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Dark Souls PC post-embargo impressions [30fps, locked 1024x720 internal framebuffer]

To the people who still plan to buy this disgraceful port, I recommend you go smear some Vaseline on your monitor so you can get acclimatised to the low res look.
As I said in the other thread, it's unacceptable. The included DLC is the only redeeming factor for this port. GFWL, locked 30fps (apparently?), the subHD framebuffer... this game doesn't even meet fucking industry standards. And they even have the gall to sell it at 40€. Fuck whoever lead to this disaster, at least the From guy was honest.

I don't know whether I want enough people to buy it so we get a decent port of Dark Souls 2 or just let it crash and burn. This went from a launch purchase at the announcement to sub-10€ territory for me.

Are you serious?

EXPECTING all the bells and whistles in a pc port from a developer with no pc experience is assonine. Elitist PC GAF demanding everything.

So greedy.

So cheap too- I bought 2 damn copies when it was $59.00. LAST OCTOBER on both consoles.

The game was 27 bucks on GMG with the deal of the day code

Dark Souls is a phenomenal experience no one should miss out on. Then again I bet the difficulty may dissuade most new users more than the "sub 720" graphics.

For that alone I smile.

I'm dying over here.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I was a disappointed to see this, but then I saw the required specs and realized that I probably would spend the whole game getting kicked to menu anyways.

Would love to see what's going on with the source code that they need that kind of hardware to get 30fps at 1024x720.

The game has high CPU requirements because it uses Adobe Flash and Actionscript for everything.


Uhh so who's cancelling and who's keeping their pre-orders? Idk what to do. Odds are high that someone will release a resolution fix within a week or two, right?

I'm keeping mine. It's the console version with a stable frame rate and the DLC several months early, that's enough for me for the low price, I wish it was better but... oh fucking well.

No one is wrong for being substantially irked though, and no one is elitist either for feeling that way. That's a ridiculous accusation, this is a pretty supreme fuckup. Yeah it's a real good game and yes I think people should play it regardless if they're into the type of title it is but this isn't something someone should have to settle for.

It's lazy and it's really inept, it should have been farmed out.

No. TVs have upscalers, filters and processing that will smudge the image and apply all this post-processing. PC monitors are direct output meaning you see all that shit as is.

I think he meant he plays on an HDTV, I do with my PC, that's probably part of the reason I'm not quite as perturbed. :lol


So asking that the game not be limited in a way that no other PC games from this generation are limited is being elitist?

No, but some of the people bitching in this thread like this is the end of the world don't seem to realize that this version is still better than the console versions. And there's tons of people who enjoyed those versions just fine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Are you serious?

EXPECTING all the bells and whistles in a pc port from a developer with no pc experience is assonine. Elitist PC GAF demanding everything.

So greedy.
Well, there IS a port of Ninja Blade (also by FROM Software) available on the PC though I don't know which company actually handled the porting process.

I don't think people are being greedy here, though. The resolution limitation is really a pretty severe problem and should have been solved. When viewed on a TV at a reasonable distance, the low resolution of Dark Souls is at least reasonably tolerable, but most PC gamers play games with their faces very near large monitors where low resolutions wind up looking downright wretched.

Based on the fact that the game uses key framed animation, I think it's understandable that it was limited to 30 fps. They could not possibly provide a reason good enough to explain away the resolution limitation, however.

No, but some of the people bitching in this thread like this is the end of the world don't seem to realize that this version is still better than the console versions.
I dunno about that.

For one thing, unless you use the half-vsync option available to nVidia cards, 30 fps limits actually produce an obscene amount of judder on the PC. Not everyone will enable this feature and many cards won't even support it. It may avoid some of the slowdown issues present on the consoles, but it will appear less fluid overall. Of course, we don't even know if the half refresh option will even work with this game (it does occasionally result in problems with some titles).

Also consider what I noted above regarding viewing distance. While I use my TV regularly for PC gaming, this is not the case with all users. 1024x720 upscaled to a high resolution looks a bit rough when you sit 8 feet away from the screen, but the viewing distance for most PC gamers is much closer and the flaws will become much more visible.

There could also be other issues lurking below the surface that we haven't encountered yet. There is no guarantee that the PC version will be the best version just yet.


Such a fuck up of epic proportions. What's ironic is that if this doesn't sell well (which it most likely won't) the developer will probably blame the market instead of their own incompetence.


EXPECTING all the bells and whistles in a pc port from a developer with no pc experience is assonine. Elitist PC GAF demanding everything.

