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GOP Primary Debate #3 |CNBC| Burning Bush

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IMO your in the minority in that assertion, most people including democrats this morning are all saying the same thing, that the mods and CNBC looked like total shit. and the Candidates came away looking more like actual white house hopefuls.

The moderation wasn't the best, sure, but you're not going to get me to side against the fucking candidates who stand up there telling the moderators their own fucking websites are lying about their positions. That's ridiculous. They can take their persecution complex and shove it up their collective lying asses.


Funny how the candidates complain about media bias...

The media are only biased towards themselves, ratings, and advertising money... the only reason those joke candidates get any air at all is because of that bias.


Well, I wouldn't go that far. The moderators looked like shit, but I don't think it made the candidates look any better. Whining about unfair moderation is still pretty lame. It's not like being President is easy.

Somebody has to carry that water.


Funny how the candidates complain about media bias...

The media are only biased towards themselves, ratings, and advertising money... the only reason those joke candidates get any air at all is because of that bias.

You do know that you just described how they aren't a joke.
The short clip on the news this morning here in Canada only showed Cruz blasting the moderators. They actually asked about cartoon villains?

That was a question for Trump. They listed off his policies and asked him if he was closer to a comic book character running for president or something to that effect.


The short clip on the news this morning here in Canada only showed Cruz blasting the moderators. They actually asked about cartoon villains?
First question of the debate:
HARWOOD: Mr. Trump, you’ve done very well in this campaign so far by promising to build a wall and make another country pay for it.

TRUMP: Right.

HARWOOD: Send 11 million people out of the country. Cut taxes $10 trillion without increasing the deficit.

TRUMP: Right.

HARWOOD: And make Americans better off because your greatness would replace the stupidity and incompetence of others.

TRUMP: That’s right.

HARWOOD: Let’s be honest.


Is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign?
CNBC did fuck up for lacking the proper substance needed. On the attacks it was a game of deflection anyway, but they were too transparent and low level.

But you know they made some serious money regardless.
I heard some of the maintenance workers at my office (the only vocal republicans) talking about the debate this morning, specifically Jeb's failed attack on Rubio. They said it was "absolutely shameful" that one Republican would stoop so low as to attack one of their own and that Rubio handled it perfectly. "I'm about done with Bush."

Anecdotal as hell, but if these guys are done with Bush I'm sure they aren't alone.
CNBC did fuck up for lacking the proper substance needed.

They asked some pretty pointed questions about the candidates' tax plans at the start of the debate, but once Cruz showed that you could dodge a tough question by attacking the moderators, it was all over.


The Republican primary has thus far been a festival of outlandish policy. The candidates seem to be competing to craft the tax plan that gives the largest tax cut to the rich while blowing the biggest hole in the deficit (a competition that, as of tonight, Ted Cruz appears to be winning). And the problem is when you ask about those plans, simply stating the facts of the policies sounds like you're leveling a devastating attack.


It's really hard to believe that at one point, he was the chosen one. People legitimately thought he was going to be a threat for the Presidency. The thought had actually crossed my mind more than once too.

He was a blowhard if you watched any of the many clips of him interacting with people who challenged him. I don't know why anyone took him as a presidential candidate.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I thought the moderators were clowns last night. Terrible questions, they let people get away without answering questions, and they even cut each other off.


and they even cut each other off.
This is funny because at the time I kept thinking it was candidates off screen, but in the transcript they're named and they do this a lot. There's one instance where one of the moderators interrupts to say they'll go to the female moderator as the candidate is finishing their last sentence, but then he suddenly starts to ask a follow up question to that candidate over her trying to question a different candidate.

And there's a lot of one questioner starting a question, then another butting in to ask a different version of the same question. Mostly John Harwood.


The moderation wasn't the best, sure, but you're not going to get me to side against the fucking candidates who stand up there telling the moderators their own fucking websites are lying about their positions. That's ridiculous. They can take their persecution complex and shove it up their collective lying asses.

