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KILLZONE 2 - input lag now? if you want a reskinned COD4, go play WaW

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DrPirate said:
Where's the full video of that shotgun decapitation gif?

Shows the academy multiplayer map in a different situation. Fuckin' awesome :) It feels so familiar.. I kept wanting to take over and play better than the person playing. They never crouch, never sprint, hardly ever use iron sights.

Click on "Télécharger la version HD" to download a 720p wmv of the video.

For all the other 13 videos they have, go here:


First 13 videos are the new ones.

Their quality is pretty good and some of the grain filter seems to be intact. Color looks good as well.

By the way, someone was concerned about some flickering in the sky in one of the videos that TTP made. I think that was a WMV/FFMPEG artifact, it doesn't appear to be a game bug/glitch.


Schrade said:
I also like how the Helghast in this scene does a butt-slide to shift to different cover. Looks awesome!


what video is that from?


Schrade said:

Shows the academy multiplayer map in a different situation. Fuckin' awesome :) It feels so familiar.. I kept wanting to take over and play better than the person playing. They never crouch, never sprint, hardly ever use iron sights.

Click on "Télécharger la version HD" to download a 720p wmv of the video.

For all the other 13 videos they have, go here:


First 13 videos are the new ones.

Their quality is pretty good and some of the grain filter seems to be intact. Color looks good as well.

By the way, someone was concerned about some flickering in the sky in one of the videos that TTP made. I think that was a WMV/FFMPEG artifact, it doesn't appear to be a game bug/glitch.

Thanks so much.

My eyes lit up when I saw those face statues and I recognized it from the beta immediately. Radek Academy. Awesome stuff.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Schrade said:
By the way, someone was concerned about some flickering in the sky in one of the videos that TTP made. I think that was a WMV/FFMPEG artifact, it doesn't appear to be a game bug/glitch.

No artifact. It's in the game. And it's noticeable in those videos as well.

Look at the skyline at the very beginning of this one for example.

It occurs while walking and when something (an explosion) shakes the view.

Ploid 3.0

GAZERK said:
I remember arguing with one guy (this retard) who said that 1.) the 360 could produce better graphics than KZ2's and 2.) GoW had better graphics. I mostly got upset at him because he got a 1up article done on him because he broke 12 xboxs. What a tard.

I tried looking for it in the old thread, but there's way too many posts. I did notice that a lot of people have gotten banned since then though: Altogether Andrews, Borys, etc

I noticed all the banns as well :(

This gif could replace the simpsons grandpa gif where he walks in the room, see's bart, then walk back out lol.


TTP said:
No artifact. It's in the game. And it's noticeable in those videos as well.

Look at the skyline at the very beginning of this one for example.

It occurs while walking and when something (an explosion) shakes the view.

Hey TTP you were too harsh in your videos with killzone 2. Sometimes you stopped playing to show up some issues with the preview code, like the time you started to go back and forth to show the LOD system (switching from low poly model to high poly, something every game does).

I'm starting to think that your videos only wanted to make the game look bad :( you stopped many times without reason and played really slow.

And now you say that the sky had issues. Every game has issues but I don't think you should make a post about every graphical bug in a game, especially if its not the final version.
I've had Killzone Liberation for months now without really playing it...until this weekend. What a fantastic game. Feels like an MGS game with all the boring bits taken out.


Bearillusion said:
I've had Killzone Liberation for months now without really playing it...until this weekend. What a fantastic game. Feels like an MGS game with all the boring bits taken out.
Yeah...I can just not get into it. Maybe if I could play on my TV with my DualShock3...then I would be all over that game.


Justin Dailey said:
Yeah...I can just not get into it. Maybe if I could play on my TV with my DualShock3...then I would be all over that game.
I'll try that during my Christmas Vacation :) Using RemoteJoyLite and my DS3 of course.


The game looks amazing in motion... but I just don't know what it is that makes me shun away from it. I don't know if it is generic look and feel the game has, or from what I have seen in video demos.... the boring run and gun game play.
Justin Dailey said:
Yeah...I can just not get into it. Maybe if I could play on my TV with my DualShock3...then I would be all over that game.

I felt the same until yesterday. It finally clicked and I'm really enjoying it.


gimmmick said:
The game looks amazing in motion... but I just don't know what it is that makes me shun away from it. I don't know if it is generic look and feel the game has, or from what I have seen in video demos.... the boring run and gun game play.
Uh.. in Killzone 2 there isn't really run and gun gameplay. It's better to find cover. Standing out in the open is stupid... you learn that quick from Multiplayer KZ2 :)

Also, what exactly is generic about its look? Can you give details? You haven't "felt" it so I didn't put that in there. It's FAR from generic feeling that's for sure.
SappYoda said:
Hey TTP you were too harsh in your videos with killzone 2. Sometimes you stopped playing to show up some issues with the preview code, like the time you started to go back and forth to show the LOD system (switching from low poly model to high poly, something every game does).

