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Post-Apocalyptic Drama "The 100" - Wednesdays on The CW

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I don't get this -- because there are young people on the show?

They all split off into cliques once they touch ground like they're in high school or something, and when the black guy suggested they try and do things to actually, you know, survive, he gets blown off by the alpha males while everyone else acts like Burning Man is going on. I stopped watching a little after that.



Im not from the US, so i dont know what type of channel "CW" is.

I also clicked this thread, got kinda interested by what i saw about the show.... then i got to the "young and beautiful" part, which really sounds awful...

I remember i tried to watch another post-apocalipse show, called "Revolution", but the cast were so young and perfect and somehow this gave a bad taste to the overall plot that i gave up after two episodes and a half. I remember me and the wife being kinda embarassed of watching something that is clearly target at pre-teens...

(Watching kids shows is fine. Watching pre-teens shows is kinda creepy...)


- What is this CW, what kind of shows it has, any shows that i might know about?
- Is this any good, should i watch it, or will i feel like when i watched "revolution"?


I got excited when I read the thread title, impressions destroyed my hype. Why can't we have ugly people in TV shows these days?


I remember i tried to watch another post-apocalipse show, called "Revolution", but the cast were so young and perfect and somehow this gave a bad taste to the overall plot that i gave up after two episodes and a half. I remember me and the wife being kinda embarassed of watching something that is clearly target at pre-teens...

All right, this "everyone's young and pretty" complaint on every TV show that has some good looking people on it is starting to get pretty dumb. For all of Revolutions many, many faults, IIRC there were only three young characters. The rest were adults of various ages, including an ugly fat dude. It sure as shit wasn't aimed at pre-teens.
Clarke is a really progressive name, I can see a lot of lasses being named that 97 years from now. Eliza Taylor's American accent is very good. Better than Henry Ian Cusicks. Better than Phoebe Tonkin's in The Originals. Some of the scripted dialogue was a little off but that wasto be expected in a pilot and as they try to write for their audience. Eliza showed decent range especially when she was quivering with excitement during jungle swing. I didn't think there was enough sense of wonder nor was it pulled off well. I can see the writers focusing on the juxtaposition of strict space life and the free roaming nature of Earth. The Starcrossed pilot was better in terms of setting up multiple plot lines and intrigue. Though since it did so poorly ratings wise I hope The 100 avenges it.
They really telegraphed that
last death
. I mean, he was standing on the other side of the river bank screaming "wooo we did it". I half expected that snake monster to leap up and eat one of them.


"We back, BITCHES!"


I did like that line. I didn't have a problem of how was use.


They really telegraphed that
last death
. I mean, he was standing on the other side of the river bank screaming "wooo we did it". I half expected that snake monster to leap up and eat one of them.

Yeah, they held that scene a couple of seconds too long so you just knew something was going to happen.

They also showed the shot through the trees a little early, so you knew something was watching them.

But everyone watching had to know there were going to be people on Earth.
For a nuclear war to kill every last person on Earth the place would have to be a complete wasteland. Not a nice green forest.

Surprised that somewhere in all the space junk they cobbled together for the space station they didn't find some sort of spy satellite capable of decent imagery of the planet.
The last minute "maybe we could reprogram the bracelets to allow communication!" seemed really odd, because that seems like something that would have to be specifically engineered for that exact purpose. I mean beaming messages into space and back again seems like it'd take quite a bit of power to - or at least far more than the magical bracelets could conceivably manage.

But... I sincerely doubt this is a serious take on post-apocalyptic survival.

Funky Papa

I'm shocked, SHOCKED, by how much I liked the pilot. There were a number of rough parts that felt amateurish and/or way too forced, but it was a pretty solid effort, specially considering that most post-Fringe sci-fi shows have been either merely enjoyable (Almost Human) or outright garbage (Falling Skies, Terra Nova).


  • I really, really dig that the female lead is not just smart, but also resourceful and driven. And not only that: she doesn't actually need a male holding her shit. Granted that was just the pilot, but it was refreshing to see a young female character being treated as an actual adventurer for once.
  • Luteniant Gaeta all up in this bitch.
  • FX weren't garbage as it's usually the norm on TV.
  • Even the Chancellor is using ragged clothes. The struggle is real.
  • The forest looks lush and gorgeous.
  • Creepy local fauna.
  • Bodies are being DROPPED. God damn, at this rate the show could be renamed to The Dozen by the end of the season.
  • I actually laughed when they offed the nerdy kid with the goggles, as telegraphed as it was.


  • WE BACK, BITCHES. Fucking jarring.
  • Marie Avgeropoulos' character is as hot as annoying. Her delivery and overall attitude is all over the place.
  • The landing sequence was shit. I know better than to expect sci-fi of the same caliber as Moon or Gravity, but that was bad. Not only the overall interior design of the landing pod was utterly horrendous, but the way the gravity kicked as soon as the parachutes deployed was simply baffling. On the plus side, dumb kids were crushed.
  • I hate how the previews spoiled the deer twist. Way to ruin one of the most shocking moments of the episode.
  • The little details. The show tries hard and mostly succeeds at showing the horrendous problems they are facing in space due to scarcity, yet the cell blocks look super well designed and one of the dumb kids was allowed to be dropped carrying some safety goggles (which I imagine they are in really short supply at the station).
  • Unassorted TV serendipia, such as crossing the river and *hey* just casually finding a rusty old sign with the name of the mountain. Out in the middle of no-fucking-were.

Most of the con stuff is basically me being picky. I actually enjoyed the pilot a lot and I'll be coming back for more. It feels so fucking weird to see a teen oriented channel like the CW saving the sci-fi genre from the hands of SyFy.

