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F.E.A.R. 2 Demo

nightez said:
They are both FPS shooters. And both coming out to retail next month, so for many people its the time to decide which game they are buying.

People have been doing this with Killzone 2 for the last year which is why everybody is annoyed with the Killzone 2 people on the board. It has nothing to do with it coming out at roughly the same time.

Then you have the PC elite crowd going back at it the other way. Makes for a very annoying thread in general.
Twix said:
BTW, is it me or the game looks average visually ? I remember the PC version of the first F.E.A.R being much prettier, and it was released in 2005 :|


Perhaps KZ 2 should come with a straightjacket for some of its most insane fans around here.

Anyway, the FEAR2 demo was really nice. Awaiting more.


I can't believe some of you guys.

No, maybe it is just me, but here in my little dreamworld, I think all you guys complaining about the game's graphics are fucking off-your-rockers crazy. I played this demo last night with some buds--on 360, no less--and we all thought the graphics looked fantastic.

Not only that, but the demo was hella fun to play. +1 sale, no doubt.

And to think I almost ignored the demo based on some of the feedback here.


I'd be in the dick
Kolgar said:
I can't believe some of you guys.

No, maybe it is just me, but here in my little dreamworld, I think all you guys complaining about the game's graphics are fucking off-your-rockers crazy. I played this demo last night with some buds--on 360, no less--and we all thought the graphics looked fantastic.

Not only that, but the demo was hella fun to play. +1 sale, no doubt.

And to think I almost ignored the demo based on some of the feedback here.
I think people have just gotten jaded. I thought that the demo on PS3 looked great. The otherworld scenes were done brilliantly and were jawdropping. I was really impressed with the gameplay as well. It was a strong demo and I don't get the hate.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Kabuki Waq said:
all the crap blur and grain filters dont do the game any favours. But looks to be fun B level game.
If you can't do velocity based object motion blur, it's better not to have it at all. Although, their post processing effects work well in ghost sequences.


Stoney Mason said:

this picture looks like crap for sure (thanks to the highly compression done by IGN) but it did not look that bad on my PC, more like:


I admit that I went too far with " much prettier ", but we can’t deny the effect of the higher resolution/frame rate on the human eye.I don’t usually care too much for graphics, but this time it was strange enough for me to comment, so let’s say F.E.A.R 2 does not look much better than the first one :)
I don't know people, I think some of the complaints in this thread are unfounded. Granted, I didn't play the first FEAR but I've played through the demo several times already and I had a lot of fun. The only real complaint I have is the weird shuttering thing the demo has on the PC (thanks to everyone who responded to my post a page or two back concerning the issue).
Anyways, the graphics are good, the gunplay is fun, and it scared me. Seems like a good game to me. I will give it to you that it did seem very "gunplay / ghost / gunplay" but it's just a demo...maybe the game will pan out differently. Same with the AI. I really don't see how people can assume so much about the enemy AI from a single demo. That seems like something to be judged in the final game. Oh well, still day one for me. Gonna try to get the first FEAR before that too.


^^yikes, my screens look like shit on my mac. :lol not nearly as much grain filter in the actual game.

FEAR 1 was pretty much gun fight > ghosts > gun fight. but the gun fights were awesome and forced you to effectively use your environments. and it's one of the more satisfying games--the guns and kills just feel right. If the set pieces are good, I wouldn't mind that progression (with mech fights thrown in.)
Mamesj said:
must look really bad on consoles. Maxed on the PC version, that last section when you're outside and then in the mech suit, it looked on better than all the screens and gifs I've seen of KZ2. and it was running at 60fps.

btw, the bar is Crysis, not Killzone.

I played the demo on max on my rig at 1440x900 and it didn't even hold a candle to the multiplayer beta of Killzone 2.

Even at 60 fps, the gameplay is nowhere near as smooth as Killzone nor does it have the animation, lighting, particle effects, etc.

Edit: And the MP beta was some early alpha build.. And it was multiplayer.
The latest shown build has added a tremendous amount of effects.


Banstick Emeritus
Why are you guys comparing console games to the PC version of this demo again?

Wait, it's because shit-disturbing is an Olympic sport and you're going for the gold.

Carry on.


aka Ryder
bishoptl said:
Why are you guys comparing console games to the PC version of this demo again?

Wait, it's because shit-disturbing is an Olympic sport and you're going for the gold.

Carry on.

It's as if Killzone 2, for whatever reason, can't be good unless every other game is bad. Christ.