I'm starting to think that your videos only wanted to make the game look bad :( you stopped many times without reason and played really slow.

And now you say that the sky had issues. Every game has issues but I don't think you should make a post about every graphical bug in a game, especially if its not the final version.
It's all done just to allow devs to take note of the bugs that occur within the current code. There's nothing sinister about it. TTP just wants GG to make the most out of their polishing phase. We need this game to look as unbelievable and impeccable as possible!


WretchedTruman said:
It's all done just to allow devs to take note of the bugs that occur within the current code. There's nothing sinister about it. TTP just wants GG to make the most out of their polishing phase. We need this game to look as unbelievable and impeccable as possible!

You're mincing your words.

There is no we in this unless you work for Sony or GG. We WANT (desire) the game to be the best it can be because it's great having games to play. We don't NEED it to shove it in anyone's face. It's unsportsmanlike and it demeans the fans and the work.

TTP is doing a great thing by showing the flaws so GG can take the initiative and correct it because THEY want this game to be flawless, and we will enjoy the end product that much more.

And I came off like an asshole. Sorry.


After trying to get some more time in on the beta before it closes shop I started to think of the few weapons found in single player that aren't in multiplayer and started to brainstorm some potential new classes that would support them.

It seems people love trying to rank up and get all the higher classes so I thought why not have a few more that show off the awesome weapons that are currently only found in single player like the Flamethrower, Bolt Gun, and Lightning Gun. Obviously they would need to be toned down to be fair in multiplayer, but I think these could work out well if balanced properly. Plus it'd give us some awesome new character designs to play around with. Maybe future DLC alongside a new map pack?

Class: Inferno
Weapon: Flame Thrower
Secondary: Pistol

Badge #1: Napalm Mine.
Set a proximity-activiated napalm mine that explodes into a glorious shower of hot liquid fire when triggered. Acts in similar fashion to normal mines in game.

Badge #2: Fire Immunity
When turned on the player gains immunity for a period of time from flames and fire. Acts similar in nature to the Sniper's active camo and Assault Class's Pill. After use takes time to recharge.

Notes: Flame Trooper has a large flame tank strapped to his back which causes him to move slightly slower than others. The tank is able to be shot at by enemies and when damaged enough will explode igniting the flame trooper in a sea of horrific fire. Be careful, you play with fire you'll get burned.


Class: Shock Trooper
Weapon: Lightning Gun
Secondary: Pistol

Badge #1: Static Emitter Drone
When deployed the static emmiter drone reeks havoc on enemy radar scrambling it when in range of enemy players. Can be shot down by opposition fire. Works similar to the Air Drone, but has no weapons.

Badge #2: Shock Jammer
When used the player gains a slight electric field around them that will shock enemy players who get too close and jam their radar. Only lasts for a brief period of time before needing a recharge. The shock effect only stuns an enemy, it doesn't kill or severly damage them. Radar Jammer goes offline once killed or downed.

Notes: Gun can overheat causing a jam and damage to the player using it if they aren't careful.


Class: Machinist
Weapon: Bolt Gun (Nail Gun)
Secondary: Pistol

Badge #1: Spider-Mine
Releases a spider-mine that is remote detonated by the player controlling it. Go into a first person view on the spider-mine and move it into position before detonating it. Machinist is prone to enemy fire while controlling the spider-mine. SM can also be shot and destroyed by opposition.

Badge #2: Booby Trap
Set down an enemy weapon on the ground rigged with an explosive as bait. When an enemy picks it up the charge goes off in a glorious explosion of deception. Only one bait allowed at a time, takes time to recharge badge.

Notes: Bolt Gun is obviously toned down from the single player version. No longer one shot one kill. Still remains a very powerful weapon but obviously only shoots one round at a time and is weak when attacking a group of enemies.



Schrade said:
I also like how the Helghast in this scene does a butt-slide to shift to different cover. Looks awesome!


Stupid AI. Obviously the narrow beam exposing himself more would be the better cover choice than wasting an awesome butt-scoot animation to get behind wider cover. Ppphhhfft.


Bearillusion said:
I've had Killzone Liberation for months now without really playing it...until this weekend. What a fantastic game. Feels like an MGS game with all the boring bits taken out.

me too, i just started played it last night ... wow ..looks fucking amazing too...


Little is the new Big
Foil said:

Sounds quite cool but I'm not sure about the whole balance of the game, could work but would be a bit tricky but hell i'm all for as much classes as possible! :p


Cretinously credulous
sun-drop said:
me too, i just started played it last night ... wow ..looks fucking amazing too...

