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Forbes: " Sony draws yawns ".

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It's amazing how two groups or people can watch the same thing and come off with two completely different conclusions.


Core407 said:
You should get out of gaming if you yawn at Kill Zone 2.
Not that I yawned at it, but is it really that bad if people yawned at yet another FPS game(and a sequel to boot), even if it is incredible-looking?
Hollywood_mIRC said:

Sweet justice. GAF =/ the rest of the populace.

GAF = LOLZ Nintendo sucks, exercise game? Sony wins!!!

Mainstream media, casual consumers - OOOOH! Exercise pack? Awesome. Sony = lame

Nintendo = $$$$$ :lol

Are you interested in games or how much money Nintendo makes? I always wondered that about some Nintendo fans like you.


Hollywood_mIRC said:

Sweet justice. GAF =/ the rest of the populace.

GAF = LOLZ Nintendo sucks, exercise game? Sony wins!!!

Mainstream media, casual consumers - OOOOH! Exercise pack? Awesome. Sony = lame

Nintendo = $$$$$ :lol
You say this like it's a good thing. Would you say the same crap if all Nintendo did was make non-game crap like this and gains monopoly over the industry?

We have known that GAF =/= rest of the world but this article is ****ing garbage on all accounts. There isn't even a mention of Microsoft here, if Sony garnered "yawns" then wtf was happening at Microsoft's conference?


fortified_concept said:
Are they ****ing stupidd or something? The way they're dismissing everything so easily and not even mention many great games is ridiculous. WTF is this shit?

They didn't ignore the games.

Most of them fall under the "too little too late" that they mentioned alongside MGS4.

We have to be a little realistic here. By the time the big guns hit, it really MIGHT be too late.


fortified_concept said:
Are they ****ing stupidd or something? The way they're dismissing everything so easily and not even mention many great games is ridiculous. WTF is this shit?
Welcome to bizarro world.
Drohne, DrinkyCow, all the Wii haters...

I give you +5 respect points for having sloughed through this.

I don't even know anymore...*cry* *sniff*...

*cries in corner*


Nintendo had it right. All those cheesy self-promoting montages, quirky peripherals, and exercise game probably resonated stronger with non-gaming journalist in attendance. Rachel Rosmarin has no love for Metal Gear 4 or Killzone 2.



titiklabingapat said:
In the eyes of the mainstream media, most FPS, hacknslash, adventure games outside of Tomb Raider, Platforming outside of Mario, and Pokemon's genre outside of Pokemon are all the same.
You mean they're not?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Sony deserved a lot of criticism for the shit they have pulled in the past, but they don't deserve this clearly out of touch sensationalism (PSP BF edition is not the best Sony has to offer) for what they did today from the mainstream media.

The media just loves everything that is "in" right now. When (if?) the PS3 starts shifting the units it should be doing, then the mainstream media will turn around and start fapping to everything Sony.

Don't take this article too seriously.
Wow, that article is the opposite of what i felt. Want a new psp, and they showed a whole slew of games that im going to buy, and games im looking foward to next year. Where the hell were these yawns?
sphinx said:
:lol :lol :lol

of course I added the :lol.

and by the way I think Mrs Rosmarin is being a little unfair this time around. Most of the time I agree with the media that flames sony but I think sony did deliver this time and catered nicely to their fanbase and followers.

the :lol was because you would think they'd proceed to praise their precious, selling nintendo Wii but all they said was the bathroom scale comment. This people are really hilarious.
I think that that is exactly the look Nintendo was going for, though.


Branduil said:
Not that I yawned at it, but is it really that bad if people yawned at yet another FPS game(and a sequel to boot), even if it is incredible-looking?
Shit like this wouldn't fly if the said game was another Halo/Gears of War/Half-Life.
TheGreatDave said:
And this is why Nintendo focused so much on Wii Fit

so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?


Core407 said:
You should get out of gaming if you yawn at Kill Zone 2.

I yawn at Kill Zone 2, but only because it isn't my kind of game. :p

The real test is in the gameplay department. Else Kill Zone 2 will be this gen's Turok64. Are there any impressions yet of Kill Zone 2 or is there only a trailer?
The only new games Sony showed were a stick figure puzzle game that looks like it was made by students and some game about a bald guying running through traffic.

It takes a magical type of fanboy dillusion to think Sony's conference was impressive.
bigfatgameguy said:
Wow, that article is the opposite of what i felt. Want a new psp, and they showed a whole slew of games that im going to buy, and games im looking foward to next year. Where the hell were these yawns?
As a DS and Nintendo fan I actually went "wtf" at the new PSP as in "um...what's different?" I'm interested in it but it comes down to $160 vs $230 for a hand held...

I don't know how I feel to be honest. I think it's time for me to reflect as a fanboy and see if I can continue on *cry*


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Dahbomb said:
You say this like it's a good thing. Would you say the same crap if all Nintendo did was make non-game crap like this and gains monopoly over the industry?

We have known that GAF =/= rest of the world but this article is ****ing garbage on all accounts. There isn't even a mention of Microsoft here, if Sony garnered "yawns" then wtf was happening at Microsoft's conference?

because sony actually had to announce a bunch more games, and they really didn't... a couple PSN games and infamous doesn't really count.

Microsoft is already heavily loaded for the fall, so even if Microsoft announced roughly the same amount of new games as Sony... They still have an absolutely stellar line up. Microsoft didn't really need to impress this E3, sony did. Both of them held par.


TheGreatDave said:
Hey guys, you can read This as well if you feel like being angry.

"Sony's E3 briefing was more like a blind guy throwing a bunch of darts, hoping some will actually hit the board."

