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KILLZONE 3 |OT| The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

blurredvision said:
I wouldn't quite call him devastating, but he is somewhat effective. However, I still think that Move players are at a HUGE disadvantage in close quarters against dualshock players.

I was 2:1 KD in some of the matches in the beta and had a couple 3:1 games. That's not devastating but it can be done. Close quarters as in melee? I would agree with you there but it isnt huge. I can turn faster and more accurately than with the dualshock thanks to the dynamic bounding box.


TTP said:
I'm super disappointed by the engine performance online and I don't think I'm gonna play this for a significant amount of time. Just some matches with fellow gaffers and that's it.

Are you sure though TTP? You said that about the BETA and according the the tech analysis the average frame rate was actually like 27fps or something like that.


10dollas said:
So I've read and watched a bunch reviews of the move and sharpshooter, in the quest to decide, should I purchase Killzone 3 + Move + sharpshooter. Unfortunately, even amongst the more thorough hands on experiences (Bloodmarion's video), I am still not getting a good sense on if Move and/or sharpshooter is worth it.

I was wondering if you, TTP (or any others for that matter) could speak on how much it enhances the control feeling overall. Most reviews give this mixed feedback, saying that Move doesn't seem to be the next step of progress in terms of intuitive controls, but still it does have some advantages over the DS3. I'm wondering if Move is more than just a new fun way to play Shooters and if it feels more intuitive in control than the DS3?

Its a bit hard to put into words what I am asking for, but I guess the best way is: can you see Move being the dominate way to play shooters in the future, or is it nothing more than a fun accessory. My purchase of Kz3 rests on my purchase on Move.

Also, opinions over the same of the above except concerning the sharpshooter instead would be much appreciated.
I am not huge on peripherals but I made the purchase of Killzone 3, the move, and the sharpshooter. I got about 3 hours into the campaign last night. It was absolutely worth every penny. It does take a while to get used to the peripheral but once you do, it'll be hard to go back to a regular controller. You just have to find the right settings for yourself. I think the point I realized how awesome the peripheral really is was when I started picking people off left and right with a sniper rifle and with incredible precision. It gives you a feel of a FPS that you've never experienced before. I'm really looking forward to trying it out in MP but not until I finish the campaign
chris121580 said:
I am not huge on peripherals but I made the purchase of Killzone 3, the move, and the sharpshooter. I got about 3 hours into the campaign last night. It was absolutely worth every penny. It does take a while to get used to the peripheral but once you do, it'll be hard to go back to a regular controller. You just have to find the right settings for yourself. I think the point I realized how awesome the peripheral really is was when I started picking people off left and right with a sniper rifle and with incredible precision. It gives you a feel of a FPS that you've never experienced before. I'm really looking forward to trying it out in MP but not until I finish the campaign

Did you ever play with the move without the sharpshooter?

Whats the fatigue factor with the sharpshooter?


blurredvision said:
I wouldn't quite call him devastating, but he is somewhat effective. However, I still think that Move players are at a HUGE disadvantage in close quarters against dualshock players.

Yeah right, exaggeration on my part.

Why do you say there's a disadvantage in CQ?


nib95 said:
Are you sure though TTP? You said that about the BETA and according the the tech analysis the average frame rate was actually like 27fps or something like that.

An average performance of 27 (that means it's probably sub 25 a decent amount) is horrible.
TheExecutive said:
I was 2:1 KD in some of the matches in the beta and had a couple 3:1 games. That's not devastating but it can be done. Close quarters as in melee? I would agree with you there but it isnt huge. I can turn faster and more accurately than with the dualshock thanks to the dynamic bounding box.

You could be an outlier though, there will always be those who excel where most will not. I'm curious to see how Move vs DS fairs in general as players get leveled and skilled over the coming days. As far as close-quarters, I'm just talking close-quarters anything, unless you run up on someone who is stupid and they come right up to you.

I could be wrong, but if we start seeing matches mixed between Move and DS players, I'd expect DS players to win out most often. Just my unbiased theory on how it will play out. I love the Move and will be using it as my primary control method in single player.

GreatSageEqualofHeaven said:
Why do you say there's a disadvantage in CQ?

It's a guess on my part. In my (limited) trials with Move on the beta, I just think DS players are able to move more quickly in small/close spaces that will give them an advantage. I think that at a distance, a Move player probably has an advantage due to more precise aiming (my opinion), but the best way to combat that is to close the space and circle strafe. I don't see a Move player getting turned around and reoriented quick enough. Some will make it work though, I'm sure.


Thrakier said:
An average performance of 27 (that means it's probably sub 25 a decent amount) is horrible.

