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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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I suppose if I want to put some effort in I could replace Sushi Police with something seeing as that show was never picked up by anyone, but any replacements (Ojisan and Marshmallow, Ooya-san wa Shishunki!, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara) would require moving shows around to keep things in alphabetical order…

Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!

KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!

Kazuma Satou, a high school student, gamer and shut-in, died on an average day walking home from school, performing the one heroic act of his life. He reawakens in the afterlife, greeted by a beautiful but rude girl named Aqua, who claims to be a goddess that guides the youth whose lives got cut short. Aqua then offers him a choice: to go to heaven, or to get sent to a another world to defeat the Demon King. Of course, Kazuma's gamer instincts kick in, and he chooses to start a new life in a real-life RPG. There's one last choice Kazuma has to make: he is allowed the choice of one thing to take with him to the new world. After puzzling over it, he chooses...Aqua? Join Kazuma on his adventures as he tries to transfer his virtual gaming knowledge to real-life adventurer experience!


Active Raid

And on that topic, I've just noticed that its description isn't really accurate. Like, not at all, haha.
I'll see if I can come up with something better (not that it will matter much, but still).

Yeah, it's more of a Super Sentai show with cops than a cop show with robots (or a mecha show with cops).

Not that it matters much either, but I liked episode 9. Things are finally starting to come together for whatever the mid-series climax turns out to be.


And because my daily quota of Ange has already been met...

She and her cat #1

Remember how I talked about how I'd love seeing a short show that wasn't yet another comedy? I think I've finally found it.

Thank you Shinkai.


Fairy Tail ep.9-11
Yup, I like this series. The adventure and comedy is staying consistent and the characters are all interesting and fun. They just jumped into a new arc with Happy stealing an S rank mission for Natsu and Lucy that they were not allowed to do yet and for reasons Gray is part of the quest as well. Lots of fun..
Fairy Tail 1-5

I actually started watching this on UK Netflix last weekend, so I'm absolutely definitely totally not following Cornbread.

...That being said, Corn pretty much covered most of my thoughts :lol
Nice to see that you guys like the anime already and you haven't even seen the good arcs.
You should definitely stick around.
And because my daily quota of Ange has already been met...

She and her cat #1

Remember how I talked about how I'd love seeing a short show that wasn't yet another comedy? I think I've finally found it.

Thank you Shinkai.

It's important to note that Shinkai, while creating the original short this is based on, is not involved in this production. It's being directed by Kazuya Sakamoto at Liden Films Kyoto.

It's also worth nothing that the other two shorts in the Comix Wave slot on Ultra Super Anime Time this season, Tabi Machi Late Show and This Boy is a Professional Wizard, are not comedies but dramas. There's also Kagewani, which had its first season in the fall and will have its second season in the spring, which is a good horror short series.
And because my daily quota of Ange has already been met...

She and her cat #1

Remember how I talked about how I'd love seeing a short show that wasn't yet another comedy? I think I've finally found it.

Thank you Shinkai.

Well, Shinkai isn't directly involved in this one, though I guess you can still give credits for the original short and premise.

First episode was really good, although I'm not liking the cat's narration that much. I feel as though he could be talking less in general and sound less like some generic wise man narrating a girls struggle to adulthood rather than...a cat. I'm gonna rewatch Shinkai's original piece. Can't quite recall the narration in that.

Russ T

Erased 09

Yoooooo Mom, you a fuckin' Bad. Ass. How she just gonna stand there with a shovel comin right at her face goddamn.

I said goddamn.

I'm really starting to like the teacher a lot. He's such a great guy. Gosh I sure hope he doesn't end up being the bad guy. I think they already went through that loop of implying it might be him and then backed off of it, so I think he's safe, but even so, I can't get rid of that nagging feeling that it's still possible. D:

This episode was really solid.

(I haven't really talked about it in my Erased commentary before, but yeah, Kenya is ridiculously observant and way too smart, haha. But... that's pretty typical of anime, I suppose. Usually not THIS young, though. The way he talks sounds smarter than Satoru's inner thoughts!)


Grimgar 9


Just pull the trigger Hal. The seeds are there.

Grimgar 09

Sexist pandering aside, that whole scene with Barbara was kind of hilarious. I actually laughed. What a sadist, haha.

