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VIDEO: Bikers attack Range Rover driver after he drives over them during a rally(NY)

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Unconfirmed Member
Man I would not want to be that driver. Having a bunch of pissed off bikers after you would be some scary shit.
Here is a legal question, if the driver in the Range Rover is a legal gun owner, is he allowed to shoot the biker who is attacking him in his car? When the guy starts smashing in the windows?

Dunno, but I definately would have unloaded on those fucks if my kids were in the car.

come to me bikers



The Biker stopping short in front of the SUV yeah that is wrong but the driver of the SUV running bikers over is also wrong in fact worse.... but yeah these bikers going after the man like that is pretty fucked up too.

I am talking about the first 50 seconds here not towards the end that is a different issue. Still doesn't justify him running over people anyway.

This should be added to the OP or something because this is paints a clearer picture.

I agree, but at the same time I can't really bring myself to get too upset by what he did. He was (essentially) hit, forced to stop, cornered and being confronted by a (presumably angry) biker gang. Should he have waited longer for them to show themselves as a credible threat? Yeah, it would've been more justifiable if they did the helmet smashing the first time around. But I don't even know if I would if I had my wife and kid in the car. It would be a lot more clear cut if it looked like he made more of an effort to not hit anyone on the way out.

I think it's strange that the video starts so late. It would've helped the bikers' case if we saw the Range Rover driving like the asshole Range Rover drivers often are. Since we don't see anything like that, and this might be some prejudice creeping in, it almost feels like they targeted the person for harassment and surrounded them. If nothing else, the video doesn't rule that out, and you would think they would want that to be ruled out before they posted it on the Internet.

It says it right there in the article that they started to harass and damage his car and slash his tires after the initial bump in the beginning of the video. he had every damn right to flee, yea it sucks he hit one of the bikers on his way out but fuck them. their mob mentality took over with most of them not even knowing what instigated the initial bump which is totally on the dick who went in front of him stared him down and hit his breaks. it almost looks like he was trying to make the RR bump him.


> Casually drive around on a sunny Sunday afternoon = drive by 12 police officers
> Drive down major highway with 900 douche bag bikers chasing me? = Zero police officers
> Casually drive around on a sunny Sunday afternoon = drive by 12 police officers
> Drive down major highway with 900 douche bag bikers chasing me? = Zero police officers
Reminds me of last Halloween night. There's a protest down at the park, and cops are arresting a bunch of hippies sitting in a circle. On my way home, I'm nearly hit by a few obvious drunk drivers. There's a guy in a sports car going the wrong way down a one-way. One guy gets in his car from a bar and just drives straight onto the sidewalk to turn onto the street instead of just reversing out onto it. No cops anywhere because they're too busy handling peaceful protesters.

Fury Sense

Once you in it, you in it. Looked like he intentionally drove his car on top of a human being. I side with the bikers on this one. Driver is lucky he got out alive IMO.




Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The Range Rover driver should have gone Carmegeddon on all of their asses.
Some (all?) of you are frightening. You can't just run the fuck over people because they brake checked you. You can't flee an accident because you drive a range rover.

I agree to an extent. Personally, I would have pulled over and just let them go. That's me. I'd rather wait 60 seconds and hop back on the road than deal with a bike swarm.

But if he intentionally cut me off and slammed the brakes and I accidentally hit him then that's 100% on him.

And if I'm being *attacked* by a group of bikers I'm slamming on the gas. Fuck them. I'll call the cops when I'm clear of them.


Bunch of thugs on bikes. Probably pissed off the Range Rover didn't get out of their way so Asshole A decides to start something by slamming his breaks 3 inches in front of the Range Rover.

Now thugs are all offended because their buddies bike got scratched. You can bet your ass if I get forcibly stopped by 70+ bikers I am going to get out of there no matter what it takes.

Guys only mistake was getting off the freeway. Dumb dumb dumb to go into traffic. If bikes want to keep speeding up and getting in front of you on the freeway you just keep making roadkill til they are forced to stop


I agree to an extent. Personally, I would have pulled over and just let them go. That's me. I'd rather wait 60 seconds and hop back on the road than deal with a bike swarm.

But if he intentionally cut me off and slammed the brakes and I accidentally hit him then that's 100% on him.

And if I'm being *attacked* by a group of bikers I'm slamming on the gas. Fuck them. I'll call the cops when I'm clear of them.

seriously. i think people keep disregarding what actually happened after the initial bump because it isn't clear on the video. but it's been documented from statements from the police that the group started to bang on his car and slash his tires and open his door after the first bump. I would have sped out and tried to get the fuck out of there too.


Well I'm no fuckin marisa tomei but I think if you're willing to kill someone you oughta expect some consequences.

