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VIDEO: Bikers attack Range Rover driver after he drives over them during a rally(NY)

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One bad apple something something. It looks like you've got a bad case of "Kids today, I tell you what!"

Fun fact: There are some people on motorcycles who ride recklessly, aggressively and dangerously. The majority are just people who want to enjoy their ride without being smooshed by other cars.

Just because the bad ones are the ones that get your attention doesn't mean you have to get all crotchety about all riders.

I'm sorry, in my experiences, it's the crotch rocket drivers that tend to be complete jerks on the road, not the old bikers on choppers.

Believe me if I had my way there would be a separate lane for motorcyclists, anyone over the age of 55 would have to be vision/reflex tested to keep their licenses, and RVs don't get me started on those.
At the start of the video??
Is there a directors cut that I missed somewhere?

Again I am commenting on being scared at simply being "surrounded" by bikers, not attacked by them. Another poster commented he's scared just being surrounded by people lol.

Too much fear in America.

Damn you sound like a badass. I guess people breaking the front window of your car and trying to open the door while surrounding you is something that shouldn't be feared. Fucking stupid.
Erratic braking also caught on tape won't help the biker's cause. I'm actually surprised they didn't edit that part out of the video.


Those bikers are a bunch of fucking assholes. If I was in that Range Rover I would've done the same exact thing the driver did especially when taking into account that there were a TON of bikers surrounding the range rover.

I probably should know what restrictions are in place regarding motorcycles in NYC considering I live here but either way something needs to change after this. It either needs to be enforced by the police more or more restrictions need to be put into effect.

I'm hoping that all of those ass holes who tried to attack that guy get caught.


Erratic braking also caught on tape won't help the biker's cause. I'm actually surprised they didn't edit that part out of the video.

These guys don't seem like brightest crayons in the box, the fact they bothered to upload it at all is pretty much proof of that - since it incriminates them entirely.


Nose how to spell and rede to
All bikers, motor- and -cycles, whine about sharing the road while the majority of their population shit all over the rules of the road. Once they become more responsible, I'll respect them more. As it stands, I guess I'm glad their stupidity didn't get anybody killed?


All bikers, motor- and -cycles, whine about sharing the road while the majority of their population shit all over the rules of the road. Once they become more responsible, I'll respect them more. As it stands, I guess I'm glad their stupidity didn't get anybody killed?

Individually I have no issue with your average cyclist or motorbike rider, it's only when they ride in packs that you can see the mob mentality take over and they do retarded shit like this.


I find it hard to believe there was only one biker with a helmet cam. Surely one of the bikers would have caught something showing that the suv driver did wrong. Unless of course he didn't do anything wrong.


Those bikers were pretty disgusting overall. What point were they trying to prove by swarming around the rover and brake checking it? And why wouldn't a person be panicked at that point?

I'm really glad that you seem to think that everyone is out to kill you, but I'm not the one with the bloodlust.

It's exceedingly rare that you are just going to be randomly killed by a biker gang. I know it happens in movies or TV, but in real life, it actually never happens.

I know it's unfathomable to you, but no I would not run someone over. At least I wouldn't do it with the fucking glee most people seem to have for it in this thread.
You're are right, it is rare. But it could happen and it probably is preceded by being surrounded and threatened by a biker gang. Truly some amazing posts up in here.

No one goes about their daily life in fear of death by biker gang but if a biker gang actually surrounds you, then you might start to consider that an option.


no. His cuts were from the smashed window.

Where's your source?

From Fox:
One biker in the video is shown taking off his helmet and using it to smash the driver-side window of the SUV. Police sources told the New York Post that the man was slashed in front of his wife and child, who were inside the vehicle.

The man was brought to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital with two black eyes and had to get stitches on his face and chest.


From the same link...

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said authorities are trying to identify some of bikers in the attack, but they did not have license plates on their motorcycles, the NY Daily News reports.

Authorities say the bikers were in the city for an event called Hollywood Stuntz, where they intended to drive around Manhattan doing tricks, NBC New York reports.

Yeah fuck these guys, I hope they can track them down. Can't they track GPS tags or something by where they were and when?


They didn't even have license plates? How is that legal?

It's not. The plates were off because they were going to drive around the city doing illegal tricks on the roads and highway and didn't want anything to link them back if/when videos went online.
30 bikers against a guy and his family.

