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Legendary Shipping Meltdowns (SPOILERS)

Yeah I get you, I'm personally split between LuffyxHancock and LuffyxRobin. For an immature guy like Luffy I feel you would need a mature woman who has him figured out like she does. As well she seems to genuinely enjoy his antics.

But Hancock man...it's hard to deny Hancock...
I'm with you there. I think Hancock deserves it more though. Especially since Luffy is the only one (I think) who isn't affected by her power.
This is some sad shit

The only one that matters is me x tashigi from one piece anyway
I can see this one for sure. I'm gonna ship it.

Also I just want to say screw KainxRosa! That should not exist! It makes me sick. I don't even like Kain anyway that stupid traitor. Rosa is with Cecil through and through.
I have a huge guilty pleasure enjoyment with the CecilxRydia ship though. I feel horrible about it. It's wrong but I just can't stop. Help.
You missed the Pidge is a transsexual war on the Voltron wiki page last year but yeah the VLD fandom has been toxic since day one.

Oh God... I swear the "war" over this was also pure garbage. The weird-ass entitlement the adult fandom has over a cartoon that's mostly been aimed at 5-10 year old boys is just so baffling.

I don't doubt that there are kids that young who can identify with Pidge's gender identity confusion, but at the same time, this weird need for (usually) older fans to project their feelings on how Pidge should identity is so odd.


Luffy ain't dying, Oda doesn't have the balls to do it.
I'm going off that interview where Oda was talking to I think... Kishimoto, talking about the ending of Naruto, and Oda said something like "Haha I hope I can end One Piece happily, it's hard but I'm trying to figure out a way!"


Sex in OP is like dying. That shits only happening in flashbacks and when it does happen currently it'll be big, loud, and
totally great


How does she take an L? she's married to a murderer that fucked with her physically, mentally and all around detrimental to the growth of everyone around her

She lost out to being with the true MC and stuck with him just to be denied by what was basically her number 2 because the quiet girl finally spoke up after like a decade

In Naruto none of that shit matters. In Naruto, you forgive and call the person who killed you parents and ruined your whole life a "cool guy". At the end of the day is ended Naruto, Sakura and even Sasuke all found happiness.



10 year old me is very upset right now.

- True Blood's Sookie/Bill/Eric/Alcide quadrangle. Team Eric was very passionate but Eric turned out to be a non-factor by the end. Alcide would've been a nice happy medium until he got killed to make room for Team Bill to win (and die) in the end. Spoiler Alert: Sookie ends up with a non-credited actor. Fuck... I would've happily settled for Alcide...

Hilarious. I never finished True Blood because Sookie became insufferable. I didn't care who she ended up with and the show spent more time on that than I was willing to tolerate. Sucks that Alcide died, he was the best guy both personality and looks wise, but at least he escaped the harem.


In Naruto none of that shit matters. In Naruto, you forgive and call the person who killed you parents and ruined your whole life a "cool guy". At the end of the day is ended Naruto, Sakura and even Sasuke all found happiness.

He's quite the deadbeat dad too, so yea, some happiness :(

Ray Down

In Naruto none of that shit matters. In Naruto, you forgive and call the person who killed you parents and ruined your whole life a "cool guy". At the end of the day is ended Naruto, Sakura and even Sasuke all found happiness.

That doesn't mean it's excusable or we should think it;s a good ship, especially since Kishi writing is shit tier.

He's quite the deadbeat dad too, so yea, some happiness :(

This too, lol.

Sasuke doesn't bother to try and shave some contact with Sarada at all. during his stupid 10 year mission that accomplished fuck and all.
I'm sure everyone knows that it's basically 100% guaranteed that Luffy will not end up with anyone but some people just can't help it.

It's like Pharmercy. It won't happen but some people still ship it.
I don't think the majority of One Piece fans actually think Luffy will get an SO. At least, I hope so...

Because it's Sasuke. Like anyone that's familiar with the character should know why that relationship is... something quite awful, to put it mildly.

Ino won by the way, one of her best moments in the manga was realizing that Sasuke ain't shit.