OK, I just completed the demo on 360 and I have to laugh heartily at anyone who blasts these graphics. This is one of the best-looking games I've played, period. The particles, the effects, the lighting, animation and atmosphere are all spectacular.

As for the
, well, I simply wasn't prepared for so much awesome. That right there took this game to a whole new level for me. I played that section with my jaw hanging open, so happy was I with what I was seeing.

And as for that other game whose name begins with a K, well, I can't tell if its fans are just running amok in here and dissing Fear out of fear or if that game really is that extraordinary, but I'm going to find out for myself in a week or two.

Until then, I'm mightily impressed with the Fear 2 demo, and it has once again reminded me to trust no one's opinion but my own.


fine, my post was edited to diffuse further controversy.

Would get this on day 1, but you know
Street Fighter IV
comes out so close to it.
Kolgar said:
OK, I just completed the demo on 360 and I have to laugh heartily at anyone who blasts these graphics. This is one of the best-looking games I've played, period. The particles, the effects, the lighting, animation and atmosphere are all spectacular.

see on one hand I dont agree with peope who say the game looks like shit....but on the other hand I definately dont agree with the poster above. Cant there be a middle ground?

its looks OK. Thats it.


I played this with everything maxed out at 1920*1200 on the PC, also played the PS3 version this morning. The PS3 has some issues with framerate, hell, I also experienced sound cutoff near the sniper area that lasted for a bit, but graphically, it's the very same assets as the PC. For some reason though, I prefer the look of the PS3 version, it's more in your face. If the devs are able to polish these framerate hiccups and have no sound cutoff on the PS3, it will be a very solid port IMO.

What's with Monolith and the PS3 though, didn't these guys have similar sound issues with Condemned 2 on the PS3?


Man this thread is ruined by PC gamers bitching about consolification of FPS, and then you got Killzone fanboys trying to talk shit about the game.

Go play your fucking Crysis, go fucking play your Killzone 2!!

I'm going to be playing F.E.A.R.2 and so are the other people who enjoyed the demo.


Kabuki Waq said:
see on one hand I dont agree with peope who say the game looks like shit....but on the other hand I definately dont agree with the poster above. Cant there be a middle ground?

its looks OK. Thats it.

Here's my story: I don't have a gaming PC. It's 360 and PS3 for me, and that means my "best-looking game" is probably different than yours.

I've spent a lot of time with the likes of Gears, UT3, Fallout 3, Lost Planet and Uncharted, and Fear 2 looks like it ranks right up there near the top of the console heap in visuals. To me.

But I'm going to get off the graphics kick now because I think focusing on visuals takes away from the rest of Fear 2's accomplishments. I also enjoyed demo for its weapon variety and its feel. Those weapons felt good to use, and the cover system was new to me and I liked it.

Good job, Monolith.


Devs! Please remove the blue or lighting up of enemy's in slowmo. It takes away from the experience ( looks really fake ), and the enemy's are spottable without it.

Please include that or an option to turn it off! This is the 360 version btw. I would buy it if you guys did!


Played the demo for the second time last night. It's very rare for me to play a demo more than once. I'm in love with this game. Can't fucking wait.


Played the demo, just because I was bored. I had fun, but will probably get it when price drops after some time.


I've played both the PS3 and 360 versions. Graphics seem pretty much the same on both- good but not great. Good as in, plenty acceptable and doubtful that I'll give it a worry when I get the retail version. Framerate seemed much smoother on 360, and I've found that playing around with the brightness settings makes a pretty big difference with how much the grain filters are noticeable. I preferred the controls on the 360 version. Hate aiming and shooting on L2/R2 on the Dualshock, but for some reason, it felt especially bad with this game. Loved FEAR, definite day one.


I played around with both the 360 and PS3 demo. The only things I really noticed was sharper edged on some things on the PS3 (and some textures like kids drawings were grainier close up) and that the PS3 one controlled a hell of a lot better...though that might just be my preference for a sony controller.

Otherwise I didn't really notice any difference.


facing a bright new dawn
Mar_ said:
Played the demo for the second time last night. It's very rare for me to play a demo more than once. I'm in love with this game. Can't fucking wait.

Yup, yup!
That shit when Alma jumps up and grabs you scared the hell out of me the second time around too


bistromathics said:
Yup, yup!
That shit when Alma jumps up and grabs you scared the hell out of me the second time around too

The one that got me every time, and the one that I thought was a really cool idea. Was the bit where you're just walking down a corridor and a sound effect happens. Nothing is there and you keep walking forward. But then you turn around just to see if it meant anything, and there's Alma walking behind you then she disappears.

