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E3 Hype Begins.... Who Really Needs to Bring It Hard This E3?

Miles X

Well I think it has to have a price drop as soon as possible. Price drop it before Soul Sacrifice and then bring the games at E3.

Price cut, tonnes of games then Sony need to hold onto their balls and pray that works. Any other gen and it'd be a dead cert to spur on sales and get a system kick started at least. This could be the first time we see absolutely nothing helping.


Hoping Sony doesn't pull what they did with the PS3 annoucement. Almost a decade later and its my most played console. I went wii, xbox, ps3 last gen. I'm hoping to go Ps4, Wiiu, Xbox next gen.

I need a solid showing that Sony gets how XBL is appealing. I need a working network like PSN has become, I need anti-cheat stuff that PS3 lacks now thanks to the Ps3 secuirty being breached, and I need a Zelda and Mario Kart game for WIIU before I return to it.

Xbox will be bought when I see what Halo 5 and the NEXT MS exclusive like Gears game is.

I don't plan on purchasing anything at launch because right now, my PC can play BF4 when it releases, and none of the series I want have officially been announced.

PS4 will be purchased the second MGS is announced for it. If Phantom Pain is coming out for this gen of consoles, I should be able to sit out til mid 2014.


Price cut, tonnes of games then Sony need to hold onto their balls and pray that works. Any other gen and it'd be a dead cert to spur on sales and get a system kick started at least. This could be the first time we see absolutely nothing helping.

True. That's why I say price drop it as soon as possible. If they can get it selling before E3 then they can convince third parties to be on board. The best they can do is copy Nintendo. Drop the price by a bunch and then bring a bunch of games to it.
Sony absolutely needs to bring it the hardest. They are the ones who fell back and need to win back the consumers they lost to Microsoft.

Microsoft can continue riding on what they are riding on-- Kinect and Halo. Sure, they need new IPs, but they can be successful continuing to go off of what they have.

I absolutely think Sony has more to prove with their larger repertoire, and with their current status, they have more to prove, at least for me. There are a lot of expectations considering their exclusive lineup, and that plus hardware results in Sony having more to show for.


Kills Photobucket
In the back of my mind, I think the big megaton is that either Durango or PS4 won't hit this holiday. The more I think about it, the more I think it can't be good for them both to launch at the same time. And I think Sony has far more to lose than MS does.
Nintendo has been unusually sparse on their major console titles over the past 3 years. They winded down Wii development long before the console died. I hope we are overwhelmed by an array of Wii U 1st party exclusives as Nintendo desperately needs a big showing, but I fear it will be a conference that headlines recently released Pikmin 3 and WiiU Fit. Given the Wii U's lackluster start out of the gate, this will be an indicator of how much faith Nintendo themselves have in the Wii U. As a Wii U owner, I'm hoping they support the system like crazy, but the last few years from Nintendo have left a bad taste in my mouth.
If the 720 is coming out this year MS better show some awesome stuff. Sony better also show some crazy new Vita stuff.....right? (aww fuck it, I love my vita even if Sony doesn't).
If the 720 is coming out this year MS better show some awesome stuff. Sony better also show some crazy new Vita stuff.....right? (aww fuck it, I love my vita even if Sony doesn't).

Lets just hope that they bring a whole lot more exclusives this gen than they have.

I wanna see a J Allard conference. Where its all about the games.


Don't know if posted but Nintendo UK says that Nintendo will be showing off lots of "fantastic" titles at E3 2013.


"As well as a strong launch line up, we've also got a really strong Q1. We've got a lot of fantastic titles - Monster Hunter, Ninja Gaiden, Sing Party, fantastic titles for everyone. And beyond - I'm sure E3 will be another great show and there will be lots of fantastic titles to come." - Nintendo UK's James Honeywell


Great news and I recalled that Reggie said that they are saving some games for E3. Did I recalled wrong?

I'm pretty sure he said that, we should see Retro's game hopefully, and Bayonetta 2, etc.

But I'm not getting hyped this time...

I don't want to be a downer but doesn't he have to say that? It's not like he can say "nah we've got jack shit in the pipeline so go and buy a Wii U"

That's why I'm not getting hyped for any of the big 3's conferences this time, it's better having low expectations and coming out with surprises then going in with huge expectations and getting disappointed.