So greedy.
For those of us that have the console versions, the entire point to getting the PC version is to get the most out of it visually, I don't think anyone sensible even wanted more than an unlocked FPS, or at least an unlocked internal resolution. While having Blighttown's FPS issues ironed out is a relief, it's also hardly enough to justify $30+ when I could probably spend $20 at an extreme just getting the DLC on consoles later. Or at least this in a $10-20 Steam sale.

Maybe you'd have a point if we were talking about people who didn't want to get consoles, since at worst this is still a step or two ahead without shelling $200+ just to play this, but for those of us with consoles it IS near pointless. And don't pull out those damn accusations of being "cheap", not everyone can just keep throwing all their money on every version of a game at full price like you apparently can, and even those that can want to exercise restraint and recognize when it's pointless.
Uhm, it will probably look like the console version looked on HDTVs. No big deal.

This sounds like one of those "30FPS is fine guys!" when referring to PC version.

1. Console version runs on 2006 hardware. Now we have 2012.

2. Lots of PC gamers play using the monitor, which will not FUCKING BLURRRRRRRRRR the image as TV does.
Are you serious?

EXPECTING all the bells and whistles in a pc port from a developer with no pc experience is assonine. Elitist PC GAF demanding everything.

So greedy.
Jesus. Are you serious?
Not having a locked frame buffer resolution is NOT bells and whistles. Everyone does that. The most terrible PC ports you can think of don't do that.

It's not being elitist, it's having fucking standards.


This sounds like one of those "30FPS is fine guys!" when referring to PC version.

1. Console version runs on 2006 hardware. Now we have 2012.

2. Lots of PC gamers play using the monitor, which will not FUCKING BLURRRRRRRRRR the image as TV does.

Except 30FPS is fine, for most part. Lots and lots of my favourite gaming experiences were 30FPS, I couldn't care shit about 30 or 60FPS, I only want constaant framerate.
It's the console version with a stable frame rate and the DLC several months early, that's enough for me for the low price, I wish it was better but... oh fucking well.

It's actually going to be worse than the console versions because it has save-eating gfwl, the resolution will look shittier on a monitor than a tv, and there is no way that a company who can't enable multiple resolutions is going to deliver a pc game that doesn't crash all the time. Consoles will get the dlc soon. Everybody who keeps saying this is still going to be the best version is out of their minds.


I've tried playing some games at 720p on my laptop, and it's so awful looking for those that don't understand the difference in 720p on your console and 720 on a PC.

They really fucked this up on both sides, it would have been nice to have the option of playing with a friend easier on the console as well with the DLC.

Card Boy


Use this next time, instead of that dirty blury From Software port of a screen capture.



Is there even a good reason for the FPS lock? Atleast LA Noire had a decent excuse(tied into te motion capture). What's theirs?


Yeah, the technical side of the port is disappointing but if that makes Dark Souls a no-buy for you, then you are no gamer in my eyes. You PC guys need to stop acting like Dark Souls is suddenly completely unplayable. Hundreds of thousands of console gamers were able to appreciate this great game despite it's technical shortcomings - because the content is awesome and that is what matters most in the end. Stop being in love with your hardware specs and learn to enjoy the actual game.

Unplayable? Well no it's not, but giving them my money would set a bad precedent in saying that I'm ok with a half assed port and they might do so again with their next game. It's akin to the Bethesda developed games on the PS3, you have no one to blame but yourself if you keep giving them money when they keep making the same mistakes.

I can't support the lack of such basic options that PC games should have.

Conor 419

Good to see not every PC gamer is a graphics whore.

Oh no, sorry. I'm mainly a console gamer. I'm just commenting on how I'd objectively pleased with the game as long as it's functional. The main questions I'd be asking is whether they fixed Blight Town or whether certain other bugs have been fixed, not about resolution.

By the way, if any of you guys torrent this on the basis that it's not 1080p/60FPS, you are a disgrace to this industry.


Except 30FPS is fine, for most part. Lots and lots of my favourite gaming experiences were 30FPS, I could care shit about 30 or 60FPS, I only want constaant framerate.

You are in PC thread, not a console thread.

And it's "Couldn't care".

Is there even a good reason for the FPS lock? Atleast LA Noire had a decent excuse? What's theirs?

Incompetent coders.
No, but some of the people bitching in this thread like this is the end of the world don't seem to realize that this version is still better than the console versions. And there's tons of people who enjoyed those versions just fine.