The second time through I kept walking almost to the door out thinking that I'd walk past the trigger and she wouldn't be there. Just as I was about to leave I turn around and there she is. Scared the fuck out of me.


Mar_ said:
The one that got me every time, and the one that I thought was a really cool idea. Was the bit where you're just walking down a corridor and a sound effect happens. Nothing is there and you keep walking forward. But then you turn around just to see if it meant anything, and there's Alma walking behind you then she disappears.

The second time through I kept walking almost to the door out thinking that I'd walk past the trigger and she wouldn't be there. Just as I was about to leave I turn around and there she is. Scared the fuck out of me.

Scary games terrify me whereas movies can't

Played through clive barkers undying not too long ago... not a great looking game anymore but utilizes audio well enough that ugly models are still scary.


So I finally just played and beat the demo, after putting it off for so long, and I have to say, I'm mildly impressed, and wouldn't blame anyone who would want to pick this game up.

Maybe its because I don't play horror shooters, or a lot of horror games, but I liked it a lot. I liked what the developers pulled off on a visual standpoint, and the gameplay is good enough for what they're trying to deliver.

The highlights of the demo would definitely have to be the horror segments, with the quick flashes of the scenery changing, or whatever, along with the final segment where you get to drive around the mech. I'm highly impressed by the grainy digital post-processing effects, and how it convincingly looks like I'm looking through a camera.

I did, however, experience a technical glitch, where until I died and the game reloaded from the last checkpoint, I lost almost all sound, with the exception of ambient noise, so that was pretty weird. Even if it wasn't intentional, it didn't take away from the presentation.

I don't see myself buying this game anytime soon, though, mostly because I didn't play the first one to begin with, and I didn't really know what was going on with the story.

edit: I don't understand the hate in this thread. Why are people comparing it to KZ2 and such?


Downloaded this on steam tonight. All I am left with is a feeling of..holy shit.

This game crept under my radar and now I cannot wait to buy it. I was so happy to be able to essentially max it out at 1900x1200. It has some really nice filter effects to really make the graphics pop. If this demo is indicative as to how the rest of the game plays...holy shit.

Why people on these boards downplay the graphics is beyond me. Sloppy port to consoles I guess? (haven't played those versions yet). I went in with low expectations and the graphics seriously blew me away. Amazing stuff. Cover system was great. Okay I'm done now.


Well it seems all of the haters have gotten it out of their systems and moved back to their respective threads and what's left is the fans and fence-sitters. How it should be. :D

Maybe we should get an official thread going.


The game has a great clean look and is running at 60+ frames on the highest settings... that's all I ever want out of a pc game. I love looking a games like Crysis, but it's so frustrating to play sometimes.

Stoney Mason said:
*Shitty FEAR picture*

Not even fair. Not even a hint of AA.

First game looked pretty good compared to FEAR 2. The only real thing lacking is the post-processing effects.

Why the hell isn't FEAR on Steam?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Kabuki Waq said:
see on one hand I dont agree with peope who say the game looks like shit....but on the other hand I definately dont agree with the poster above. Cant there be a middle ground?

its looks OK. Thats it.

I agree with you, I beat the demo on both the PS3 and PC, and while the game isn't bad looking by any means, it's not amazing looking either, kind of disappointing considering how good FEAR looked when it was first released.

Anyways, I think Monolith went more for shit flying everywhere and walls being destroyed in a firefight and just the general horror atmosphere rather than going after groundbreaking graphics, and in that aspect I think they nailed it.


I'm replaying FEAR right now and it looks pretty good to me (but I just changed to HDMI cables this past weekend as well).. Fear 2 looks good as well.

Regardless I just think that FEAR 2 is going to hit a pattern like Condemned 2 did, and we will see a price drop within a few months. I think I am going to wait it out, or at least for a used copy since we all know people will be trading this in for Street Fighter and RE 5.

FEAR 1 and Files are still holding up great with the A.I. and gunplay inside them!


Kingpen said:
Regardless I just think that FEAR 2 is going to hit a pattern like Condemned 2 did, and we will see a price drop within a few months.

I don't know, probably not so fast on the pc side of things. F.E.A.R. was had a pretty dedicated online following, especially when they made online free to play.


facing a bright new dawn
Proc said:
I don't know, probably not so fast on the pc side of things. F.E.A.R. was had a pretty dedicated online following, especially when they made online free to play.

ehhh...I'm not buying this for the multiplayer, that's for sure


I'm impressed by how optimized this game is. Thanks to my crappy graphics card, I have to run this at the lowest settings, yet there's no slowdown at all.