Based on the analysis video's of the different levels. Very rarely did it drop below 25fps (only once I think), and most of the time was anything between 27-29fps. An average of 27fps is not horrible at all when the frame rate is supposed to be 30fps. Is it possible people are just confusing lag with frame rate woes?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheExecutive said:
I was 2:1 KD in some of the matches in the beta and had a couple 3:1 games. That's not devastating but it can be done. Close quarters as in melee? I would agree with you there but it isnt huge. I can turn faster and more accurately than with the dualshock thanks to the dynamic bounding box.

I'd love to see some uncut videos of people dominating with the Move, preferably not on the beta map.


TheExecutive said:
I was 2:1 KD in some of the matches in the beta and had a couple 3:1 games. That's not devastating but it can be done. Close quarters as in melee? I would agree with you there but it isnt huge. I can turn faster and more accurately than with the dualshock thanks to the dynamic bounding box.

The problem is that you have to turn and then aim. By the time you get to the aiming I'll already have killed you with my dual shock. :p


TheExecutive said:
Did you ever play with the move without the sharpshooter?

Whats the fatigue factor with the sharpshooter?

THere was one floating around our office last week, that Sony had lent us. I didn't have a chance to use it, but the person who did said it was initially tiresome, but you get used it pretty quickly (like the next day). Said the fatigue added to the experience. He also used it on DS:Extraction apparently.


nib95 said:
Based on the analysis video's of the different levels. Very rarely did it drop below 25fps (only once I think), and most of the time was anything between 27-29fps. An average of 27fps is not horrible at all when the frame rate is supposed to be 30fps. Is it possible people are just confusing lag with frame rate woes?

27 is actually really horrible when 60 is the optimum and 30 the minimum.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Capturing TSPs needs to be more points to encourage more to capture.

I keep playing s market nonstop...wish it would cycle!


TheExecutive said:
Did you ever play with the move without the sharpshooter?

Whats the fatigue factor with the sharpshooter?
No, I haven't tried just the move but I can't imagine it being close to the effect you get with sharpshooter. After 3 hours, I wasn't really experiencing any fatigue. You just have to find a comfortable position for the gun plus the campaign is so intense that you just don't really notice it.


Thrakier said:
27 is actually really horrible when 60 is the optimum and 30 the minimum.

Err...99% of console shooters play at 30fps (in reality less). In-fact, ins't COD the only online console shooter that is 60fps? Your optimum is a pipe dream unless you go PC.
So one group of people is saying the lox framerate is ruining their experience and the other group is trying to tell them no, it isn't ruining your experience at all. Sounds fun

Did you know that most online shooter are below 30 fps? That means you aren't allowed to complain or dislike it when it happens, because it happens to other games to.


Internet Celebrity said:
4 bullets to the body, or one to the head. 6 bullets to the body for an assault. I always lol at people who say otherwise, because they clearly couldn't aim very well.

Not even sure if that's right but assuming it is yeah let's just pretend that the insignificant amount of recoil and severly reduced feel of the old controls have hardly anything to do with it. Also, KZ2 had like one SMG/LMG where as KZ3 has like 3 or 4 of those bullet hoses? Forget bothering to aim...


chris121580 said:
No, I haven't tried just the move but I can't imagine it being close to the effect you get with sharpshooter. After 3 hours, I wasn't really experiencing any fatigue. You just have to find a comfortable position for the gun plus the campaign is so intense that you just don't really notice it.

Did you find that the reload button on the base of the magazine to be easily accessible? Or are you reloading by tilting the Move/gun?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
so was the retro map pack pre order only? If I walk into a store and buy it I only get possible socom beta?


levious said:
so was the retro map pack pre order only? If I walk into a store and buy it I only get possible socom beta?

In the UK you get the Retro Pack pack with the Steelbook Edition.

The map pack is also available via the PS Store on day one (for a price of course)
today is going to be a painful wait for the UPS guy. i find myself peeking outside the window so often that i feel like a meth addict paranoid about cops being outside.
Massa said:
The problem is that you have to turn and then aim. By the time you get to the aiming I'll already have killed you with my dual shock. :p

It is absolutely not successive like that, in fact the DS3 is more like you just described than the move. In fact, I dont have to turn all the way to the center of the screen to begin hitting my target. They can be at the very edge and I already have 3 or 4 shots in them by the time I center my screen. With the dynamic bounding box and with a little practice the move gives you an upper hand in turning and shooting at close quarters. Not only that but I am better at placing headshots when in CQC.