Yeah for real. Sasuke is a straight up abusive killer.

Insert that gif of him butchering samurai.


I'm sure everyone knows that it's basically 100% guaranteed that Luffy will not end up with anyone but some people just can't help it.

It's like Pharmercy. It won't happen but some people still ship it.

You know thinking about it, the only pairing I can think of that's definitely going to be canon in OP is SaboxKoala.

Zen Aku

Googleplex? Is he a member here?
If you click on the link in the OP and scroll down a bit you see this piece from Googleplex.

Gara would be short one sibling if it wasn't for Sakura. Everyone in the Shinobi Alliance would be dead if it wasn't for Sakura. The final boss would have won if it wasn't for Sakura. Not having a hack blood line or a tailed Beast isn't the same as being useless. Sakura is a high Jonin/lower Kage level ninja. And is on her way to surpassing her teacher.

If Sakura is useless then so is Kakashi, going by what have been accomplished.
It's quite amazing really.
Digimon as has been brought up before. Anyone could see that Tai was meant to be with Sora, DAMMIT.

Also, I shipped the Doctor and Seven of Nine from Voyager, mainly because they were the only decent characters on that show. Didn't shed tears over it when it didn't happen, because nothing about that show was worth shedding tears about, unless botched shows move you to tears.


He's quite the deadbeat dad too, so yea, some happiness :(

That doesn't mean it's excusable or we should think it;s a good ship, especially since Kishi writing is shit tier.

This too, lol.

Sasuke doesn't bother to try and shave some contact with Sarada at all. during his stupid 10 year mission that accomplished fuck and all.

I can go all day on Kish's bad story telling and that Hokage Summit Arc is just pure shit. Which character assassinated Sasuke and Sakura. Right now it weird that Brouto looks up to Sasuke and Sarada looks up to Naruto.


I can go all day on Kish's bad story telling and that Hokage Summit Arc is just pure shit. Which character assassinated Sasuke and Sakura. Right now it weird that Brouto looks up to Sasuke and Sarada looks up to Naruto.

Sasuke going all Piccolo for Boruto is probably the most I've ever liked the character is a loooong time


semen stains the mountaintops
Confession time...

I'm still kinda mad about Harry Potter, Bleach and Naruto. Now I am become shipper, destroyer of good fandoms.


Confession time...

I'm still kinda mad about Harry Potter, Bleach and Naruto. Now I am become shipper, destroyer of good fandoms.

Bleach was the easiest to not care about because:

1. Story was trash
2. Ichigo isn't a very good character imo, so I didn't care who he ended up with
So it's been brought up a few times in this thread, but I wanna spell it out for the people who haven't seen it. Generally people being angry about shipping is misplaced, but I'm pretty certain the writers of Thundercats 2011 purposely bred a shipping war.


Lion-O in the 2011 reboot of Thundercats got the rawest fucking deal. Lion-O starts out the series being berated by his Dad, and treated like shit by his brother Tygra. (Mainly for not being a huge racist by the way.) Putting aside how Lion-O is nearly killed by his brother twice, does get killed once, and ends up in despair in the finale of the show, Lion-O loses in the game of love twice. The first time to his brother, almost immediately after his brother tried to kill him. (Said brother never experiences any consequences for this.)


This needless to say, made shippers pretty mad. Tygra was never likable, and the writers pulled the filmiest excuse out their asses to have Cheetara fall in love with him. There was no buildup to it, and Lion-O literally stumbles upon them in the act of making out. This is after an entire season of Lion-O and Cheetara flirting. (Coincidentally, after this Cheetara basically became a background character.) Needless to say, people were angry.

But then they introduced Pumyra in season 2.


And shippers were happy. Pumyra was cool, and bounced off Lion-O well. Then in the finale of the show, Pumyra betrays Lion-O. Not for a mysterious third party. Not for her own gain. To help Mumm-ra, the person literally responsible for killing her way back at the beginning of the show. The fact that Mumm-ra says Pumyra was literally his, body and soul, is also super weird. So Lion-O loses the second love of his life to an undead mummy.


