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1Up Show 10.11 (Persona 4, Killzone 2 SP Campaign, Prince of Persia)


Rez>You said:
Seriously. '-_-

So go ahead and share whatever insightful commentary you have on those other games then. By all means.

Sheeeeesh, what's worse, actual discussion on show content or the guys who stop by to go "OH HEY I GUESS THIS IS JUST ANOTHER KILLZONE THREAD HUH??"?

Opus Angelorum said:
No game on any system is without criticism.

If your reply is somehow suggesting that I have some underlying agenda, then you are gravely mistaken.

Honestly, can you really blame him? You show up in most PS3 exclusive threads to bring your patented fairness and point out a flaw or two, but you rarely if ever do the same in the threads dedicated to X360 exclusive games.


wow prince of persia looks like a huge disappointment. what a letdown. oh well, i kind of expected it after all the interviews and footage we've seen in the last few months.

edit: oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to interrupt today's killzone 2 jizz and troll thread. yawn.


jarosh said:
wow prince of persia looks like a huge disappointment. what a letdown. oh well, i kind of expected it after all the interviews and footage we've seen in the last few months.

I'm not really all that surprised, it's by the b-team that handled warrior within and the two thrones, mere shadows of Sands of Time. Personally I'm just waiting for Desillets and his team's next game.
Ceb said:
You show up in most PS3 exclusive threads to bring your patented fairness and point out a flaw or two, but you rarely if ever do the same in the threads dedicated to X360 exclusive games.

I generally don't post in any thread when I don't have anything constructive to say.

I'm really enjoyed Gears of War 2, but you won't find a dozen posts from me in the official thread declaring my undying love. Call me negative, but I enjoy recognising and discussing flaws in games. There is no motive or misdirection intended.

I'm playing through Uncharted and Fable II at the moment, and you can be sure I'll focus on the poorer aspects. I can't understand why people may think I'm showing bias, quite why I would purchase and play through a game just to talk poorly of it is beyond me.
Ceb said:
So go ahead and share whatever insightful commentary you have on those other games then. By all means.

Sheeeeesh, what's worse, actual discussion on show content or the guys who stop by to go "OH HEY I GUESS THIS IS JUST ANOTHER KILLZONE THREAD HUH??"?
When your discussion on show content is limited to screeching about imaginary perceived biases, then um... yeah, my comment would actually be better than that, sure.

I'd love to talk about the actual show, but that's not really what's going on in here, is it? Be honest.

Uncle AJ

I'm sorry, I'm still laughing at "Is there a leaderboard for that game?" :lol

Also, someone needs to make a gif of Sharkey doing the suck-my-d*** thing in the credits.


I just wanted to say that, having beaten Prince of Persia, I think there's a small bit of extra challenge that comes from collecting the lightseeds, that may or may not equate to what some may compare to how you would approach a sands of time level, as this is just combing through an entire area, searching for anything that you might have missed. But what's great is that the developers have worked on this game so much, that there's almost always a visual cue to what you can traverse, that you might have missed before, in order to get to those light seeds.

Personally, I felt that having to wait for Elika to jump onto your back when you get on vines hindered the gameplay a little, and just turned into something you have to live with. As for combat, its very much more akin to Assassin's Creed, and if anything, the combat system was incredibly strong, as opposed to the previous games. I loved the thinking behind the combat tree, and how its much more fluid and organic, and ultimately contextual, much like how most of the platforming is. Nothing ever felt out of place, and as far as the "random" enemy placements, they were really more like an enemy that "greets" you into the corrupted area, on these platforms, and gives a quasi-boss fight feel.

I just can't wait for the next game :)

As for Killzone 2 coverage, it was much more satisfying than last week's, with much more in-depth commentary from David.

And I have to say, I do love the Jay Fresche antics. :lol Also, seeing Fitch and Kollar together is the weirdest things ever; I swear I'm sure I've mixed up the two several times, but now? That's some paradoxical shit right there.
Persona 4 looks good - I have never played a Persona before, and am a bit iffy on the whole social-sim element, but I want to get a solid JRPG and I really like the pop-like art in this one. Should I go for this one, or are those in the know inclined to believe that there are better alternatives?

It sucks that the PoP segment basically outlined everything I feared this game might be - redundant collecting, hand-held fighting and platforming and a general lack of challenge. Despite some of the comments in the segment I don`t think the Prince really fits into the Nathan Drake type role, and some of the lines they showcased are horrible. I love the art, and want to play it, but with so much awesome out this season, I guess this will be a pass.

