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Secret Service is broke cause Trump & family vacationing across the US

Christina Wilkie @christinawilkie

I also hear from multiple sources that Secret Service agents are at the end of their rope, sick of being treated like servants by Trump.

Specifically, I've been told Trump doesn't respect their hours & shifts, and expects agents to fetch things for him. Both damaging morale.

Source: "Clinton treated USSS agents like friends. Bush treated them w great respect. Obama, like family. Trump treats them like servants."
This is gross and entirely unsurprising. They should quit. Who would want to take a bullet for a president that doesn't respect the office, you, or really anyone outside perhaps his immediate family.
No they wont. No administration wants to gamble with risk of assassinations and other fun stuff like that by limiting how and where head(s) of nation are protected.

You really think they won't take one look at him trying to galavant around and go 'lol no', especially if budget stuff comes up?

This is gross and entirely unsurprising. They should quit. Who would want to take a bullet for a president that doesn't respect the office, you, or really anyone outside perhaps his immediate family.

Ya that's not good at all and it's a good way to alienate your bodyguards

Didn't he just want to use private security anyway? Maybe just let him?

My god no
Didn't he just want to use private security anyway? Maybe just let him?

I have no idea how many assassination attempts the Secret Service difuses in private but I have to imagine it's a pretty big number. If Trump went this route, I couldn't see him lasting more than six months.


I have no idea how many assassination attempts the Secret Service difuses in private but I have to imagine it's a pretty big number. If Trump went this route, I couldn't see him lasting more than six months.

Dat free market is a bitch. Oh, well.


You really think they won't take one look at him trying to galavant around and go 'lol no', especially if budget stuff comes up?

There are things you don't get difficult with and one of them is security and lives of head(s) of your nation. Leaders of USA need to be fucking nuts if they are willing to gamble with lives of President, Speaker, their families etc. just to stick it to Trump.

Dat free market is a bitch. Oh, well.

People making posts like this need to keep silent if GOP ever limits USSS and it affects future Democratic presidents too who can't afford private security.



So who profits from this?


Can you imagine Trump supporters willing to work for the Secret Service for little to no pay? I bet a lot want to but that's not a good thing.
There are things you don't get difficult with and one of them is security and lives of head(s) of your nation. Leaders of USA need to be fucking nuts if they are willing to gamble with lives of President, Speaker, their families etc. just to stick it to Trump.

We're at the point now that nothing will surprise me anymore, and it mostly depends on how much of an asshole the next admin wants to be. I don't -think- it'll happen, but I'm wrong a lot so

Also I don't think he actually wants private security because he can't afford it

Can you imagine Trump supporters willing to work for the Secret Service for little to no pay?

I don't think that'd go very well. You don't really want passion and vigor when it comes to security, you want experience and skillset.


People making posts like this need to keep silent if GOP ever limits USSS and it affects future Democratic presidents too who can't afford private security.

I don't get this. What do hypothetical budgetary limitations that may or may not affect Democratic presidents have to do with Trump being such a lazy fuckboi that he's burned through the SS's budget due to his constant vacationing?


There are things you don't get difficult with and one of them is security and lives of head(s) of your nation. Leaders of USA need to be fucking nuts if they are willing to gamble with lives of President, Speaker, their families etc. just to stick it to Trump.

People making posts like this need to keep silent if GOP ever limits USSS and it affects future Democratic presidents too who can't afford private security.

Would never ever happen. No other president past or future would make them spend 60k on golf carts.

Don't equate this insanity with a normal administration.


This is gross and entirely unsurprising. They should quit. Who would want to take a bullet for a president that doesn't respect the office, you, or really anyone outside perhaps his immediate family.
Source: "Clinton treated USSS agents like friends. Bush treated them w great respect. Obama, like family. Trump treats them like servants."
Goddamn. These people are there to give their lives for him and he treats them like shit


If he's fleecing us via his security like this, I wonder how else he's stuffing tax payer dollars into his own pockets.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Can you imagine Trump supporters willing to work for the Secret Service for little to no pay? I bet a lot want to but that's not a good thing.
Oh god, I hope that doesn't happen. A lot of those guys are just looking for an excuse to shoot people.