Here, Pumyra is kissing Mumm-ra's "power gauntlet."

But wait, it gets worse for Lion-O! The show was cancelled after this due to poor toy sales, but apparently if the show had continued, Mumm-ra would have transformed Pumyra into a winged insect monster. She would later be killed by the Thundercats.

The Thundercat that would kill her?



Speaking of this trope, anyone remember Usagi/Bunny Drop???
Wasn't the last arc just so much fun?!?!?!
You talking about the manga right? I've heard it goes in a very weird direction.. the anime's ending is pretty fluffy and comfortable iirc.
Sasuke was a shit bag since day 1 and so was sakura for treating another human being like shit because muh sasuke, so they deserve each other.

I consumed all of the schaudenfraude that day.


So it's been brought up a few times in this thread, but I wanna spell it out for the people who haven't seen it. Generally people being angry about shipping is misplaced, but I'm pretty certain the writers of Thundercats 2011 purposely bred a shipping war.


Lion-O in the 2011 reboot of Thundercats got the rawest fucking deal. Lion-O starts out the series being berated by his Dad, and treated like shit by his brother Tygra. (Mainly for not being a huge racist by the way.) Putting aside how Lion-O is nearly killed by his brother twice, does get killed once, and ends up in despair in the finale of the show, Lion-O loses in the game of love twice. The first time to his brother, almost immediately after his brother tried to kill him. (Said brother never experiences any consequences for this.)


This needless to say, made shippers pretty mad. Tygra was never likable, and the writers pulled the filmiest excuse out their asses to have Cheetara fall in love with him. There was no buildup to it, and Lion-O literally stumbles upon them in the act of making out. This is after an entire season of Lion-O and Cheetara flirting. (Coincidentally, after this Cheetara basically became a background character.) Needless to say, people were angry.

But then they introduced Pumyra in season 2.


And shippers were happy. Pumyra was cool, and bounced off Lion-O well. Then in the finale of the show, Pumyra betrays Lion-O. Not for a mysterious third party. Not for her own gain. To help Mumm-ra, the person literally responsible for killing her way back at the beginning of the show. The fact that Mumm-ra says Pumyra was literally his body and soul is also super weird. So Lion-O loses the second love of his life to an undead mummy.

But wait, it gets worse for Lion-O! The show was cancelled after this due to poor toy sales, but apparently if the show had continued, Mumm-ra would have transformed Pumyra into a winged insect monster. She would later be killed by the Thundercats.

The Thundercat that would kill her?


You know, I was aware of everything that happened in that goddamn Thundercats reboot except this. The writers were really intent on punishing Lion-O for just existing on the show huh?
Oh boy let me tell you about Ranma 1/2

Proof that shipping wars predate tumblr, livejournal, or anything like that. This stuff happened on freaking mailing lists.

Now, for those of you who don't know, Ranma 1/2 is a pretty good shonen romantic comedy. Leans more towards "comedy" than action, especially in skewering fighting manga. It's by Rumiko Takahashi, you've probably heard of her.

Anyways it's core it's about a young couple Ranma and Akane being pushed together by their fathers in an arranged marriage (They're old fashioned martial artists) But because Ranma's a tsundere prick and Akane has no patience for pricks they bicker a lot. Your basic romantic comedy set up, plenty of fuel for laughs and d'awwwws as they grow closer.

But, well, to extend things Takahashi introduced other girls chasing after Ranma. And that's when the shipping wars began. This was highlighted by it being the early 90s and getting anime was really, really hard to get. So much of the shipping wars wasn't actually based off anything in the comic or the anime adaptation, but based off the fanfics people wrote. And oooh boy they wrote a lot of fanfics.