Some judge should confiscate their bikes and make these guys ride pink tricycles around New York for a day; should set them straight.
30 bikers against a guy and his family.

Some judge should confiscate their bikes and make these guys ride pink tricycles around New York for a day; should set them straight.

For one day? Confiscate the bikes for life and make them travel around on those tricycles for the rest of their lives.

Hari Seldon

It's not. The plates were off because they were going to drive around the city doing illegal tricks on the roads and highway and didn't want anything to link them back if/when videos went online.

Well these people sound like a bunch of hooligans who I give zero fucks to what happens to. Hopefully the NYPD tracks them through the youtube account.

Jay Fray

30 bikers against a guy and his family.

Some judge should confiscate their bikes and make these guys ride pink tricycles around New York for a day; should set them straight.

Unfortunately this isn't likely to happen.

I went on one large group ride and would never do it again. The attitude people take on group rides is insane and nothing to do with the type of bike being ridden. They teach you to be very defensive when riding a motorcycle, but the "Us vs. Them" attitude of large group rides leads to shit like this.


If I were the SUV driver Id run all of them over and pull out my gun kill them. My life sucks and I'm ready to die. You gonna come with me
Unfortunately this isn't likely to happen.

I went on one large group ride and would never do it again. The attitude people take on group rides is insane and nothing to do with the type of bike being ridden. They teach you to be very defensive when riding a motorcycle, but the "Us vs. Them" attitude of large group rides leads to shit like this.

When you were with these guys, did anyone try to goad a motorist into a confrontation? And if so, do you know if that's regular behavior on a group ride?


Guys start smashing my windows like Night of the Living dead and my wife and kid are in there, i don't give a fuck who I run over to get away.


Junior Member
The Biker stopping short in front of the SUV yeah that is wrong but the driver of the SUV running bikers over is also wrong in fact worse.... but yeah these bikers going after the man like that is pretty fucked up too.


I am talking about the first 50 seconds here not towards the end that is a different issue. Still doesn't justify him running over people anyway.

This should be added to the OP or something because this is paints a clearer picture.
I agree, but at the same time I can't really bring myself to get too upset by what he did. He was (essentially) hit, forced to stop, cornered and being confronted by a (presumably angry) biker gang. Should he have waited longer for them to show themselves as a credible threat? Yeah, it would've been more justifiable if they did the helmet smashing the first time around. But I don't even know if I would if I had my wife and kid in the car. It would be a lot more clear cut if it looked like he made more of an effort to not hit anyone on the way out.

I think it's strange that the video starts so late. It would've helped the bikers' case if we saw the Range Rover driving like the asshole Range Rover drivers often are. Since we don't see anything like that, and this might be some prejudice creeping in, it almost feels like they targeted the person for harassment and surrounded them. If nothing else, the video doesn't rule that out, and you would think they would want that to be ruled out before they posted it on the Internet.
I feel like if 30 bikers stop freeway traffic and surround your car and are all staring at you while your wife and kids are in the car, it's reasonable to be scared for your fucking life.


Isn't this the YouTube channel of the girl who was in that prank video with Jimmy Kimmel? What's her connection to this


nods at old men
I am talking about the first 50 seconds here not towards the end that is a different issue. Still doesn't justify him running over people anyway.

This should be added to the OP or something because this is paints a clearer picture.

They had just started to attack his car at the very first stop in the video. That's why he pulled away so quickly hitting the 3 bikes.
I am talking about the first 50 seconds here not towards the end that is a different issue. Still doesn't justify him running over people anyway.

This should be added to the OP or something because this is paints a clearer picture.
Apparently, in the 50sec when they were all stopped they were smashing on his car too. But regardless of this, they surrounded his car on the freeway and would not let him leave. IANAL but that's gotta be something like unlawful detainment/imprisonment. You can't just stop someone in a car like that so he is totally justified in running them over.


nods at old men
Apparently, in the 50sec when they were all stopped they were smashing on his car too. But regardless of this, they surrounded his car on the freeway and would not let him leave. IANAL but that's gotta be something like unlawful detainment/imprisonment. You can't just stop someone in a car like that so he is totally justified in running them over.

In that link it even says they slashed his tire at that initial stop.
He took off hitting the three bikes with a tire deflated.


Reminds me of when someone trips on nothing in particular in the sidewalk and turns back, glares at the sidewalk, mutters some curses at it and shit...just trying to save face after embarrassing themselves
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