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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Wasn't he literally always getting around 37-42 in the polls with a few expectations? It actually pretty telling that after this long he can't get over that.

OMG he was FUCK! The pivot is working retroactively. FUCK. :p

But ya, the distance between his ceiling and his floor is so small even his tiny, tiny hands can't fit between them.


Gotta love this election cycle. It's either "She's a corrupt liar but I'm voting for her anyway" or "He's an idiotic bigot but I'm voting for him anyway". America!


It's kind of annoying that Clinton's lead generally goes down a few in 4way polling like its 10 in the Q poll 2way but 7 points in the 4way, but I wonder if that's just a symptom of being the frontrunner than anything else.

Cohn: "Why does the 4 way hurt Clinton in Quinnipiac? Young voters. Clinton is up 64-29 with young voters in the two way--but falls to 48-24 w J/S"

Maybe Bernie making campaign stops will help.


It's kind of annoying that Clinton's lead generally goes down a few in 4way polling like its 10 in the Q poll 2way but 7 points in the 4way, but I wonder if that's just a symptom of being the frontrunner than anything else.

It just means that there are people who are super anti-Trump, to the degree that if they have to vote for Clinton to vote against Trump they will, but they'd prefer to vote for Johnson.

That's probably fine. You can think of the two-way results as kind of a limit to which the vote counts will drift as third parties lose strength down the stretch, so this suggests that, when and if Johnson loses steam, Clinton will benefit more than Trump.
Wait, if you think the past 8 days were BAD for Trump, I don't know what to tell you. CNN had NC with a Clinton lead of 9 points a couple weeks ago. It's not at just 1 or 2 points.

The past 8 days have been great for Trump. He needs to consolidate the somewhat racist but not totally racist Republicans he's been losing, and doing the tried and true tactic of speaking past black and Hispanic people to criticize Dems brings them home. And it's working.

Again, he still has a massive hole to climb out of, and he's not going to win, but he's fixing the damage with people who think racism is only a thing if you wear a swastika and yell the N word.

If the bar for a "great" week is "not saying anything super racist" I'm not impressed at all. He's still a toxic candidate with no ground game, he's laundering money instead of spending campaign funds effectively, and now he's turning his most loyal base away by auditioning for black/Hispanic support and supporting "amnesty." How is this a good week for him?


No Scrubs
If the bar for a "great" week is "not saying anything super racist" I'm not impressed at all. He's still a toxic candidate with no ground game, he's laundering money instead of spending campaign funds effectively, and now he's turning his most loyal base away by auditioning for black/Hispanic support and supporting "amnesty." How is this a good week for him?

Laundering money implies the source of the money is illegal, he's embezzling money. Because that's so much better.

Love me some Ana Navarro, i hope she is on election night. I think you might see GOP and Dem pundits come together and dance

It's hilarious how everyone has united against Trump on CNN.


Wait, if you think the past 8 days were BAD for Trump, I don't know what to tell you. CNN had NC with a Clinton lead of 9 points a couple weeks ago. It's not at just 1 or 2 points.

The past 8 days have been great for Trump. He needs to consolidate the somewhat racist but not totally racist Republicans he's been losing, and doing the tried and true tactic of speaking past black and Hispanic people to criticize Dems brings them home. And it's working.

This is the iconic example of cherry-picking polls in order to Diablos.
There are like 9 FL polls where Hillary is leading anywhere from +1 to +9. One poll comed out from unknown pollster where he's up +2, and the guy is all over twitter. I'm glad he made that tweet. I want his surrogates to react when the next polls come showing clinton up.

Guy is seriously a joke.


There are like 9 FL polls where Hillary is leading anywhere from +1 to +9. One poll comed out from unknown pollster where he's up +2, and the guy is all over twitter. I'm glad he made that tweet. I want his surrogates to react when the next polls come showing clinton up.

Guy is seriously a joke.

Just proves what we already knew, dude just sits around watching cable news and trolling for polls all day until an aide waves some bath salts under his nose before he needs to give a speech at a rally.


Professional Schmuck
I watched the Chronicles of Nadiya last night. It's a new English TV show about a popular contestant from a baking show. She's a muslim, yet still won over the hearts and minds of the British people by just being genuinely humble and human and identifiable no matter her religion. She was a person first. She wasn't just a hijab and a bunch of stereotypes.

So this year, when that baking show came back the BBC launched a new series at the same time, where Nadiya travels to the country of her parents, Bangladesh, and travels around it, to learn more about her roots. In the first episode she visits her families village and the neighboring city (the only parts of Bangladesh she has previously been to).

I mention this in the context of poligaf, because America needs something just like Nadiya and this TV show. It isn't preachy, but it's educational as shit about the differences and similarities of such cultures. She talks about being an immigrant not really sure if she's British or Bangladeshi. She talks about the importance of her religion.

But more than anything, this all just feels *normal*. As different as that culture is, it was contextualized in way that really conveyed how normal it was.

Plus she cooked a bunch of delicious looking food, which is kind of her thing.

France also needs to watch this show or have something like it.

You cannot *other* Nadiya. You just can't. She is us.

I feel strongly about muslims because I went to school with them. I've shared apartments with them. I've lived in a community that had more muslims than christians. The lies that proliferate about them here and in places like France anger me immensely. The ban on so called burkinis is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever seen.

If you can't see the individual underneath the head scarf, then you have a fucking problem.

Donald Trump needs to lose. He needs to be defeated. Muslims need to be seen and treated the same as anybody else. Because they fucking are.

Ehem. Rant over.

So what Will & Grace (and 30 years of Hollywood normalization) did for gay people, but for Muslims? I'm sure they'll get right on that since there are as many Muslims in Hollywood and New York TV studios as there are gay people.



Hillary Clinton has opened up a 10-point national lead over Donald Trump in the Quinnipiac University poll of likely voters out Thursday.

The Trump=KKK add could've been done better honestly. So much crap out there on Breibart and they blew 15 seconds using a CNN moderator?

It's good, could've been better, but it's not a TV ad, just something put together for Twitter. They're not spending money on it.
I eat a protein bar for breakfast literally every day except Sunday. The whole breakfast discussion seems pretty academic to me, like who even does that. But it's fine, PoliGAF is for talking about policies, not necessarily actual practices.

But an egg sandwich is so fast and easy to make.
Most of what he says is short sighted bullshit he tosses out there to score a perceived point. He's such a phony that he could contradict himself all day and never be aware of it, and he has such contempt for others that he wouldn't feel bad even if he was.

It's impossible for him to not sound like a complete bullshit artist.

Special C

So PoliGAF. If Gary Johnson makes it into the debates who is he taking votes from? I personally dont care who, I think its more important for our country to hear a third voice this election than which one of these dumpster fires actually win.
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