No amount of argument will ever suggest that the DS3 is better for shooting. It may be better at turning but when an enemy is in the field of view nothing but KBM beats the move.


50€ Move Starter pack
+ 30€ Navigation Controller
+ 50€ Sharpshooter
+ 55€ Killzone 3
= 185€ (250$)

i really hope its worth it! ;)
I have the game in my hands right now and I'm trying so hard not to play it. I don't know why I just can't game during the day, I'm never "into" it like I am when I game late at night.

But so tempting...also my gamestop told me to call in for the retro pack code because they won't be getting it till a day later, something about Sony sending it to them late.


you can get Retro Mappack for free @ PS Home

go to home square, there will be ISA intruder, talk to him he will take you to killzone plaza, complete plaza defender game and then grab boxes from plaza (marked red) and deliver them under the gate to get a prize = dlc codes


blackmamba707 said:
you can get Retro Mappack for free @ PS Home

go to home square, there will be ISA intruder, talk to him he will take you to killzone plaza, complete plaza defender game and then grab boxes from plaza (marked red) and deliver them under the gate to get a prize = dlc codes

For the map pack? are you sure?

I completed the "event" with all the challenges and got avatar clothing and a 3 unlock rewards code.


Facism said:
GAME be shipping copies of KZ3.

Mine's on it's way, babeh
Argh what to do. Should I just bite the bullet and order it online at GAME? What if it doesn't come until Friday? I'd be better off just buying it in the store.

Advise me guys.
I'm really annoyed. I ordered the game on Bestbuy.com and did instore pickup. Basically I have no idea where my Fast Starter Pack code is. The guy at the store said it would be on my reciept, but then told me that since I ordered it online he couldn't give me a receipt and it would be on my online receipt. Basically I don't have the damn code now. I mean, is it supposed to be emailed? The CSR I talked to on the phone said they would mail it to me. That makes no damn sense! Why not just email me the fucking code!!!!!!!!!


Patriotsbball5460 said:
So is it true that clans have no size limit? I just find this very hard to believe

I will be in love with GG forever if so, no need to manage 2 rosters.... sweet Jesus I'm in love! Please be true!


cjtiger300 said:
I'm really annoyed. I ordered the game on Bestbuy.com and did instore pickup. Basically I have no idea where my Fast Starter Pack code is. The guy at the store said it would be on my reciept, but then told me that since I ordered it online he couldn't give me a receipt and it would be on my online receipt. Basically I don't have the damn code now. I mean, is it supposed to be emailed? The CSR I talked to on the phone said they would mail it to me. That makes no damn sense! Why not just email me the fucking code!!!!!!!!!

Did you "pre-order" the game, or "order" the game?


Ordered a Move starter kit and nav controller from HMV Japan (wanted Beat Sketch) last week but unfortunately it won't be here until tomorrow or Thursday so it'll be DS3 for me until then. Hadn't planned on much MP today anyways because of all the people that'll be using double XP and all unlock codes


nib95 said:
Err...99% of console shooters play at 30fps (in reality less). In-fact, ins't COD the only online console shooter that is 60fps? Your optimum is a pipe dream unless you go PC.

Err...even if 100% are below 60 or 30, 60 is still the optimim and 30 the minimum. So do we really have a debate if a competitive online shooter should maintain at least 30FPS online? Really? Is this still GAF?

Sorry, some things are just a given. A solid and constante framerate is one of that. It's the basic thing you have to get right for good game development, at least in this genre.
Full Recovery said:
Just got back with my copy, best buy had some sharpshooters and I almost picked one up. Almost.

Yeah, I picked one of the Sharpshooters up and didn't care for it at all. I changed to regular move after about 5 minutes. I think its the position I sit it, I'm not sure.

Hey, did you preorder online? If so when you picked it up instore, did you get your codes?


CozMick said:
For the map pack? are you sure?

I completed the "event" with all the challenges and got avatar clothing and a 3 unlock rewards code.

well I quoted some guy who completed it and he said he got retro code instead of that 3 point, he said it could be a bug tho (eu home)
Cornbread78 said:
Did you "pre-order" the game, or "order" the game?

I bought it outright online. Why fuck should that matter? Buying the game before the release day is PREordering it right? My online receipt says 2-19-2011. If there is a difference, this the last time I buy from BestBuy.com.


Just played through 5 Guerilla Warfare matches...

I'm in love.

This game kicks ass, and I've been destroying everyone, I'm 58-24 so far. Look out for me, I got the GAF clan tag and I'm representing as well as I can.


Bee.com processing my order, woo :D Can't play it tomorrow anyway as i won't be here (damn) but it better be here on Thursday
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