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Favorite acting in a scene ? (SPOILERS)

The whole russian roulette scene from Deer Hunter
Before I post my all-time favs (because honestly, they're not at the front of my head), I'm going to mention a very recent scene I'm constantly thinking of whenever the film or the actor is mentioned.

Chris Pratt in GotG2. Yes, he is full of wit and charm but damn do I love when he goes straight every now and then. And the scene I think of is the look on his face as he says "If you loved her so much then why did you leave?". It hits me in the gut. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a child of divorce or if it's just because it's that damn good or because I don't expect it from Pratt or because he's so talented at every layer or all of the above or what... But I love it.

The "I had to watch her die!" scene was good too.
Ellen Burstyn's acting in this is crushing to me because she talks and acts EXACTLY like my wife's now-passed grandmother and many other women her age I observe in my neighborhood who lived or live in that same situation. I can't watch it without feeling overwhelming empathy and sadness for that specific loneliness she so fucking nails here.

As far as I recall from an anecdote on the making-of, the camera panning away at one point is actually the operator having started to cry. I mean come on, that's crazy talent.

It STILL pisses me off she lost the Oscar to Julia fucking Roberts for Erin Brockovich.
Oooh THIS! (from this thread):


Firefly - War Stories

Wash (right) is jealous of his wife sharing a rather exciting war time history with captain Mal Reynolds (left) so he decides to go on a mission in his wife's place with the cap for once. However things go south, they get taken hostage and tortured. Tied up as pictured, they argue between jolts of electrocution about the history and sexual tension between the cap and Wash's wife. Their voices become more and more worn as their body and spirit break from the torture. But when Wash grows silent, Mal barks out about how when they get back he's going to take his wife not just as a continuation of the argument, but in an effort to keep Wash's adrenaline up as he succumbs to the torture. "LISTEN TO ME!"

Fucking chills and watery eyes...

22:05 - 24:40

Edit: blurry vision and goosebumps right on cue.
From the end of the British gangster thriller, The Long Good Friday, Bob Hoskins.

Ending spoilers

I love the range of emotions that Hoskins shows as he understands what has happened to him and what is going to happen.

I love those close-up facial expression scenes. See also, Goodfellas with Robert de Niro at the bar and Boogie Nights with Mark Wahlberg at the drug dealer's house.
The scene in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, where Tuco talks to his brother and talks about what led him into a life of crime.

Eli Wallach nails it.
It's hard to choose just one scene, but one that stood out to me was Javier Bardem in the gas station in No Country for Old Men. I was never so tense during a scene with two characters just talking.



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The final duel in Once Upon a Time in the West. Everything about this scene is about as perfect as you can get for cinema from the music to the cinematography to the imagery but there are only two lines of dialogue for a scene that is the climax of the film and nearly ten minutes long and its sold entirely by Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda's acting, especially their faces as there are long shots of just them staring back and forth at one another. Incredible stuff.




Lex Jr. In BvS. Pretty much any time he's onscreen.

I absolutely believed his personal beef with superman and I personally found him to be a really compelling "evil zuckerburg" type villain. Guy masterfully manipulated public opinion to the point where Batman dehumanized and almost fucking murdered him.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Also, people like to shit on CW actors, but they have a fucking gem in Jensen Ackles. His acting is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone on that channel. Take this scene, where he's been cursed to forget himself:


I actually think one of the best scenes of acting was from season 1 of the Flash where the Flash has a bomb strapped to him that blows up if he slows down and has to learn how to phase through matter on the fly to get it off of him. Harrison Wells is explaining to him how to use the speed force or how to feel the lightning.

Here is the scene and Tom Cavanagh totally sells the entire thing. It makes your skin tingle.

The Flash season 1 actually has a ton of great bits of acting including any of the emotional scenes featuring Barry and his father.


Neighbours from Hell
Micheal Clayton has so many amazing scenes. I always love this one. The way Tom Wilkinson switches from a confused, befuddled old man with mental issues to the apex predator shark of a lawyer raises the hairs on my neck and arm.


"I am not the enemy"
"Then who are you?"

I love that scene. Because Michael Clayton is actually trying to help him and his intentions are genuinely in the right place, but Arthur basically tells him in not so many words "I've made up my mind and either get on board or get run over with the rest of them"
Micheal Clayton has so many amazing scenes. I always love this one. The way Tom Wilkinson switches from a confused, befuddled old man with mental issues to the apex predator shark of a lawyer raises the hairs on my neck and arm.


"I am not the enemy"
"Then who are you?"

Michael Clayton is one of my favorite movies ever because of all the great performances. You could actually argue that George Clooney is the 4th best actor in the film.

I love Sydney Pollack in this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RdR9zoxctw

"Let me give you a serious piece of advice..."


Vivien Leigh in this scene from A Streetcar Named Desire has always spoken to me as one of the most masterfully acted. Blanche has set up her extravagant and delusional persona throughout the first half of the movie and we, then, see the mask of a woman unhinged be lifted. Leigh's blend of acting styles (the more "affected" Blanche of yesteryear versus the "modern" Blanche after her veil has been lifted). Very sad to know that Leigh herself was very mentally ill and was going through electroshock treatments throughout this movie.


I love dramas but for me it's Chevy Chase in National Lampoon's: Christmas Vacation - The bonus cheque scene. Comedic friggin genius. It never gets old watching it every year.

There's been so much great acting of late on television it is so hard to pick another moment.


I really liked the scene in The X-Files where the agents get stuck in the goo and they can't tell if they're in the real world or hallucinating. I forget the dialogue, but Robert Patrick's eyes tear up in the hallway... It sounds underwhelming, but it's stuck with me, so it must've been good.


Interstellar video scene by mcconaughey

This was when I realized that Interstellar was more about the hero's journey and human existence rather than pure speculative sci-fi.

Granted, I went into the movie blind so I had no idea what to expect...
One of the most fantastic pieces of acting I have ever witnessed is Toby Stephens in Mangal Pandey.



There are many great actors giving many great performances in many great films, but few people have ever seen this movie.
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