As for the other question for the thread. They all need to bring it this year for E3 2013, All of them should give it all because 2 new announced consoles and a console already released, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft will want to convince consumers about why they should buy the Wii U, PS4, and Xbox 720.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm pretty sure he said that, we should see Retro's game hopefully, and Bayonetta 2, etc.

But I'm not getting hyped this time...

That's why I'm not getting hyped for any of the big 3's conferences this time, it's better having low expectations and coming out with surprises then going in with huge expectations and getting disappointed.

As for the other question for the thread. They all need to bring it this year for E3 2013, All of them should give it all because 2 new announced consoles and a console already released, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft will want to convince consumers about why they should buy the Wii U, PS4, and Xbox 720.

Keeping your expectations very low is good way to go, honestly.


I have gone back and forth so much on whether or not to even post my predictions for this "next Gen" because when I have posted it, it's been met with a mixed response. However, like so many others here, after years of watching this stuff play out I think I can take a reasonably realistic crack at this. I don't have ANY insider connections or access to info. This is all just from watching these companies, and the massive market shift that's happened over the last several years and is still happening.

First off, just in my opinion, it's WAY too early to be making E3 predictions. It's 5 months out yet. The year is just 4 days old. Was kind of hoping this kind of thread would come a bit later this year, like in March or April but oh well. It is what it is.

Now for what I honestly expect "Next Gen" to look like:

Microsoft- Having watched them the last few years shift their focus from games to wanting to really get a huge multimedia initiative going, I'm going to say this much. MS will be releasing a box, that's for sure. Will people be happy with what they see at it's unveiling? I get the feeling not so much. YES, it will play games but I honestly think they are going for a set top box a la Apple TV with an enormous emphasis on multimedia. If I were them, I'd be going for a huge multimedia presence too. Any company who puts out a box at this point needs multimedia capabilities. It's just smart. Look at how Netflix and Hulu have both taken off. While the 360 can certainly do both currently, they're probably wanting something that will unify all of that..plus their own video and music services together. As I said, it will still play games but I think the gaming aspect is going to take a huge backseat in Microsoft's mind. The core of their gaming initiative going forward is probably going to be expanding Live onto PCs and tablets. Again, very smart move. Live has a massive install base on the 360 right now, expanding to PCs/tablets will give them an even bigger audience and give you lots of ways to access and use it. I don't see the "core" gamers being too thrilled with MS's direction at all. In fact when that thing is unveiled I fully expect to see plenty of fits thrown. It's a pretty good hunch where they're headed though.

Nintendo- I am gonna be honest, the Wii U launch has shocked the crap out of me. I disagree strongly with all these people online going "Wii U flopped! Plenty in stores!" It IS true there's plenty in stores but I think Reggie and Scott Moffitt did an excellent job of keeping their word on plentiful supply for the holidays. I'm really impressed by that. They said everyone that wanted one for Christmas would be able to find one and that's what happened. I think what people are seeing (area dependent of course) is constant restocking. Not in all locations but definitely the areas where it's doing well. In 2013, everyone that has been begging to get sneak peeks at Retro's project, SSB4, and the next 3D Mario will get that. I'd suspect at least 2 of those 3 will be Holiday 2013 games. It's anyone's guess what they're cooking up for 2014 though for Wii U. I expect 3DS to have a good year. I think some of the localizations people want will happen, others not. I have a feeling we'll see DQ7 at the very least. I think their smartest bet is to convince those who still don't want a Wii U why it's worth buying. If they can do that they'll be fine.