I got stuck in some stage. Tried to do it so many times then gave up.
Any cheats?:D
sun-drop said:
me too, i just started played it last night ... wow ..looks fucking amazing too...

I just finished this up last week. The game is great and looks amazing as well. The last boss of the dl chapter is very hard though.

I also like the bonus challenges you can complete for each chapter and hope (even though it is unlikely) that GG implements something like that into KZ2.

The game even sports a pretty nice 3rd person bullet-time squad tactical element and your A.I partners are generally very intelligent.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Guled said:
Another thing, I like how this game is taking after GoW2 and RE5 by making the release date on a Friday, more games need to adopt this

That's been the standard day in the UK for new releases for as long as I can remember.
Beautiful game. I've played about half of it and wrote impressions on a Dutch website (so I won't link, no point in that)... although there is video material. Dunno if that is considered promotion here?


hide your water-based mammals
You work for the site like some of the guys who work on their own sites here. Feel free to post some links. No different than Gametrailers pimps their videos here.


WretchedTruman said:
It's all done just to allow devs to take note of the bugs that occur within the current code. There's nothing sinister about it. TTP just wants GG to make the most out of their polishing phase. We need this game to look as unbelievable and impeccable as possible!
Yup. TTP is far from a hater of this game.


hulot said:
Wait, are you sure? I see 8 bronze ones and one silver one for level completions. Gold one for beating on highest difficulty.

Oh shit yeh, sorry. Don't know what I was looking at. They have said there's 10 levels so maybe theres one not on the trophy list yet? They did say it was an old list I think.

But keep in mind we've only seen like 7 minutes of footage of some of these levels when they're supposed to take 40 mins etc

But yeh, there doesn't seem to be as much variety as the first game. Hopefully there's some surprises. I actually hope they release extra Chapters as DLC like KZL, expansions and such. I don't want to just have to wait 2-3 years for the next one. I already want more!

Also, I hope we can actually drive that jeep that was shown, and it's not just driven in a cutscene :S That would be lame. I want lots of story and a lot of build up to the characters. Colonel Radec. Who is he? What's his history? Why is he so badass? I hope we don't just meet him, kill him and move on.

I think my expectations are so high, I'm bound to be disappointed. :lol But so far everything looks sooo fucking awesome. I would like to see some story cutscenes before release to get a feel for how the story is told.

The A.I. is awesome in this game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SappYoda said:
Hey TTP you were too harsh in your videos with killzone 2. Sometimes you stopped playing to show up some issues with the preview code, like the time you started to go back and forth to show the LOD system (switching from low poly model to high poly, something every game does).

I'm starting to think that your videos only wanted to make the game look bad :( you stopped many times without reason and played really slow.

And now you say that the sky had issues. Every game has issues but I don't think you should make a post about every graphical bug in a game, especially if its not the final version.

The LOD issue. I realized that while making the vid. I was going back and forth to grab the rocket launcher and saw something happening on Rico. I redid the move so to see what was going on, realized it was a LOD issue and moved on.

Now please list the other times where I stopped to show some issues with the preview code. You make it sound like it was an issues parade. While it was actually the contrary. I even stopped at the collapsing bridge in Corinth to let the ship go through the dust producing that awesome effect, looked down at textures and what not.

As for the sky, someone specifically said my vids had issues causing that flickering in the sky. I just wanted to clarify that's not the case.

Edit: Anyway, real reason I came here is to let everybody know that you can indeed remove the detonator from the charge by pulling the controller towards you rather than pressing Circle. So much better! Thanks to the guy that suggested me to try (sorry forgot your name).
Foil said:
After trying to get some more time in on the beta before it closes shop I started to think of the few weapons found in single player that aren't in multiplayer and started to brainstorm some potential new classes that would support them.

It seems people love trying to rank up and get all the higher classes so I thought why not have a few more that show off the awesome weapons that are currently only found in single player like the Flamethrower, Bolt Gun, and Lightning Gun. Obviously they would need to be toned down to be fair in multiplayer, but I think these could work out well if balanced properly. Plus it'd give us some awesome new character designs to play around with. Maybe future DLC alongside a new map pack?

Class: Inferno
Weapon: Flame Thrower
Secondary: Pistol

Badge #1: Napalm Mine.
Set a proximity-activiated napalm mine that explodes into a glorious shower of hot liquid fire when triggered. Acts in similar fashion to normal mines in game.

Badge #2: Fire Immunity
When turned on the player gains immunity for a period of time from flames and fire. Acts similar in nature to the Sniper's active camo and Assault Class's Pill. After use takes time to recharge.