Really? Is he supposed to just fucking sit there surrounded by fifty bikers with his wife and child in the car and hope for the best? He floored it because he was scared of what was going to happen next and I would've done the same damn thing. Why would he run them over without reason?

And he didn't even start it in the first place. That douche bag hit the brakes right in front of him.
I don't care which side if the right side, the bikes started acting like a gang and continued to act like one all throughout the video.

Fucking assholes.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
For all of the people having a hard time processing why it's ever the right move to hit someone...

Imagine that you're driving along a country road at night when you come across a big guy wearing a mask and carrying a blood-drenched chainsaw standing stock-still in the middle of the road. Are you that guy who comes to a complete stop and asks if he's ok? (because hey, there's a .0001% chance that blood could be his)
I was actually riding down the West-side highway on Sunday and saw these jokers. All of them speeding, randomly slowing, blocking traffic, running red lights, etc. Absolutely no regard for any traffic laws. I was sitting on my bike at a red light and all 50 of them whiz by me going full speed. Felt terrible for the pedestrians trying to cross the street. All I could do was shrug my shoulders and shake my head, indicating "please don't lump me in with these assholes."

They got off lucky with the Range Rover. They deserved to get hit by a MAC truck.


Neo Member
Wow, quite a few people are siding with the bikers...the world is indeed a scary and crazy place. And where was the police? Groups/gangs like that should be under surveillance 24/7...
I don't care which side if the right side, the bikes started acting like a gang and continued to act like one all throughout the video.

Fucking assholes.

Yeah. Obviously the video selectively chooses what to show-Which point of boxing this car, and the point where they cut it at the end. This is social fabrication at it's worst. Especially if the guy had his family in there..damn, that's fucked up beyond belief. What kind of small egos must the bikers have to freak out on them and start attacking them? Well actually, it's mob mentality at it's finest as well.


Gold Member
I have absolutely zero sympathy for those douche-bag bikers. There should be laws against this many of them getting together like that. I've seen shit like this before. I used to want a bike, but after I've seen so many people exude this type of behavior, I just don't want to be associated with them.


Junior Member
It says it right there in the article that they started to harass and damage his car and slash his tires after the initial bump in the beginning of the video. he had every damn right to flee, yea it sucks he hit one of the bikers on his way out but fuck them. their mob mentality took over with most of them not even knowing what instigated the initial bump which is totally on the dick who went in front of him stared him down and hit his breaks. it almost looks like he was trying to make the RR bump him.

Did you even listen to the cop? They slashed the tires and bashed his window the first time. then after the chase they do it again.

I didn't bother to change my original post, I just added in the link and said that it paints a clearer picture than the Biker's video.


Bikers were disgusting. How traumatizing for the kid and wife too to go through that chase then see window smashed, daddy hauled out of the car and kicked the shit out of.

fuck those guys
Fuck those bikers, I hope the fucker at 27 seconds in has a nice tread mark on his pretty little vest.

I was actually riding down the West-side highway on Sunday and saw these jokers. All of them speeding, randomly slowing, blocking traffic, running red lights, etc. Absolutely no regard for any traffic laws. I was sitting on my bike at a red light and all 50 of them whiz by me going full speed. Felt terrible for the pedestrians trying to cross the street. All I could do was shrug my shoulders and shake my head, indicating "please don't lump me in with these assholes."

They got off lucky with the Range Rover. They deserved to get hit by a MAC truck.

Ah so they are pieces shit, well at least its confirmed.


Haha, I swear if I was put into that situation in my truck. I would throw it in reverse into the idiots and power into drive the fuck outta there. Jersey driver here with a motorcycle license, so fuck those guys over in the city.


Well I'm no fuckin marisa tomei but I think if you're willing to kill someone you oughta expect some consequences.

Well too bad the driver is released without any charges, It's called self-defense. Seems like you are a human being that would put your family in danger without consequences.


It's not really graphic. The Range Rover was probably at fault for the initial part, but I don't really understand why the guys on the motorcycles thought ANY of that was a good idea. You can see people crowding into his lane at the start. They're lucky nobody was hurt worse.

What? The bikers were riding like punks. They were inches from the SUV at any given moment and it was only a matter of time before something happened. The only reason to crowd up on a vehicle like that is to intimidate them. The bikers knew they were being a hindrance and had no right to be upset when something happened. Should we have expected the owner of the SUV to roll down their windows and have a polite conversation with the army of bikers who were seconds before seemingly hellbent on running them off the road? I'm not saying I would have plowed through them, but I'm not going to stick around and get dragged out of my car either. If they don't respond to my warnings I'd plow through them.