Sony- That company.. is in serious crap. There's no two ways around it. I'm not a financial expert or armchair analyst. Not gonna pretend to be. I hate to put it that bluntly but they are in for the fight of their existence right now. The next year to 18 months and what they do will seal their final fate, be it good or bad. They haven't got a lot of time to fix their mess and they'll only get one chance to do it-if they're lucky. I'll get the easiest part of this out of the way now: Vita. Vita's pretty much done folks. I hate to say that, too. It's a great portable that just came a few years too late. I think Vita got as close to a miracle as it's gonna get in November with that astounding 250k boost. IF it had launched at that price, with a memory card..it would have had a better fate. Right now, I suspect Sony and 3rd parties will honor all current Vita projects. After that it's done. Sony's aim will be to get Tearaway, Warriors Lair, and Dragon's Crown out at least. I expect discontinuation will come by mid year. Late year absolute latest if they want to just drag this out for some insane reason. Next is PS4...Guys, I think Sony was able to afford to build and distribute dev kits, I believe that much. But the bottom line is I do not expect them to be able to afford to mass produce a PS4. With their situation I just don't see it. IF I end up wrong come E3, I'll eat my hat and maturely admit I was wrong. With the shape they're in though a PS4 in any form will be suicidal. They cannot afford even the slightest risk of a loss with something like that. They can't take that kind of loss. They simply can't afford it in monetary terms. Playstation has had an amazing 15 year history. People need to be grateful for and celebrate that. I just think their mess is beyond the point of no return. If it's not there yet, it will be soon. Management doesn't want to face hard reality or make the changes needed for whatever reason. How much longer they have depends on what they do this year. Whatever that involves will have to have PS3 at the center.

Before I get to my last prediction, I'd like to vent a concern of mine that I see ALL over on forums, not just this one. People think this whole "System Wars" thing is some eternal battle with these 3 companies, that it must include these 3 and no others, and they are exempt from the laws and rules of business. As you're seeing in Sony's case, that last part isn't true. Everything's changed and shifted so much in the last 6 to 7 years that it's affecting all 3 of those companies greatly. Yes, even the house of Mario. That's thanks to tablets in general and specifically Apple which brings me to my final prediction.

People say "Hell no!" and "They're not wanted" to Apple entering the gaming space but the reality is they've been watching this whole generation play out, looking for an ideal opportunity to jump in and I do think they've found it finally. At first, I thought they'd do a traditional console like MS and Sony. Over time though I've become convinced their plans involve Apple TV. Just a few weeks ago, there was that article talking about Apple's Smart TV and the next gen Apple TV. People need to pay really damn good attention to it because I think they're gonna jump in with the next gen of Apple TV. It WILL have some sort of physical controller, whether that be your iPhone or iTouch we'll have to wait and see. The bottom line is, they've already got the infrastructure in place needed to whoop Live's ass. They don't need to do it from the ground up. How will they do it? Marry and fuse together iTunes, App Store, and Game Center into a streamlined system like Live. I'm not sure if it'll include things like Voice/Party chat but you can bet your ass they'll fuse those 3 things together. If they make it intuitive and easy to use/navigate-well MS is going to have their fiesta crashed needless to say. Let's say they launch it at $99 bucks...they're going to sell a frickin crap ton of the things at that price guaranteed. Even if they launch at 150 or 200 they'll still do well. This is the smartest thing they could possibly have come up with. Just imagine, your full iTunes music/movie/tv show library, Netflix, Hulu, Game Center plus App store with games that take advantage of the new Apple TV's power-can't see any reason why that won't sell. All they need to do is fuse those 3 things together, unified accounts that cover iTunes, App Store, and Game Center, package it up in a great UI and yeah MS will be the first ones to hurt. It's coming. If it launches this Christmas hooooo boy that's gonna disrupt MS big time.

I do not believe Valve has the complete resources needed to jump into the console space. Eventually, yes. Right now, no. Right now it's like a puzzle that's a third to half way done.

Those are my predictions, which I stand by and are very strong guesstimates on what I think will happen. If I'm wrong on any of em I'll admit it later maturely but we'll see. It's going to be an...interesting year to say the very least.
-Casual games emphasis. I don't want 20 minutes on Storybook's next expansion with the Hunger Games. I don't want Flo-Rida telling me to have a good feeling with Dance Central 5 playing in the background. I don't want two NFL players who have no idea what they're doing fuck up play calling that the Kinect 2 can't understand. .

To bad that's the biggest money makers and since E3 is about business that's what I expect them to talk about.

E3 already belongs to MS and possibly Sony. Even a new WiiU Zelda is not going to outshine true next-gen console unveils. Sorry.

This is a very stupid post btw.


bh... interesting predictions, but why would Apple bother putting dedicated gaming hardware into the upcoming Apple TV when you can already stream games from any iOS device to your home setup through the current Apple TV?


The only one I care about is MS. I have a Wii U and I sold my PS3 long ago. I'm ready for whatever MS has to show us and of course third party stuff like Ubi and EA.

