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So let's make a NeoGAF national television ad and put it on Fox News

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Originally Posted by Jamesfrom818:
How about people reading through some of GAFs legendary threads. GAF has enough of those to make a few commercial spots. Cramming it into 30 seconds might be tough though.

Would that not raise legal issues though? I imagine you could get sued by the person you are quoting for steeling his material for advertising purposes.

You mean something like the ExciteBots thread video I made?



I would love an ad in the style of "We Didn't Start the Flame War" video by CollegeHumor but more crude with some spoilers tags included and some peeps [censored] here and there for the famous word gafers tend to use in all imaginable ways..., you know, the typical high grade [or not] NeoGAF humor that makes this forum so special (not to forget the competent, intellectual and for most part reasonable conversations going on here, bans included).

To sum up the NeoGAF culture in that spot would be golden.
Make the screen all white, with the following message:

500 Internal Server Error

Have it sit there for maybe 10 seconds. Then the monologue comes in, courtesy EviLore (please feel free to edit/make this better, I'm just making it up as I go):

"I know what you're thinking. Something just happened, something big. You're thinking to yourself: Is it a megaton? NPD day? Oh crap, is it E3 already?

Now you're mashing F5, trying to refresh the page, but it's only making it worse. 500 Internal Server Error.

Another thought: What if it's in Off-Topic? Then you smile, laughing to yourself. Nothing big happens in OT. Cat pictures, puns about the news. No better place for girl advice. But nothing serious. Nothing to cause a 500 Internal Server Error.

You start to plan your moves. You open your folder of gifs... do you go with the popcorn one or the dismissive head-shake? Do you post one laughing smilie or two? Or do you go all-out and bust 5 in a row? Maybe this is the thread that gets you that tag you've wanted for so long.

You keep hitting F5, but it's no use. You know it'll be back in a minute. But it's the waiting that kills you. When it comes back, the world as you know it will never be the same."

[Then the logo shows up]



radjago said:
Is anyone familiar with music licensing? How much would it cost to license parts of "Comfort Eagle" by Cake for the ad? 2:15 - 2:37 might work, but it's not very subtle. Maybe the second half of the ad?
thats just added costs and really we should only do royalty-free music, like stuff in garageband or maybe have a gaffer do the sound/music stuff once the final cut of the video is done.


aka iby.h
btkadams said:
thats just added costs and really we should only do royalty-free music, like stuff in garageband or maybe have a gaffer do the sound/music stuff once the final cut of the video is done.

or something from G.A.M.E
Shanadeus said:
Which is why we need some input from Evilore, I think you could reduce it to 30 seconds but then you'd have to shorten the first part quite a bit and change it around. Like having a continuous monologue instead of breaking it up in bits like I have now.

"You believe in your country, in freedom and the pursuit of happyness" [Whilst showing images of the american flag, statue of liberty and a smiling happy family] - 8-10 seconds
[Sreen goes black and the following is shown on screen and said simultaniously]
"But do you believe in... neogaf?"
[Everything you said regarding the second part] - 15 seconds
"NEOGAF" [Appearing underneath the logo that's just closed up] - 3 seconds
"BELIEVE [Replacing the logo and text and being whispered like in the second part I made] - 2 seconds

I like this one. It's a nice subtle dig at the fervent nationalism and jingoism of the average Fox news viewer. At the same time it says something relevant about Neogaf. 5 years from now people wont want to see a plane.jpg in a videoclip of this commercial and most people wont even remember what it means. But I'm sure "believe" will still be sitting there under the NeoGAF name in the top right of this page. I know Evilore doesn't want to advertise so I can see why he might not want to go in this direction. I don't see it as advertising, I just see it as the right idea for this commercial.
Willy105 said:
So no progress yet?


I would have thought someone would have stepped up and delivered awesomeness.

It's hard to encapsulate the awesomeness that is GAF in 30 seconds.


Fail out bailed
Shanadeus said:
Lol! Its pretty funny! I like it.
I would suggest against ducking on the final part where we hear the "believe" whisper. Its best to find music that either ends on the appropriate spot or can be edited to sound that way.
Also, if someone can record it with compression before it hits the preamps and gets it pretty hot the whisper will sound better I think...

As I type this I realize I haven't read this massive thread and this was probably already discussed.