KZ2 looks great - wish there was an HD feed, though I have seen a lot of videos in the past few days. It does seem that 1up is dead set on holding this game to a standard they refuse to hold any other game to. Don`t get me wrong, I actually think that a critical preview is the direction this industry's commentators should move in. However, it seems that this is only really being applied to a select few games - either those that are safe to criticize, or those that are hip to rag on. The previous KZ2 segment (MP) was a joke, and this one was pretty much the same.

The KZ2 discussion seemed more reasoned this time (no doubt a result of the backlash from last week), but the fixation on negative elements and downplaying seems a bit over done, as though they are setting out to undermine any hype for this game (where they are usually at the forefront of hype mongering). The standard now is to say "the graphics are amazing (because anyone with eyes could figure that out), but . . . " - unfortunately we are not seeing this applied to other major games (ones that only get glowing previews even when gameplay and/or other elements leave much to be desired).

Overall, the 1up show is really falling off quality wise. I think that the skit segments this season have been horrible. The opening theme is horrendus. And almost every noteworthy personality has left the show. Now we are getting a bunch of segments with many different people (most of whom are unknowns), all of whom bring so little to the table as far as screen presence, charisma, discussion or trustworthiness are concerned. It of course is no where near the "On the Spot" shit, but I feel that it is quickly become irrelevant. When you keep introducing new people to discuss things it makes it hard to actually care about what they have to say, or build any trust in the value of their opinions.

Tina and Thierry Nguyen have horrible screen presence and bring nearly no substantial discussion to anything they participate in - and generally I find Nguyen to be very pompus and negative. I feel sorry that Tina is the new "cute" that the show uses to appeal to that demographic.

They really need to get small groups together to focus on certian genres and over the course of a season give their opinions on these games while providing qualitative reference points for the audience to work off of (by perhaps referencing previous games or other media). The dynamic should provide reasoned discussion from everyone present, and all participating members should have a similar level of screen presence (that KZ2 MP segment with Ellis using the other guy as a sounding board is the exact opposite of how it should be done).
This one tone Killzone 2 back and forth discussion in this thread (dare I call it that) is getting fucking boring.

Thanks for the impressions, Darkpen.
Sanjay said:
Going by what Nick said, he prefers his real enemy to be human and tangible, the real type. He likes to see their faces while killing them. To him If your dont have these attributes, your just killing mindless drones resulting in not being fun to him.

That just sounds picky to me.

Nick's argument was that having real human enemies with their faces visible is better then not. I mentioned HL2 because that game has no human enemies. All I'm saying is that, this "fault" of KZ2 is not what will decide if KZ2 is good or bad, it will be other stuff.

This is what you dont see in KZ2 and not Nick and hes pld the game. But the stuff you mentioned there is the kind of stuff I would rather like to know about and not petty details like if the enemies have no face.

i never said i preferred it. but if they're going for that faceless, creepy entity design -- and i agree that they seem to be -- i don't think they're getting it right. it's tough to put my finger on why the Combine work so well, for example, but i think it has a lot to do with the way you're introduced to them and their place in the narrative.

and i didn't say that mindless drones results in not being fun, i said it results in little satisfaction, psychologically or otherwise. the reason i didn't fun the game "fun," per se, was due to its more realistic design sensibilities, which are rarely my cup of tea. the fact that i can't find a way to appreciate the Helghast's design is just another niggling, unappealing aspect for me. i don't dislike the game, it's certainly engaging for other reasons, it's just not really my type of shooter from what i've played. i also talk about it a bit in my part of the group preview we ran.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
rocksolidaudio said:
i never said i preferred it. but if they're going for that faceless, creepy entity design -- and i agree that they seem to be -- i don't think they're getting it right. it's tough to put my finger on why the Combine work so well, for example, but i think it has a lot to do with the way you're introduced to them and their place in the narrative.

and i didn't say that mindless drones results in not being fun, i said it results in little satisfaction, psychologically or otherwise. the reason i didn't fun the game "fun," per se, was due to its more realistic design sensibilities, which are rarely my cup of tea. the fact that i can't find a way to appreciate the Helghast's design is just another niggling, unappealing aspect for me. i don't dislike the game, it's certainly engaging for other reasons, it's just not really my type of shooter from what i've played. i also talk about it a bit in my part of the group preview we ran.

I'm just gonna quote myself from the KZ2-thread, dude, where I responded to just that.

Hmm, but isn't the Helghast from the moon or Mars or something and needs those masks and shit to be able to function on earth or whatever due to difference in atmosphere or something like that?