Oh and Itagaki's new game, Devil's Third.


Lol. This is how it fully went out.

Microsoft E3 2012 Conferences ends

Everyone: "Yep Microsoft lost it, it's up to Sony and Nintendo now"

Sony E3 2012 Conference ends

Everyone: "Lol Wonderbook...Nintendo so won this"

Nintendo E3 2012 Conference ends

Everyone: "The heck was that? Nintendo failed and Ubisoft won E3!"

haha excellent. That is very accurate

Nintendo had a pretty good track record. Even during "bad" years, Nintendo was usually entertaining. Nintendo seemed to be the company that realized it was more than a business meeting, and that people were watching. People also expected something surprising, as Nintendo in the past usually had a surprise for the end. This year, nothing surprising, and their conference as as boring as Sony' and MS's.

Have to disagree. Nintendo sometimes tend to have the most boring E3s. The most entertaining imo goes to MS. Ninty did great in the year they unveiled 3ds. Totally hit it out of the park. But they failed last two years with the WiiU unveiling. They however have plenty of devs that have yet to show their games so this E3 will definitely be better than the last two.

i stopped reading as soon as i read this.

Thanks you saved me some time


i stopped reading as soon as i read this.

Okay, I respect that, but I'd like to ask you and everyone else a question: If you truly believe they can afford to mass produce and distribute a PS4, and there's nothing wrong in believing that then where do you think they're going to get the cash they need to do that? Developing a dedicated gaming console can't be cheap I would imagine. With Sony's mess, they don't have a whole helluva lot of money to go spending at all I'd think. What money that is there now is probably being used to help finish Vita projects and close out the PS3's lifespan on a good note. Plus daily operating expenses. So I'm just asking respectfully where the mass production/distribution money is gonna come from in their case.


bh... interesting predictions, but why would Apple bother putting dedicated gaming hardware into the upcoming Apple TV when you can already stream games from any iOS device to your home setup through the current Apple TV?

I really didn't know you could stream games to any iOS device using Apple TV currently! I thought it was just limited strictly to movies, TV shows and music via AirPlay.

But to answer the question, the reason I can see them bothering to put dedicated gaming hardware into the next Apple TV would be both for convenience and also because there has to be some people who still don't understand streaming tech or how to use it. More for convenience and being able to plug in and play out of the box would be my guess though. If they make it incredibly easy to use, they might get a lot of the audience that was there for the Wii 6 years ago. The easier to use and the more convenient it is the better.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Hyping up E3 half a year in advance...

and yet I won't SMH because I too am already hyped. Xbox 720, Nintendo first party games, Fallout 4, MGS5, Bayonetta 2, and god knows what else is in store...

Half-Life 3


I have gone back and forth so much on whether or not to even post my predictions for this "next Gen" because when I have posted it, it's been met with a mixed response. However, like so many others here, after years of watching this stuff play out I think I can take a reasonably realistic crack at this. I don't have ANY insider connections or access to info. This is all just from watching these companies, and the massive market shift that's happened over the last several years and is still happening.

First off, just in my opinion, it's WAY too early to be making E3 predictions. It's 5 months out yet. The year is just 4 days old. Was kind of hoping this kind of thread would come a bit later this year, like in March or April but oh well. It is what it is.

Now for what I honestly expect "Next Gen" to look like:

Microsoft- Having watched them the last few years shift their focus from games to wanting to really get a huge multimedia initiative going, I'm going to say this much. MS will be releasing a box, that's for sure. Will people be happy with what they see at it's unveiling? I get the feeling not so much. YES, it will play games but I honestly think they are going for a set top box a la Apple TV with an enormous emphasis on multimedia. If I were them, I'd be going for a huge multimedia presence too. Any company who puts out a box at this point needs multimedia capabilities. It's just smart. Look at how Netflix and Hulu have both taken off. While the 360 can certainly do both currently, they're probably wanting something that will unify all of that..plus their own video and music services together. As I said, it will still play games but I think the gaming aspect is going to take a huge backseat in Microsoft's mind. The core of their gaming initiative going forward is probably going to be expanding Live onto PCs and tablets. Again, very smart move. Live has a massive install base on the 360 right now, expanding to PCs/tablets will give them an even bigger audience and give you lots of ways to access and use it. I don't see the "core" gamers being too thrilled with MS's direction at all. In fact when that thing is unveiled I fully expect to see plenty of fits thrown. It's a pretty good hunch where they're headed though.