Lol you mad bruh? It's just a primary debate.
They asked some pretty pointed questions about the candidates' tax plans at the start of the debate, but once Cruz showed that you could dodge a tough question by attacking the moderators, it was all over.

Exactly right. It sets a bad precedent, and while it plays well to their base, it's not going to help any of them with regard to swaying independents. Just a bad look all the way around, regardless of what you think of the job CNBC's moderators did.
This is funny because at the time I kept thinking it was candidates off screen, but in the transcript they're named and they do this a lot. There's one instance where one of the moderators interrupts to say they'll go to the female moderator as the candidate is finishing their last sentence, but then he suddenly starts to ask a follow up question to that candidate over her trying to question a different candidate.

And there's a lot of one questioner starting a question, then another butting in to ask a different version of the same question. Mostly John Harwood.

Yeah, I noticed that once or twice. You'd hear three or four voices and assume they were allooking candidates, but then they'd show two moderators just refusing to back down. These guys just seemed so thoroughly unprepared.

Lol you mad bruh? It's just a primary debate.

Lol, you make a big thread complaining about how Republicans don't get the respect they deserve around here, and this is the shit you bring to the table?
I can see why Ben Carson heads some polls. Regardless if you agree with anything he says, he sounds level headed and not like he is a media personality. He has a calm and more presidential demeanor.

Level headed? Uh no, no he doesn't. He sounds bored, sleepy, or blazed. "Calm" and "presidential" are just about the last two adjectives I'd use to describe Carson.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Cramer's question confused me because I wasn't paying full attention, but I just looked at the transcript and now I'm even more confused:

What does the first part have to do with the rest? Why is that "but"?

And who would answer no to the actual question?

Someone should ask Cramer if bank executives should go to jail for the number of default and poverty related suicides and drug overdoses. At least GM didn't actually set out to design deliberately faulty switches in the first place.

Some of those mortgage products were designed to fail on purpose.


I need to see what I missed.

Lol you mad bruh? It's just a primary debate.
Lol, you make a big thread complaining about how Republicans don't get the respect they deserve around here, and this is the shit you bring to the table?

Lol you mad bruh? It's just a primary debate.
You're not doing yourself any favors especially after your recent thread. Probably better to engage in a reasonable way.
Ayyyyy lmao

RIP #notallrepublicans
They asked some pretty pointed questions about the candidates' tax plans at the start of the debate, but once Cruz showed that you could dodge a tough question by attacking the moderators, it was all over.


There's two things going on here I think. 1) a lot of the questions that the moderators asked WERE just shit and their behavior was questionable (interrupting each other, etc). The only thing that accomplished was give "librul media!!!" whiners more ammunition. And 2), what you said is exactly right. I seem to be in the minority on this, but to me Cruz's little rant about the "librul media" sounded rehearsed and canned. He just had that one saved as a zinger and it worked. Then all the other candidates started circling the wagons because it worked for Cruz, but they all sounded desperate in doing so. Christie saying the same thing whining about not talking about the issues, just after he himself said his dickwad "Obama disrespecting police officers" diet racist bullshit. Trump pretending he never said something that was literally in his own website. Rubio repeating "librul media bias" over and over like a kid who just learned a new curse word.

Yes, CNBC's questions and moderation were ass, but the candidates' responses were equally shit.


but to me Cruz's little rant about the "librul media" sounded rehearsed and canned. He just had that one saved as a zinger and it worked.
I'm not sure he could have rehearsed the entire thing, he literally listed off every silly question they had asked of a candidate.

Cruz is well known for being able to pull off that kind of thing in the courtroom. So he may have just planned to attack them at some point, or it came to him then as an opportunity for a "Gingrich moment" for himself.
I'm not sure he could have rehearsed the entire thing, he literally listed off every silly question they had asked of a candidate.

Not the entire thing, but you could tell part of the response involved "OK remember the last several questions and use them in the response"


First question of the debate:

HARWOOD: Mr. Trump, you’ve done very well in this campaign so far by promising to build a wall and make another country pay for it.