Honestly, "can't put my finger on that" sounds like a bad excuse. What "way you're introduced to them and their place in the narrative"? What does that even mean in the context of HL2? You see them, they boss you around and then you fight them. What's this about a place in the narrative?

To put it simply, to me it sounds like you're giving HL2 a free pass because it's Halflife.


PoP is a brilliant game. My faith in the general gaming public and game critics specifically has been lowered significantly with Mirror's Edge and PoP getting more shrugs than the extreme laud at least ME should receive. We're in a new age of 3D platforming.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Kabuki Waq said:
1up is setting KZ2 up for the b+ bomb and they want fanboys to brace themselves before hand.

Well, you know, if you don't like the design of the Helghast or whatever -- that's fine. I don't mind that at all. But when you throw "it has a lot to do with the way you're introduced to them and their place in the narrative" about the combine in there, as some kind of justification for liking them but not the Helghast even though they both have the same function (and masks!) in the games, it just seems like a poorly thought through argument. What place place in the narrative? There isn't anything particular there, nor is there anything that out of the ordinary in how they are introduced to the player, really. The intro to HL2 is great, but the combines looks coud have been the one of the Helghast and it would have worked equally well.
what I dont get is that on one had they priased the AI and said you had to fight for every kill but on the other hand they called the enemines Mindless drones and compared it to the abosulte gimmick filled AI-less crap that was the COD4 campaign?

If you actually enjoyed the COD4 campaign you have no right to complain about mindless drones.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
rocksolidaudio said:
i never said i preferred it. but if they're going for that faceless, creepy entity design -- and i agree that they seem to be -- i don't think they're getting it right. it's tough to put my finger on why the Combine work so well, for example, but i think it has a lot to do with the way you're introduced to them and their place in the narrative.

This is incredibly vague. This is something I'd write on an English exam if I didn't really know the answer but thought the form of the real answer would look something like this.

All you need to do now is talk about the universality of experience and the human condition and you've got yourself a review.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Kabuki Waq said:
what I dont get is that on one had they priased the AI and said you had to fight for every kill but on the other hand they called the enemines Mindless drones and compared it to the abosulte gimmick filled AI-less crap that was the COD4 campaign?

If you actually enjoyed the COD4 campaign you have no right to complain about mindless drones.

I haven't actually had time to watch the show, so I'm just going by what you guys say. But I really liked the COD4 campaing, but that was inspite of the mindless drones. It does seem kinda weird to first praise the AI in KZ2 and then say there's essentially none, though.
well watching the AI video at gametrailers ....other than the level design being linear the combat is supposed to be dynamic and never the same. So I am really hopfule KZ2 will not be anything like the LAZY crap SP campaigns that COD games have.
rocksolidaudio said:
i never said i preferred it. but if they're going for that faceless, creepy entity design -- and i agree that they seem to be -- i don't think they're getting it right. it's tough to put my finger on why the Combine work so well, for example, but i think it has a lot to do with the way you're introduced to them and their place in the narrative.

While I haven't played Killzone 2 and don't know how they introduce the enemy in that game, or even played Killzone 1 to the point where I could understand the story since it was borderline unplayable, but the way the actual story was presented to me after wondering why 'Kin' would be a better name seemed quite interesting compared to most other enemies in games. Maybe it's presented poorly in Killzone 2 -- even so the enemy design of future shocktrooper Nazi's is still super cool with the glowing red eyes.


rocksolidaudio said:
i never said i preferred it. but if they're going for that faceless, creepy entity design -- and i agree that they seem to be -- i don't think they're getting it right. it's tough to put my finger on why the Combine work so well, for example, but i think it has a lot to do with the way you're introduced to them and their place in the narrative.

I would think many people feared Nazi's back in the day, trembled in terror when they saw them. It looks like Helghast are a future rendition of them from helmet design, to the way the formations and banner paint a similar portrait, to the their dictator is "rallying" them from a "ruined to better civilization" via war.

And what would be the difference in facing them and the same recycled handful of facial models used in a game? All those shooters feel like eventually you're facing the same model over and over, and they lack individuality and character as well. "Can't put your finger on" why another faceless grunt works so well though is a sure "get outta jail free card". I would like to know how certain games are excused from criticisms that can just as easily be applied to them. It's a shame you guys don't apply the same "personal feelings" to other games as well.


Crayon said:
If kz-type scrutiny was applied to all games then outlets like 1up might be worth a fuck.