You do realize this is a LN right? Fanservice garbage is kind of the standard. You know what you're getting into.

Russ T

Grimgar 09

Sexist pandering aside, that whole scene with Barbara was kind of hilarious. I actually laughed. What a sadist, haha.


Yeah, this is a LN, but the Thief master is the only female character so far that dresses like that and keeps saying shit like that. Grimgar is in no way standard LN crap. There's even more than 2 male characters, lol.


The OVAs are good in their own right but no they are part of part 3.(I know its a bit confusing)

Yeah the 2012 version is part 1.

Ill probably get time start up Skip Beat soon enough after Lain.

I'll likely start up jojo tonight after my wife goes to bed.
Grimgar and GATE both sound like shows I would be interested in on paper but pretty much nothing I've seen has indicated that they are executed well enough to not be trash

Russ T

GATE is pretty trash and I love it. Had a pretty big misstep at the start of this season but has "recovered" fantastically.

Russ T

Grimgar would have been better if it had just embraced its trashiness, maybe even gone for a dark comedy vibe.

Yeah, I agree. This weird middle-line just makes it all the worse. One way or the other Grimgar! Choose your path!

Although I know you don't like the other side of Grimgar, but hey, that's all right.

(It's gotten better since episode four, by a lot. Enjoying the show quite a bit more these past few eps. Mary is great.)

*watches konosuba*
Phantom World 9


Another excellent episode. Sasuga KyoAni. Great action, moe, heart, comedy, animation. Even though sometimes I feel like the show is wasted potential as a phantom-of-the-week show (did they forget about the device?), I'm still enjoying it.

Some really great action scenes in this episode. Ruru has evasion +100 and Albrecht continues to be best bear.


I feel like half the stuff I watch can be summed up by this.

Russ T

I dunno, GATE had one episode of self-seriousness.

Unless you count all the GLORIOUS NIPPON stuff as self-seriousness!

At this point it's all just Itami and his harem dealing with cartoonish assassins on one hand and hilariously melodramatic politics on the other. It's incredible.

I mean, there's a group of warrior princesses, and one of their names is BEEFEATER.

This is real.

this is GATE.

Did I mention the warrior princesses discovered BL manga and are now obsessed with it??


I feel like the self-serious trash in GATE is way worse, since it's too extremist in both sides. In one, you have lolis and pervert characters, and in the other you have this over-complicated military bullshit that they try to sell.

I found Grimgar to be enjoyable in contrast. They don't fill the world with a bunch of shitty terminology like Asterisk/Cavalry a while back, for instance, and what you see in the fantasy world setting is mostly background for character interaction and development. From the first episode it sold itself as that. We're in episode 9 right now and the focus hasn't shifted.
I dunno, GATE had one episode of self-seriousness.

Unless you count all the GLORIOUS NIPPON stuff as self-seriousness!

At this point it's all just Itami and his harem dealing with cartoonish assassins on one hand and hilariously melodramatic politics on the other. It's incredible.

I mean, there's a group of warrior princesses, and one of their names is BEEFEATER.

This is real.

this is GATE.

Did I mention the warrior princesses discovered BL manga and are now obsessed with it??
Yeah, I agree with this. Gate has a weird tone, but self serious is not how I'd describe it.


There's not enough military might of the JSDF, Yao Ha Ducy, and Rory Mercury murdering idiots in half.

S2 so far feels slightly slower paced than S1.


Oh good lord that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to criticize, jesus fucking christ.

That's cool. It also doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to call out that you should have seen this coming since it's typical of every LN.

Also, calling Grimgar sexist pandering when handwaving GATE, the anime with rape and alluded pedophilia, is a bit strange.

I'm not sure how saying that makes for constructive or even interesting conversation. It's just like "what are you an idiot for not expecting this". It's mean-spirited and serves no purpose. So why say it? \:

Calling it 'sexist pandering' reeks of sex negativity and is a rather regressive perspective considering Grimgar actually has some fairly fleshed out characters. Fanservice is dumb, sure, but it doesn't detract from the story itself.

Russ T

I'm not sure how saying that makes for constructive or even interesting conversation. It's just like "what are you an idiot for not expecting this". It's mean-spirited and serves no purpose. So why say it? \:


after watching half of kekkai sensen. I wish more shows would include allies that try to kill each other in order to become the leader of their said group more often
Schwarzesmarken 09

This is all so fucking dumb. I mean did she really fucking hug him with her mech while he was trying to rip her head off? Fucking lmao.
I dunno, GATE had one episode of self-seriousness.