Poor Akane (Who's my favorite character) got the brunt of this hate because as the girl int he middle of the ship war that's what usually happens. (Seriously, ever noticed that? Kind of creepy). So people started doing all these insane stories portraying her as some awful abusive monster who beats Ranma for no reason, while every other possible character is portrayed as some saint that will do no wrong. (This in a comedy where every character would be considered mildly psychopathic at least if they were in the real world)
I genuinely think the lead writer must have hated lion o. Like I get writing that a king isn't worth the important role and must slowly come to realize his potential, but they also wouldn't stop beating you over the head how his fucking brother was better than him in every situation and even there's an episode that they fight each with a
version of the sword that lion O has been using since the start of the show
and the brother still wins.

Poor guy kept getting beat down over and over again. But folks thought, oh hey at least cheetarah has been flirting with him since day 1 at least he won't lose romantically, and the heat writers hate boner laughed as he then wrote what may be the most hilarious way to have a character fall in love with someone else in a single episode by
Oh hey a flashback of when they were super young and she has always loved him since that moment fucking a decade ago
what the ever living fuck.

And yeah season 2 was just adding salt to the wound. I genuinely would love to read the thought of the writers as to why they fucked him over so much.
Time to bring some My Little Pony into this! 2013 was a time of great conflict for the fandom. Not only did the season 3 finale somewhat randomly introduce changes to the main character, Twilight Sparkle, but it was discovered that there was going to be a spinoff movie about an alternate dimension where the ponies are humans attending high school, Equestria Girls. People thought this was a terrible idea.

Character models from Equestria Girls were leaked well before we got any real information about the story, and among them was a douchey looking guy with a guitar. That character was Flash Sentry (nicknamed Brad before his real name was revealed), and people immediately recognized that he was meant to be a love interest for Twilight. People were upset about this not just because Twilight is usually shipped with, well, everyone else, but also because this seemed like a terrible way to introduce a canon love interest. Was it really going to be some random high schooler with a guitar? This was just another thing to pile onto all the drama of the year.

When the movie came it, it was clear that Flash really was intended to be her love interest--they even had the built in couple name FlashLight. The funny thing is, it seemed like the writer went out of her way to do the bare minimum of this: Twilight and Flash barely interacted, Twilight kept putting the story ahead of him, and when Twilight went back to her home dimension in the end, she didn't even say goodbye to him! In general, Flash was barely a character in the movie. In the second movie, they interacted even less, though they did hint at their romance more strongly with a near kiss and such.

However, come the third and fourth movie, and Twilight and Flash are never seen together. Flash has progressed into purely being a joke character, asking the others about Twilight only to be told she's too busy to see him, and he's even explicitly told to move on. He tries hitting on the Twilight from the human dimension (nicknamed SciTwi), only to be shut down. He tries going back to his old girlfriend Sunset Shimmer, only to be shut down. And whenever this happens, comedic background character Derpy appears to give him a supportive pat on the shoulder.

The show crew is well aware that no one likes Flash. They've even stated that an unanimated scene from the 100th episode, "Slice of Life", involved the pony version of Flash complaining to another character that he tries everything he can, but no one likes him, only for that character to walk away. It's amazing how far this potential love interest has fallen. But as one of those people who didn't want Flash anywhere near Twilight, I'm perfectly fine with how things turned out.

Oddly enough, the fourth Equestria Girls movie introduced a love interest for SciTwi, and he even explicitly started dating her, and no one seems to care. But no one seems particularly interested either; the vast majority of SciTwi shipping still involves pairing her up with Sunset Shimmer. A big part of it is that SciTwi is a different character than the pony Twilight, even if they are alternate dimension versions of each other, so it's not like "our" Twilight is being paired up with someone.

As for shipping wars, I oddly can't think of anything big enough to bleed out of whatever corner of the Internet the rabid shippers hang out in. There are certain pairs that are absolutely forbidden to break, but oddly enough, they are just background characters: Lyra X Bon Bon and Octavia X Vinyl Scratch, off the top of my head. Besides those, the allowable pairings have huge variety. Perhaps that's the reason why there isn't much fighting: if there were fewer, then rivalries would consolidate, but with so many, you just have to accept it.
Season 3 Arrow was ridiculous but nothing will beat Naruto.