Nintendo- I am gonna be honest, the Wii U launch has shocked the crap out of me. I disagree strongly with all these people online going "Wii U flopped! Plenty in stores!" It IS true there's plenty in stores but I think Reggie and Scott Moffitt did an excellent job of keeping their word on plentiful supply for the holidays. I'm really impressed by that. They said everyone that wanted one for Christmas would be able to find one and that's what happened. I think what people are seeing (area dependent of course) is constant restocking. Not in all locations but definitely the areas where it's doing well. In 2013, everyone that has been begging to get sneak peeks at Retro's project, SSB4, and the next 3D Mario will get that. I'd suspect at least 2 of those 3 will be Holiday 2013 games. It's anyone's guess what they're cooking up for 2014 though for Wii U. I expect 3DS to have a good year. I think some of the localizations people want will happen, others not. I have a feeling we'll see DQ7 at the very least. I think their smartest bet is to convince those who still don't want a Wii U why it's worth buying. If they can do that they'll be fine.

Sony- That company.. is in serious crap. There's no two ways around it. I'm not a financial expert or armchair analyst. Not gonna pretend to be. I hate to put it that bluntly but they are in for the fight of their existence right now. The next year to 18 months and what they do will seal their final fate, be it good or bad. They haven't got a lot of time to fix their mess and they'll only get one chance to do it-if they're lucky. I'll get the easiest part of this out of the way now: Vita. Vita's pretty much done folks. I hate to say that, too. It's a great portable that just came a few years too late. I think Vita got as close to a miracle as it's gonna get in November with that astounding 250k boost. IF it had launched at that price, with a memory card..it would have had a better fate. Right now, I suspect Sony and 3rd parties will honor all current Vita projects. After that it's done. Sony's aim will be to get Tearaway, Warriors Lair, and Dragon's Crown out at least. I expect discontinuation will come by mid year. Late year absolute latest if they want to just drag this out for some insane reason. Next is PS4...Guys, I think Sony was able to afford to build and distribute dev kits, I believe that much. But the bottom line is I do not expect them to be able to afford to mass produce a PS4. With their situation I just don't see it. IF I end up wrong come E3, I'll eat my hat and maturely admit I was wrong. With the shape they're in though a PS4 in any form will be suicidal. They cannot afford even the slightest risk of a loss with something like that. They can't take that kind of loss. They simply can't afford it in monetary terms. Playstation has had an amazing 15 year history. People need to be grateful for and celebrate that. I just think their mess is beyond the point of no return. If it's not there yet, it will be soon. Management doesn't want to face hard reality or make the changes needed for whatever reason. How much longer they have depends on what they do this year. Whatever that involves will have to have PS3 at the center.

Before I get to my last prediction, I'd like to vent a concern of mine that I see ALL over on forums, not just this one. People think this whole "System Wars" thing is some eternal battle with these 3 companies, that it must include these 3 and no others, and they are exempt from the laws and rules of business. As you're seeing in Sony's case, that last part isn't true. Everything's changed and shifted so much in the last 6 to 7 years that it's affecting all 3 of those companies greatly. Yes, even the house of Mario. That's thanks to tablets in general and specifically Apple which brings me to my final prediction.

People say "Hell no!" and "They're not wanted" to Apple entering the gaming space but the reality is they've been watching this whole generation play out, looking for an ideal opportunity to jump in and I do think they've found it finally. At first, I thought they'd do a traditional console like MS and Sony. Over time though I've become convinced their plans involve Apple TV. Just a few weeks ago, there was that article talking about Apple's Smart TV and the next gen Apple TV. People need to pay really damn good attention to it because I think they're gonna jump in with the next gen of Apple TV. It WILL have some sort of physical controller, whether that be your iPhone or iTouch we'll have to wait and see. The bottom line is, they've already got the infrastructure in place needed to whoop Live's ass. They don't need to do it from the ground up. How will they do it? Marry and fuse together iTunes, App Store, and Game Center into a streamlined system like Live. I'm not sure if it'll include things like Voice/Party chat but you can bet your ass they'll fuse those 3 things together. If they make it intuitive and easy to use/navigate-well MS is going to have their fiesta crashed needless to say. Let's say they launch it at $99 bucks...they're going to sell a frickin crap ton of the things at that price guaranteed. Even if they launch at 150 or 200 they'll still do well. This is the smartest thing they could possibly have come up with. Just imagine, your full iTunes music/movie/tv show library, Netflix, Hulu, Game Center plus App store with games that take advantage of the new Apple TV's power-can't see any reason why that won't sell. All they need to do is fuse those 3 things together, unified accounts that cover iTunes, App Store, and Game Center, package it up in a great UI and yeah MS will be the first ones to hurt. It's coming. If it launches this Christmas hooooo boy that's gonna disrupt MS big time.