Tina Sanchez, community manager: Right away, I feel that the Flood are plentiful, yet somewhat unsatisfying to fight against. For one, their lack of aesthetic diversity hinders my enjoyment of defeating them. On top of that, the Elites their overall character design also seems questionable -- they are contrasting with their colorful uniforms that they wear make them unnecessarily stand out. In turn, from a player's perspective, the Elites colorful uniforms become the only feature to watch out for on the battlefield -- which distracts from their overall visual design and makes them all blur together into a sea of rainbow coloured uniforms that feel one and the same. I just wish the Flood & Elites were more interesting foes.


Sanjay said:
Tina Sanchez, community manager: Right away, I feel that the Flood are plentiful, yet somewhat unsatisfying to fight against. For one, their lack of aesthetic diversity hinders my enjoyment of defeating them. On top of that, the Elites their overall character design also seems questionable -- they are contrasting with their colorful uniforms that they wear make them unnecessarily stand out. In turn, from a player's perspective, the Elites colorful uniforms become the only feature to watch out for on the battlefield -- which distracts from their overall visual design and makes them all blur together into a sea of rainbow coloured uniforms that feel one and the same. I just wish the Flood & Elites were more interesting foes.
What did Halo score? Was that the only mention of character design or did they give it several paragraphs in the preview as well?
oneHeero said:
What did Halo score? Was that the only mention of character design or did they give it several paragraphs in the preview as well?

You don't see what he did there?
He replaced the words referring to Helghast and their eyes with Halo enemies.


oneHeero said:
What did Halo score? Was that the only mention of character design or did they give it several paragraphs in the preview as well?

:lol He took Tina's description of the helghast and applied a halo-twist to it.

BTW, 1up gave Halo 3 a predictable 10.
the combine in HL2 seem very soulless and generic to me...which I suppose was there point to some extent...I think the helghast design is most definitely superior...absolutely bizarre to rag on them to be honest... more coherent that alot of what I have seen in halo for example...although I like the fact that some of the alien designs in that game do have a degree of originality...not the usual large eyed humanoids


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
1up magic is wearing thin on this board... I motion that we move to being gamasutra's messageboard away from home next!
Kuroyume said:
A deserving 10... But, you only get agitated when your games don't get 10s and other games do.

I think you're the same guy who wrote this at the Killzone 2 Reveal thread:

Kuroyume said:
Just saw the trailer... Yeah, I still maintain my opinion that it looks close to or on par with Blacksite, Turok, and COD4 (I guess...) Those games btw, are ****ing amazing looking, so it's a compliment.

You're feeling a little agitated now, right? :lol


nelsonroyale said:
the combine in HL2 seem very soulless and generic to me...which I suppose was there point to some extent...I think the helghast design is most definitely superior...absolutely bizarre to rag on them to be honest... more coherent that alot of what I have seen in halo for example...although I like the fact that some of the alien designs in that game do have a degree of originality...not the usual large eyed humanoids

I wouldn't call them soulless, hell there was that infamous scene where a Combine soldier throws a can and tells you to pick it up :lol . Anyways, let's not turn this into a x is better than y game discussion because I'm sure a lot of people can appreciate both games for their own design.


asclepio_gtr said:
I think you're the same guy who wrote this at the Killzone 2 Reveal thread:

You're feeling a little agitated now, right? :lol

Whoa, did this guy really say that the original killzone 2 trailer looked on par with Blacksite and Turok. Really?

Thanks asclepio for pointing this guy out, he now will be forever ignored by me.


Wow @ Suttner. He really thinks the Helghast are boring and would rather be killing zombies or aliens? God damn shallow.

Wow @ the Killzone hating posts. Like, wtf about AI and Character Models?


I thought most reviews agreed that the design of the Helghast and the overall art direction were the best parts in Killzone 1? I remember reading something like that.
So confused..


Kuroyume said:
Hey man, I already took my licks for that comment. That's like a year old. :lol

Well now maybe you can appreciate the subtle difference between just saying retarded shit and typing it on a forum.


Gantz said:
you got to be kidding. the character models look like ass not to mention the animations. western devs need to hire better character designers period.



Kuroyume said:
I'm sure not going to take my lessons from you Crayon.

okay i got banned for making fun of a dead kid once. im not perfect.

i bring joy to this place. you would do well to be more like me.


suttner can be such a douche.

he gets these pre-determined opinions on games, and anytime someone tries to say anything different he goes off-topic with weird comparisons and metaphors. I think i notice it more on 1upFM though.
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