I'm honestly surprised at how tame Star vs. The Forces of Evil shippers seem to be, especially considering what happened in season 2. That seems prime material for meltdowns and wars but I haven't actually seen anything extremely toxic.

Why is Ozai there?

Some men just want to watch the world burn.


The short period of time where the manga strongly implied Sarada's mom was not Sakura, but Karin, was the funniest thing in world.

JC Lately

I remember back during book 2 when I was on some forum, a poster was talking about Zutara and they posted a picture of Iroh explaining the 4 elements to teach Zuko the the lighting directing technique. They posted the part after Iroh said he learned the technique from studying waterbenders and Zuko smiled.They said he was thinking about Katara and that's why he smiled and said Zutara was going to happen. It was crazy.

Wow. Reed Richards himself couldn't reach that far.

I've always been a Tyzula man myself. We're a quiet bunch, content to carve out a comfy niche over on DeviantArt and leave everyone else alone.

It hasn't reached a full meltdown yet, status yet, but Simone might want to keep an eye on the core tempeture over on Supergirl. SuperCat and SuperLina shippers are not pleased with Kara/Monell at all right now...


Gold Member
Oh boy let me tell you about Ranma 1/2

Proof that shipping wars predate tumblr, livejournal, or anything like that. This stuff happened on freaking mailing lists.

Now, for those of you who don't know, Ranma 1/2 is a pretty good shonen romantic comedy. Leans more towards "comedy" than action, especially in skewering fighting manga. It's by Rumiko Takahashi, you've probably heard of her.

Anyways it's core it's about a young couple Ranma and Akane being pushed together by their fathers in an arranged marriage (They're old fashioned martial artists) But because Ranma's a tsundere prick and Akane has no patience for pricks they bicker a lot. Your basic romantic comedy set up, plenty of fuel for laughs and d'awwwws as they grow closer.

But, well, to extend things Takahashi introduced other girls chasing after Ranma. And that's when the shipping wars began. This was highlighted by it being the early 90s and getting anime was really, really hard to get. So much of the shipping wars wasn't actually based off anything in the comic or the anime adaptation, but based off the fanfics people wrote. And oooh boy they wrote a lot of fanfics.

Poor Akane (Who's my favorite character) got the brunt of this hate because as the girl int he middle of the ship war that's what usually happens. (Seriously, ever noticed that? Kind of creepy). So people started doing all these insane stories portraying her as some awful abusive monster who beats Ranma for no reason, while every other possible character is portrayed as some saint that will do no wrong. (This in a comedy where every character would be considered mildly psychopathic at least if they were in the real world)

I was there for that. Basically there were those who could not fathom a gag series without some sort of 'reasoning' behind it. They then equated Akane's slapstick for honest rage and turned her into a rage monster with a hair trigger temper.

This really started in 2000-2001 as prior most stories weren't that bad until the darkfic The Bitter End came about. And then there was a large wholesale change.

Naru from Love Hina gets a lot of the same treatment too - a lot of slapstick and that the only time Keitarou was actually seriously injured was due to none of the tenants at all.


I don't remember the context for this unless it's really bad or something, but meh, everyone kills in Naruto.

The ones with Sakura on the other hand...

Yeah that's it. He's literally massacring people who haven't done shit to him so he can kill the leaders of every village. Again, they're not Hitlers here; they're pretty standard leaders and he wants to murder them all because he's mad about shit.

The guy is a psycho.
I was there for that. Basically there were those who could not fathom a gag series without some sort of 'reasoning' behind it. They then equated Akane's slapstick for honest rage and turned her into a rage monster with a hair trigger temper.

This really started in 2000-2001 as prior most stories weren't that bad until the darkfic The Bitter End came about. And then there was a large wholesale change.

Do not remind me of that awful, awful story. To speak its name is to give it power.
Never even watched Thundercats and that Lion-o post makes me feel for the guy.....
It's not even a particularly amazing reboot. It has some very sweet episodes, but considering the underwhelming cliffhanger ending and all of shit posted about poor lion o, I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.

Voltron is doing a much better western version/reboot and that show seems to be popular enough, it keeps getting new seasons
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