I am talking about the first 50 seconds here not towards the end that is a different issue. Still doesn't justify him running over people anyway.

This should be added to the OP or something because this is paints a clearer picture.

When you and your wife and kid are danger, for example: surrounded by 30+ people who breaks the law. What would you do? self-defense maybe? I wonder why the driver is not charged with running people over.

Dude you need some logic.


This situation seriously pisses me the fuck off. I'd hope I'll never be in the RR guys position but if I was...fuck.


As a rider for over 15 years, dirt, sport and cruiser, I'm completely siding with the SUV driver. Seriously, fuck those riders. They give the rest of us a bad name. These are the types of motorcyclists that have no regard to traffic laws and other drivers. They bully others on the road because of their pack mentality, and will do things like brake check and box you in for being honked at because they cut you off. And with a name like 'Hollywood Stuntaz', it's guaranteed they're a bunch of shitbags. I've seen and been around them all. They think they're above the law because they can and will outrun cops.

Now if I'm in an SUV and a rider brake checks me resulting in a very minor collision through no fault of mine, I'll pull over to asses the damage. If the rider and his pack stop traffic, block the roads, and come over to my vehicle in a threatening manner, I'll be on high alert. And when they try to forcibly open my door and hit my vehicle while my wife and toddler are with me, fuck that, I'm getting the hell outta there even if it means the riders in my way are collateral damage.

Well said.

Here's hoping the police track down the assailants and jail the lot of them.


Well I'm no fuckin marisa tomei but I think if you're willing to kill someone you oughta expect some consequences.

That statement is just as applicable to the bikers. You think they were bashing in his car windows to have a friendly round-table?


Always the car assholes that have no regard to other vehicles on the road other than cars. Be it a cyclist or a motorcyclist. I'm pretty sure it was the Range Rover guy that initiated the whole thing. Most guys in luxury SUVs are Dbags and he happened to mess with the wrong crowd. Especially in New York. I just don't get it. He had his wife and kid with him.

Fury Sense

That statement is just as applicable to the bikers. You think they were bashing in his car windows to have a friendly round-table?
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying considering the situation, he really is lucky to get out alive. The bikers were clearly pissed off and subject to herd mentality. When I say I side with the bikers, I mean that I empathize with the desire for revenge after a friend is mowed down with impudence. IDK what exactly it was like after he bumped the bike, but it didn't seem like he should have had such fear for his family that he needed to run over a dude to escape.


Always the car assholes that have no regard to other vehicles on the road other than cars. Be it a cyclist or a motorcyclist. I'm pretty sure it was the Range Rover guy that initiated the whole thing. Most guys in luxury SUVs are Dbags and he happened to mess with the wrong crowd. Especially in New York. I just don't get it. He had his wife and kid with him.

C'mon son...


I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying considering the situation, he really is lucky to get out alive. The bikers were clearly pissed off and subject to herd mentality. When I say I side with the bikers, I mean that I empathize with the desire for revenge after a friend is mowed down with impudence. IDK what exactly it was like after he bumped the bike, but it didn't seem like he should have been in such fear for his family that he needed to run over a dude to escape.

After the bump. They began to attack the vehicle.


Always the car assholes that have no regard to other vehicles on the road other than cars. Be it a cyclist or a motorcyclist. I'm pretty sure it was the Range Rover guy that initiated the whole thing. Most guys in luxury SUVs are Dbags and he happened to mess with the wrong crowd. Especially in New York. I just don't get it. He had his wife and kid with him.
Your boys STABBED HIM in front of that wife snd child.


IDK what exactly it was like after he bumped the bike, but it didn't seem like he should have had such fear for his family that he needed to run over a dude to escape.

He didn't do shit. The biker hit the brakes right in front of him intentionally to antagonize him. And okay. When you're in an SUV surrounded by fifty bikers who have the intention of dragging you out of your car and beating the shit out of you you're welcome to stay there and negotiate with them. Hope it works out for you.

Most guys in luxury SUVs are Dbags and he happened to mess with the wrong crowd. Especially in New York.

I drive a Tesla MS and I live in Manhattan.

Am I a d-bag or is this rule exclusive to luxury SUVs only?


I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying considering the situation, he really is lucky to get out alive. The bikers were clearly pissed off and subject to herd mentality. When I say I side with the bikers, I mean that I empathize with the desire for revenge after a friend is mowed down with impudence. IDK what exactly it was like after he bumped the bike, but it didn't seem like he should have had such fear for his family that he needed to run over a dude to escape.

What if one of the idiotic threatened the driver with a gun? Even without threaten him with anything, from the video he has the right to run over them to escape. That's why the driver is not charged with anything. Get it?
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