TRUMP: Right.

HARWOOD: Send 11 million people out of the country. Cut taxes $10 trillion without increasing the deficit.

TRUMP: Right.

HARWOOD: And make Americans better off because your greatness would replace the stupidity and incompetence of others.

TRUMP: That’s right.

HARWOOD: Let’s be honest.


Is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign?

The big problem with questions like this isn't that they're too hard on the candidates, it's that they're too easy.

What's Trump going to say? "Oh, shit, yes, you're right, I'm Lex Luthor?" Of course he's going to say "No, it's a real campaign about real issues, you're just liberal media bashing me." You may as well write the question on a golf ball and literally tee it up.

The purpose of debate moderation isn't to write good lines for the moderators to say. It's to ask questions that don't have obvious yes or no answers and that can reveal the weakness of a candidate. You don't reveal the weakness of a candidate by saying "AHA THIS IS YOUR WEAKNESS, YES OR NO?"
I'm not sure he could have rehearsed the entire thing, he literally listed off every silly question they had asked of a candidate.
Speaking of which, Ted Cruz reportedly has audiographic memory. Meaning, he will memorize anything said out loud instantly. Also, NPR did a survey of all the candidates in both parties, and Cruz comes out on top as the candidate that uses the most complex sentences and language - partly due to his Harvard Law degree.


The moderation wasn't the best, sure, but you're not going to get me to side against the fucking candidates who stand up there telling the moderators their own fucking websites are lying about their positions. That's ridiculous. They can take their persecution complex and shove it up their collective lying asses.

I'm a conservative and agree that Cruz ignored the question when asked only so he could gain political points. It worked for him though. He did answer the question later though.

Another interesting point was Huckster smooching up to Trump. The moral authority question was ridiculous but Huckabee made Trump look good..


Speaking of which, Ted Cruz reportedly has audiographic memory. Meaning, he will memorize anything said out loud instantly. Also, NPR did a survey of all the candidates in both parties, and Cruz comes out on top as the candidate that uses the most complex sentences and language - partly due to his Harvard Law degree.
Yeah, he can be pretty epic, even as he's talking about dumb things.

Well that's obviously because Ted Cruz wrote the questions! #followthemoney #CruzControl

The big problem with questions like this isn't that they're too hard on the candidates, it's that they're too easy.

What's Trump going to say? "Oh, shit, yes, you're right, I'm Lex Luthor?" Of course he's going to say "No, it's a real campaign about real issues, you're just liberal media bashing me." You may as well write the question on a golf ball and literally tee it up.

The purpose of debate moderation isn't to write good lines for the moderators to say. It's to ask questions that don't have obvious yes or no answers and that can reveal the weakness of a candidate. You don't reveal the weakness of a candidate by saying "AHA THIS IS YOUR WEAKNESS, YES OR NO?"
Yeah, that was my main complaint about the moderation earlier:
Instead what they're doing here is shit like:
Mr. Trump: "why did you go bankrupt?"
Senator Rubio: "why did you have to get a loan for your house?"
Mrs. Fiorinia: "did you destroy HP just to watch it burn?"
Governor Jeb!: "should we regulate fantasy football?"
Governor Huckabee: "is Donald Trump worse than Hitler?"
Governor Kasich: "why is Ohio better than Florida?"
and then trying to shut down any other candidates (except the ones they want to) responding.

They were even doing this in the JV debate.


No more drinking games during the debates for me. I got plastered and a bit out of control last night yikes.

Anyway, I really thought Bush didn't come across all that well and holy heck at that talking time for him. I don't see how he salvages his campaign.


I gotta say, that debate was pretty bad. I usually enjoy the Republican ones, even though I hate all the candidates, but that was just rough to watch.

Rubio did very well, Bush did as well as usual, which is bad news for him. Trump did fine. Carson not as well as before, but he'll be okay.