Unless you count all the GLORIOUS NIPPON stuff as self-seriousness!

At this point it's all just Itami and his harem dealing with cartoonish assassins on one hand and hilariously melodramatic politics on the other. It's incredible.

I mean, there's a group of warrior princesses, and one of their names is BEEFEATER.

This is real.

this is GATE.

Did I mention the warrior princesses discovered BL manga and are now obsessed with it??

Ok that sounds slightly better.

I would probably be watching Grimgar and gate if they didnt air on friday/sunday where I gotta be cutthroat since everything airs then


My takeaway from reading conversation today is that Gate is apparently the good kind of sexist pandering and Grimgar is the bad kind.

Russ T

Ok that sounds slightly better.

I would probably be watching Grimgar and gate if they didnt air on friday/sunday where I gotta be cutthroat since everything airs then

Save it for another day!

I'm catching up on two weeks of backlog right now it's awful/the-best.

My takeaway from reading conversation today is that Gate is apparently the good kind of sexist pandering and Grimgar is the bad kind.

Hahah! That's oen way of looking at it. :p

I like both and have problems with both. :D
My takeaway from reading conversation today is that Gate is apparently the good kind of sexist pandering and Grimgar is the bad kind.

Time for you to watch Monogatari and get a better idea about the good kind of pandering

Save it for another day!

I'm catching up on two weeks of backlog right now it's awful/the-best.

If I don't watch the show on the day it airs I find that I'll forget/fall behind and end up dropping it, even if I like it

Russ T

I also wish GATE was dumber, if I'm being honest. It's stil more than dumb enough for me to enjoy, though. :D

(Monogatari is actually a very good example of pandering done for a good reason. It's always done from the perspective of Araragi, and serves the purpose of showing him for the pervert he is. I think it goes overboard frequently, but at least it has a reason to. I can see people being turned off by that, though, and that's okay.)


hey guys if possible i'd like some recommendations. it's been a while since i watched a full series and i feel like seeing what's out there. here's what i like: good animation, very little filler, and minimal fanservice. if it's a good manga i'm already reading it and won't bother watching.

last show i watched was one punch man, before that gurren lagann. other favorites are gits: sac/2nd gig, full metal panic, boogiepop phantom, escaflowne, full metal alchemist.

thanks in advance.
I started Kizu today so getting closer. Two pages about Hanekawa's panties sure was something especially when I realized Nisoisin wrote less about them here than Jexhius had.

It's the Deepest Panty Shot in History™

Wonder how it will be for you actually starting at the beginning and not having the "What happened during Kizu" stuff hanging over you for 70 episodes. It'll make you look at Shinobu different at least

hey guys if possible i'd like some recommendations. it's been a while since i watched a full series and i feel like seeing what's out there. here's what i like: good animation, very little filler, and minimal fanservice. if it's a good manga i'm already reading it and won't bother watching.

last show i watched was one punch man, before that gurren lagann. other favorites are gits: sac/2nd gig, full metal panic, boogiepop phantom, escaflowne, full metal alchemist.

thanks in advance.

Showa Rakugo Genroku Shinju airing right now is really excellent. The current Gundam series (Iron Blooded Oprhans) might interest you because it seems you like Sci-Fi. Watch Space Battleship Yamato 2199. Yeah go for SBY2199

also dont listen to Dedication Through Light
hey guys if possible i'd like some recommendations. it's been a while since i watched a full series and i feel like seeing what's out there. here's what i like: good animation, very little filler, and minimal fanservice. if it's a good manga i'm already reading it and won't bother watching.

last show i watched was one punch man, before that gurren lagann. other favorites are gits: sac/2nd gig, full metal panic, boogiepop phantom, escaflowne, full metal alchemist.

thanks in advance.

God Eater
Guilty Crown


It's the Deepest Panty Shot in History™

Wonder how it will be for you actually starting at the beginning and not having the "What happened during Kizu" stuff hanging over you for 70 episodes. It'll make you look at Shinobu different at least.t

Not bring hung up on something potentially more interesting not being covered first thing plus understanding Shaft better will surely carry me through.
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