"Sony really should have taken a page from Nintendo..."


The only "Whoa!" moment came from a product that wasn't even made by Sony. Midway sort of stole the show with a live demo of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


of course it's too late, the industry was converted by shits marketing exercise software as legitimate videogames. Sony can't win consumers unless they drop PS3 now and start marketing mascot hero and wine connoisseur training coupled to $10 dollar hardware.
I agree with this. As vanilla as the Nintendo conference was, the Sony one just bored me to tears. Maybe it was the horrible video feed but I just couldn't get into the products.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Know what's funny about that article and made me ignore it altogether from the start? The audiences for both Microsoft and Nintendo's conferences were pretty rough. In the Sony conference, it seemed the crowd was more into everything going on. More applause and the like.

I mean, there surely wasn't any awkward moments such as "This is our Halo 3 themed 360!" "*crickets*" "This is the wheel that will be introduced with Mario Kart." "*crickets*" "This is Wii Zapper." "*crickets*" Sure, Jack was awkward with his convos while in Home, but at least it wasn't while he was introducing a new product.

But w/e.
GremlinInTheMachine said:
The only new games Sony showed were a stick figure puzzle game that looks like it was made by students and some game about a bald guying running through traffic.

It takes a magical type of fanboy dillusion to think Sony's conference was impressive.
You are kidding me. Okay....okay...so which conference was the best to you?....

omg rite said:
They didn't ignore the games.

Most of them fall under the "too little too late" that they mentioned alongside MGS4.

We have to be a little realistic here. By the time the big guns hit, it really MIGHT be too late.

Well if Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Lair, R&C, LBP etc. that will be released this year didn't exist I'd agree with you.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Here is a hint to the mainstream press: It's all about the games, stupid!


GremlinInTheMachine said:
The only new games Sony showed were a stick figure puzzle game that looks like it was made by students and some game about a bald guying running through traffic.

It takes a magical type of fanboy dillusion to think Sony's conference was impressive.

Yeah, it wasn't exactly anything groundbreaking or huge.

People are just happy they showed GAMES in general, whereas Nintendo went a more calm route catering to a different audience.
gketter said:
so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?

You hit the nail on the head. Couldn't have said it better.
gketter said:
so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?
huh? you that bothered by the wii? eh....ps3 still gets the big blockbuster games like GTA, MGS, Stranglehold, RE5, Unreal, etc etc......you can let Wii owners to their minigames and Rygar remakes lol


gketter said:
so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?

Maybe these people enjoy non games like wii sports and wii fit. I suppose you would be in the category of gamers that think devs should cater to you even if they die.


fortified_concept said:
Well if Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Lair, R&C, LBP etc. that will be released this year didn't exist I'd agree with you.

I didn't say GOOD games. I mean games that make a difference. LBP isn't one of them.

Will Uncharted and R&C push systems? I just don't personally see any exclusive system sellers for PS3 this year.


i LOVE it, hardcore Nintendo fans display such unbridled devotion in the face of Nintendo's indifference. :lol


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
gketter said:
so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?
When are people going to realize that the PRESS conferences were "cater[ed]" to the press?

It's not like Nintendo doesn't have a slew of 'real' games for both its systems for the rest of the year.

Talk about ridiculous hyperbole. It's like Wii Fit is the only thing Nintendo is going to release for the next year.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I guess after the E3 press conferences the nintendo fans battle cry is now "Nintendo makes lotz of monies" :lol

Who gives a ****, im not a stokcholder i couldnt care less how much money nintendo makes.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
gketter said:
so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?

Holy sense of elitist entitlement, Batman!
Kind of goes to show you what other people see the World as outside of the GAF / Hardcore Gamer bubble.

Although the mainstream media rarely gets it right with game consoles. Originally the 360 was a one year console, Nintendo was who? and PS3 was going to dominate the Wills of all life on the planet. Back in 2006... Well...


Master of the Google Search
gketter said:
so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?
gketter said:
so the gaming industry has now been reduced to catering to and making huge profits off of people who don't even enjoy the hobby we're in? ...and this is a good thing why?

That's the businesses view at least


I think Microsoft sort of cancelled Sony out from a mainstream press perspective.

They showed just as many games, and if I didn't know about the all-important rivalry between Halo 3 and Killzone 2 or the artistry of Hideo Kojima (and believe me, those things drive games industry growth) I might see the Wii conference as something fresh and unique.


Pristine_Condition said:
You hit the nail on the head. Couldn't have said it better.

Actually, he could have said it better and be.. you know, correct.


Kintaro said:
Know what's funny about that article and made me ignore it altogether from the start? The audiences for both Microsoft and Nintendo's conferences were pretty rough. In the Sony conference, it seemed the crowd was more into everything going on. More applause and the like.

I mean, there surely wasn't any awkward moments such as "This is our Halo 3 themed 360!" "*crickets*" "This is the wheel that will be introduced with Mario Kart." "*crickets*" "This is Wii Zapper." "*crickets*" Sure, Jack was awkward with his convos while in Home, but at least it wasn't while he was introducing a new product.

But w/e.
:lol QFT. Oh man when did I change!?

I used to be all Nintendo. But now I'm so confused, it's like out of nowhere my manufacturer of choice is changing slowly.

I for one could not get into the Nintendo conference. It was great at first when Reggie came up...but man I dunno.

Maybe I'm just developing different tastes.

Brawl and Kart will be mine though.
haha...gotta love the backpeddling fools.....pre-E3 the buzz was that Killzone wouldnt even come within a mile of matching the 2005 trailer....but now the buzz is that theres nothing groundbreaking or even impressive about the new Killzone2


like moles.....diggin holes
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