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Seven Dead, Several Hospitalized in Isla Vista Mass Shooting

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I really wish he got some type of help before the shit went down. This just sucks to see someone living in a bubble like that and along the way, taking peoples' lives and destroying their circle of family/friends along themselves too. Such a fucking waste. :/
The Misogyny aspect is so strong here I don't think it would be necessary to use gaming as a scapegoat. The again, the news does have a way of disappointing me in cases like this.

Well, MRA vs Feminism is going to dominate the conversation.

Video games are on the back burner. MRA stuff will gain more views and thus more ad revenue.

He talks about material goods and enslaving women, so that'll be big on debate shows.

I REALLY hope they don't pull the old "he was a nice quiet kid who had a very privileged life" shit like with Adam Lanza.


Junior Member
Well, MRA vs Feminism is going to dominate the conversation.

Video games are on the back burner. MRA stuff will gain more views and thus more ad revenue.

He talks about material goods and enslaving women, so that'll be big on debate shows.

I REALLY hope they don't pull the old "he was a nice quiet kid who had a very privileged life" shit like with Adam Lanza.

Yeah I'm thinking this might be the thing to bring the issue of MRAs into mainstream knowledge.
I mean I think we all knew that from the beginning but the lottery thing really brought it home for me. There was no reaching this guy, he was in his own world. It will take a whole team of psychiatrists to evaluate him and truly figure out what exactly he was suffering from. As our understanding of the brain and mental disorders continues to evolve we will get a better handle on guys like this. We really need to invest more in research.

Although that may be true, there's no mental illness that makes one a misogynistic asshole. Mental illness can't be used as a scapegoat every time someone decides to go on a shooting spree, because the majority of people who deal with those illnesses aren't like that. There are people out there who are just evil.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious

Most pregnancies just happen in a manner of speaking, but his parents went into specific detail about how the contraception failed, how could that be of benefit to anyone besides weighing on them in their darkest hour.
You'd have to have a pretty specific self-image for that to be a damaging piece of information.

All I can say is this: that would be an irrelevant piece of knowledge in my own life. It wouldn't "weigh on me" in the slightest.
I'm reading through that document, and what's striking me the most is how he just expected things to fall into his lap. All those walks where he simply counted on someone befriending him without doing anything himself.
All desire and no work ethic. All that coddling. Terrible.


Ugh, now it's the NRA-bashing talking point. Only took 16 pages.

Yes, it's their fault. Not the parents. Not the police. Not the 2 psychologist. Definitely not the scumbag himself.

I'm seriously amazed you can always find a opportunity to defend the NRA. I really don't understand why you're allowed to post at all.


Although that may be true, there's no mental illness that makes one a misogynistic asshole. Mental illness can't be used as a scapegoat every time someone decides to go on a shooting spree, because the majority of people who deal with those illnesses aren't like that. There are people out there who are just evil.

Yeah but this clearly goes beyond just being angry at women and wanting to lash out. Female holocaust, wanting to kill his little brother, inability to feel human, absolute certainty that he would win the lottery, in general the bizarre way he acts and the stuff he writes. This guy was way out there on the deep end.


Unconfirmed Member
I mean I think we all knew that from the beginning but the lottery thing really brought it home for me. There was no reaching this guy, he was in his own world. It will take a whole team of psychiatrists to evaluate him and truly figure out what exactly he was suffering from. As our understanding of the brain and mental disorders continues to evolve we will get a better handle on guys like this. We really need to invest more in research.

Well, that hits home for me. During my depression, I also systematically bought lottery tickets as "they were my only hope".
I dunno if it's just me, and the tragedy sucks..but I find this dude's videos and bonker's writing FASCINATING as fuck. And now we learn he's got bodies in his apartment?!


Another early incident. Guess he never got over Middle school.


Woah there, he mentioned World of Warcraft. Clearly this is all the fault of video games. Where's all the media outrage?


I'm reading through that document, and what's striking me the most is how he just expected things to fall into his lap. All those walks where he simply counted on someone befriending him without doing anything himself.
All desire and no work ethic. All that coddling. Terrible.

I think it's because, as you imply, most things did just fall into his lap thanks to his family's wealth. It seems that's why he was obsessed with more obscene, multi-millionaire wealth as well, since he saw that as enabling him to purchase friends, women, and general admiration, since those were things his parents couldn't simply throw money at.
There's not much that could be done about this, given certain political realities.

I don't see what can be done to address the root problem. You can take guns away from him but it still leaves a person who thought these things. They will find another way to enact violence. Where does the true solution come from?


i believe he was feeling ressentiment:
Ressentiment is a reassignment of the pain that accompanies a sense of one's own inferiority/failure onto an external scapegoat. The ego creates the illusion of an enemy, a cause that can be "blamed" for one's own inferiority/failure. Thus, one was thwarted not by a failure in oneself, but rather by an external "evil."