I do not believe Valve has the complete resources needed to jump into the console space. Eventually, yes. Right now, no. Right now it's like a puzzle that's a third to half way done.

Those are my predictions, which I stand by and are very strong guesstimates on what I think will happen. If I'm wrong on any of em I'll admit it later maturely but we'll see. It's going to be an...interesting year to say the very least.

Don't quit your day job
I'm guilty of being one of the people that thought Nintendo would bring the heat last E3, and at the very least would be better than MS and Sony since they were launching a console. Started off OK with Miyamoto and the Pikmin in his suit and then immediately drove right off a cliff. They managed to be the worst, which I guess is impressive, just not the kind of "impressive" I was expecting. And then they attempted to salvage it with another 3DS conference held later in the week, and that managed to be just as bad.

Everyone thought Nintendo´s conf will be the best. Even before watching Sony and MS´s conf, since Nintendo was re-revealing their new console. No one thought it would be this abysmal.


I think in my opinion a lot of people hypes Nintendo's conference the most because Nintendo is very secretive about what they will announce, they might confirm a few titles to be shown but that's it, everything else is a secret (E3 2010 was a huge contender of this), while Sony and Microsoft usually announce what they will show off, even new games.

That's what I think of course.
Okay, I respect that, but I'd like to ask you and everyone else a question: If you truly believe they can afford to mass produce and distribute a PS4, and there's nothing wrong in believing that then where do you think they're going to get the cash they need to do that? Developing a dedicated gaming console can't be cheap I would imagine. With Sony's mess, they don't have a whole helluva lot of money to go spending at all I'd think. What money that is there now is probably being used to help finish Vita projects and close out the PS3's lifespan on a good note. Plus daily operating expenses. So I'm just asking respectfully where the mass production/distribution money is gonna come from in their case.

Do you know about the concept of revenue, expenses, and profit?

Sony can afford to produce the PS4, either funding that expense through corporate debt issuance, cash on hand, or short term corporate loans.

As long as they aren't taking a massive loss on the hardware like they did for the PS4, they should easily be able to service that debt without much issue.

Sony's problems as a company right now have nothing to do with gaming, which is profitable for them. Sony is going through a complete restructuring of unprofitable business units right now (electronics, particularly TVs) in order to get back to profitability.

As for Nintendo - the Wii U situation is ABSOLUTELY DIRE, approaching Vita levels from what we know from Europe. You are definitely premature in thinking that Nintendo is doing okay on the Wii U vis-a-vis "steady supply".


Okay, I respect that, but I'd like to ask you and everyone else a question: If you truly believe they can afford to mass produce and distribute a PS4, and there's nothing wrong in believing that then where do you think they're going to get the cash they need to do that? Developing a dedicated gaming console can't be cheap I would imagine. With Sony's mess, they don't have a whole helluva lot of money to go spending at all I'd think. What money that is there now is probably being used to help finish Vita projects and close out the PS3's lifespan on a good note. Plus daily operating expenses. So I'm just asking respectfully where the mass production/distribution money is gonna come from in their case.

It's actually quite remarkable how wrong you are. This is all speculation but I don't think anybody even needs to justify telling you how wrong you are because you are just that wrong. It's really quite staggering how you managed to do that.


Any chances to see something from Valve at CES?
Steam box is supposed to be produced by different manifacturers and it could be a mix between a consoles and a pc.

Any chances to see something from Microsoft next week after CES?
So they will be the first to open the dances. If I remember correctly we saw some glimpse of Xbox Live in an event some months in advance, maybe was the GDC.


new next gen consoles from Sony and MS, but they'll both have anti used game tech, so everyone will flock to Nintendo.

