be anything new.


I like the new suit more than the one in the upcoming game tbh. Black emblem >>>> white emblem

Theyre both hideous but yeah the white is worse since it just looks like it was tacked on at the last minute instead of it actually being part of the design from the start. It still amazes me that people are constantly trying to jazz up the suit and never actually come up with anything worthwhile despite so many attempts
Theyre both hideous but yeah the white is worse since it just looks like it was tacked on at the last minute instead of it actually being part of the design from the start. It still amazes me that people are constantly trying to jazz up the suit and never actually come up with anything worthwhile despite so many attempts

The only redesigns that matter:


Aftershock LA
Lol. So weird. I'm watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix
don't judge
right now and this dude is a main character at the moment.

Poor Elijah cannot fucking catch a break.

I was in my 20's when SM2 came out, and the ending of that movie just made me loathe MJ so much. Like, any dude in their right mind would think twice about getting into a relationship with a woman who literally left her last dude at the alter for another dude who happened to have the hots for her since high school. If I was Pete, I'd be side-eyeing the fuck out of MJ until Gwen Stacy came along (how can you not love the adorable Bryce Dallas Howard?!), then drop her like a bad habit.

But alas, Peter Parker has more ladies to juggle than he knows what to do with, so what do I know?

I love SM2. It's one of my favorite superhero movies, but man, fuck MJ. What a jerk. I think SM1 is really the only time she's even remotely charming and likable. From 2 on to 3, they made her a terrible character, and a terrible love interest. And I'm a fan of MJ in the comics, and she's kind of all over the place there, characterization wise, but I can never say she was unlikeable.


I have a strong suspicion that Tony putting Peter (and others) in danger is going to be a plot point at some point in Infinity War.

Yep, at the moment in the MCU Peter idolizes Tony and after re-watching Civil War he clearly blindly believes whatever Tony says, which came into play when Spider-Man fought Captain America.

Infinity War will make Peter realised that Tony isn't the role model that he thought he was and slowly shift to looking up to Captain America, thus mimicking to how it played out in the comic when Peter jumped side.

Bug themed teen hero in a tech suit.

The suit talks to him. It also constantly suggests that he use lethal force,

Guys, I think the MCU Spider-Man is Jaime Reyes.


That reminds me that I should check out Blue Beetle, I have a feeling that it might be up my street.

The only redesigns that matter:

I see nothing wrong with this statement.
Yep, at the moment in the MCU Peter idolizes Tony and after re-watching Civil War he clearly blindly believes whatever Tony says, which came into play when Spider-Man fought Captain America.

Infinity War will make Peter realised that Tony isn't the role model that he thought he was and slowly shift to looking up to Captain America, thus mimicking to how it played out in the comic when Peter jumped side.

That reminds me that I should check out Blue Beetle, I have a feeling that it might be up my street.

I see nothing wrong with this statement.

Thanos is coming to murder everyone.

Anyone with a chance of being able to fight is going to fight no matter what. Unless Tony specifically wants to sacrifice someone as a diversion or something I don't see this happening.


I just saw the movie and im about to go to sleep but i need to know something: why does peter need vials of web stuff ? Can't he just shoot it out of himself?

What does the last sentence in the movie mean: If I would know spiderman name, you would be already dead?
What does that mean ?
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