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Dreamhack 2011 SC2 Tournament


Ikuu said:
It's amazing how Day9 is able to get away with shit that other casters get crucified over.

Day[9] is able to get away with it because of his fantastic contributions to the community and people feel pathos to him on a human level.

No caster is perfect, but these 'I like this caster more' stuff is dumb and I regret contributing.

I understand the forced enthusiasm complaint for Day[9], but I'm pretty forgiving as far as casters go; I mean heck I don't get the hate for Gretorp/Incontrol. What I will say of Day[9], is that he's flat out amazing when the status of the event meets his effervescent enthusiasm.


Great tourney overall, some thoughts below.

- Playoffs on a monday is fail, even in the middle of the summer.. (this coming from a Swede, just saying..)

- Stream was mostly fine but i cant help to feel a little ashamed cause it wasent perfect.. , dont know if this was due to Justin.tv or dreamhack themselves (?).

- I kinda felt the tournament dragged on for too long.. , i dont know if its possible to shorten it with so many players though?


Yeah I take all my slander of Tastosis back now that I watched Dreamhack... Day9 is a nice guy, but him and apollo are fucking embarrassing to listen to as casters.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Haha I fell asleep. So huk won? Guess if a Korean isnt going to win, its a foreigner that lives and trains in Korea.

zoukka said:
Yeah I take all my slander of Tastosis back now that I watched Dreamhack... Day9 is a nice guy, but him and apollo are fucking embarrassing to listen to as casters.
GSL seems a much easier gig. Very much set times, shorter days. No control which makes things much simplier, no need to obs anymore.
Gives them more opportunities to just chat.


syllogism said:
What, because huk finally managed to win a tournament, by having it basically gifted to him in the finals, on his fifth attempt? (assembly -> out early, tsl -> out early, mlg -> out early, dh invitational -> out early)

Remember, this is NeoGaf. Huk wins dreamhack = he's god like. Idra doesn't do well in dreamhack, but is consistently a monster = dude is ass, why doesn't he just quit SC2?



syllogism said:
What, because huk finally managed to win a tournament, by having it basically gifted to him in the finals, on his fifth attempt? (assembly -> out early, tsl -> out early, mlg -> out early, dh invitational -> out early)
its great that he won in a tournament with mc, july, bomber and moon too

hope people stop bashing jinro now just because he hasnt performed well recently


syllogism said:
What, because huk finally managed to win a tournament, by having it basically gifted to him in the finals, on his fifth attempt? (assembly -> out early, tsl -> out early, mlg -> out early, dh invitational -> out early)

I love how you make it sound like winning a tournament is some easy thing that every player should automatically be expected to do with no problem.
Are you sure you should be rating casters individually? Wouldn't it make more sense to rate the pairings. I mean, Tastosis is great because of the pairing, they wouldn't be nearly as effective otherwise. That isn't saying either one is bad, but isn't part of the non-solo casts being able to rely on your partner and feeding off their energy, or strengths? Or making up for their weaknesses.

I also don't think it is fair to rank Tastosis as one, and then rank the rest of the casters as individuals. IDK, just an opinion, I didn't watch much of Dreamhack this weekend, but I felt Day[9]/Apollo was much worse than MLG Columbus with Day[9]/DJWheat.

Also, it isn't surprising that Day[9]'s analysis is behind someone such as Artosis, or IdrA, because he isn't an active player. I'm sure that with him playing more he should be able to catch up in that regard.


I'm sure glad I follow HoN more then I do SC2. Honcast/breakycpk isn't perfect, but at least there are not twenty contenders. This bickering, and diagrams, and ranking casters is pretty silly too. Day9 grated on me this Dreamhack, but the LoL casters were also horrible. Honcast/breakycpk had his faults too. I actually liked QL casting the best.

Is the best game, too. Finals proved that much.

As for the game, HuK defense sure is something else. But man did Moon come a long way from WC3. Much respect to him for making it to the finals.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Yeah, terrible finals. Makes SC2 look bad.
EviLore said:
Caster -- Voice (clear, pleasant, good rhythm) -- Analysis (general game knowledge, prediction, build spotting) -- Entertainment (comedic skills, ability to fill time enjoyably during slow sections)

Tastosis the Casting Archon -- 10/10 -- 10/10 -- 10/10

Wolf -- 5/10 -- 9/10 -- 5/10

Day9 -- 2/10 -- 8/10 -- 5/10

TotalBiscuit -- 5/10 -- 0/10 -- 1/10

Husky -- 1/10 -- 5/10 -- 0/10

Chill -- 7/10 -- 6/10 -- 5/10

DJWheat -- 6/10 -- 3/10 -- 5/10

Moletrap -- 4/10 -- 5/10 -- 4/10

Doa -- 5/10 -- 3/10 -- 4/10

Incontrol -- 4/10 -- 5/10 -- 0/10

Gretorp -- 0/10 -- 0/10 -- 0/10

Kelly -- N/A (unintelligible)

list is missing Sheth, who is almost tastosis tier, sans the humor.


zlatko said:
Remember, this is NeoGaf. Huk wins dreamhack = he's god like. Idra doesn't do well in dreamhack, but is consistently a monster = dude is ass, why doesn't he just quit SC2?