Notes: Flame Trooper has a large flame tank strapped to his back which causes him to move slightly slower than others. The tank is able to be shot at by enemies and when damaged enough will explode igniting the flame trooper in a sea of horrific fire. Be careful, you play with fire you'll get burned.


Class: Shock Trooper
Weapon: Lightning Gun
Secondary: Pistol

Badge #1: Static Emitter Drone
When deployed the static emmiter drone reeks havoc on enemy radar scrambling it when in range of enemy players. Can be shot down by opposition fire. Works similar to the Air Drone, but has no weapons.

Badge #2: Shock Jammer
When used the player gains a slight electric field around them that will shock enemy players who get too close and jam their radar. Only lasts for a brief period of time before needing a recharge. The shock effect only stuns an enemy, it doesn't kill or severly damage them. Radar Jammer goes offline once killed or downed.

Notes: Gun can overheat causing a jam and damage to the player using it if they aren't careful.


Class: Machinist
Weapon: Bolt Gun (Nail Gun)
Secondary: Pistol

Badge #1: Spider-Mine
Releases a spider-mine that is remote detonated by the player controlling it. Go into a first person view on the spider-mine and move it into position before detonating it. Machinist is prone to enemy fire while controlling the spider-mine. SM can also be shot and destroyed by opposition.

Badge #2: Booby Trap
Set down an enemy weapon on the ground rigged with an explosive as bait. When an enemy picks it up the charge goes off in a glorious explosion of deception. Only one bait allowed at a time, takes time to recharge badge.

Notes: Bolt Gun is obviously toned down from the single player version. No longer one shot one kill. Still remains a very powerful weapon but obviously only shoots one round at a time and is weak when attacking a group of enemies.


Great Idea!!


Neo Member
FFObsessed said:
Oh shit yeh, sorry. Don't know what I was looking at. They have said there's 10 levels so maybe theres one not on the trophy list yet? They did say it was an old list I think.

But keep in mind we've only seen like 7 minutes of footage of some of these levels when they're supposed to take 40 mins etc

But yeh, there doesn't seem to be as much variety as the first game. Hopefully there's some surprises. I actually hope they release extra Chapters as DLC like KZL, expansions and such. I don't want to just have to wait 2-3 years for the next one. I already want more!

Also, I hope we can actually drive that jeep that was shown, and it's not just driven in a cutscene :S That would be lame. I want lots of story and a lot of build up to the characters. Colonel Radec. Who is he? What's his history? Why is he so badass? I hope we don't just meet him, kill him and move on.

I think my expectations are so high, I'm bound to be disappointed. :lol But so far everything looks sooo fucking awesome. I would like to see some story cutscenes before release to get a feel for how the story is told.

The A.I. is awesome in this game.

Dont worry, you'll get to see enough of Radec
Foil said:
Class: Inferno
Weapon: Flame Thrower
Secondary: Pistol

Badge #1: Napalm Mine.
Set a proximity-activiated napalm mine that explodes into a glorious shower of hot liquid fire when triggered. Acts in similar fashion to normal mines in game.

Badge #2: Fire Immunity
When turned on the player gains immunity for a period of time from flames and fire. Acts similar in nature to the Sniper's active camo and Assault Class's Pill. After use takes time to recharge.

Notes: Flame Trooper has a large flame tank strapped to his back which causes him to move slightly slower than others. The tank is able to be shot at by enemies and when damaged enough will explode igniting the flame trooper in a sea of horrific fire. Be careful, you play with fire you'll get burned.

I think the flame thrower would cause even more complaints than the rocket launcher does. The chaos someone using the flame thrower could cause in small areas like Radec Academy or Blood Gracht would get frustrating very quickly.


SolidSnakex said:
I think the flame thrower would cause even more complaints than the rocket launcher does. The chaos someone using the flame thrower could cause in small areas like Radec Academy or Blood Gracht would get frustrating very quickly.

I like the fact the flamethrower sets the environment on fire for a little while and not just the character.
FFObsessed said:
But yeh, there doesn't seem to be as much variety as the first game. Hopefully there's some surprises. I actually hope they release extra Chapters as DLC like KZL, expansions and such. I don't want to just have to wait 2-3 years for the next one. I already want more!

I'm secretly hoping they'll remake some of the more stand-out levels from the original and release them individually as DLC...

Nudge, nudge :D


TTP said:
The LOD issue. I realized that while making the vid. I was going back and forth to grab the rocket launcher and saw something happening on Rico. I redid the move so to see what was going on, realized it was a LOD issue and moved on.

Edit: Anyway, real reason I came here is to let everybody know that you can indeed remove the detonator from the charge by pulling the controller towards you rather than pressing Circle. So much better! Thanks to the guy that suggested me to try (sorry forgot your name).
Have you come across the flashlight glitch? And wow, didn't know about the pulling away.
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