"Better than console" doens't mean anything for the PC. The standard is so much higher that it's not even funny.


Are you serious?

EXPECTING all the bells and whistles in a pc port from a developer with no pc experience is assonine. Elitist PC GAF demanding everything.

So greedy.

So cheap too- I bought 2 damn copies when it was $59.00. LAST OCTOBER on both consoles.

The game was 27 bucks on GMG with the deal of the day code

Dark Souls is a phenomenal experience no one should miss out on. Then again I bet the difficulty may dissuade most new users more than the "sub 720" graphics.

For that alone I smile.

I don't think I have encountered PC games running at 1024 x 720 since 1994.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Is there even a good reason for the FPS lock? Atleast LA Noire had a decent excuse? What's theirs?
Key framed animations? There have been instances of games in which the animations display at 30 frames per second (Halo, for instance) and bumping up the framerate results in a very uneven presentation (60 fps camera pans combined with 30 fps animation looks awful).

That may not even be the case, but it's certainly something to consider.

I don't think I have encountered PC games running at 1024 x 720 since 1994.
I don't think 1024x720 has actually been valid resolution period. 1024x768, however, was once common but it certainly wasn't the norm in 1994. Mechwarrior 2 supported it but the performance was very slow. Very few PC games offered a resolution that high. Heck, most 3D cards that showed up in the mid-90s couldn't even display that resolution. A 3dfx Voodoo 1 was limited to 640x480 by itself and 800x600 in SLI. The Voodoo 2 could achieve 1024x768 in SLI, of course, but it certainly wasn't common.

It didn't really matter as much when CRTs were being used, however, as they handle low resolutions beautifully.


I'm not a graphics junkie or anything, but this is definitely a deal-killer. I want to be able to full-screen my games and have them look good.

And I was looking forward to this too. :(
Are you serious?

EXPECTING all the bells and whistles in a pc port from a developer with no pc experience is assonine. Elitist PC GAF demanding everything.

So greedy.

So cheap too- I bought 2 damn copies when it was $59.00. LAST OCTOBER on both consoles.

The game was 27 bucks on GMG with the deal of the day code

Dark Souls is a phenomenal experience no one should miss out on. Then again I bet the difficulty may dissuade most new users more than the "sub 720" graphics.

For that alone I smile.

This post might end up being etched into the gaf hall of fame a la joining classics such as "I'm an expert..." and "angular graphics".


1. No guarantees on that front. Modding the framebuffer on a proprietary engine doesn't sound that easy
2. No, that's awful
3. No, just afraid to waste superior hardware on a shitty port

Aren't you afraid of wasting your superior hardware with Jamestown? that shit could run on a DS!
Is there even a good reason for the FPS lock? Atleast LA Noire had a decent excuse? What's theirs?

Might be for keeping systems in sync when PVP'ing. Getting teleport backstabbed from 50 meters would be interesting though.

Its the only reason i can think of.


Are they going to bring out a petition for those wanting an acceptable port?
This is a total joke.

Not sure why people think a mod will come out to internally render at higher res. Surely this could/would have been done if it were able. Hope, yeah I'm there, but it doesn't seem likely.
What a total disaster.

Petition should have been: Do you want a sub 720p port on PC?


Final Fantasy XI, a PC port of a PS2 game released in 2003, has several internal rendering resolutions to choose from. This is inexcusable.


I'd laugh if it weren't such a sad display. Definitely not buying now until this shit has been fixed by modders/the community. I know, inexperience etc etc, but surely there's a limit on technical incompetence? Shameful.

But here's the real kicker: this selling badly on PC will be received by From that the PC is not a platform worth putting their games on, guaran-fucking-teed.


Worships the porcelain goddess
People defending this poor port boggle me. People attacking PC gamers for expecting basic features for the platform anger me. If From Software knew they couldn't cut the mustard they should have either cancelled it found a good port house to do the job for them. Unacceptable job.


This sounds like one of those "30FPS is fine guys!" when referring to PC version.

1. Console version runs on 2006 hardware. Now we have 2012.

2. Lots of PC gamers play using the monitor, which will not FUCKING BLURRRRRRRRRR the image as TV does.
I don't use upscaling on my HDTV and the game looks totally fine. Stop the graphic-whoring.

As I said multiple times: the game is great and that is what counts.

It's funny that PC gamers rarely have problems with low-res indie games etc. But Dark Souls, oh no... that's suddenly unplayable just because it's basically the same as the console version. Laughable.
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