It seems to be pretty cool game based on the demo. Then again the original was pretty cool at first, too. Hopefully this game won't end up being so repetitive like the first one.


I thought maybe I might be crazy on hating on this game so I gave the demo a second shot. Even went up a difficulty level to see if the AI improved. I didn't even notice a difference. I even approached two guys that weren't facing me. Shot one in the back with the shot gun and looked at the other one. He didn't even flinch.. all he said was I think I heard something. Took some pics 1920x1080 everything maxed out.



shouldn't the glass like fall to the ground or something?
Also saw this pic in another forum..

wtf at the square wheels :/


bistromathics said:
ehhh...I'm not buying this for the multiplayer, that's for sure

neither am I, but I was pleasantly surprised by the community the original gathered when it went free to play. a bunch of my dorm mates got on board and played it quite a bit. it wasn't half bad.


McLovin said:
shouldn't the glass like fall to the ground or something?
Also saw this pic in another forum..
wtf at the square wheels :/

You're really focusing on the most insignificant things and you really seem to be going out of your way to point out the negatives. The AI thing sounds really embellished. The square wheels are a glitch. Some things seem to be missing their alpha mask.

You're not crazy for not liking something. It's just unnecessary to belligerently trashing a game. A lot of people almost avoided trying it because of all the backlash early on and ended up loving it. It's not like this game is a threat to killzone 2's success. I already have my copy preordered. :)

But this game is not bad or ugly in any way.


Did they take lean out? When I played I figured it was just rebound to a different key.

Also, is the 16x10 black bars only a demo thing?
Kingpen said:
I'm replaying FEAR right now and it looks pretty good to me (but I just changed to HDMI cables this past weekend as well).. Fear 2 looks good as well.

Regardless I just think that FEAR 2 is going to hit a pattern like Condemned 2 did, and we will see a price drop within a few months. I think I am going to wait it out, or at least for a used copy since we all know people will be trading this in for Street Fighter and RE 5.

On consoles almost certainly it will be price dropped relatively soon. Fear as a franchise doesn't carry a lot of cache on consoles and the multiplayer isn't really being hyped so it's pretty easy to believe it will find a hard time getting a dedicated player base.

For what its worth I replayed the demo till completion unlike the last time.

It's fun enough. I disagree completely completely about the stuff with the weapons not having weight. They are among some of the more weighty guns I've played in a shooter and I liked most of the weapons that were put on display

This go around I really noticed how slow it was. Consoles games generally slow down fps shooters for aiming purposes anyway (which honestly I generally like on a preference basis) but this one was really slowed down even noticeably among console games. That could be a turn off to some people.

As far as the AI its a tough call. It was fun combat but I agree the AI isn't as sharp as what I remember from the original Fear. This could of course be simply due to a demo being unrepresentative of the full range of combat AI within the game but its a fair gripe for it be noticed for a shooter that pretty much hung its hat on tough AI and tough opponents in the prior iteration.

For full price it's hard for me to pull the trigger especially with no multiplayer demo. It's very tempting to just wait until it's 30 dollars or so in a few months.
McLovin said:
I thought maybe I might be crazy on hating on this game so I gave the demo a second shot. Even went up a difficulty level to see if the AI improved. I didn't even notice a difference. I even approached two guys that weren't facing me. Shot one in the back with the shot gun and looked at the other one. He didn't even flinch.. all he said was I think I heard something

You need to realize that the AI right was toned down right there so it could introduce the player to the controls. If the enemies were super smart without the player knowing the controls, he/she would be screwed.


Stoney Mason said:
As far as the AI its a tough call. It was fun combat but I agree the AI isn't as sharp as what I remember from the original Fear. This could of course be simply due to a demo being unrepresentative of the full range of combat AI within the game but its a fair gripe for it be noticed for a shooter that pretty much hung its hat on tough AI and tough opponents in the prior iteration.

It's also the fact that you are fighting enemies in relatively small quarters and in pretty straightforward situations. In the first game they dropped your in relatively large areas were enemies were rushing in from different locations. The demo only really has enemies coming right at from the front. Hopefully the full game isn't limited to that type of encounter.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
The fake out freak thing with the ghosts and the place flashing to the alt-dimension or whatever is so lame, is it meant to be scary or something?
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