Oh cool, Dichen Lachman is going to be on this. :)

Now bring Enver as the base's janitor.


I'm shocked, SHOCKED, by how much I liked the pilot. There were a number of rough parts that felt amateurish and/or way too forced, but it was a pretty solid effort, specially considering that most post-Fringe sci-fi shows have been either merely enjoyable (Almost Human) or outright garbage (Falling Skies, Terra Nova).


Now bring Enver as the base's janitor.

Sort of how I felt, and I agree with most of your cons and pros.

I've been so upset that Enver and Dichen haven't gotten a pilot this season. :-(

Funky Papa

Sort of how I felt, and I agree with most of your cons and pros.

I've been so upset that Enver and Dichen haven't gotten a pilot this season. :-(

I'm shocked and disgusted at those two not getting more work. At least Dichen was in Last Resort (if largely wasted).


The only major gripe I have with this show are how stupid almost all of the kids are. Nobody in real life acts like that. Not to that extent at least.

Other then that I still feel like this show has at least some potential to be good. I am hoping that once the kids realize that there is a greater threat out there then each other that maybe it will help them work together better against the "new threat".


So not worth it
Okay, the pilot was pretty awesome and this seems to be exactly the sci-fi I was missing. Hits all the right buttons.


The only major gripe I have with this show are how stupid almost all of the kids are. Nobody in real life acts like that. Not to that extent at least.

Other then that I still feel like this show has at least some potential to be good. I am hoping that once the kids realize that there is a greater threat out there then each other that maybe it will help them work together better against the "new threat".

You mean if you sent 100 kids down to a depopulated, radioactive planet with no food, no supplies, and little hope of surviving that they wouldn't through a wild party and make doe eyes at other attractive people?


So not worth it
You mean if you sent 100 kids down to a depopulated, radioactive planet with no food, no supplies, and little hope of surviving that they wouldn't through a wild party and make doe eyes at other attractive people?

Prisoners on a space ship who were all about to be put to death get to live and get send to Earth and see the world for the first time.

Sounds like a good reason to party to me.
Prisoners on a space ship who were all about to be put to death get to live and get send to Earth and see the world for the first time.

Sounds like a good reason to party to me.
I'd like to think even "teenagers" (I wonder which of the actors are approaching 30) would have enough sense to know they stand a good chance of freezing to death on their first night. I like the main female character for that reason.

I just wish these types of shows stopped always portraying teenagers as brainless party animals. It is certainly not something I'd expect from people who have literally spent their entire lives struggling to survive in a space station.

"I'm a rebellious teenage youth."

Then it is a trip into the airlock and explosive decompression for you.


I think it's fair to say that different people would react differently under the same circumstances, and trying to say "well, they all would've done this!" seems like an exercise in futility.


I think it's fair to say that different people would react differently under the same circumstances, and trying to say "well, they all would've done this!" seems like an exercise in futility.

Be nice if the show took that approach instead of 95 of them throwing a gigantic party.


Scrolled down slowly as I was reading the synopsis, and it went like this:

"Ok, I guess this could be de--"


Yup. Saw the premise, was incredibly intrigued then read the last sentence "oh what the shit?"

Saw the actors "welp that didn't last long."



I just wish these type of shows stopped always portraying teenagers as brainless party animals. It is certainly not something I'd expect from people who have literally spent their entire lives struggling to survive in a space station.
They're rebellious teenagers locked up in a cell for a big part of their life, and now they're left alone on a big planet where they can do what they want.

Funky Papa

If any, we should be thankful the main protagonist is unusually grounded and driven towards doing what must be done, even if that means losing lives in order to feed a bunch of good for nothing party bros. Even the guy tagging along her seems to understand the gravity of the situation.

PS: I'd pick the most intelligent kids right away and bunker like a mofo on that mountain base until the rest perished or came to their senses. Then I'd use the survivors to plow the land.

Edit: Man, am I wrong or is The 100 a total sausagefest? I guess there's going to be a lot of "exploring" if more people don't come down from the station...


Be nice if the show took that approach instead of 95 of them throwing a gigantic party.

There weren't 95 people there. I don't think it's unreasonable that a lot of these kids were happy they weren't in jail anymore on their first day on Earth. I also don't think it's unreasonable that you have people like the main character. Or that there are just people who want to get the hell out of there.

It's entirely reasonable that these people all could have had wildly different reactions. Of my problems with this pilot, this absolutely is not one of them. It's the fun of this type of series.


So not worth it
Edit: Man, am I wrong or is The 100 a total sausagefest? I guess there's going to be a lot of "exploring" if more people don't come down from the station...

Well, since the parents can only have one kid, it might be the same issue the Chinese have where parents "make sure" they have a boy for a child.
Edit: Man, am I wrong or is The 100 a total sausagefest? I guess there's going to be a lot of "exploring" if more people don't come down from the station...

The season trailer suggests that
there are other people living on Earth, so I can assume that there will be some ladyfolk to even out the man to woman ratio.

Funky Papa

The season trailer suggests that
there are other people living on Earth, so I can assume that their will be some ladyfolk to even out the man to woman ratio.


Also, I'll be a bit miffed if they cast Dichen as some kind of
half-savage survivor.
I hope the writers give her something meaty.


Aside from typical CW eye rolling lines and cheese i really fucking enjoyed this pilot.

Like i said in the other thread this is by far my favorite new CW show and the only one from this year that i will continue watching. I might re-visit Tomorrow People if renewed.
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