Yeah but this clearly goes beyond just being angry at women and wanting to lash out. Female holocaust, wanting to kill his little brother, inability to feel human, absolute certainty that he would win the lottery, in general the bizarre way he acts and the stuff he writes. This guy was way out there on the deep end.
That's where I get upset about "blaming" MRAs - the problematic ones are a symptom of deeper issues, not the root. His massive misogyny and other issues were there long before Reddit was a thing.


Seems irrelevant to me. Do children need to believe they were strategically planned to be brought into this world?

I'm pretty sure I was told at some point that I "just happened" and we had a big laugh over it.

That depends. If your child is already feeling unloved and unappreciated then being told that you were an accident can be crushing. If the family is happy and the kid feels loved then it will be of less importance obviously.


No, that's called apathy. A shame, too. We as a culture are really getting numb to this violence.

We're not numb or apathetic, it's just become political suicide to broach the subject of gun violence as well as discussing deep rooted misogyny. Polls show that we want change, but we're in such gridlock, and the NRA is so zealous that we our representatives don't have the clout.
Here are some of the more interesting excerpts.




He was clearly fucked up beforehand, but the quote will make it easier for the media.

WoW has a lot of bad press, but this fuck quoting WoW in his shitty video won't bring video games up, unless it's specifically Jack Thompson and Fox News.

Now, the incident about being questioned by cops is super interesting, because we can find out if the cops truly did everything in their power to prevent this tragedy. If so, the Santa Barbara police Dept. will have a huge egg all over its face.


I don't know exactly how background checks work in the States but there's a fairly simple solution to try to prevent mass-shootings by young adults. Anyone under 25 should give the name and phone number of three people who've known them for more than five years. Then call these people to tell them the person is buying a firearm. Even if you still sell the gun, it would at least raise a red flag in their entourage. Then it's up to them to act accordingly. You don't even have to ban guns.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
This guy's "manifesto" is honestly a really fascinating read.

Agreed. His writing style is so meticulous. He had severe mental issues obviously. I am shocked that it took YouTube videos for some random person to report him. I wish those colors were able to do more than just talk worth him. :(

Depraved, evil, vile person. Just creeps me out that there are people like this out there.

I know that this isn't the place, but fuck handguns. Seriously...
The thing I don't get about this guy is he says he works out for like 2 weeks and then he doesn't understand why girls aren't attracted to him after it. 2 weeks is nothing bro and then he goes and buys some shirts from macys thinking that will help. Finding the right style is more complicated than going to macys one afternoon.

The guy was all about immediate solutions no patience or work ethic. Not to mention the lottery fantasies.

Same is true of his move to SB. He thinks it's the solution he was looking for but we all know that physical location has nothing to do with it, change comes from within.


Thos is all so scary and insane. Scary because there are actually nutjobs out there who agree with him and might try to imitate him. Why can't people like that realise that they have to improve themselves instead of projecting their shortcomings on others? Why?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
WoW has a lot of bad press, but this fuck quoting WoW in his shitty video won't bring video games up, unless it's specifically Jack Thompson and Fox News.

Now, the incident about being questioned by cops is super interesting, because we can find out if the cops truly did everything in their power to prevent this tragedy. If so, the Santa Barbara police Dept. will have a huge egg all over its face.

They couldn't search his room without a warrant.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Thos is all so scary and insane. Scary because there are actually nutjobs out there who agree with him and might try to imitate him. Why can't people like that realise that they have to improve themselves instead of projecting their shortcomings on others? Why?

Because they have severe mental issues. This isn't about a lonely regular Joe who just doesn't get how to impress women, but refuses to put in the work. This is a deeply disturbed person like James whatever that shot up the movie theater in Denver last year. These people should be institutionalized.


Agreed. His writing style is so meticulous. He had severe mental issues obviously. I am shocked that it took YouTube videos for some random person to report him. I wish those colors were able to do more than just talk worth him. :(

Depraved, evil, vile person. Just creeps me out that there are people like this out there.

I know that this isn't the place, but fuck handguns. Seriously...

His writing is a little rough around the edges, but it's actually really good. I don't know if it's just the subject matter and the context, but I can't stop reading it.


Unconfirmed Member
The YouTube trolls praising the murderer are draining my faith in mankind. Just from the discussion section of his YouTube channel:








This guy's gonna be a case study now. SMH.

Well it is interesting how this one played out. There have been plenty of entitled misogynistic killers, they were just more likely to rape and kill people under the radar. Some were never caught too. But we don't really talk about that kind of violence as it really is, gendered violence. Media, society, goes for the "mentally deranged" angle, and while sure, they have issues, they are motivated by a hatred of and entitlement towards women.
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