Serious question: why can't he just pay them? If he goes over his federal funding limit, he should pay them himself. I'm not willing to pay more taxes just so Trump can go on additional vacations.


I don't get this. What do hypothetical budgetary limitations that may or may not affect Democratic presidents have to do with Trump being such a lazy fuckboi that he's burned through the SS's budget due to his constant vacationing?

People are very openly hoping / advocating for USSS abandoning their posts and government limiting their protection parameters so much that it would automatically puts head(s) of state into risk of assassination (attempts), assaults etc. as they would have no protection.

If such moronic and short sighted caps and limitations would be put in place they wouldn't go away over night after Trump left office, especially when USSS keep protecting him and his family even after he leaves office.

I'm not saying what Trump has managed to do isn't amazingly stupid, but what people are advocating for here is dangerous for future administrations as those caps would be in place. Even could lead to real shit during current admin.

I wonder how people felt here when similar shit was aimed at Obama from far right.
Oh god, I hope that doesn't happen. A lot of those guys are just looking for an excuse to shoot people.

The real issue is that they would likely not be very effective in defending against legitimate threats, and like Tovarisc says, you REALLY don't want to fuck around with the safety of a head of state

Serious question: why can't he just pay them? If he goes over his federal funding limit, he should pay them himself. I'm not willing to pay more taxes just so Trump can go on additional vacations.

He can't afford it


Hahah, I burst out laughing reading this. Fiscal responsibility and smarties lol. Fuck, this is beyond absurd at this point.
People making posts like this need to keep silent if GOP ever limits USSS and it affects future Democratic presidents too who can't afford private security.

What future Democrat would ever burn through money at the same rate as Trump? Please, explain to me what future Democrat would ONLY have meetings at their own private property, then simultaneously mark up the prices to extort even more money?


Serious question: why can't he just pay them? If he goes over his federal funding limit, he should pay them himself. I'm not willing to pay more taxes just so Trump can go on additional vacations.

This is the guy who is legendary for stiffing contractors who work on his buildings. He's not going to offer to pay them a cent from his own money.
Can they not tell him to fuck off?

With the exception of actual Presidenting work, fucking stop letting him go on these trips! Chain him to his office.


People are very openly hoping / advocating for USSS abandoning their posts and government limiting their protection parameters so much that it would automatically puts head(s) of state into risk of assassination (attempts), assaults etc. as they would have no protection.

If such moronic and short sighted caps and limitations would be put in place they wouldn't go away over night after Trump left office, especially when USSS keep protecting him and his family even after he leaves office.

I'm not saying what Trump has managed to do isn't amazingly stupid, but what people are advocating for here is dangerous for future administrations as those caps would be in place. Even could lead to real shit during current admin.

I wonder how people felt here when similar shit was aimed at Obama from far right.
If there are caps put in place, future heads of state would be aware of how fast they are burning through the budget and maybe stop and think before they take another frivolous vacation before more money is available for such things.

It's like, hey you have x-amount of trips already planned this year which eats up Y% of your budget. How you spend the rest is up to you. You want to take 80 golf vacations, just letting you know ahead of time, the secret service can only cover about 30 of those. So... ya know, plan wisely? Maybe don't take all those vacations you can't pay for - sort of like how everyday citizens live?


Neo Member
It seems like nobody in here actually read the article. At no point does it say the Secret Service has run out of money. The actual problem is that agents are capped at $160,000 per year combined salary and overtime. However due to the size of Trump's family that needs protection and the frequency of their trips many agents, amounting to about one third of the overall secret service workforce have reached that cap.

tl;dr: It's not that the Secret Service doesn't have the money to pay their agents, they just can't give it to them.
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