EDIT:Audio guys are easy to find, but I'll help with the mix or whatever if you guys don't have anyone yet... again, I'm sure this is covered.


Okay, I think it's about time we put this into action.

Let's make a serious effort this time around and follow the Dudebro's example.

State in what way you can help actualize a NeoGAF national television ad and let's see what we have to work with.

Shanadeus - Team manager&Voice actor


Blair said:
We need a celebrity to appear for 2 seconds just to say 'Believe' at the end of the ad. Micheal Cera preferably.
Once we work our way up to airing these during the Super Bowl, it has to be Segata Sanshiro.


anonymousAversa said:
Alright, we're getting there,

so far I think we've agreed

-No live action

-Not trying to get hits or attract members, just pure gloriousness.

-EvilLore voiceover

-Ridiculous graphics/text/footage

-"Believe" connection

-m0dus graphics ending

we have all the parts, just need to flesh them out. I'm getting pumped!
Now the fleshing out part might be a problem, the thread is almost dead D:
I'll try to gather together everything that fits the above ideas:

fanboi said:
Natalie Portman! Do a search of ITT: Something I've been working on the past few weeks. @ google.

ATF487 said:
I was thinking of a Cheers parody, maybe set in the GAF bar in NYC, with the logo and 'Believe.' on a black screen at the end.

edit: evilore says no live action, but i'd say pitching a communal atmosphere, animated or live > any lame attempts at humor

timetokill said:
I think keeping it simple, maybe text-based with voice-over, would be really great. I'm thinking something like "Ask NeoGAF".... a series of questions, with EviLore answering them as the "voice of GAF" in the commercial. The questions would be asked by various members on the forum (contributing their voice.. easy enough to record yourself and send the audio file to the people making the video).

Q. Hey GAF, there's this girl I'm really into, but I don't know how to tell her. What should I do?

A. The surest way to a girl's heart is by writing her an epic crown of sonnets.

Q. GAF, my cat just got injured outside and is bleeding. What do I do??

A. Take a slice of pizza, and feed half of it to the cat, and apply the other half directly to the wound.

Shanadeus said:
Which is why we need some input from Evilore, I think you could reduce it to 30 seconds but then you'd have to shorten the first part quite a bit and change it around. Like having a continuous monologue instead of breaking it up in bits like I have now.

"You believe in your country, in freedom and the pursuit of happyness" [Whilst showing images of the american flag, statue of liberty and a smiling happy family] - 8-10 seconds
[Sreen goes black and the following is shown on screen and said simultaniously]
"But do you believe in... neogaf?"
[Everything you said regarding the second part] - 15 seconds
"NEOGAF" [Appearing underneath the logo that's just closed up] - 3 seconds
"BELIEVE [Replacing the logo and text and being whispered like in the second part I made] - 2 seconds

msv said:
Also, perhaps we can do a subtle overlay of dramatic readings of ridiculous posts when the tension rises. Together with the pics. Animate the contents of those posts maybe, would be a good way to convey everything without having to use copyrighted stuff.

A lot of links are dead now but it looks like these two are still up:

Part 1 (split up due to the site's limitation)
Part 2


Awesome, a revival!

Part 2 song needs to be changed man! More dramatic! Sort of upbeat Inception style tune. Looks pretty awesome for something made on a site though.

We should also not forget dino gaf, never forget. Oh, and I propose we add the LUNCHTIME BANTER banner in.


Yeah, the music never really fit in to begin with. We'd have to do something from scratch as I don't have any of the materials I used for those two ads.
Need to get some more pictures, background and record some more voice samples.


Al right, this is what we need to do next!

First of all we need to find out how many more are interested in this and how they can contribute to the project.

We'll follow the way we've set up the ad in my example as it allows for maximum user interaction (everyone can contribute with pictures and voice samples) while keeping it simple. We also need someone with decent knowledge of video editing who could piece together all of this in a similar fashion to the videos I made on quite a limiting website - I could see a lot of improvement be done just by directly controlling what the ad will look like.


  • Find and post pictures YOU think represent NeoGAF (as a whole or just part of it, either is fine)
  • Find music (preferably free music) befitting of the ad
  • Record a 2-second clip of you saying/whispering/screaming "Believe"
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