Seriously though i think Nintendo needs to come big or go home.


Junior Member
All of them have something to lose. Lets look at the position of consoles according to market share and where they stand

1) Wii - 97.18 million consoles
Is in first position and they were in the best position to capitalize on that with the launch of WiiU. They just messed up. They designed a console that is neither to tempting or different like the Wii was for casuals to get into nor did they design a powerful enough console to get the hardcore ps3/360 crowd in. They really need to bring in their A game this E3 and hope that all the potentially great software will get people to buy the console. They may also need a price cut.

2) Sony - 70.2 million consoles

Just overtook MS worldwide to be the second best selling console and I only expect this gap between PS3 and 360 to widen. But they have lost a lot of market share compared to last gen and this is mainly in the US which is hurting them. They really need to crack US next gen because I dont see anything which is going to hurt them in the rest of the world as the PS brand is very very popular. They probably need a major online shooter at the start of next gen to really capture the shooter crowd and they really need to market the shit out of their new system in the US to have a chance of keeping pace with MS. I have no doubt they will have great software that will sell 4 - 5 million but they need a 10 million or 11 million seller at the start to get that momentum going.

3) MS - 70 million consoles
MS while in third position now has made significant strides especially in the US. They are still not quite there world wide in terms of popularity but they are strong in the US now which is what matters most. I however do not think if they just repeat whatever they did this gen it will work out. They will continue to lost market share unless they start focusing on exclusive software and keep bringing in new IP's. There is only so much that marketing can do to keep people from feeling jaded. The speculated deal with Bungie and Activison could be just the launch they need to blast and propel ahead of ps4 right out of the gate in US. They need to somehow figure out Europe and the rest of the world better than they have this gen.


All of them have something to lose. Lets look at the position of consoles according to market share and where they stand

1) Wii - 97.18 million consoles
Is in first position and they were in the best position to capitalize on that with the launch of WiiU. They just messed up. They designed a console that is neither to tempting or different like the Wii was for casuals to get into nor did they design a powerful enough console to get the hardcore ps3/360 crowd in. They really need to bring in their A game this E3 and hope that all the potentially great software will get people to buy the console. They may also need a price cut.

2) Sony - 70.2 million consoles

Just overtook MS worldwide to be the second best selling console and I only expect this gap between PS3 and 360 to widen. But they have lost a lot of market share compared to last gen and this is mainly in the US which is hurting them. They really need to crack US next gen because I dont see anything which is going to hurt them in the rest of the world as the PS brand is very very popular. They probably need a major online shooter at the start of next gen to really capture the shooter crowd and they really need to market the shit out of their new system in the US to have a chance of keeping pace with MS. I have no doubt they will have great software that will sell 4 - 5 million but they need a 10 million or 11 million seller at the start to get that momentum going.

3) MS - 70 million consoles
MS while in third position now has made significant strides especially in the US. They are still not quite there world wide in terms of popularity but they are strong in the US now which is what matters most. I however do not think if they just repeat whatever they did this gen it will work out. They will continue to lost market share unless they start focusing on exclusive software and keep bringing in new IP's. There is only so much that marketing can do to keep people from feeling jaded. The speculated deal with Bungie and Activison could be just the launch they need to blast and propel ahead of ps4 right out of the gate in US. They need to somehow figure out Europe and the rest of the world better than they have this gen.

Europe will be no way near as revelent next gen as its been this gen.


Nintendo need to bring it, but they don't have what it takes to get anywhere close to Sony/MS console reveals. If the next gen consoles hit late 2013 they'll eclipse the WiiU sales in short time.

Endo Punk

Nintendo needs to do everything they can to improve WiiU's importance in the market. It's quite clear that the system didn't get the amazing start the Wii did but as the 3DS has shown they do have the ability to turn it around rather quickly. And that's exactly what they need to do at E3 because all eyes will be on Sony and MS new systems, they just have to show up whereas as Nintendo need to go balls outs.


GAF setting itself up for disappointement half a year in advance. The tears will flow.

I expect at least one next gen console announced before or at E3 or it will be an even bigger waste than the last years. Bullshots, hype, betrayaltons, yes, feed them to me.

