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JURASSIC WORLD a 'sci-fi terror adventure 22yrs after JP' News/Rumors/Info thread

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Giganotosaurus please.


It was already on that crappy PS1 game, make it canon please.

Good. Featherless dino's. As it should be.



I really really hope that what's in the OP isn't anywhere close to what will end up being in the movie. That whole premise is just dumb. It might work for kaijus, but not if they are going for realistic dinosaurs in Jurassic World.

What a joke.


People who don't want feathers on dinos are basically anti-science, right? :p
Haha. At this point, Jurassic Park has long ditched its 'scientifically interesting' aspects, so I'm not bothered. If they just want to create a scary, dinosaur-related movie that continues on with the tradition of non-feathered dino's from previous movies, then I think that's ok.
Outside of a few species we do not even know to what extent feathers were covering dinosaurs if at all.

May as well keep it how we have known them until we can prove otherwise

We have evidence that pretty much every branch of theropoda had feathers. Even Marginocephalia branch had filaments on their tail.
If I were making an actual park for people to come see, I would build the dino DNA without feathers. No one would come to a theme park to see giant ostriches. Just get Jeff Goldblum to mention that before some red shirt complaining about no feathers gets eaten.

This is actually something touched upon in the original book. Not feathers specifically, but that idea of reality vs expectation.

When creating the dinos for the park, Hammond and the chief geneticist Henry Wu argue over how they should be created.

Wu wants to create the Dinosaurs that people want and expect to see. Big slow lumbering giants. As the man putting their DNA back together, it's within his power to do so.

Hammond argues that they should create the real deal. As it turns out, dinosaurs aren't as slow and lumbering as the public would imagine. Even the T-Rex is fast and agile. Hammond's the boss, so he wins.

Of course this comes back to bite him in the ass later (har har har). And in the end as everyone knows, the foreign DNA used to fill in the gaps modifies the end result anyway.


I mentioned this in another dinosaur thread, but feathers on theropods aren't the only thing this movie needs to get right about dinosaurs. The original Jurassic Park went for a very dull greenish-brown shade of dinosaur skin, but evolution's winners tend to opt for more fanciful colorations, be it for reasons of sexual selection, as warnings to would be predators, mimicry, or camouflage. Compare Jurassic Park dinosaurs:

To modern reptiles:

Or very close relatives, birds:

You could even compare a deinonychus or utahraptor to an animal that occupies a similar ecological niche, like the tiger:

The closest analog to the Jurassic Park dinosaur colors would be the relatively black and dull coloration of crocodilians, and that's mostly due to their lack of choice in the matter. They need the black coloration to absorb the sunlight since they're ectotherms, but dinosaurs didn't have that limitation and would be free to have proliferate colorations.
Yeah, hoping for more colour. There are quite a number of ways they can make this new Jurassic Park feel fresh, but I don't see any hint of them trying it.
Some times a lot of color looks bad on screen as CG/Animatronic, so while it would be nice to see it, it may also backfire. I would personally like to see more color as well, but still more subdued.. This Komodo Dragon sports a nice range of colors while still staying closer to the Jurassic Park color pallet:

That said, I do expect retuning species to stick with their established color schemes, while new Dinosaurs may be a little more adventurous.


Wait a minute, they're going with animatronics and clay-mation again? Oh wow, this could be better than I expected.

No, the clay model is for reference and animatics. The movie will be CG dinos with animatronic ones where necessary/more advantageous.
Jurassic World... Coming to Islands of Adventure(?)

Will JURASSIC WORLD feature and open, operational park? New information on the future of the ISLANDS OF ADVENTURE theme park in Orlando, Florida says yes. Rumors of of an expansion at Jurassic Park in IOA have been circulating for a while now, with insiders such as HateToFly sharing as much information as possible. Recently a source close to JurassicWorld.org shared new, juicy information: the expansion is being directly influenced by the new film. While our source didn’t share specifics, we do have a decent idea of what is in store thanks to HateToFly via Orlando United forums. However, we have learned that the iconic JURASSIC PARK gates will likely be updated to reflect the new films title, JURASSIC WORLD.

The new expansions is said to feature two new rides along with numerous tweaks and upgrades throughout the park. The primary ride of the expansion is said be a smaller scale, family Wooden Coaster. This ride will not be disguised as something else (it was apparently originally themed as an Amber Mine adventure), but will visually match the ‘Jurassic’ style. According to HateToFly it will be “A small family oriented terrain hugging coaster creation with rock work, water features, and 2 AA's with custom themed timber liner trains”. The other new attraction is said to be a simple ‘Jurassic’ themed flat, and will likely be a carousel. Disneyhead has described it as a “Dino-themed carousel that would act as sort of a center piece for the expansion.” Alongside these new attractions it is expected that new stores/restaurants may appear, and many of the existing ones will see upgrades and changes. It’s not clear where they will be featured, but it has been said that at least one of the Triceratops from the “Triceratops Encounter” will be featured. To better understand the changes coming to IOA we drew up this simple picture.