Those zerg goggles must have been expensive


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
zlatko said:
Remember, this is NeoGaf. Huk wins dreamhack = he's god like. Idra doesn't do well in dreamhack, but is consistently a monster = dude is ass, why doesn't he just quit SC2?

The only thing consistent about IdrA is how he under performs at the big events.
syllogism said:
What, because huk finally managed to win a tournament, by having it basically gifted to him in the finals, on his fifth attempt? (assembly -> out early, tsl -> out early, mlg -> out early, dh invitational -> out early)
He won the first MLG which was one of the first big foreign tournaments



It was a good day for Team Liquid. People on the site seem generally happy.

Ikuu said:
The only thing consistent about IdrA is how he under performs at the big events.
Reaching the GSL Ro8 is not underperforming. Winning IPL is not underperforming. Getting 2nd place at the Tactic Pro/AM tournament is not underperforming. Being the best NA player at MLG is not underperforming.

Losing in the Ro16 at Dreamhack is a wash.

Not making the final 16 in NASL, now that's underperforming. :p

All said, he is one of the most consistent players out there. The bad part about his performance is that he's crowned more than one good run at various events with catastrophic choking series (which most people remember).
I think the worst part of the dreamhack was the massive breaks between games.

Yesterday (today?) there was just a random hour break like 3 different times. Then there was like a 4 hour break before the final.

In the end it didn't matter because i wasn't staying up till 4-5am anyway. However even if the tournament had been on during the day i would have struggled to watch it. There was only a few hours worth of SC2 but it was stretched out over a 10 hour+ length of time.

I understand the need for breaks but they seemed to be way to long for the finals.


While we're talking casters, what about Idra?
I'd rate him at something like 5-10-2 on the Evilore scale. His co-casts with DjWheat for the EG Masters Cup are pretty awesome.


I like Tastosis the best, but I thought Day9 and Wheat did a lot better casting for a crowd at MLG.

Huk is good. I think people hold on to first impressions too long. Players get characterized for doing certain things or having particular flaws or being bad/awesome and it sticks some time after things have changed (unless they win a major tournament).


AdventureRacing said:
I think the worst part of the dreamhack was the massive breaks between games.

Yesterday (today?) there was just a random hour break like 3 different times. Then there was like a 4 hour break before the final.

In the end it didn't matter because i wasn't staying up till 4-5am anyway. However even if the tournament had been on during the day i would have struggled to watch it. There was only a few hours worth of SC2 but it was stretched out over a 10 hour+ length of time.

I understand the need for breaks but they seemed to be way to long for the finals.
Saturday and Sunday were high content days, games almost constantly running on 4 streams at a time.

60+ games on the first day.
60+ games on the second day.
8 games on the last day.

and they started at the same time on each day.
Haunted said:
Saturday and Sunday were high content days, games almost constantly running on 4 streams at a time.

60+ games on the first day.
60+ games on the second day.
8 games on the last day.

and they started at the same time on each day.

I'm only talking about the finals, the hour breaks on the other days were fine.

We got the first 2 matches which lasted barely anytime at all and then we got an hour break. Then we got the next two matches followed by an hour break. Then we got the semis followed by a 4 hour break.

For me that's pretty close to unwatchable. I don't have an entire day to spare to watch that much content.


zlatko said:
Remember, this is NeoGaf. Huk wins dreamhack = he's god like. Idra doesn't do well in dreamhack, but is consistently a monster = dude is ass, why doesn't he just quit SC2?


don't think Idra won any tournament with Korean progamer participating. At least Huk does now.

Idra might not be ass but he is not as good a Zerg player as everyone makes him to be. His rage quit just adds to it. Can't believe I'm saying this but Moon is better since he is consistently placing higher than Idra in the tournaments both attend.


AdventureRacing said:
I'm only talking about the finals, the hour breaks on the other days were fine.

We got the first 2 matches which lasted barely anytime at all and then we got an hour break. Then we got the next two matches followed by an hour break. Then we got the semis followed by a 4 hour break.

For me that's pretty close to unwatchable. I don't have an entire day to spare to watch that much content.

Well you could always do stuff in between the matches, it was clearly stated when each match would be played. I just allowed to stream to continue running while playing games. If it's because you didn't have time to stay home for the duration of the final games, then it's lucky that there are free hd vods :)

Q8D3vil said:
artosis is biased as fuck to zerg and protoss.
he dropped the ball in drg vs sc games.

Probably a lack of terran knowledge on his par, only race he hasn't played seriously after all.
mescalineeyes said:
I think the bias lies in your constant victimization of your race.
no offense bro. <3
But Terran have failed in every single big tournament yet. Oh wait 6 Terrans in top 8 of GSL Super Tournament, nevermind.


is now taking requests
AdventureRacing said:
I'm only talking about the finals, the hour breaks on the other days were fine.

We got the first 2 matches which lasted barely anytime at all and then we got an hour break. Then we got the next two matches followed by an hour break. Then we got the semis followed by a 4 hour break.

For me that's pretty close to unwatchable. I don't have an entire day to spare to watch that much content.

I think the problem here is that Dreamhack is a LAN, not a SC2 tournament. The main stage was occupied with other esport games during these hours, so it's not like there was no content provided for the people present.
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