And I want a goddamn PS4 to release within 15 months or I'll be super pissed about not getting a PS3 for my room at 175€ (my phatty stays at home with my big tv while I'm at uni)


The economy is just so bad whilst it wasn't as bad in the early years of this gen. I do think it's going to come down to the NA markets more then ever, possibly the UK could be counted as well.


As far as gamers as a crowd I am going to say Microsoft. A lot of rumors out there about the next Xbox that make me weary of purchasing one. But to be fair, a lot of rumors that make me salivate. I really do thing they need to show that gamers are still important to them since we have taken a back seat for nearly 3 years now when it comes to their exclusive catalog.

I would also say Nintendo. I was planning on buying a Wii u. Their conference completely put me off.

Miles X

All of them have something to lose. Lets look at the position of consoles according to market share and where they stand

1) Wii - 97.18 million consoles
Is in first position and they were in the best position to capitalize on that with the launch of WiiU. They just messed up. They designed a console that is neither to tempting or different like the Wii was for casuals to get into nor did they design a powerful enough console to get the hardcore ps3/360 crowd in. They really need to bring in their A game this E3 and hope that all the potentially great software will get people to buy the console. They may also need a price cut.

2) Sony - 70.2 million consoles

Just overtook MS worldwide to be the second best selling console and I only expect this gap between PS3 and 360 to widen. But they have lost a lot of market share compared to last gen and this is mainly in the US which is hurting them. They really need to crack US next gen because I dont see anything which is going to hurt them in the rest of the world as the PS brand is very very popular. They probably need a major online shooter at the start of next gen to really capture the shooter crowd and they really need to market the shit out of their new system in the US to have a chance of keeping pace with MS. I have no doubt they will have great software that will sell 4 - 5 million but they need a 10 million or 11 million seller at the start to get that momentum going.

3) MS - 70 million consoles
MS while in third position now has made significant strides especially in the US. They are still not quite there world wide in terms of popularity but they are strong in the US now which is what matters most. I however do not think if they just repeat whatever they did this gen it will work out. They will continue to lost market share unless they start focusing on exclusive software and keep bringing in new IP's. There is only so much that marketing can do to keep people from feeling jaded. The speculated deal with Bungie and Activison could be just the launch they need to blast and propel ahead of ps4 right out of the gate in US. They need to somehow figure out Europe and the rest of the world better than they have this gen.

No, it didn't, how misinformed can you be. Gonna look like a plank come the next financials.


Junior Member
No, it didn't, how misinformed can you be. Gonna look like a plank come the next financials.

Well according to wiki these are the latest financial data as of Sept 30, 2012. Are there any other figures out there that suggests otherwise? Even IGN mentioned this when listing the order of best selling home consoles last week. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/02/playstation-2-production-ceases-in-japan

1) PS1
2) PS2
3) Wii
4) PS3
5) X360
based on the latest data.
Have to disagree. Nintendo sometimes tend to have the most boring E3s. The most entertaining imo goes to MS. Ninty did great in the year they unveiled 3ds. Totally hit it out of the park. But they failed last two years with the WiiU unveiling. They however have plenty of devs that have yet to show their games so this E3 will definitely be better than the last two.
I assumed this about the 2012 E3, after the 2011 E3.

I refuse to assume this for the 2013 E3, after that.

Miles X

Well according to wiki these are the latest financial data as of Sept 30, 2012. Is there any other figures out there that suggests otherwise. Even IGN mentioned this when listing the order of best selling home consoles http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/02/playstation-2-production-ceases-in-japan

1) PS1
2) PS2
3) Wii
4) PS3
5) X360
based on the latest data.

Wiki is wrong, shouldn't take everything from that site seriously.

That 70.2 mill figure from Sony was for early September, not end of September. We have no idea what it was then because they combine PS2 and PS3.

October/ Early nov they will be shipping millions in time for xmas, it's totally (likely) the 360 was at 72m~ the same time sony announced 70 mill.

It doesn't matter what the latest data is, still doesn't mean the PS3 is ahead, just as the next lot of financials will show.

The Lamp


They've sort of become an underdog in the industry. That coupled with their current struggles as a company overall, they REALLY need to kick ass next-gen.

They've proved enough to me. From how well they've handled free online as well as the amazing IPs in their stable i'm pretty much set in line for a PS4 if it's a natural follow up to the PS3.
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