As you can see, the solid lined JP expansion plot is where “Triceratops Encounter” originally sat. It is said the Wooden Coaster will likely wrap back, perhaps into the dotted expansion plot. Also pictured is the SKULL ISLAND/KONG expansion plot (originally home to a potential larger JP expansion), which intersects with the current JP plot. It is likely this will cause for the removal of the current JP entry-gate, and have it moved and upgraded to JW. Ultimately, the new expansion (aiming for 2014) will be a livelier and larger ‘Jurassic’ experience, and we are told some of the new additions have counterparts in the JURASSIC WORLD film!

It's important to note that the expansion plans are still ongoing, and ever changing and as such certain details may change by the time it finally comes to life.
It would depend on how they handled it.
Obviously I think the last thing any of use want to see is
pet dinos with collars and the like.
Hypothetical discussion of part of the plot that may or may not be true:
A lion tamer type of show would be really fun to see, especially when shit hits the fan. In a way, it would make the audience root for the animals even more much like those who oppose circuses and the like.

Now I'll be sad if it isn't included...

Mr Swine

The dinosaurs shouldn't be tame like a lion can be tame. It should be wild but the animal tames control them with shock collars and whatnot


Didn't they already say that the T-rex wouldn't be tame.

Or that even though he was "tamed" that he would be unleashed later and take it out on his people?


August 13: In an interview, Colin Trevorrow confirms that the "tamed dinosaurs" was not one of the real ideas for Jurassic Park 4.

BONUS: March 20: According to a Tweet by Colin Trevorrow, there will be no feathered dinosaurs in this film.


love JP.... but... sometimes dead is better

Why dead? It's only had one bad film really.

The issue is that they refuse to take it out of Spielberg's hands and he doesn't care about it anymore. He's made it abundanty clear he likes the films, but keeps a distance on them and acts like it's a burden to have to do one, while there are plenty of people who would take over for him to do a guaranteed blockbuster film.

Kill it? Why, because it's dad isn't around much anymore? That's harsh.


Neo Member
I'm very excited for this.

I hope everyone gets eaten and the dinosaurs win.

We all know that will never happen
The dinosaurs shouldn't be tame like a lion can be tame. It should be wild but the animal tames control them with shock collars and whatnot

Honestly, I think the compys in TLW were more akin to how I imagine velociraptors behaving. Timid yet extremely curious and lethal in numbers. So having a dino-tamer show with 2 would be ok. Now if we're talking the oversized raptors of the previous films, having one vicious enough to create a spectacle but easily controlled with slabs of meat and those animal catching wire leash things would be ok too.


Out of all the Dinosaurs I hope the Rex is mostly left untouched, it's look and sound is pretty damn iconic and even if it isn't 100% "accurate" (did Rex's have feathers?) it still looks fucking badass. I'm fine with them changing it's colour to something other then brown though.


Thanks for the OP and all of the updates. Hoping the 2015 release is held to, and with them shooting in May, hopefully it will be.

And I would be sad if they just added feathers to all of the dinos, they already established a look for the series. But if they added some feathered dinos and maybe some "new" models of the existing types as feathered for trying to match science it could be alright.

I can only hope the new film is as entertaining as this.
I'm personally hoping for a Talibanisarus Rex like plot myself, and not just for the awesome mock poster of it.

Seriously though, i'm not sure what level of hype to expect here. Part of the allure of the original was how mindblowing it was back in the day, in terms of effects. But today, realistic looking creatures in CG is basically common.

If anything, a return to mostly practical effects, combined with selected use of CG, would make it feel the most natural, just like the original was. For every dino shown, the audience should have to guess if its real or CG.

Keep the plot a 'one moment into the future' sort of thing as well.

For example, people know about dinosaurs living after the events of the second movie. Why not have part of it focus on the abuses that result? Poachers, trill seekers, private collectors, classes between those who want to preserve them, those who want to wipe them out, and those who just want to profit off them.

Heck, the whole 'genie out of the bottle' angle could be explored. Science brought back millions of years dead species. Can it bring back others? Should it? Heck, can it even be stopped now? What about the dinos, can the parks be brought back to order, can the spread of the animals be stopped?
^ As much as I love Grant/Malcolm, I could not realistically buy their characters getting involved again.. Perhaps Malcolm due to his attraction to chaos, but a fresh cast is a good move. I do hope some familiar faces like Tim/Lex/Dodgson make a return though.

Holy shit that Tippet?!!!

He looked like this in JP


And now he looks like a badass Santa.
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