Shit. Just about everybody did well. No wonder I didn't like it.
I'm not sure how you can say that any of them did well. When they weren't whining about the liberal media or outright lying, they avoided answering the questions.
No more drinking games during the debates for me. I got plastered and a bit out of control last night yikes.

Anyway, I really thought Bush didn't come across all that well and holy heck at that talking time for him. I don't see how he salvages his campaign.

As long as you didn't drunkenly donate to the Carson campaign, I think you're good.

I'm not sure how you can say that any of them did well. When they weren't whining about the liberal media or outright lying, they avoided answering the questions.

I was being imprecise. They actually all did very shitty, as far as I'm concerned, but almost all of them did something that will play well to their audience, which was their goal, so in that respect they did well. I hated every single one of them. But they all pondered very well last night, Bush excepted.
No more drinking games during the debates for me. I got plastered and a bit out of control last night yikes.

I wasn't even playing games and I got way too drunk. By the time Christie was pulling O'Malley's line from the dem debate in reverse I was yelling at the TV.
Jeb's campaign in a nutshell


Is Jeb not familiar with zippers? Apparently intellectual disability runs in the family.


As long as you didn't drunkenly donate to the Carson campaign, I think you're good.

I was being imprecise. They actually all did very shitty, as far as I'm concerned, but almost all of them did something that will play well to their audience, which was their goal, so in that respect they did well. I hated every single one of them. But they all pondered very well last night, Bush excepted.
Ok, I agree with that, which is sad cause they did absolutely nothing to explain their positions.


Speaking of which, Ted Cruz reportedly has audiographic memory. Meaning, he will memorize anything said out loud instantly. Also, NPR did a survey of all the candidates in both parties, and Cruz comes out on top as the candidate that uses the most complex sentences and language - partly due to his Harvard Law degree.

Cruz is too far right for me even though I'm Republican. However, no doubt he is damn smart. He will gain in polls after that. I think some Carson voters may go to Cruz.

Carson was absolutely awful. Only Jeb was worse. Carson also flipped his position on ethanol which Iowa won't like. This is not the first time Carson has said: "That was my old position it's gone.", or something similar. It has got to make voters wonder if he is going to change positions every few weeks.

Someone forgot to tell Ben he shouldn't abandon ethanol until after Iowa caucus. He did a bit better on some other answers, but that one was horrific in my opinion.


No Scrubs
The big problem with questions like this isn't that they're too hard on the candidates, it's that they're too easy.

What's Trump going to say? "Oh, shit, yes, you're right, I'm Lex Luthor?" Of course he's going to say "No, it's a real campaign about real issues, you're just liberal media bashing me." You may as well write the question on a golf ball and literally tee it up.

The purpose of debate moderation isn't to write good lines for the moderators to say. It's to ask questions that don't have obvious yes or no answers and that can reveal the weakness of a candidate. You don't reveal the weakness of a candidate by saying "AHA THIS IS YOUR WEAKNESS, YES OR NO?"

Well, they are financial journalists.


As long as you didn't drunkenly donate to the Carson campaign, I think you're good.

Nope just to Huckabee.

I wasn't even playing games and I got way too drunk. By the time Christie was pulling O'Malley's line from the dem debate in reverse I was yelling at the TV.

Glad it wasn't just me. Man being drunk these candidates made even less sense to me. They may as well been from another planet.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Carson flat out lied about his relationship with the fake magic drug company AND promoted their product in his denial. Stunning. And the audience which is not blameless, booed the moderator.


So does Jeb drop out soon, or does he push through to the 4th debate hoping for a Hail Mary performance?

I can't see him lasting before the end of the year. At some point it has to become too embarrassing to continue.


No Scrubs
So does Jeb drop out soon, or does he push through to the 4th debate hoping for a Hail Mary performance?

I can't see him lasting before the end of the year. At some point it has to become too embarrassing to continue.

Next debate is in two weeks, I can see him holding out. He won't last past November though.
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